View Full Forums : Maximum Wisdom?

02-20-2003, 01:14 PM
What's the maxium wisdom you can get? I'm asking when you are 65 with full Planar Power and Innate Enlightenment.


02-20-2003, 01:15 PM
355 I think

02-20-2003, 01:23 PM

02-20-2003, 01:29 PM
Wow.. that was fast, thanks guys!


02-22-2003, 01:17 PM
Did anyone ever figure out how much mana was produced for wisdom over 255?

Lynks Pineshade
02-22-2003, 01:18 PM
is it still 1/10th of your level?

02-22-2003, 01:31 PM
The formula for mana is:

((11,250 * Level) + (33 * Wisdom * Level))/425

For values of Wisdom over 200. This formula was determined by one of the Magelo guys, with lots of data points provided by SEQ users.

At level 60, it works out to about an extra 4.66 mana per additional Wisdom, and about 5.05 mana per additional Wisdom at level 65.

For values of Wisdom up to 200, the formula is:

(Wisdom/5 + 2) * Level

Note that the first and second formulas both give the same value for a Wisdom of exactly 200.


02-23-2003, 05:50 AM
I am curious how the first formula can be correct since it does not distiguish between wisdom above and below 200?

02-23-2003, 02:00 PM
Not sure I understand your question.

For Wisdom values up to and including 200, use this:

(Wis/5 + 2) * Level

For Wisdom values of 200 or more, use this:

((11250 * Level) + (33 * Wisdom * Level))/425

The only time you can use EITHER formula is if your Wisdom (or INT, for Int casters) is exactly 200. For Wisdom of 200, both formulas yield the same value. If your Wisdom is higher or lower than 200, then you must use the appropriate formula.


02-23-2003, 03:20 PM
His point is that if the amount of mana generated by wisdom for the first 200 points of wisdom is the same, regardless of your total wisdom, then the base wisdom formula should apply to both cases. For druids with wisdom greater than 200, the mana formula would be the base wisdom formula plus some additional mana based on a different formula for the wisdom from 201-355.

02-23-2003, 06:58 PM
Well I guess if the Magelo guy had worked the formulas that way, you would be correct, Scirocco. But he didn't. He came up with one formula (well, he didn't, the pre-200 formula had been around for ages) for WIS values up to 200, and a completely different formula for WIS values over 200. You don't need to "add" any base mana for WIS up to 200, since the formula for post-200 WIS automatically takes it into account.

Think of it this way. A 2 dimensional graph of WIS vs. mana pool (for a given level). The line representing the values is a straight line up to 200, then it changes directions (has a different slope) after 200. At 200, they meet. One equation is valid for values to 200, one equation is valid for values above 200. The lines meet at 200.

Look at this example:

Level 60 with 199 WIS (use the pre-200 formula):

(199/5 + 2) * 60 = 2508

Level 60 with 200 WIS (can use either formula, they are both valid at 200):

(200/5 + 2) * 60 = 2520
(11250*60 + 33*200*60)/425 = 2520

Now, level 60, WIS 201 (use the post-200 formula):

(11250*60 + 33*201*60)/425 = 2524.6588


02-24-2003, 06:29 AM
Something seems amiss here.

I have 280 wis + 965 mana...

Using the post 200 formula I got the result of 3857 total mana. Magelo says I have 4100, and after testing casting cost spells with percentages i come out closer to 4100.


02-24-2003, 07:35 AM

I understand the dual-slope theory. I was merely attempting to help you understand where Aaeamdar was coming from. I don't believe he sees that the first formula was incorporated in the second (it's not obvious).

Another way to derive a combined formula is to recognize that for any druid with wisdom greater than 200, the mana generated by all the wisdom up to 200 is a constant, based only on level. We know from the first formula that this constant is "42L" (or 42 times your Level).

This leaves only the wisdom beyond 200 to be accounted for (which we presume is another linear relationship with a different slope). To be accurate, we need to account for the difference in wisdom, or Wisdom - 200.

Thus, we have as a working formula:

Total Mana = 42 * L + (W-200) * L * m

where m is some constant.

This can also be expressed:

42L - 200Lm + WLm
(42-200m)L + mWL

The formula you gave is:

Total Mana = ((11250 * Level) + (33 * Wisdom * Level))/425


Total Mana = (26.47 * L) + (0.0776 * W * L)

Comparing this to the working formula above, we see that m = .0776 based on the second part. With this value of m, 42 - 200 m = 26.47, which matches the constant used in the second formula for the first part.

I trust this demonstrates the first formula IS incorporated in the second formula by being treated as a constant, and that the concept of Wis-200 also is used, it's just that the 200 has been factored into a numeric constant.

02-24-2003, 07:41 AM
((11250 * Level) + (33 * Wisdom * Level))/425
The below 200 mana portion of the formula is included as this constant portion of the second equation. The part that caculates the post 200 mana is the 33*wisdom*level part.

See the original Magelo thread here: (

02-24-2003, 07:49 AM
By the way, here's a base mana chart for a Level 65 druid. This is only the mana derived from wisdom, of course.

200_ _ _ _ 2730
201_ _ _ _ 2735.047059
202_ _ _ _ 2740.094118
203_ _ _ _ 2745.141176
204_ _ _ _ 2750.188235
205_ _ _ _ 2755.235294
206_ _ _ _ 2760.282353
207_ _ _ _ 2765.329412
208_ _ _ _ 2770.376471
209_ _ _ _ 2775.423529
210_ _ _ _ 2780.470588
211_ _ _ _ 2785.517647
212_ _ _ _ 2790.564706
213_ _ _ _ 2795.611765
214_ _ _ _ 2800.658824
215_ _ _ _ 2805.705882
216_ _ _ _ 2810.752941
217_ _ _ _ 2815.8
218_ _ _ _ 2820.847059
219_ _ _ _ 2825.894118
220_ _ _ _ 2830.941176
221_ _ _ _ 2835.988235
222_ _ _ _ 2841.035294
223_ _ _ _ 2846.082353
224_ _ _ _ 2851.129412
225_ _ _ _ 2856.176471
226_ _ _ _ 2861.223529
227_ _ _ _ 2866.270588
228_ _ _ _ 2871.317647
229_ _ _ _ 2876.364706
230_ _ _ _ 2881.411765
231_ _ _ _ 2886.458824
232_ _ _ _ 2891.505882
233_ _ _ _ 2896.552941
234_ _ _ _ 2901.6
235_ _ _ _ 2906.647059
236_ _ _ _ 2911.694118
237_ _ _ _ 2916.741176
238_ _ _ _ 2921.788235
239_ _ _ _ 2926.835294
240_ _ _ _ 2931.882353
241_ _ _ _ 2936.929412
242_ _ _ _ 2941.976471
243_ _ _ _ 2947.023529
244_ _ _ _ 2952.070588
245_ _ _ _ 2957.117647
246_ _ _ _ 2962.164706
247_ _ _ _ 2967.211765
248_ _ _ _ 2972.258824
249_ _ _ _ 2977.305882
250_ _ _ _ 2982.352941
251_ _ _ _ 2987.4
252_ _ _ _ 2992.447059
253_ _ _ _ 2997.494118
254_ _ _ _ 3002.541176
255_ _ _ _ 3007.588235
256_ _ _ _ 3012.635294
257_ _ _ _ 3017.682353
258_ _ _ _ 3022.729412
259_ _ _ _ 3027.776471
260_ _ _ _ 3032.823529
261_ _ _ _ 3037.870588
262_ _ _ _ 3042.917647
263_ _ _ _ 3047.964706
264_ _ _ _ 3053.011765
265_ _ _ _ 3058.058824
266_ _ _ _ 3063.105882
267_ _ _ _ 3068.152941
268_ _ _ _ 3073.2
269_ _ _ _ 3078.247059
270_ _ _ _ 3083.294118
271_ _ _ _ 3088.341176
272_ _ _ _ 3093.388235
273_ _ _ _ 3098.435294
274_ _ _ _ 3103.482353
275_ _ _ _ 3108.529412
276_ _ _ _ 3113.576471
277_ _ _ _ 3118.623529
278_ _ _ _ 3123.670588
279_ _ _ _ 3128.717647
280_ _ _ _ 3133.764706
281_ _ _ _ 3138.811765
282_ _ _ _ 3143.858824
283_ _ _ _ 3148.905882
284_ _ _ _ 3153.952941
285_ _ _ _ 3159
286_ _ _ _ 3164.047059
287_ _ _ _ 3169.094118
288_ _ _ _ 3174.141176
289_ _ _ _ 3179.188235
290_ _ _ _ 3184.235294
291_ _ _ _ 3189.282353
292_ _ _ _ 3194.329412
293_ _ _ _ 3199.376471
294_ _ _ _ 3204.423529
295_ _ _ _ 3209.470588
296_ _ _ _ 3214.517647
297_ _ _ _ 3219.564706
298_ _ _ _ 3224.611765
299_ _ _ _ 3229.658824
300_ _ _ _ 3234.705882
301_ _ _ _ 3239.752941
302_ _ _ _ 3244.8
303_ _ _ _ 3249.847059
304_ _ _ _ 3254.894118
305_ _ _ _ 3259.941176
306_ _ _ _ 3264.988235
307_ _ _ _ 3270.035294
308_ _ _ _ 3275.082353
309_ _ _ _ 3280.129412
310_ _ _ _ 3285.176471
311_ _ _ _ 3290.223529
312_ _ _ _ 3295.270588
313_ _ _ _ 3300.317647
314_ _ _ _ 3305.364706
315_ _ _ _ 3310.411765
316_ _ _ _ 3315.458824
317_ _ _ _ 3320.505882
318_ _ _ _ 3325.552941
319_ _ _ _ 3330.6
320_ _ _ _ 3335.647059
321_ _ _ _ 3340.694118
322_ _ _ _ 3345.741176
323_ _ _ _ 3350.788235
324_ _ _ _ 3355.835294
325_ _ _ _ 3360.882353
326_ _ _ _ 3365.929412
327_ _ _ _ 3370.976471
328_ _ _ _ 3376.023529
329_ _ _ _ 3381.070588
330_ _ _ _ 3386.117647
331_ _ _ _ 3391.164706
332_ _ _ _ 3396.211765
333_ _ _ _ 3401.258824
334_ _ _ _ 3406.305882
335_ _ _ _ 3411.352941
336_ _ _ _ 3416.4
337_ _ _ _ 3421.447059
338_ _ _ _ 3426.494118
339_ _ _ _ 3431.541176
340_ _ _ _ 3436.588235
341_ _ _ _ 3441.635294
342_ _ _ _ 3446.682353
343_ _ _ _ 3451.729412
344_ _ _ _ 3456.776471
345_ _ _ _ 3461.823529
346_ _ _ _ 3466.870588
347_ _ _ _ 3471.917647
348_ _ _ _ 3476.964706
349_ _ _ _ 3482.011765
350_ _ _ _ 3487.058824
351_ _ _ _ 3492.105882
352_ _ _ _ 3497.152941
353_ _ _ _ 3502.2
354_ _ _ _ 3507.247059
355_ _ _ _ 3512.294118

As you can see, for a level 65 druid, each additional point of wisdom gets you a little over 5 mana.

A level 60 druid with 355 wisdom? 3242. 5 levels gets you another 270 mana.

02-24-2003, 07:55 AM
"Something seems amiss here.

I have 280 wis + 965 mana...

Using the post 200 formula I got the result of 3857 total mana. Magelo says I have 4100, and after testing casting cost spells with percentages i come out closer to 4100.


Check your math. I get the same number as Magelo.


02-24-2003, 08:03 AM

With 280 wisdom, you have base 3134 mana. Add in the 965, and you get 4099, which is what magelo gives you (taking into account rounding).