View Full Forums : Summary: Desired new EQ functionality

07-31-2002, 11:47 AM
We have had several posts here with people giving some good ideas about new functionality they would like to see in Everquest. I felt it could help to summarize all these threads into a single post for people to read and add to the list.

I suppose the guideline for this thread should be: No class balance discussion or class changes. This is for interface and world changes. If you want to talk class balance then use those threads.

This is a compilation of several threads and multiple authors.

To any an all Verant Employees reading this thread, please understand that these changes are specifically in mind to lessen the "tedium" and improve the overall playing of everquest. To reduce the drugery, and have people concentrate their EQ time to the enjoyable persuits of adventuring, chatting, experimenting, and exploration.

Each of these suggestions should be taken as a single suggestion, they are only grouped together to make it easier to read them. We at the Druid's Grove would be happy if any one of these suggestions helped the Verant staff make the game a little bit better.

<font face="times new roman" size=+1>New Items added : UPDATE 10/16/2002

- Make the "Fungus Covered Scale Tunic" wearable by Vah Shir. Vah Shir have been in game for over a year now, and there is no reason to limit their race to this item when even races with innate regeneration can use it.

- Add the ability to create or view maps of zones in game. This could be as simple as a modification to the user interface, or taken as a whole new player tradeskill "mapmaking".

- Add more content in game that is ever changing.. Give us weekly or daily newspapers that can give us happenings around Norrath.

- LOOT message: know how much money was looted by other member of the group (no more, we have a bad evening in the drop of the pp).

- LOOT message: know what was pickpocketed and begged by another group member.

- EPIC weapons should be Soul-Bound

- Bug List: have a listing of all reported bug that day on your server, or in general. Would add some sanity to people knowing they arent the only one having this problem, also its a confirmation that you report is there. There is a small chance bugs could be due to non-VI related issues and perhaps people could help with that

- Currency: with the rising cost in some of the uber items in the game. The time has come for something larger than a PP, to borrow a DnD term, a Electrum Piece perhaps. Keep it on the same scale 10 PP=1 EP.

- Mid-Level Gear: The addition of newbie gear is GREAT, good cool way to get quests and decent armor to lower level people. With Velious there is hi end gear, what about more specific midlevel (25-45) armor. There is some out there, (crafted for warrior) but would like to see it on a omni-class basis.

- Roaming Vendors: this is more of a novel idea but, would be cool to have a vendor roam through zones, kind of like a traveling salesman. That way if your lucky and need to sell in a zone that has no vendor you can use him. Make him unkillable and non-agro'ing. Would also spread certain items people buy off vendors across the world.

- Create a reverse BAZAAR function... Be able to set a trader who would automatically buy (up to the amount of PP on him/her) certain items in a INI file. (I.E. Create a trader who will buy Iron Oxides but pay no more then 500pp each).

<font size=+1>General Changes</font>

- With the addition of the bazaar now more then ever we need to be able to securely transfer items between our characters. On the character select screen there is now an "Explore" mode.. where you become one of your characters and can walk around looking at your other characters. In this mode, lets allow people to access their inventories and Banks and "TRADE" with their other characters on their account. We do not want this abused... so lets make sure limits are in place:

* This can only be done with characters on the same account that are camped in the same zone.

* The zone itself must be bindable by everyone and have a banker in it.

- Create a click-teleporter in every boat zone that would allow people to zone into and out of Ocean zones without having to wait on the boat. I suggest some sort of Pole or Barrel floating in the water where the boat usually disappears. A player clicking on that will zone into and out of the ocean zone at the same spot the boat does.

- Show actual number values for mana and/or experience.

- Add a way to transfer No-Drop items.

- Add a way to invoke a undeclinable /duel to promote good behavior. (A politeness button)

- Add a way to transfer coins and/or items to characters on same account but different servers.

- Have "%loc" type out your LOC coordinates.

- Have "%Mana" type out your current Mana percentage.

- have an easier way to diferentiate between multiple mobs with the same name/model.

- Increase the slot limit on Bag to 11+

- Increase the number of Bank slots to 9+.

- On the same web page where people have "Name Changes" listed, I think that every player needs to have ALL "reports" and "petitions" against that player posted for public viewing.

- Make the Nexus Scions instant-gate. Saying "Journey to Luclin" ports you instantly.

- The ability to do "Stacks" of combines in tradeskills, not just 1 combine at a time.

- Give us the ability to share experience on a raid scale.

- Wizard/Druid port spells to Nexus. <font size=+1>(GIVEN!! THANK YOU!)</font>

- Have "%Lootstat" type out the stats of any item that is currently in that players loot-description window. <font size=+1>(Now item description windows can be shared via a link!! 9/4/02 GIVEN THANK YOU!)</font>

<font size=+1>AA Abilities (Also known as Paldor's hang-up on the Forage Skill)</font>

- Add the "Quick Forage" Alternate Advancement ability to anyone who can forage as a general skill. Three Levels of this ability reduce the refresh time on the FORAGE button.

- Add the "Harvest" Alternate Advancement ability as a class skill to Rangers and Druids. This is a new skill button that refreshes at the same rate as the FORAGE button. When Harvest is clicked a window (like the tracking window) pops up with a list of the possible forage items in that zone. The player can select the item he/she wants to forage.

- "Auto-Forage" Either as an AA ability or regular skill for druids/rangers. Clicking this button causes the PC to forage everytime the forage button is available. All things the the PC forages are placed into an empty inventory slot.

- "Sitting-Forage" At a skill of 190-200 in Forage the PC should be able to forage while sitting.

<font size=+1>GUILD changes</font>

- /Guildreform the ability of the guildleader to remake the guild with the same name, and reinvite only appropriate members.

- /Guildlist the ability of the guildleader to request a list of all guilded characters on line or off line to be emailed to his email address of record. NOTE: See below a way that this can be done offline.

- /Guild TITLES.. Have the ability to add the word "Officer of" or "Leader of" to the front of the guildtag.

<font size=+1>Spellbook and Spell Changes</font>

- The ability to scribe any spell your ‘class’ can use at any character level. (This is just scribing the spell into the book, this would not in ANY way allow you to memorize or cast spell any earlier)

-Have "abundant" versions of enchant/imbue spells to enchant more than one at a time.

- Give us a text-message that lets us know when any of our spells has worn off its target. (i.e. "Your Shield of Thorns has worn off of a_player_01"

- Add a procedure for deleting or removing spells from your spellbook.<font size=+1>(GIVEN!! 9/4/02 THANK YOU!)</font>

<font size=+1> /Bazaar Changes</font>

- Be able to type in a vendors name in GUI

- Have clicking above/below the scroll bar do a page up/down on that list.

- Have areas in search for an Upper / Lower limit for price.

- Be able to save searches in the INI file

- Be able to sell bags and other containers

- Add a player customizable message when someone accesses a trader's inventory (Like the NPC's "Hello %t would you be interested in a xxxxx").

- Make it possible to search from the command line and/or search bazaar from any zone:
---------(i.e.)/baza search moonfire

- Have the vendors sort alphabetically. <font size=+1>(GIVEN!! THANK YOU!)</font>

<font size=+1>Bazaar Zone Changes</font>

- Shrink the Traders size so that more people can fit in the tent areas.

- Make all Traders assume an illusion buff. This buff should be optimized to have low memory requirements.

- Right clicking on a Trader’s name will port you in front of them (like an Erudin teleport pad).

- Have the possibility of adding identical Bazaar zones so traders can spread out more.

<font size=+1>Interface Changes</font>

- Have all containers open / close on a right click EVEN when the CTRL button is held down.

- Have so that your must hold down CTRL+ATL and click on a window to bring up the window’s drop-down menu (Create new window, Faded levels, etc).

- Have clicking DONE on the Inventory window when looting be the same as clicking DONE on the loot window itself. (Clicking either DONE button should end the loot and have you stand up).

- Have clicking DONE on the Inventory window when banking be the same as clicking DONE on the bank window itself. (Clicking either DONE button should end banking and close all windows).

- Have clicking anywhere on the spellbook while a spell is being memorized cancel the memorization.

- Have a filter for Tracking messages.

- Create a shortcut or button on the patch window allowing us to "Quick-Log" into a specific Server/Character without having to click any other button.

- Have a filter for Damage Shield / Non-Melee damage messages. <font size=+1>(DONE!! THANK YOU!)</font>

- With the patch on 7/31, if you have one item on the cursor and add it to a stack of the same thing, the whole stack gets stuck to the cursor. There should be an option to turn this OFF. <font size=+1>(FIXED!! THANK YOU!)</font>


EDIT (9/4/02): Two more of our suggestions given to us in the Patch today! Thank you Verant!
EDIT (10/14/02): Sorry about the long time for update.. Next update after wednesday's patch.
EDIT (10/16/02): Updated, no fixes seen this update to this thread scheduled for Monday the 21st

07-31-2002, 06:57 PM
I've got a couple of additions to the interface changes part. Not only should clicking the done button on the inventory end the loot, but when dealing with a merchant/banker clicking done on the inventory should end the transaction. Also, with the new interface if you have one item on the cursor and add it to a stack of the same thing, the whole stack gets stuck to the cursor. That's very annoying.

08-01-2002, 03:19 AM
How about the ability to transfer a no drop item for 10kpp? :)


08-01-2002, 03:38 AM
I agree with Tils. While I doubt we would ever see it happen, this would prolly be a personal favorite with me.

Convert of Aidon and the Bitter Druids.

08-01-2002, 05:05 AM
I suppose that I see two trains of thought for this thread:

1) Making it easier to do things we can already do. (i.e. We l CAN trade items between our characters with the help of a friend, we CAN zone into oceans if on a boat, etc.)

2) Giving us new abilities which we can not do. (i.e. Trading No Drop items).


IMHO, I think we have more hope in getting the "Helping us do things we can already do." requests granted.

I agree that the "clicking a single item on a stack now picks the stack UP" was very disorienting. They should have let us know about that one. It exponentially added an extra click to each of my sucessful tradeskill combines. I would like an option to turn that off.

08-01-2002, 05:20 AM
Being able to click whilst your spell is meming in the new UI and it cancels meming...that ability was in the old one and now its not..really anoying when your desperatly trying to mem a the wrong one or change your mind and you cant stop it meming when time means death.

But I do wish they would do that no drop thing I cannot see if they make it extremely expensive (so to stop mass transfers) to do how it could be detrimental to the economy most servers have such old economys now that people have 2-3 well equipped twinks anyway.

oh....and another option id love to see. %loc where if you type /gu im at %loc it puts your location instead of having to type it in over and over.


08-01-2002, 05:58 AM
I know you want to trade that dark-elf mask Tils.. and I feel for you.

I just don't think they will add a way to trade a 'no-drop' item, just because that basically makes it a worthless tag for any item more 'expensive' then the price to trade it.

Imagine the prices for No-Drop Flowing Thought items.

Imagine the farming in places like NToV, Sleepers, Ssrra... Uber guilds would never move onto the next area because they would want the cash selling it.

It would also completely invalidate Verant's implemented Faction issues in Velious.

(ie. You are KOS to Kael? No worries, just buy your Kael-class armor from someone who is not.)

Finally, what would stop people from selling no drop ZONE KEYS (Sleepers, ToV....)

I think that this would open a huge can of worms.

08-01-2002, 06:12 AM
/cry :(

one day I tell you ill figure it out!


08-01-2002, 06:13 AM
I disagree with trading NO DROP items... sure it isnt the most effective way to prevent farming some items but it prevents much bigger evils, IMO, and should remain as is.

08-01-2002, 07:29 AM
* Only inventories can be accessed, not banks.

Actually, before they made coins non-droppable to prevent scams, the transfer of money from one character to another on the same account was possible, albeit slightly risky -- e.g. possibly going LD after dropping the coins and logging to switch characters, or someone wandering by and picking up the coins. Of course the same risk applies to the transfer of tradable items, but assuming the risk, it is still possible to find an isolated spot and do the drop/pickup between characters.

When one of my characters needs money for tradeskill items or finds a good buy on a piece of equipment, I don't think there's anything wrong with pooling money from my "family" of characters.

I'd like to have a safe and reliable way to transfer money from one of my characters to another, without waiting for a trusted friend to sign on. Preferably it would be done from the character select screen, but would also be okay if you had to sign onto the character and "/transfer <name> cp sp gp pp" .. where <name> is a character on the same account.


08-01-2002, 08:08 AM

Already posted what is on my dream feature list.

"Politeness" button for blue servers. To start a non-declinable duel.

08-01-2002, 08:57 AM
/politeness added to top message.


It seems to me that politeness features and /idiot <playername> tags have WAY too many ways to be abused.

I can see a blue server "PvP" war starting in places like NToV because of an argument over spawns. This goes against the whole "Blue server" mentality.

I simply face the facts that on a blue server I have no options except /petition and /report to handle all bad behavior.

I would however like people to have to be responsible for their actions.

Adds to the list:

- On the same web page where people have "Name Changes" listed, I think that every player needs to have ALL "reports" and "petitions" against that player posted for public viewing.

08-01-2002, 09:16 AM
The best way to exchange items/cash between alts IMHO would be to have any Banker window have a drop-down list of alts' accounts to select from.

In effect this would be a 64 slot bank account shared between characters, with separate cash balances for roleplaying purposes.

I would weep with joy. It would be the removal of a thorn.

08-01-2002, 11:02 AM
- Add a way to invoke a undeclinable /duel to promote good behavior. (A politeness button)

Umm, no. This instantly makes every server a Zek. If the majority if people were into it, there would be more PvP servers.

- Have clicking “DONE” on the Inventory window when looting be the same as clicking “DONE” on the loot window itself. (Clicking either DONE button should end the loot and have you stand up).

YES, PLEASE! Man that's annoying :)

You can add:
- Make the Nexus Scions instant-gate. It's been almost a year, can we remove a pointless timesink please?
- Wizard/Druid ports to Nexus. I don't need ANYWHERE else on luclin, just Nexus.

Aidon Rufflefuzz
08-01-2002, 11:36 AM
I like most of the idea's intended to relieve some of the tedium and general pitas.

What I do not find to be even slightly agreeable is the forced /dueling and most especially listing every petition, report, soulmark, etc someone has against them.

ffs, we have enough problems with this sort of crap irl, there is zero need to turn the game into it too. I don't care if Warrior_0245356_Karana was petitioned by some jackass for KSing him. I haven't heard both sides of the story, and frankly its none of my business.

Nor is it any of yours.

08-01-2002, 05:56 PM
Here is my interface desire. Logs are not admisable to Verant for customer service reasons. Have EQ keep a fairly large buffer that contains your last several thousand lines + some extra data they might need. If you need to send in a log for some reaosn you type /makelog which deposits a 128 bit PGP public key encrypted file on to your hard drive. You can then email that file to Verant in the cases that need more input than /report can handle, but won't slog down their server with huge database records. This would be considered an 'official unedited log' so that GM's would be able to know that someone wasn't editing logs.

If something along these lines was implemented, then disputes over loot and kill stealing might actualy be able to have something done about them after the fact. Usualy the reason given is, "There is no proof", well here is the proof. Would require a lot of work but it could be made to have time stamps of mobs engagments and such with a bit of work. I.E. If you have it enabled, whenever any object in the game (player/mob) attacks another it sends a tiny packet saying DB object #X attacked DB #Y. With a little work (ok, maby a lot) it could be made fairly low overhead (and /serverfilterable as well). Well, enough rambeling, you get the gist of it I hope.

08-02-2002, 03:30 AM
- Add a way to invoke a undeclinable /duel to promote good behavior. (A politeness button)


You can't be serious...
Why should you be the judge of what "good" behavior is?
Also if i wanted to have undeclinable duels i would be on a zek, no thanks.
Grief players could use this to mess around with people, it would be abused, and so on.

08-02-2002, 06:07 AM
>>- Add a way to invoke a undeclinable /duel to promote good behavior. (A politeness button)<<

If somone wants this, play on a PvP server. This would just be abused by people, mostly just to cause Grief.

08-02-2002, 06:36 AM
We already have grief players on the blue servers, at least mine.

Griefers who abuse the zone channels.

Griefers who FD train you.

Griefers who dispell your snared, dotted, and charmed mobs.

I am so glad for you if you don't run into these players on your servers, they are rampant on mine. And there is no recourse whatsoever to deal with them.

08-02-2002, 07:15 AM
The mneu one I agree wtih. GAH I hate how I try to right click to say move a spell or open a bag and end up with the dang pop up menu. Even just make it so you have to hold down control and right click that's fine by me!

No undeniable duels please, if that's what you want go play on a PvP server. :)

There is recourse, petition them.

08-02-2002, 07:20 AM
"There is recourse, petition them."

hehe,,I read that like 2 minutes ago,,,and im still chuckling. Good one....I love a good laugh in the morning. Thank you.

08-02-2002, 04:42 PM
Petitioning works, I've seen several people get banned for constantly training/KSing and such.

08-03-2002, 02:38 PM
I've seen petitioning work up on occasion. It's really good when the 60 player swears at the GM when they come to talk to em and gets booted for the day too heheh.

08-03-2002, 09:48 PM
There has already been talk of this (and the spell book changed to reflect this) but, the second half has not been discussed:

1. With the possible addition to be able to mem a page of spells (loading all 8 spells) we also need:

2. The ability to write the same spell on more than one page. Preferred would be to have a spell book with the "raw spells" and a smaller setup book that allocates 4 or 5 sets of 8 spells. Then the full load would come from this second book, not the main book.

Reason : Most people have a different setup of spells for different situations: solo, group, buffs, tradeskills etc. However, many spells are shared across these sets. If it isn't possible to have a spell in multiple setups, this feature that I have heard may be introduced will be practicly useless.

(FYI - I hate the fact that they changed the spell book from 5 per page to 8. 5 to 10 would have been fine. 5 to 8, but 50 pages (ie just create 3 blank per page) would have been fine.)

08-04-2002, 06:13 AM
I had read a rumor somewhere that they were working on a way to be able to mem a full page at a time.

You know,,,,when you die, and gotta reload all your spells at the same time.

ake sense that there are 8 on a page then. Don't think they will implement that feature though, if the rumor were true.

Laeleriel Starweaver
08-05-2002, 07:10 AM
Hmm... I'm going to voice some dissent here. Of your proposed changes they fall into three categories as far as my opinions on them go. I either, disagree, don't care, or agree.

- Have clicking “DONE” on the Inventory window when looting be the same as clicking “DONE” on the loot window itself. (Clicking either DONE button should end the loot and have you stand up).

That is the ONLY change that I agree with to be honest. Almost every other change you propose would be detrimental or not add as much to the game as you think it would.

A couple of specific comments though.

- Have clicking above/below the scroll bar do a page up/down on that list.

Thats what mouse wheels are for.

- Shrink the Traders size so that more people can fit in the tent areas.

- Make all Traders assume an illusion buff. This buff should be optimized to have low memory requirements.

- Right clicking on a Trader’s name will port you in front of them (like an Erudin teleport pad).

This could all be solved if the 300+ out of the 350 traders usually in the bazaar weren't all trying to crowd onto the same 3 square feet of space at the ends of the rows near the banks. Have you ever wandered back to trader rows near the arena? Or near the horse merchants? You'll see three maybe four merchants. If people spread out more and used the space available to them then it none of those changes would really be neccesary.

- With the patch on 7/31, if you have one item on the cursor and add it to a stack of the same thing, the whole stack gets stuck to the cursor. There should be an option to turn this OFF.

Just as an aside, I doubt this behavior was intended, it's probably a bug and will probably be fixed in the next patch.

Anyway, most of the proposed changes are not such good idea's, and several of them you know have no chance of ever happening anyway so don't bother asking.

y 3.5 cp

Laeleriel Starweaver
Innoruuk Server

08-05-2002, 09:20 AM
Trade Skills

Implement "recipes" so that you can stand next to, or have open, a tradeskill container, have all the ingredients in your inventory, and execute the recipe to create the item.

Have "abundant" enchant/imbue spells to enchant more than one at a time.


I think traders are not alphabetical because everyone would name their traders "Aaaaaab" and so on.

ake it possible to search from the command line:
/baza search moonfire

Be able to buy from the Bazaar Search Window... anywhere!


Have a %Var to represent mana as a percentage.

Improve targetting for enchanters and shamans so people can tell which of the 5 mobs with the same name they've got targetted. Maybe have a %Var return the mob number with the name: orc_centurion_00234

08-05-2002, 09:46 AM
I would like to see new item introduced. A 20 slot "Bank Bag". Make it something you could only purchase from a banker and it go into an empty bank slot.

I'm currently working on my shawl quest. I've collected LOTS of items as I go along the way to improving my tailoring skill to finish #5, but have all the components for the rest of them.

I've collected LOTS of items to work on the PotG earring part of the quest. I have several items from PoA waiting for the rest to finish those quests.

I started out with Vermiculated no drop armor, then collected a full set of Rowyl's, and now I'm working towards a full set of SkyShrine armor. This is a LOT of no-drop armor. I save gems along the way for items I will get in the future.

All this translates to 10 slot bags in the bank all full, 10 slot bags on my person all full. I have to throw things away to get other things, constantly deciding which quest/skill or whatever I'm gonna have to trash.

The ability to hold more in the bank would be a Goddess Send :) They introduced Trader Bags, I can't think it would be hard to introduce Bank Bags. If the banker can't sell them, and Verant is adverse to having people carry them around, make them HEAVY when empty to discourage that, heck, even ADD to the weight of the items inside to discourage it. But making them available would really be a plus to me. I have 2 mules who just hold stuff too :(

08-06-2002, 02:14 AM
Money filter option in Bazaar.
Looks something like this...

Lower Limit [ ]
Upper Limit [ ]

(or drop down boxes)

You type in the limits and it filters out the stuff which you dont want to see, if left blamk it goes forver. So if you want to see every item over 20k you put the lower limit to 20k and leave the upper blank.

To expand on the %loc ...VI will probably say that this isnt roleplaying. Therefore it should be restricted to /GU /GS and Tells only to stop people shouting / Saying and Oocing locs to try to keep a bit of roleplay to the game but still be extremely usefull.

The bazaar Lag is a pretty easy fix btw. If they duplicated the current bazzar(with some obvious easy changes so people know whch one their in like put some different NPCs at each zone which can be hailed and tell you which zone this is...make them extremely different like gnomes on one and barbarians on the other.) there you it could work. BUT the zones would need to change like so...

Think of the bazzar how it is atm.

Nexus - Bazzar1a
SH - Bazzar1b

Now if you move the nexus zone to bazzar1 to Bazzars 2 (Where the one is in Bazzar 1) Link Bazaar 2 (what would have been Bazaars1 SH zone) to Bazzar 1 arriving at Bazzar ones (what used to be) Nexus 1 zone.

Then you would find people from nexus would zone to Bazzar2......and be able to walk a small distance to get to bazzar 1.

People who zoned from SH to bazaar would zone to Bazzar1.....and again be able to walk a small distance to get to bazaar 2. addition. In the Bazaar search window you would be able to find items in BOTH bazaars at the same time and it being show by a different colour for each bazaar so you know which zone the trader is in to buy from.

The zones like this and multi puprpse bazaar window would optimise people walking through both zones to ensure that people didnt all keep staying in one zone because it sees more people.

Hope you understood all that ;)


08-06-2002, 02:35 PM
I would like to see new item introduced. A 20 slot "Bank Bag". Make it something you could only purchase from a banker and it go into an empty bank slot.

As much as I'd like to see more bank slots or bigger bags for banks, this sort of thing has been answered in the past. People used to ask for more slots and Verants reply would be along the lines of - to increase you bank space we would then need to increase you characters storage space, now multiply that by the number of characters and the number of players out there its alot of space. But you never know your luck in the big city. But your point about choosing what to keep and what to throw was one of the whole points of the bank being the size it is. Same as having 8 spell gems it is all about descision making. Even if they gave you 20 slot bags it may take you a bit longer to do, but you will still fill it up and still have the descision making. You will always fill up the space allocated to you, they could give you a 20 slot bank and you'll still fill it up, it just takes you alot longer.

08-06-2002, 10:14 PM
They said the 10 slot thing was due to room in character files, or something. Due to that they want to keep it at a ten slot max. 20 slot would double the space overnight, as Ged said.

Besides that, they know what would happen. If 12 spell slots then why not 16? Its just 4 more! If 15 max bag size, why not 20? Why not 25 in 5 months?

08-07-2002, 05:45 AM
okay here is mine, and this is from several guilds on several servers.

Guildreform the ability of the guildleader to remake the guild with the same name, and reinvite only appropriate members.

Guildlist the ability of the guildleader to request a list of all guilded characters on line or off line to be emailed to his email address of record.

Lootstat the ability of someone targeting an item on a corpse to have the stats automatically displayed in the chat format of his choice, either Guildchat, or Groupchat or a chat channel.

Quested soulbound bag for items with 16 slots, for keys, fishscales, coffins, food and water (those messages are annoying) Make the size "tiny or small" and the quest fairly easy.

08-07-2002, 06:34 AM
Updated the top post... I will recheck to make sure I did not miss anything.

I am trying to stay unbiased, and not show favoritism to any ideas over other ones. If I see something that has been addressed several times (i.e. 11+ slot bags), I have only listed it once so that we are not redundant.

Lotusfly Stewnicely
08-08-2002, 03:29 AM
I just noticed your signature, Paldor! ^_^

08-09-2002, 09:37 PM
Being able to transfer items from one character to a character on an other server (but same account) would be nice.

y little cleric on Prexus is running around with the Rivervale n00b armor ;)

Could be done by adding /transfer command that brings up some kind of trade window with a pull down menu of all your characters (over all servers).

08-11-2002, 02:02 AM
Luclin Ports are hitting test soon, got the info from EQDruids

/jumps for joy
/realizes that everyone will bother him for Nexus ports
/mumbles something about Verant making a mistake

ixed emotions on this one, will be nice to have the other 3 planed ports but I play on Rallos and stay bound in Bazaar anyway in case I have to gate low on life (It's the only zone you can't be killed by a player in). Basically I could do without the Nexus port. Then again I could always not buy that spell and then have to explain to people why I can't port them there......bah, faster to just port them (or say no and recieve a /rude for even bothering to answer :( )

NM, got 2 sticky posts down and saw you had this info already =)

08-11-2002, 08:37 AM
my favorite idea...

/consent GUILD

08-11-2002, 01:52 PM
/consent GUILD

hehe that just gave me a cool idea. With this you could have guild games of corpse soccer. Setup a goal at each end of an arena with the corpse at the center and when the siren goes the player who is the ball releases the dragging and bam the game is on for young and old. You could do it now but would be a pain trying to consent everyone.

08-12-2002, 08:33 AM
How about removing guild tags from trader's names!

08-12-2002, 09:15 AM
Sorry, But I have to disagree with 2 of the ideas suggested, they are quite bad ideas:

- Add a way to transfer No-Drop items.

- Add a way to invoke a undeclinable /duel to promote good behavior. (A politeness button)

1) Transferring nodrop items is against the whole point of the item being nodrop...

2) An undeclinable duel does NOT promote good behavior... It encourages bad behaviour. If you need proof, go play Diablo2 online for several weeks. An undeclinable duel is used to PK, not to enforce politeness. Player and guild reputations enforce politeness...

08-12-2002, 09:25 AM
>>How about removing guild tags from trader's names!

/shownames 1

Works great. Or better yet... options menu, player names off
With player names off, and clip plane at minimum, I get much less lag in bazaar

Twenu Trefoyl
08-13-2002, 12:48 AM
it would be nice to combine stacks (if the item is trivial or highly trivial) ... i.e. i think of making tons of celestial essence for the solstice quest 8)

08-13-2002, 02:55 PM
I personally like the idea of buying off No Drop.

I actually think this would ANTI-TWINK more than promote TWINK.

Think of it this way, when you reach a certain point in the game, money becomes WORTHLESS because there is NOTHING to improve your char that is tradable. So what do you do with the 100k, 200k, etc in bank? You TWINK.

Now if you could buy off a No-Drop Tag. Or buy a Trade for something say 10k or 20k. Now money has value again because you can actually buy an improvement for your main.

Sure it might cost you 100k for a FT item. or 100k for MQ for Kael Armor etc. But so what.

And for the non-tier 1/2 Guilded. I like the idea of being able to save up all small drop money and loots to buy one truly "uber" piece of EQ.

08-13-2002, 03:32 PM
100 or 200K sitting in the bank. I WISH!!

I've only ever had 3 times when I have been over 10K and the highest I've ever been is just over 15K.
But I have no uber items to sell.

The main people to have this sort of money around to buy no-drop items will only be the teir 1/2 guilds so to say this would allow others to get items isn't truely correct and if your in a teir 1/2 guild you more than likely wont need to buy the nodrop item becuase the uber nodrop item you have now is the same or better. As for the low level cheap no-drop items a huge chunk of these are quest items and the very reason they are no drop is so that YOU have to do the quest.

As much as I'd like to see No Drop avoidable (even though I'd never have the money to do myself) I know it would cheapen the game having people skirt around the complexity of the game and its restrictions built in. Verant don't just put No Drop tags on anything, there is a good reason for alot of it so it should stay as is (and you'll have an impossible task convincing VI otherwise)

Onto the money being worthless once your on the very high end game, this also wouldn't solve it becuase shifting money player to player the money is still there. To build a healthier economy the money needs to leave the system in some way (eg purchasing from vendors, tradeskills etc)

I think in the bazaar or somewhere there should be a vendor who sells some really uber items for rediculous amounts of plat. Have him/her sell NToV equivilent weapons/armour which costs 100-200K+ pp and have them all recommended level of 58, so as to stop twinking etc.

08-14-2002, 09:57 AM
Add a filter for tracking spam so it could go into a seperate window. (If this is already in, clue me in, please!)

08-14-2002, 02:00 PM
Can you add a bug section?

The bug I most want fixed is when I zone with under 40% health, I lose all my buffs. This drives me insane. Fix it already.

08-14-2002, 06:46 PM
One nice feature I would like to see added to the Bazaar is the ability to set a "Trader" message. This message would be different from AFK, and would be told as a /tell to anyone right clicking on you, much like normal vendors say "Greetings %t, you look like you could use a useless_item_01."

- Chronomis

Wildwood Stormwalker
08-15-2002, 04:10 PM
I think that zoning across oceans while awimming and trading in explore mode along with the clicking done to close all windows are great ideas granted. But to face reality people they will never ever EVER let us trade no drop items. I mean that defeats the whole purpose. It is NO DROP what your asking for is extra twinkinage, and they don't like that. Anyway as far as the lag in the bazaar if you lower you particle density and get people to actually leave the nexus bank area your problem is pretty much solved.

I think the 2 neatest ideas would have to be the trader message that works like a merchant and the explore method of trading. Hope they implement these and fair travels to you fellow adventurers.

08-16-2002, 11:46 PM
New AA along the lines of foraging. Give us a 5, 10, 15 % chance of foraging a stack of fruit, berries, or even yew leaves.

08-18-2002, 07:48 AM
"Be able to buy from the Bazaar Search Window... anywhere!"

No, I don't want this feature. I LIKE racing to the low priced vendor.

The single new bazaar feature that I would like is to have the items sorted by the stat you input. So, if you searched for all AC items in slot X, the highest AC items for that slot would be at the top of the list.

The single new UI feature that I would like is the ability to LOCK your bags into place. I have my bags very nicely organized in order - bank bag slots across the top of the screen, carried bags across the bottom of the screen. Hundreds of combines would be made easier if accidentally clicking on one of the carried bags didn't move it. A field exists LOCK = TRUE in the UI, but it seems Verant has not yet implemented this in the code.

08-18-2002, 05:47 PM
I would like to request a more descriptive colour con for mobs. A suggested implemenation would be for a level 60 character:

Red: 63+ (remain as is)
Yellow: 61-62 (remain as is)
White: 60 (remain as is)
Dark blue: 51-59
Light blue: 45-50
Dark green: 39-44
Light green: 1-38

Basically, this comes from a desire to know which mobs summon and which mobs don't.


Kenuon Windrunner

08-19-2002, 12:04 PM
I think if you actually want them to read it, you need to take out things you know they will not do. Namely Transfering No-Drop items, adding %loc and undeclinable duels. Lots of the other ideas are really good, but these 3 pretty much ensure no one will pay much attention.

08-22-2002, 07:00 AM
I would like it if the /who all GUILD function would include guildmembers who were marked as /anon across zones. If that's too wide a change, how about limiting it to officers or guildleader only?

08-23-2002, 02:39 PM
Storm :

I have directly made that recomendation to VI 2x via their player feedback. Never heard a peep (which is one of the reasons I really never believed that was a good way to communicate a need to VI - not even an autoreply email to confirm receipt).

Anyway, I dearly wish this could be done. In my opinion no one should ever be able to hide from their guild mates and certainly not from guild officers. Spying was rampant for a while on our server (and still happens). There is absolutely no reason to alllow anyone to hide out from guild leadership in my opinion. I don't know why Verant ever let it go in that way.

08-25-2002, 12:21 PM
Is there currently a way to filter out what people are eating and drinking? This drives me insane!!! Especially when we are waiting for important raid information. GAH!!!!!! /pulls out hair and uses it to garrote said drinker.

Haha, kindof a funny pet peave, but sheesh :-P

08-26-2002, 01:48 AM
Beneficial spell overwriting shouldn't exist, in my mind. All beneficial spells should partially take hold, or lie dormant.

08-28-2002, 04:09 PM
Some Comments:

...we need to be able to securely transfer items between our characters
Unlikely because (1) it generates community by making you seek out people you can trust for transfers, and we all know how much VI likes to foster interaction, and (2) this is a huge incentive for people to own a 2nd or 3rd account, and we all know how much VI like money. Besides, I don't see that the bazaar adds any more demand for this feature than previously existed.

On a related note:
Increase the slot limit on Bag to 11+... Increase the number of Bank slots
Similar to the above in that it removes an incentive to have multiple accounts, that and there are coding and storage problems that make this prohibitive. VI has sworn it will never happen, but then again, we thought they'd never fix hell levels either...
click-teleporter in every “boat” zone
Or I might even wonder why they just can't make it so one can zone across anywhere, though this might require some recoding of the zone that is prohibitive. I also think this would be a low priority fix for VI in terms of time vs. reward.
Show actual number values for mana and experience

You can display your % of Mana and % of XP to level with the new UI. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you meant by numerical value, but it serves the purpose. You can tell how much %XP you are getting from each mob, and some simple math can tell you that if your spell costs 300 mana and uses up 10% of your bar, you have 3000 mana. Rinse and repeat.
Add a way to transfer No-Drop items
What are you smoking and where can I get some? You realize that this is basically requesting no drop items be made droppable. You need to flesh this idea out more if you are serious. Maybe some sort of complicated, expensive, involved quest fraught with danger that allows you to swap the item with one other character. But still, I think this is an unrealistic request.
undeclinable /duel
Will never happen. Adequately covered elsewhere in this forum.
way to transfer coins and/or items to characters on same account but different servers
IF they ever do this, you'll pay through the nose for it. But it's unlikely to happen because it would threaten server economies.
"%loc", "%Mana", "%Lootstat"
Good idea, if feasible.
Nexus Scions instant-gate
No longer relevant. Druids and Wizards can handle this. Better that the scions remain like boats.

Good idea on the AA foraging stuff.
scribe any spell your ‘class’ can use at any character level
This would save bank space for those people who buy spells ahead of time, but again, VI will ask themselves if this change is worth the investment of time and money into coding it. I don't think the reward is high enough relative to the investment of resources. And for my money, there are other things I'd like to see them add first, such as the abundant spells idea =)

Good idea on the /Bazaar changes. I would also like to suggest that there be a way to make your trader buy things. e.g., I'd like to be able to leave 20k on my trader and tell him to buy Iron Oxides at 300pp each. Ideally I'd be able to tell him how many to buy, but if I just had to monitor it with only leaving X amount of PP on him or only having X many open slots, that would be fine too.
Make all Traders assume an illusion buff.
I think you find this to be a very unpopular suggestion. People like to be able to stand out in a crowd, especially if they are trying to create a "brand" image. People having graphics problems in the bazaar need to read up on how to solve the problem by tweaking their interface. Maybe VI needs to publicize a list of things people can do to reduce the load on their vid card while shopping. Personally, I just stare at the floor. =)

Just some thoughts,


08-29-2002, 04:59 AM
"Implement "recipes" so that you can ...have all the ingredients in your inventory, and execute the recipe to create the item"

"Add a way to transfer No-Drop items"

"..leave 20k on my trader and tell him to buy Iron Oxides at 300pp each"

3 Examples.. All I have to say about them is: *sigh*
There are more but to list every stupid request/idea would make me ..nm I better end now..

08-29-2002, 09:24 AM
"..leave 20k on my trader and tell him to buy Iron Oxides at 300pp each"

3 Examples.. All I have to say about them is: *sigh*
There are more but to list every stupid request/idea would make me ..nm I better end now..
Drekk, I'm open to suggestions. Please explain your critique of this idea. Why is being able to set your trader to be abel to Buy in the bazaar as well as Sell a "stupid request/idea"?



08-30-2002, 01:23 AM

In general I think that every idea/suggestion that makes things in EQ easier (don't get me wrong, some are for the better), helps in the process of making it worse. (read boring)

I basically dont want a game where you log on your char and When you come home from work he..:
Bought the things needed for your trades
Came up short on pp so he went to bank to get some more
Bought the rest needed..
Accually did the trades (you got 3 skillups, yay you are such a good tailor *zzz*)
...went to trainer and maxed your skills (Yes, this was a bug ;)
(wth!? 2hb now 74? ..dammit verant i did not want 2hb, thats why it still was at 3! Thx wasting 71 points /cry)

So what now? Log him off sense you already did the things you wanted to do? Oh.. no.. I guess you didnt... ;)
Ohwell, you get my drift..

We all pay $12 to play this game. I dont see why some people pay if they dont want to play?
Yes, looking for things to buy might be considered a timesink but if you could buy everything without searching for it, what did you accomplished? (It's easy enought to find what you want as it is now)
As i said, some things are nice but in the long run, what does all nice things do for EQ? ...make EQ boring sense you dont have to work for anything...

09-01-2002, 04:29 AM
New effect on test you'll be able to strike from the list:

Item Links: When you inspect an item with Alt-LeftClick, the item inspect window stays up. To paste a "link" to the item you're looking at into your chat bar, click on the item's graphic. That will "speak" a link that others can click on to see the stats of the item, as if they were inspecting it themselves.

09-01-2002, 09:59 AM
Lots of good ideas on the top page, I especially liked "alphabetize the trader name in the bazaar window. Some of the more recent bazaar changes really irked me though:

" - Shrink the Traders size so that more people can fit in the tent areas."

I don't want my character shrunk. It is not necessary, people just need to stop clumping. On Bertox they clump by the banks. There is plenty of room, folks just need to spread out a bit. Trust me, a trader being close to the bank has ZERO impact on whether I buy from that trader.

" - Make all Traders assume an illusion buff. This buff should be optimized to have low memory requirements."

Gah!!!! I HATE this idea !!!!! Way to take all the fun out of shopping in the bazaar. My character InkySmitty has a distinct look in order to help her sell the armor she creates. What a character looks like and has equipped influences me when shopping also --- as I track to a vendor for something I know they have for sale, I frequently stop to browse the wares of someone who's character looks cool.

If you have problems with lag in the bazaar use Shift minus to reduce your clipping plane all the way down. Look at the floor. Ask Verant to improve memory handling in the Bazaar. Just PLEASE don't try to get verant to change our traders looks.

" - Right clicking on a Trader’s name will port you in front of them (like an Erudin teleport pad)."

What exactly disturbs you so much about the 15 seconds it takes to track down a trader by right clicking on them? I think its fun to track down traders, its fun to race to the nicely priced item. I'm not completely against this idea, but I find it ludicrous to put programming resources towards this idea instead of other more important things. What about the inevitable bugs? How does the code know where to place you when the trader is sitting in a corner with a pole in front of him? You see? It's not as simple a problem as you might invision. Instead of teleporting to the trader, an easier way to accomplish what you desire (the ability to instant purchase) is to allow a purchase from the /bazaar window.

Your ideas make it seem to me that you don't enjoy shopping in the bazaar and you want to make it so easy that you can minimize your time and get on with other things. Fine, don't spend time in the bazaar, but don't try to get all us shopping druids to sign off on changing our characters looks in the interest of memory management.


Signed: A happy shopping druid :-P

09-01-2002, 01:00 PM
Disable alt tab.

ake is so you can auto log on your last char played...Click on EQ, come back from the 6 minutes it takes to log on, and there you are.

09-02-2002, 10:25 AM
Just restating that I am not censoring any of the ideas here. If I see something that is posted that is new I add it to the top message of this thread.

It is obvious to me from the several ideas in this thread that have been granted, that Verant is able to read the whole message and pick out the ideas that are outlandish from the ideas that are workable and balanced.


Good News!

Test Patch message shows that the "Item" loot message and the "Deletable" spells ideas are going into the test server..YIPPIE!

Gwyn TT
09-02-2002, 12:35 PM
Hello All,

y first post, but have been lurking on these boards for close too 2 years now :)

I'd like to see a message pop up to tell me when my casted buffs have faded on people, EG

Your Girdle of Karana has faded on A_Tank_01
Your Natures Recovery has faded on A_Puller_01

Similar to the message we get when DoD or WD fades on a Mob. This would enable me to more effectively cast buffs without having to guess if they have worn off, especially for short duration ones like a DS or NR.

The only time I would not want to see a message like this would be for a MGB casted spell (imagine the spam), or after I have zoned.

Elder Gwyn Summerbloom
Terris Thule

09-02-2002, 07:14 PM
"I'd like to see a message pop up to tell me when my casted buffs have faded on people, EG"

Aye,,,good one.

If I know my buffs wear off my boo boo, should not a real pet be able to tell me.

09-03-2002, 02:51 AM
The ability to share exp with a whole raid force would be very nice... I think they were trying to do that with the /army command but not sure where that went

09-03-2002, 08:23 AM
That's a really good idea Gwyn.

09-04-2002, 01:44 AM
Autoforage... you get a message every forage interval "You have foraged X", and it goes into your inventory... at 200 skill... could be abused with AFK foraging I suppose, but you could make it only work if the player changed loc's from the last attempt.

09-04-2002, 02:25 AM
HTML Comments are not allowed

Woody TM
09-05-2002, 09:00 PM
Reverse Bazaar. Have a WTB part of /bazaar.

09-06-2002, 04:10 AM
The ability to share exp with a whole raid force would be very nice... I think they were trying to do that with the /army command but not sure where that went

I think they are working towards this. The experience changes on high level mobs is an important step.

Look at it this way, when a raid kills a mob and get x number of experience split between the 6 people in the xp group, it has never really been enough to notice for those 6 people. Splitting that same experience over 50 people in a raid would almost be a waste of time :)

So, they add the /army command, but it's not functioning yet. Then they up the experience on tougher mobs (ie. raid mobs). I think we'll see the /army command work soon (I hope).

I know it would be a big benefit to me. My guild raids all the time. I've been stuck in 54/54 forever simply because I don't have free time to grind xp and I don't get xp from raids. With a marginal bit of experience from all the raid mobs we kill, I could actually start seeing some progression.

09-06-2002, 05:46 AM
Well the way I see it.. Exps should not only be reflective of a mobs "Level" but also reflective of its "Power"

For Instance:

A Ravenous Beast in ME can be 55th level.
Lady Vox is 55th level.

It takes at on average "24" Level 45-52 people to kill Lady Vox. A Druid could probably solo the Ravenous Beast (if well equipped) in his early 50s.


We need a "bonus" exp pool for boss mobs. Something that is sufficient.

Gimli fan
09-07-2002, 05:42 PM
Its a little tough to forage while sitting down. Dont think this is gonna happen. Complex code but maybe if you sit at base of a tree you can forrage roots/berries, if in water you can forage water, if at Rivervale or Millers farm then veggies, and cabbages, if at the windowsill a pie....then you could forage sitting down.

Also see no need to allow people to head to zones sit afk and forage away all sorts of expensive goodies.

Some of these items promote farming way to much.

I think there should be tougher restrictions on no drop and recommended level items.

The translocators for boats is a pretty good idea. I think people are starting to get a tad fed up with all the waiting to get somewhere, getting there and waiting for something to happen, or waiting at a raid, waiting for someone to pull just one more mob. Anything to reduce waiting time in this game is good.
Add to this the fact that the boats are often broken or you lag out and fall off.

Do it. As they say...Its easier than a lvl 20 warrior falling of the boat at Butcher Blovk.

09-07-2002, 11:14 PM
No probs Gimli.

Just disable it,,,not grey it out for refresh if you mess up on a skill like that.

Kweil Treehuger
09-09-2002, 01:32 AM
Well I'm back here again :)

I browsed throught the 4 pages and didn't see this mentioned so here you go.

There IS a way for a guildleader and officers to get a list of EVERY guild member that has your guild tag.

Send me $9.95 and I'll tell ya how :)


Send an email to:
They will do an auto reply with the FAQ.
Read number 5.

Reply to the FAQ stating your request for a guild list.
I've done it twice. First time it took a day. Second time about a week.

There you have it. So check that request off.

09-09-2002, 03:41 PM
Well one thing we have all long worked around but I would still game maps.

FOr it to work in an EQ context I would see a few things...

First, map making and or map reading would need to be player skills (maybe both).

Second, you would need a book of maps as an inventory item.

Third, you would have to have a map of the zone you created yourself for it to work. Perhaps these could be tradeable with other players.

Fourth, when you call up a map and see your location on it (flashing dot or whatever) the accuracy of that location would be based on your skill in map reading. The lower your skill, the more random that location on the map would be.

There are some fine points here...perhaps books of maps or individual maps would be tradeable, and also copiable. IE, someone highly skilled in map making as a skill would have revenue oportunities by making new copies of books of maps. Maps to the most common zones (newbie zones etc) would be storebought. Accurate maps of high end zones would be scarce since it is hard to take the time to create the map while things might be attacking. Lets assume that you can map an area by a keyboard command but it takes some real time to do, so you run the risk of respawns if you are say sitting in a hallway somewhere in TOV or VP or VT or wherever.

On the copy skill I would say that only someone with the highest skill in mapmaking could make a perfect copy. The lower your map making skill the more random errors (or blank areas) would be found in the copy of the map.

In game maps were a huge boon to old school RPG's. Always found it a bit peculiar that something so new left them out.

09-10-2002, 09:30 AM
Also some news newspapers edition will be fun. I recall that the same story was writed in totaly different view depending of the race who has writted the newpaper.

And knowing the story of Norath without to go on some spoiliers web site is a must for me.


09-10-2002, 05:04 PM
Forgive me if I missed this further up. Would be great to get pet spell messages for charmed pets other than when charm breaks.

09-12-2002, 12:33 PM
Add a way to transfer No-Drop items.

Umm isnt that why its NO DROP? So you CANT give
them to anyone? Thats the whole point... No?

Also I have noticed your a big forage crazed person. I love forage and I always wanted to pick what i foraged, but you are hung up on that skill hehee.

09-18-2002, 06:37 AM
For when you are in a pick-up group and itisn't you the master loot.

-Automatique link to the stats of the lotted items in the message that say what was lotted by a group member (oups sorry, this item is no-drop, and seeing it to sell in the bazaar).

-Let know how much money was looted by other member of the group (no more, we have a bad evening in the drop of the pp).

-Let know what was pickpocketed and beged by another group member.


09-18-2002, 03:15 PM
do you guys realize how easy it would be if no drop stuff was tradeable? i mean all you have to have is money and bam you got your epic. i hope that the no drop items stay no drop...its just too easy other wise

09-19-2002, 02:42 PM

Do you how short the 'Lord of the Rings' would have been if THE most powerful quested item in the whole world of Middle Earth were 'no drop'.

09-20-2002, 07:23 AM
One other thing I always wished.

I think Epics should be soul bound.

You get a soul bound weapon at level 1 when you start (or did before the 1-10 changes where you keep everything).

You go through an ENORMOUS amount of effort (ok it seemed taht way at the time anyway) to earn your epic.

Should you die and find your corpse irretrievable for some horrible reason, the hardest thing to replace (for most but granted not for the most equipped players) is the epic.

I just think it should stay with worked hard to get it.

09-23-2002, 08:57 AM
*Bug List- have a listing of all reported bug that day on your server, or in general. Would add some sanity to people knowing they arent the only one having this problem, also its a confirmation that you report is there. There is a small chance bugs could be due to non-VI related issues and perhaps people could help with that

*Currency- with the rising cost in some of the uber items in the game. The time has come for something larger than a PP, to borrow a DnD term, a Electrum Piece perhaps. Keep it on the same scale 10 PP=1 EP.

*Mid-Level Gear- The addition of newbie gear is GREAT, good cool way to get quests and decent armor to lower level people. With Velious there is hi end gear, what about more specific midlevel (25-45) armor. There is some out there, (crafted for warrior) but would like to see it on a omni-class basis.

*Roaming Vendors- this is more of a novel idea but, would be cool to have a vendor roam through zones, kind of like a traveling salesman. That way if your lucky and need to sell in a zone that has no vendor you can use him. Make him unkillable and non-agro'ing. Would also spread certain items people buy off vendors across the world.

09-26-2002, 11:02 PM
>>With Velious there is hi end gear, what about more specific midlevel (25-45) armor. There is some out there, (crafted for warrior) but would like to see it on a omni-class basis.<<

FYI, There are omni-class sets of armour in Luclin (

09-27-2002, 07:24 AM
FYI, There are omni-class sets of armour in Luclin

I was excited about the Twilight armor sets ... finally, some decent mid-level gear to quest! When I found out about them, my warrior was 34th level and had only the gear he had quested for ... other than a few coins for food, I hadn't twinked him and didn't intend to.

Well, what a load of bull****. Or should I say rockhopper****.

First issue: camping some of those 'special' mobs was an excruciatingly slow process... I don't 2box, so if my warrior couldn't find a tracker for group, he had to rely upon guesswork, random chance, and info from spoiler sites (at the time, the twilight webpage was just getting started and data was very much incomplete).

Second issue: most of the 'special' mobs were in zone areas where there are constant adds. Before I had enough of the right quest items for a single piece of armor, my warrior had levelled from 34th to 50th. So, had gone from being at level where Twilight armor would have been great, to a level where it was essentially junk and I had wasted 16 of his levels camping mobs that dropped crap loot ... my warrior didn't have bank to go buy armor more appropriate for 50th level.

Third issue: the hopper/simbata caves "broke" (no spawns) and Verant didn't bother fixing them for over a week. Many of those who would have made good groupmates in DSP had grown tired of waiting for named simbatas and/or rockhoppers, and gave up on their own Twilight quests.

As it turned out, I also gave up too, and used my druid to twink my warrior... exactly what I hadn't wanted to do.

I'm very happy for those who were able to complete any of those quests before their levels outgrew the Twilight armor; but as for me, next time I'll pass. With Verant, even good concepts end up getting screwed.

BTW, I agree with adding a new currency (e.g. electrum or whatever), although I also think they should kill copper from coin loot tables and substitute 1sp for each 10cp on mob drops. Copper has become nothing more than an inconvenience... moreso since it takes more time to destroy than drop.


09-27-2002, 01:40 PM
Wanna know another thing I want?

I want to start EQ and let it go directly to char select screen.

Play screen
Eula screen
Title screen
Title screen
Title screen
News screen
Password screen
Server screen
Loading screen
Char screen

It's plain stupid.

09-27-2002, 03:42 PM
God....that would be wonderful.

Have it as an option you set in the options window at the very beginning.

any of us only ever play on one server and the extra step of selecting server etc just slows you down. Nice to be able to log in and step away from the puter, come back and get in the game.

09-27-2002, 04:55 PM
One thing I had mentioned earlier that I didn't see added to the bazaar portion would be to make it so our vendor would buy a certain amount of things.

e.g., I want to set my vendor to buy 20 Iron Oxides at 500pp each, or something to that effect...

10-01-2002, 08:05 AM
FYI, There are omni-class sets of armour in Luclin i totally forgot about TS armor. Thanks for the correction

10-01-2002, 09:06 AM
I know it doesn't REALLY belong here (on the druid board) but something I think would be really great (and would create absolute chaos on the servers in a fun and healthy way):

Communion of the Spirits

A two part ability. One part you set a locus, the other allows you to view that locus from afar (ie another zone).

Your spirit messenger could tell you when Tormax was up ; 0.

Wouldn't change much over the current system of twink trackers but would add an amusing element of roll play to the process.

10-01-2002, 10:49 AM
Just to say Thank you Verant, to have add the link to the stats of the items in the message we get when someone in our group loot a item.


10-01-2002, 03:05 PM
This is just my opinion but i dont think the following will ever go live:

- Add a way to transfer No-Drop items.

-> I kind of like no-drop items. This encourages a guild to recruit classes that have less value on a raid to be part of a raiding guild.

- Add a way to invoke a undeclinable /duel to promote good behavior. (A politeness button)

-> Who ethically decides when to use this function? A gm? A pc? Your guild leader? To have this function on a blue server is to make these servers PVP.

- Add a way to transfer coins and/or items to characters on same account but different servers.

-> The logistics of this will make it impratical... I think.

- On the same web page where people have "Name Changes" listed, I think that every player needs to have ALL "reports" and "petitions" against that player posted for public viewing.

-> heh, in the age where VI is paring down its army of GM's into something waaaaaay smaller, this wont fly. For example, if someone wants to be a jerk, they could make 20billion lv 1 charaters and petition someone... Then delete the charater... This would also encourage more petitions and tie up more GM's.

10-02-2002, 10:25 AM
"Who ethically decides when to use this function? A gm? A pc? Your guild leader? To have this function on a blue server is to make these servers PVP."

A timer.

A once per week or so refreshing skill that all players have.

Use your imagination or something.

Even have a pop up with a timer:

"You have been challenged to an unresistable duel because Soandso thinks you are a complete butthead, you have 60 seconds to flee or fight."

10-02-2002, 10:31 AM
If they ever introduced a forced element of PvP ... in any way...I would likely quit the game. Every once in a VERY long while I will go to one of those guild free for alls in the bazaar arena...that can be ok.

But random PvP has no place on a blue server.

And make no mistake...this WOULD be abused. Frequently.

How many druids would get unrefusable PvP because they said "sorry I can't port right now?"

Imagine the chaos that would ensue when two guilds are rushing for the same spawn and suddenly people start going into PvP mode against the other guild, trying to take out their clerics or MA's so they can't be ready for the spawn.

There are far too many immature people in the world, particualrly in games like this. I had my fill of random attacks from pimpled teenage boys when I played UO 5 years ago. I don't need to experience it again tyvm.

10-04-2002, 05:50 PM
You know, Screenshots taken at the gamma settings would be good too.

10-13-2002, 01:52 PM
I also want my neck and arms to not break when I sit down.


You can bow when you sit. But you can't wave or look around when you sit.


And why is there that number 4 Camera? It's the same as number 3.


And adjusting the clip plane in some Luclin zones, just does not happen. Why is that?

Ya, I know this thread ain't really going anywhere or to anybody who gives a damn, but these are my peeves is all.

10-16-2002, 05:20 AM
Thread updated.

Keep the ideas flowing, and you never know...

We have gotten many changes so far, and I think Verant is listening.

10-16-2002, 05:58 AM
I wish that we had the ability to TP corpses!

10-17-2002, 07:27 AM
Madcap, TPing corpses really isn't too unreasonable an idea, if the ability was given with some restrictions. I think being able to succor corpses to zone would be nice. For instance, during an especially difficult CR where the zone has a "drop-off" ledge or some other content feature which makes returning to zone entrance arduous if not impossible, you'd only have to worry about getting *to* the corpse to retreive it.

y idea would be a new type of "coffin" which allowed a player to actually pick up a corpse instead of merely dragging it. When the player wants to drop the corpse, simply remove that coffin from inventory and drop it, and the corpse it holds would appear on the ground. If a player exited the zone either by zoning out or teleporting, any corpse(s) they were carrying would be dropped at the zone's safe point or entrance.

This sort of coffin would be a viable alternative for CRs when a necro/sk wasn't available for corpse summoning. Perhaps the coffin would be player-made through tradeskills (hmmm... carpentry, anyone?;) )

If nothing else, picking up a corpse and "carrying it" in a coffin would be far simpler (and more logical) than clicking a '/corpse' hotkey repeatedly to drag it and running risk of getting the corpse stuck inside a wall or having it fall under world.


10-17-2002, 12:05 PM
Intrigueing idea but...

what if the player decides not to put the corpse back down again; )

Those coffins need to be summonable no rent, or the pranksters will "help" you and then extort you for plat etc before releasing your corpse.

Also, physically carrying a corpse around is really no different than /corpse drag, other than possibly avoiding drag agro in ToV.

Personally, I think it should be true TL type ability. Send the corpse (within the zone) the safe point.

FD necro is still at the wipe out ...maybe they can start sending the bodies to zone in rather than have to gate out and go back and summon em by the coffin.

10-21-2002, 12:38 AM
You do have some really great ideas, and I think it would make a large number of the player base happy, except for a few certain ones wich would just be deragotory to the game and all it stands for:

- Add a way to transfer No-Drop items.
why have no drop items in the first place then? they did this for a reason.

- Add a way to invoke a undeclinable /duel to promote good behavior. (A politeness button)

- Add a way to transfer coins and/or items to characters on same account but different servers.
the economy would suck

- The ability to do "Stacks" of combines in tradeskills, not just 1 combine at a time.
defeats the purpose of trade skills

- Add the "Harvest" Alternate Advancement ability as a class skill to Rangers and Druids. This is a new skill button that refreshes at the same rate as the FORAGE button. When Harvest is clicked a window (like the tracking window) pops up with a list of the possible forage items in that zone. The player can select the item he/she wants to forage.
defeats the purpose of forage

- "Auto-Forage" Either as an AA ability or regular skill for druids/rangers. Clicking this button causes the PC to forage everytime the forage button is available. All things the the PC forages are placed into an empty inventory slot.
see above

- /Guildreform the ability of the guildleader to remake the guild with the same name, and reinvite only appropriate members.
kinda shady... could get the same affect by just removing people

- /Guildlist the ability of the guildleader to request a list of all guilded characters on line or off line to be emailed to his email address of record. NOTE: See below a way that this can be done offline.
this would be so hard to do and wouldn't even be worth it. kinda kills the charm of the game

- The ability to scribe any spell your ‘class’ can use at any character level. (This is just scribing the spell into the book, this would not in ANY way allow you to memorize or cast spell any earlier)

-Have "abundant" versions of enchant/imbue spells to enchant more than one at a time.
again, defeats the purpose of tradeskills as they are currently.

- Add a player customizable message when someone accesses a trader's inventory (Like the NPC's "Hello %t would
you be interested in a xxxxx").
omg the spam!

- Right clicking on a Trader’s name will port you in front of them (like an Erudin teleport pad).
just kinda takes away from the mistique` of the game

- Have the possibility of adding identical Bazaar zones so traders can spread out more.
choas! confusion!

anyways. I think we should be happy with what we get.

10-21-2002, 05:05 AM

I think you may have misjudged "Harvest" and "Auto-Forage"

You say: This Defeat the purpose of the forage skill.

Well, if I were to define the forage skill from a role-playing perspective I would say:

(Racial Forage) "The teachings of your race's culture to identify edible or useful forage and fawna.

(Class Forage) "Training in the arts of identifying and gathering edible or useful forage and fawna."

Harvest "The ability to forage a SPECIFIC item" Follows perfectly with this idea..

A master at the arts of Foraging would not spend his hours pulling up every vegetable and killing rabbits when he was just looking for "drake eggs". Maybe the harvest skill would substantially increase a person's chance to gather a specific item (but not be automatic that you would get something everytime.. I.e. you either get the item you are looking for, or nothing).

Auto-Forage: "Automatically foraging (Random items) and placing them in an empty inventory slot."

"The ability to forage has become second-nature to this person and he/she can gather materials without slowing down."

So long as this is set to "random" item (you can not auto-forage a "HARVEST").. this would not be unbalanced.


- The ability to scribe any spell your ‘class’ can use at any character level. (This is just scribing the spell into the book, this would not in ANY way allow you to memorize or cast spell any earlier)

You said: Why?

Spell Scrolls do not stack and they take up valuable bank space. This would simply allow these spells to be scribed into the spellbook getting them out of the bank and remove the clutter.

-Have "abundant" versions of enchant/imbue spells to enchant more than one at a time.

You Said: Again, defeats the purpose of tradeskills as they are currently.

I do not see your point... If a mana vial takes "200" mana, a vial, and a pearl. Then how would it defeat the purpose if there was an abundant version that cost "2000" mana, 10 Vials, and 10 Pearls to get 10 vials per cast?


10-21-2002, 02:29 PM
anyways. I think we should be happy with what we get.

Rofl...if people always felt that way nothing would ever evolve in the game, and the game would be far less rich and interesting than it is today.

A good idea can come from anywhere, and while there are plenty of bad ideas out there I can't understand not aspiring to improve or expand what is out there.

Good feedback leads to a better game. Laconic acceptance of the status quo leads to stagnation.

10-21-2002, 08:32 PM
well... you're right. the tradeskills would be better off that way. But there's something about auto-forage that just doesn't click with the game... But it could be very helpfull.

I'm saying we should be happy with what we get I guess to add a bit of modesty. I've dealt with some wizards and necros on my server and they're saying all druids do is whine. I guess this thread could have come off as a whine, as opposed to just a suggestion of how to better eq. and that's how I interpreted it before I thought about it more last night.