View Full Forums : PoJ - Caves below the hallways. Mob question

01-19-2003, 07:46 PM
Does anyone know if the worms, geonid looking mobs, etc... in the caves below PoJ summon or not? I'd like to set up a solo camp down there, but i'm not sure if they summon or not.

Thanks in advance

01-20-2003, 05:13 AM
I don't remember them summoning however, I thought it'd be really tough to solo down there. The respawn is pretty fast and mobs are close together so I didn't see any real good spot you'd be able to sit for very long.

01-20-2003, 10:05 AM
good area to hunt if you have a reliable tank...I tried charm solo'ing downt here and although doable, my ac/hp is not too high and those tight spaces make it hard to get out of mellee range when they are either on you or when charm fades.

experience is okay if you have the damage output, I imagine if I went back with DC now I would have that reliable pet, just not enough dmg output to make it worthwhile (also DCpet sucking

01-20-2003, 11:48 AM
The named summon. And stay off the walls as you'll get aggro through them.

01-20-2003, 09:52 PM
Ok I have hunted here extensivly for the glittering ring of judgment parts heres the deal.


2 out of 3 Mindless worms can be charmed with 53 charm so be careful on pull. If its a shadow crawler you can charm1 out of 3 but I dont suggest it they break charm a LOT. I also suggest you root dot the geonid guys before you pull the worm because if you mess up and pull 2 worms (one is hiding around the corner you can harmony him if you can click on his name) or if the one you pull is too high it causes problems.


Once you pull snare them and resnare after every charm break, they sow themselves which makes all sorts of nasty things happen and make sure to snare everything they run fast and then you have a real nice train =) If the first one is too high to charm root him heal yourself then go around the corner enough to see second one make sure to stay in the middle of the path.


Snare tash charm other one, if this one is too high you get to have fun. Root him around the corner is a third past him a forth make sure no one is around aggro the worm and run out past the dwarf. the worms will follow snare them there in the hallways as long as the dorf didnt aggro you nothing else will while you snare the worms. try charming them here if you get one charmed root the other and pull your pet to somewhere you can safe. You have to hurry because root doesnt last forever. camp out. When you log back in your pet will still be standing there. Resnare Retash Recharm. Go harmony your way past the dwarf becareful on pathing so worm doesnt touch dwarf. Wait on Geonid repop its fast. Work past first 3 worms turn right take out beetle.


When Fighting root EVERYTHING. Getting hit by 2 at once its hard to recharm, one is bad enough. Root often your pet nukes and will break your root.

After beetle is gone turn right take out the second beetle, ignore the worm past first beetle for now. If your grouped there are 3 beetles past the second beetle Solo stay away from them unless your after Eyes and nothing else named pops in middle spawn and he summons. Like I said skip those 3 solo and now take out the worm. We will call this worm First Mean Worm. Stand at the intersection (where first beetle spawned) and /pet attack worm, make sure to back off pet when it enrages. Make sure you root. And


This wall is the WORST wall you touch it 6 to 8 worms and beetles come running. (If your standing where first beetle spawns facing the worm its your left hand wall) The beetles are easier than this worm be careful, its also harder than the previous worms by a LOT, as soon as it dies move to its spawn spot be careful turn and look around the corner there is a worm right there. This is Second Mean Worm. I have no idea why it doesnt aggro during the fight with the First Mean Worm but it doesnt, stand where you are and sick pet on it, then root tash snare rfs whatever but dont walk up to it and dont sit unless its rooted and snared.


After it is dead look back at first beetle if its up take him out again if not there is one more worm ahead stand where Second Mean Worm spawned target it have pet guard there, walk back to first mean worm spawn cast tash as soon as you see your pet turn towards it tell it to attack, root snare.


First beetle should have respawned by now take him out as soon as you are able and move away from First Mean Worm before he respawns.

BTW expect to die a lot because you freak out and forgot to


<Edited spelling mistakes still a lot left but its late>