View Full Forums : Help! Can't control this mouse !

09-26-2003, 06:44 PM
I recently had this problem started like 2 days ago. Is so annoying. Is like this. Very often I would lose control of my mouse with sometimes a Beep sound in my computer. then mouse would just control and misclick stuff. It happens not only in EQ but in other programs as well. After a few secs of losing control, I would get the control again. It so far has closed webpages a number of times. right clicked my shield of coral in a time trial. Any fixes please? =p I also tried plug and un plug my mouse. but is still here. Yes, I tried rebooting also.

09-26-2003, 07:29 PM
Mouse with a ball or optical mouse?

With ball - make sure all the crap is cleaned out
Optical - make sure you don't have any type of weird reflective stuff on the surface that you're using your mouse. Clean the gunk off that too if you have any.

Worse comes to worse, you can usually just reinstall the drivers to make sure everything's kosher.

09-26-2003, 09:48 PM
If it's wireless try changing the batteries.

09-26-2003, 11:33 PM
wireless really do suck for EQ...use the mouse too much and the batterys go flat too quick.


09-27-2003, 01:34 AM
I am using a mouse with balls. ( yea still =p It was working fine until recently so I didn't bother to buy an optical ) I cleaned out the stuff etc, but I still have the problem. I don't get it why my computer makes a beep sound when it happens. maybe I wil try reinstall the driver.

09-27-2003, 04:44 AM
A beep sound eh? If it's a ps/2 or usb mouse that could be the sound of a driver overflow (never heard of it happening to a serial mouse). Is it like making little beep sounds when you move the mouse?

If it is, then it's most likely a mouse driver problem, or something conflicting with it. If reinstalling your mouse driver doesnt fix the beeping, then I'd take a look at using spybot or adaware, in case some little program is trying to monitor your mouse movements and not quite doing it right (yes I've seen this happen too.)

If you still have no luck, try booting into safe mode and see if you can reproduce it. You wont be able to play eq but you can probably surf around on the web a bit and see if the problem manifests.

Finally if none of that helps, try just getting a different mouse! Possibly the hardware itself has just gone flaky and started sending bad data to the mouse driver (hence the beeps).


09-27-2003, 06:23 AM
Thanks for the help ! been over 4 hrs and mouse havn't lost control yet. Hope it is fixed =)

09-28-2003, 07:26 AM
I got myself a logitech MX700 wireless mouse. It has a base you rest the mouse on and it recharges. Like a cordless phone.

No more changing batteries.. even rechargeables.


10-26-2003, 09:31 AM
I had a Microsoft wireless mouse. Best friend had a Remote Control car in the Living room torturing the cats.

y mouse was like a real mouse all over the screen running wild. I had my door shut and couldnt hear the car. Finally about 20 mins later I walk out and tell him what was going on and see the car. So I ask him to drive it by my door and sure enough the mouse freaks out on the screen.

Needless to say i didnt let him run over cats in the house anymore. One of the crazy mouse clicks made me go aggressive while tanking a Boss mob, may have been Vindi back then, result was a flattened Hobbit Warrior.

10-26-2003, 11:22 AM
Best friend had a Remote Control car in the Living room torturing the cats.
That is why you had problems, allowing him to torture cats. Kharma at work here.

Needless to say i didnt let him run over cats in the house anymore.
As we can see, the cats' plans worked. :)

10-26-2003, 05:29 PM

10-26-2003, 06:09 PM
This is why you need PFHT! (Pet Foil Hat Technology)

10-26-2003, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by Sealody
I got myself a logitech MX700 wireless mouse. It has a base you rest the mouse on and it recharges. Like a cordless phone.

No more changing batteries.. even rechargeables.


Logitech MX700 is the ONLY wireless mouse you all should buy if you want a wireless mouse. It has ZERO lag, batteries last long and it has a rechargeable base where you can put it when you're afk.

Dont buy the MS crap wireless mouse... laggy and heavy as hell.