View Full Forums : PoFire Solo?

06-13-2003, 06:44 PM
I saw someone reporting solo exp after the patch saying they soloed in PoFire for a ton of exp. I have access to the zone, but not many of my friends do. It would be nice to have a place that is relatively uncamped that had very nice exp reward but I'm not sure where to go. I haven't gone beyond just zoning into the zone to take a peak. Any hints?

06-15-2003, 07:02 AM
Go into the second castle, just nearby the trigger of Fenin ro event pop(guardian of doomfire, something like that), if its not up, snare dot and run along the incline.
Avoid doomfire pulling "chaplain" they are casters and will heal themselves, the others one do not summon even if they cons red, they have around 44khp and give 14% AA xp by kill (after patch).

Have fun )

06-15-2003, 09:25 AM
i've also seen another druid Quad at second castle... not sure how long it takes and if it's better then root/dot.

haven't tried to solo in fire since i'm satisfied with "just" group XP... far less dangerous.

Cloudwulfe Mystwalker
65 druid
Venril Sathir

06-15-2003, 09:31 AM
I personally duo with a rogue. We get around 8-10% a kill and takes us approx 4 minutes to take each down. We get an AA in a little less than an hour. A mage would work just as good too or combine them both. Should still be very fast.

06-16-2003, 02:19 AM
I mostly group or duo/trio for exp in fire but if did solo it would be in the 2nd castle area that was described and I usually dot/kited with some nukes thrown in. The best xp I've had there though was quadding the red cons in the 2nd castle area near the picnic table with me, a mage/enc, and another druid or wizard. Mage/enc lower the mobs mr and nuke and you and the other druid or wizard cast quad spells on them while one druid/wizard uses ae snare + quad spells to maintain aggro. Works great and the ae is just awesome.

06-25-2003, 03:39 AM
i use to quad at second castle with C5 on. it takes me 15 minutes. Was 72 percent AA xp per quad before solo nerf and now it's 52 percent ( not that bad ).

07-14-2003, 07:56 AM
So it is possible to solo Quad in Fire? I better try it sometime :)
