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02-21-2003, 09:09 AM
Out of curiousity I looked back to the oldest flames stored in this forum...curious to see what people were ranting about.

Funnily enough...mid page...a rant about my guild! Woot! Big time, at least 2.5 years ago hehe.

Course none of the people posting from FW are still in it - most went to Forged Souls shortly after those posts were made.

But good for a chuckle. Was going back to see "the more things change..." and was surprised my a gamewide flame bout my guild.

Something about Lum the mad (who at least I know of), Hakosako (who I have heard of), and Lum's wife. And something about druid kiting traps or some such. All drivel.

Just goes to show you that over time, whatever is deeply upsetting to us today will be completely mysterious, vague, and random to the players who come later.

02-21-2003, 10:46 AM
<blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Just goes to show you that over time, whatever is deeply upsetting to us today will be completely mysterious, vague, and random to the players who come later.[/quote]

aybe so, but all the same I will have a hard time letting go of some of the nasty things that have been said.

02-21-2003, 06:29 PM
Ok then, just to make you feel better, I WUB YOU TERIANYA MOONDANCER! /huggles!

Traab "Love Machine" Fellhammer
Human Mob Compactor of the 52nd Cycle
And Almost Too Sexy To Live!

"Id never say anything nasty. . . to a lady. Unless shes into that kinda thing. :D "

02-21-2003, 11:09 PM

02-22-2003, 10:03 PM
Me too, I'm gonna have to return that fly-by hug you threw at me a few days ago. Made my day.