View Full Forums : General: Druid Roles in a Group

07-02-2001, 07:24 AM
With an enchanter in the group:

Primary rule no. 1. DO NOT BREAK MEZ.

An enchanter is there to control the flow of battle in most cases. This means mezzing mobs to take them out of the battle until the group is ready for them. Our DoTs will cause a mob to effectively become unmezzable. So make sure you have a hot key to assist the primary tank, and hold back on your DoTs (if you cast them at all) to make sure you cast on the right mob (i.e., the one being fought).

Now, when a mob breaks mez, it often heads straight for the enchanter, which can make it somewhat difficult to re-mez, if necessary. Enchanters also are a touch softer in AC and HPs, and thus die fairly quickly. One good way to help is to snare/ensnare and/or use Ro's Fiery Sundering/Fixation of Ro to debuff them. This should generate significant aggro on you, and it's much better to have the mob beating on you than the chanter.

In many cases, your main tank/puller won't want thorns. It's a good way to get them killed as the enchanter tries to get mobs mezzed. It also can damage some mobs sufficiently that they start summoning, and no one wants that prematurely. Don't throw thorns on someone without asking first!

Same with evac (this is in general). Check with your group beforehand. You may not even want an evac up. In many cases, the pain of making your way across several zones to get back to where you were is greater than the pain of being ressed in place.


Well, here's what I find myself doing (as a Druid who groups primarily):

- Ensnare everything;
- DS the primary tank;
- Strength buff all tanks;
- Keep pack chloroplast up;
- Backup heal: heal the cleric and chanter;
- If necessary, Evac.

Depending on circumstances (group makeup etc):
- Buff: SoW, SLN, Resists;
- Nuke (when you need a fast kill due to overpull etc);
- DoT (against high HP mobs)
- Debuff (RFS, Fixation) against high damage / HP mobs;
- Root park to manage aggro.

There are other 'specialist' jobs (if animals are involved, for instance), but that's normally what I find myself doing at 52.

Good luck!

07-02-2001, 08:22 AM
Some things depend on what mobs your fighting and where. But in a general sense this is what i would do in a group of that makeup [enchanter and tanks]....

-Group chloro

-Group thorns

-Group wolf/sow(dont wolf people that like to bash)

-Strength your melee's including yourself so you can timer it

*The above is what i do in almost all groups. I will switch out group thorns for a single thorn if only one tank is taking all the damage. But more than likely the mob will switch aggro between your warriors and monk, you can see which is better.

-If you DoT, make sure you have the right target. Meaning if there are 3 mobs incoming and your chanter is mezzing, dont dot right away. Wait alittle until you assist then DoT once you know all melee's are on same target. You have to know that its the right target.

-With the above said about DoT's, i wouldnt DoT in very dangerous places with lots of add's. Use your DD instead. Sometimes a healer might show up after your engaged with a melee mob, and focus might have to shift to the healer mob. Ench might have to mezz the mob your all on at the time.

-Try not to evac if you can help it. Imo, whether to keep thsi mem'd or not depends on where your fighting. Maybe have the cleric camp(while monnk fd's) or somethign if things get bad. I group in KC often, and i'll keep it mem'd for basement and Hand, but never the rooms near the entrance. I havent evac'd in a long time, and the last time i evac'd when the leader called it the ench got pissed. Not at me mind you since i was just following orders, but you should realize people dont like to be evac'd and would rather take a death with a rezz. Other times they would prefer the evac, so get it clear with your group first i guess. If you evac in any dangerous situation you wont find groups too often imo. Nothings more satisfying in a group than fighting your way outa a mess :)

-Snare everything, but i'd wait abit on the snares. Wait till its 3/4's life or somethign since snare is a big aggro, and the mob will come right at you if you snare from the start.

-Always watch the ench and clerics back before you watch the tanks back. Meaning if your tank is at 1 bub of life and your ench is at half life, heal your ench first. Same with cleric. Your cleric is responsible for the main heals on tanks, but if you feel your cleric is sleeping or lazy then you might wanna heal your tanks if they hit 1 bub. Personally, i hate the clerics who wait till 1/2 bub to CH. Doesnt gimme much room to save the tank with my long casting Sup Heal.

-Dont blow your mana on nukes and DoT's. This is what a newbie Druid does imo, and i hate that(grouped with a Druid awhile back who was my 2ndary healer but blew his mana on nukes and didnt have mana to 2ndary heal :P). I usually keep about 3m on reserve constantly. Wtih clarity you should have enough mana to nuke periodically and keep up a good bit of mana. It also depends on where your at and how much control you have of the mobs. If its easy and your cleric is staying close to full, then nuke to 1m or whatever.

-Always refresh SOW when it runs out, even in the midst of battle.

Theres other stuff you'll probably learn and adapt to on your own. You'll figure it out after a few weeks of grouping regularly, probably less if you group with the same classes. Its really not too difficult to learn to group imo if you have some common sense. One thing to remember is your responsible for your own actions and expected to do things, unlike when you solo'd. There is a burden to grouping, unlike soloing, and how much of an emphasis you put on what you should do over what you'd like to do will determine how good of a grouper you are....
