View Full Forums : I'd like an argument.

02-05-2004, 06:24 PM
Ok, I understand I can purchase an argument here. I'd like to buy an argument please. Or a heated discussion. Either will do. Here's my 10pp.

02-05-2004, 06:44 PM
Politics? Sex (or the sexes)? War in Iraq? I need specifics.

02-05-2004, 07:44 PM
An augment?

Oh, argument.

The entire Linux, open source and geek community are all evil anarchists, comparible to "vandals and arsonists" fighting a huge war on capitalism, according to this rather annoying BBC article by a rather infuriating BBC reporter talking about the MyDoom virus and one of its side-effects of DoSing SCO:

I very strongly disagree, and it wouldn't take rocket science to figure out why.


02-05-2004, 08:10 PM
There's reasons why smart men don't listen to the BBC :P

If the BBC had its way, corps would rule the world with the firm backing of Arab dictators, America would fall off the face of the Earth, Canada and Australia would give up this foolish idea of autonomy and rejoin the Empire properly, and we'd pick up the "White Man's Burden" again =D

02-05-2004, 08:17 PM
I think you want next door. This is abuse.

02-05-2004, 08:22 PM
I'd like to buy an argument please.

No you don't.

02-05-2004, 11:14 PM
That was never 5 minutes just now!

02-05-2004, 11:18 PM
No you don't.

Yes I do!

This isn't an argument, you're just contradicting me!

*A big hug to anyone that can find a link to that Monty Python skit on the internet!*

Fyyr Lu'Storm
02-05-2004, 11:20 PM
"DoSing SCO"

I can not think of a more fitting target.

I have a ball on my desk. A little green plastic ball. About 3 inches in diameter. The kind from those kids bouncy houses.
"Pat. Pend. Euro-Plus Pat. 5038504" Made by Euro-matic 978-567-8274.
How the hell do you patent a ball?

And before my windy friend chastises me again, that was figurative. There has to be a trade name for those types of companies(maybe he can clue me in on that one). A company whose only reason for formation and existence is to litigate, the only revenue is that litigation.

Fyyr Lu'Storm
02-05-2004, 11:24 PM
*A big hug to anyone that can find a link to that Monty Python skit on the internet!*

02-05-2004, 11:42 PM
AH! Thank you, Fyyr.

/em big hug

Fyyr Lu'Storm
02-06-2004, 12:07 AM
Check your private mail box.

02-06-2004, 01:01 AM
If you happen to have digital cable, check out BBC on demand...they generally have 6 to 8 Monty Python episodes available, rotating through the seasons. :)

02-06-2004, 01:01 AM
hmmm she wants an argument eh... *plays devils advocate*

women suck at driving, please prove me wrong

02-06-2004, 08:01 AM
Pana Smells like poo. :physics:

02-06-2004, 08:50 AM
Complete Heal

Take those words and combine them into a sentence or two and you are GUARANTEED to have an argument. After forming your sentence(s), be sure that you back it up no matter what. Logic, wit, reasonable debate? It doesn't matter, just stick to your guns and defy it all.

There you go, an instant 20+page argument in a can.

02-06-2004, 09:01 AM
Complete Heal

Take those words and combine them into a sentence or two and you are GUARANTEED to have an argument. After forming your sentence(s), be sure that you back it up no matter what. Logic, wit, reasonable debate? It doesn't matter, just stick to your guns and defy it all.

There you go, an instant 20+page argument in a can.

The Cleric had to rez the druid, after the druid used his version of the complete heal spell to heal a tank and got agro because the druid has no current agro reducing abilty, wich lowers his utility in most situations.

02-06-2004, 09:21 AM
No it doesn't!

02-06-2004, 09:45 AM
You guys crack me up! :heart:

- Grisyn of Fennin Ro

02-06-2004, 10:49 AM

argue away!

and if that doesnt do it for you:

People who own more expensive cars pay more in taxes and therefore are entitle to more right of way than people who buy economical cars with good fuel efficiency. This is why, when you get cut off or someone nearly merges into you without signalling, it is almost always an expensive car that the person is driving.

02-06-2004, 10:53 AM
Complete Heal

Take those words and combine them into a sentence or two and you are GUARANTEED to have an argument.

Hmm, I wonder...

"Unhealthy clerics in the middle ages would have been met with a task of complete futility if they had tried to download druid **** from warez sites."

Seems fairly difficult to disagree with that statement?

02-06-2004, 11:02 AM
HAH! Too funny, Amonia.

02-06-2004, 11:10 AM
People who own more expensive cars pay more in taxes and therefore are entitle to more right of way than people who buy economical cars with good fuel efficiency. This is why, when you get cut off or someone nearly merges into you without signalling, it is almost always an expensive car that the person is driving.

Jinjre, you ever hear Phil Hendry? He does this character who is a rich, annoying entrepeneur who believes that his cars uberness exempts him from road laws. It's hysterical!

02-06-2004, 11:15 AM
People who own more expensive cars pay more in taxes and therefore are entitle to more right of way than people who buy economical cars with good fuel efficiency. This is why, when you get cut off or someone nearly merges into you without signalling, it is almost always an expensive car that the person is driving.

Jinjre, you ever hear Phil Hendry? He does this character who is a rich, annoying entrepeneur who believes that his cars uberness exempts him from road laws. It's hysterical!

Oh wait... he's on subscription now. Blah!

02-06-2004, 11:32 AM
Reminds me of DEnnis Leary's song "I'm an *******", parts of which go

You know what I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna get myself a 1967 Cadaliac Eldarado Convertable,
Hot Pink!
With whale skin hub caps,
An all leather cow interior,
And big brown baby seal eyes for headlights.
And I'm gonna drive around in that baby,
At 115 miles per hour,
Getting one mile per gallon,
Sucking down quarter pounder cheeseburgers from McDonalds in the old-fasioned non-biodegradable styrafoam containers.
And when I'm done sucking down those grease ball burgers,
I'm gonna wipe my mouth in the American flag,
And then I'm gonna toss the styrafoam containers right out the side,
And there ain't a God damn thing anybody can do about it,
You know why?

02-06-2004, 11:34 AM
OMG it censored a-s-s-h-o-l-e. Haha too funny

02-06-2004, 12:32 PM
Jinjre, you ever hear Phil Hendry?

Never heard of him, bummer he's on subscription now. But it does seem to me that just about any time I get cut off or someone takes my right of way, they're almost always in a very expensive car. Closest I ever came to road rage was a woman in a $80k mercedes deciding that she WAS going to merge into my lane whether I was there or not. Had my husband not been in the passenger seat, I would have let her cream me......her car will cost more than mine to get repaired. Honda civics are a dime a dozen, parts are cheap. And her insurance can eat her arrogance as they pay for her car AND mine to be fixed.

However, since my husband would have been on the impact side of hte car, I thought it might be nice of me not to risk his life when I make my social equality statements. He thought it was mighty big of me too LOL

02-06-2004, 01:17 PM
Even rich people can be bad drivers. My pet peeve are SUV drivers. They're bigger than everyone else, they know you'll die and they won't in an accident, so they're unbelivably pushy and agressive drivers. Not to mention their stupid vechicles are so #$#@! big they take up 1.15 parking spots. And even worse, it's the fashion in So. CA to drive the pigs.

And the other trend is for parking lot owners to make their parking spaces smaller. So you got these SUV's taking up more than one spot so about 1/3 of the parking lot sits unused, because no one can fit into the stupid spaces left!

02-06-2004, 01:25 PM
And the other trend is for parking lot owners to make their parking spaces smaller. So you got these SUV's taking up more than one spot so about 1/3 of the parking lot sits unused, because no one can fit into the stupid spaces left!

Hear, hear! Even 'regular' sized cars can be a real pain the way some parking slots are so small these days. It's something I really notice in those odd places where they haven't shrunk the spaces to fit that one or 2 more cars in a row. And then there's the dorks that can't be bothered to park straight, or even in the middle of the slot.

When I had my Ranger I used to whack 'em with the doors all the time :devil-lau but my Taurus is still too shiney....

But, wait! I'm supposed to be arguing. So, ummm... No it isn't!

/edit spelling /sigh

02-06-2004, 01:31 PM
I drive an SUV (I love my 4Runner) but with the price of gas, I'm looking forward to Lexus' RX400h - a luxury hybrid due out this fall. As far as SUV drivers being bad, after moving from Texas to New York, I can say that it's not the car, it's the driver. In Texas, there's an unwritten, but well understood rule that the biggest truck wins. The guy in the Ford F350 will have right of way when being challenged by the little Kia whatever. Here in NY? Nope, everyone assumes they have right of way - which would probably explain why this state has the highest accident rate in the US. I've found most of the problems with SUV drivers are usually on the neighborhood streets, not highways. Usually its soccer mom's who bought this big honking car without knowing exactly <i>how</i> big it is.

y pet peeve though?
inivans with families. Yes, minivans.

There are fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts, whatever’s, out there who drive minivans with their families in tow. There are minivan drivers out there who drive around without any consideration for the kids in their car. I swear, the number of times I've seen minivans swerve into lanes, going 20 miles over the speed limit, parents talking on cell phones without paying attention to the road... sheesh. Those drivers assume that their cars are super safe, and therefore they don't have to pay attention to anything.

02-06-2004, 01:50 PM
The price of gas??

Gas (petrol) is so cheap in the US.

02-06-2004, 02:42 PM
I confess.... I do a sort of vicious, gloating thing when the price of gas goes up and the big gas-hog guzzlers are crying at the pumps. Looks like this summer they're going to be really paying through the nose for gas. Tee hee!

That reminds me, I need some Exxon in my portfolio.

alyn cross
02-06-2004, 03:08 PM
i /cackle when i see a so-called SUV having trouble driving along in a mild snowfall or heavy rain.

people think 'oh i drive an suv, i ownzors teh roadzors'... and it's really a matter of knowing how to drive. That and the fact that their suv is really nothing more than a tall station wagon. You want a vehicle that goes anywhere, buy a real Jeep and get those 6 ton moving billboards off the highways... not that you'd ever take your 42'000 dollah suv off the highway... it might get dirty!

Should be able to have a liscense revoked for someone making an idiotic vehicle purchase. 'it's $50,000? it weights 5.4 tons? it gets 12 mpg on highway? it's only colour is 'burnt-orange'? i'll take it!'....
'what in the nine hells are you thinking man? we're going to have to revoke your liscense to drive anything but a 72 yugo, we're sorry, mr. smith.'


02-06-2004, 03:54 PM
'oh i drive an suv, i ownzors teh roadzors'...

Amen brotha! Preach it!

We rarely get snow/ice storms here, but when we do, OMG the morons in their 4WD cars thinking that 4WD makes it okay to cruise along packed snow with no chains at 60 mph.

Hello? If you lock up your wheels, it doesn't matter whether you have 2WD or 4WD, you still have 0 traction. 4WD automatics are compression braking with an automatic.

The number of dorks I saw in ditches in their SUVs on the last snow/ice storm we had was amazing. The rest of us puttering along at 25 mph seemed to be fine.

And trucks? The worst yet! Rear wheel drive, no weight in the bed of the truck, fishtailing so bad that they're driving in ALL the lanes, simultaneously. Cripes already. The size of the truck seems to have no affect on the size of any body part other than the brain, and that seems an inverse relationship.

02-06-2004, 04:06 PM
Errr... actually Alyn, the SUVs that have the packages made for offroading do very, very well - even compared to their "non-luxury" counterparts. Jeep and their "Only in a Jeep" commercials have done little to repair the damage done to their reputation due to their shoddy construction and cheap electrical systems. Sure you may go bouncing off into the Yukon with your Jeep Wrangler or Cherokee, but you'll be paying for every little bump by replacing your transmission, repairing an axle and troubleshooting the wiring system for $60/hr (my experiences come from having several - 10+ - friends who have owned Jeeps - ranging from the early 90's to the current models). As for their performance on slippery circumstances - mud, rain, snow, ice - they suck. They're light vehicles and you'll find yourself slipping and hydroplaning more than the heavier "6 ton moving billboards". My friend had a '94 Cherokee, and the best wet performance increase he ever got was to drop a 600lb piece of furniture in the back.

Also, <i>most</i> SUVs are based on truck frame styles, <b>not</b> cars. Therefore, they are most certainly not like station wagons - more often than not, they're like small trucks (think Ranger body style). This has only really started to change just recently as more and more families start to own SUVs - they're moving away from the utility of a truck body and merging the creature comforts of a sedan. The late 80's Explorer is the only notable exception I can think of - the early Explorers were actually based on the Taurus body style if I recall correctly.

Read some Road and Track, Motor Trend, even Consumer Reports and you'll see that the giant $55+k Land Cruisers match up pretty well with sub-$30's Jeeps as far as off roading capabilities go. The only one that really blows everyone out of the water is the Hummer (not the H2 bastardized version, the real $150k thing). I remember an old comparison that pits the Jeep Grand Cherokee vs the Toyota Land Cruiser vs the Range Rover. They took all three down a trek through the Baja and the Jeep was rated best for "in the element," the Range Rover just kinda sat in the middle, and the Land Cruiser was called the "Hilton on wheels." In other words, the Jeep kept you close to the land so you felt where you were driving. The Land Cruiser handled the environment just as well, but you felt detached because it was like sitting on your living couch while driving.

02-06-2004, 05:01 PM
I can never understand why someone is so bored with life as to want to cause an argument in the first place. With all the things there are to learn about and do in the world, why do we want to waste time (even in semi-jest) trying to find more things to argue about. We live with war, family violence, rudeness, prejudice, greed, and partisanship and it effects us all in some way every single day.

Get off your butt and do something productive rather than try to stir up crap.

02-06-2004, 05:11 PM
Someone missed their happy pill this morning.

02-06-2004, 05:30 PM
Actually, the Grand Cherokee is a fine vehicle...

y favorite, though, is the Yukon.

y father owns one of those 50,000 dollar billboard sized SUV's. GMC Yukon Denali. The vehicle is a dream. Its big enough that nothing stops it. It rides more smoothly than many so called luxury vehicles, and for its size, its decently quick. Yeah, gas efficiency isn't that great...but if you can afford the vehicle, you can afford the gas.

e, I own a 95 Chevy Blazer =P Its pretty much a POS. I still haven't ever gotten stuck anywhere though. And in snow and rain...I do "pwnz0r the r0adzer" =D

02-06-2004, 06:33 PM
Teri is subtle and clever. She's giving me my argument! /hug Teri She comes through for me. I'd say she more than gave me my money's worth.

Fyyr Lu'Storm
02-06-2004, 06:42 PM
Contradiction or argument, you take your pick.

The term sport utility vehicle was coined to describe the small sized half pickups half cars of the late eighties. SUV's were the Jeep Cherokees(the small ones), Nissan Pathfinders, Subaru Brats, Broncho II's, Toyota 4Runners, Izusu Amigos.

Not the behemoth Suburban/Humvee sized vehicles they are today.

There is nothing sporty about a Yukon, or a Humvee.

02-06-2004, 07:48 PM
Teri!!! So you're a very clever troll in disguise ;)

Ooh a transport argument, now that I like :D We don't have SUVs in Sunny England, but plenty of very similar extensions to the male anatomy, usually with the "I'm bigger than you so I have right of way" attitude.

On a related note, there is room for 2 cars outside the semi-detached house where I live... I normally park there, sure to remain on my side.

Fairly often, random people (not our neighbour, who is a good chap) stuff their vehicles *right in the middle* of those two spaces, meaning I can't park outside the house I live in and neither can our neighbour if he needs to. I don't object to random people parking there, but it'd be nice if they'd leave room for me :(

I drive a fairly ancient Renault 5. Don't see any reason to drive anything else.... it works, it's nippy (except up hills :D), is economical and can fit through / park in just about any gap without getting in anyone's way.

I do sometimes get impatient with crawling traffic (hence I'll never move to London!) - open roads are more my thing, hate sitting in line switching back and forth between 2nd and 1st gear.

02-06-2004, 08:05 PM
Can anyone else hear Cloudien talking when you read what he writes? :)

02-06-2004, 08:17 PM
Can anyone else hear Cloudien talking

For some reason, I hear Eric Idle. Maybe it's because of the 15 DVD collection of Monty Python that I got my husband for Christmas.

02-07-2004, 02:13 AM own a French car Cloudien? I thought that was illegal in England? :p

Almost as bad as owning a German car.

Araxx Darkroot
02-07-2004, 05:37 AM
You want an argument?

This thread sucks!

there :p

02-07-2004, 08:10 AM
Cor blimey, hope I sound better in your mind than I do IRL :)

Yeah owning anything French is probably illegal here, but hey... they're obviously good at something :p (Many normal people would disagree of course, but since when have I been normal :p)

02-07-2004, 09:15 AM
The entire druid class sucks ! Omg! But seriously, I really miss some of druid abilitys in AO and lineage 2. ports, evac, tracking, run speed bufs its just the win ! :p