View Full Forums : Another equipment review - critique needed

02-28-2004, 02:30 PM

I am a 65 Druid on Vazaelle. I recently came back to EQ after an 8 month break. I am trying to catch up to my friends, and have applied to an EP flagged guild. I have about 40k left in the bank and I have been trying to figure out what to upgrade, either through buying it or trying to hunt it down. Even when I get into the guild I will be low on the totem pole for gear so I need to figure out some of this on my own.

02-29-2004, 05:48 AM
Lose the hat, unless the guild your apping to is rolling in rot leather paterns, get an ornate helm(7-10k on xev) Face- that is a pain in the backside slot untill time imo, there are only 2 real upgrades in eps only buyable slot that comes to mind is mask of hailstorms from bot (30-40k on xev)

that other wrist :eek: looks like by your maglo your missing only solro and rz for full ep flags, when you get flaged look into getting a group to farm castle 2 there is a nice ft1 wrist that can drop from the named in there also a nice ft3 belt from field 1 named, compareable to girdle of the taction from VZ

Or with GoD there is a nice wrist that drops in trial 6 (if you guys are playing with those yet)

Back- poo slot for anything buyable but you can farm in earth till you get named frog to pop drops a nice back slot as his common drop, cloak of earthentwine iirc

Gloves look into the ones that drop in LDon pristine jeweled gloves or some name they will cost alot (50-80k) or get a group together for some hard ldon


02-29-2004, 08:26 PM
I appreciate that, thanks.


03-02-2004, 07:50 AM
"you get named frog to pop drops a nice back slot as his common drop, cloak of earthentwine iirc"

What is this frog you speak of????

03-02-2004, 12:08 PM
Ok ok ill go look it up Brb...............

fast forward 5 mins

A Korascian Warlord is said cloak

You send a monk or bard out to play with the frog traps by the temple you get him eventually, reason why you can talk folks into farming him is mind you i have never seen that drop yet


03-02-2004, 05:15 PM
Theres at least one of those illusion thingies on my server to my knowledge.../drool