View Full Forums : rant: Why the hell can't you people friggin' test this **** before it goes live?!

03-25-2004, 11:48 PM
um....yah, think that about says it all

Thanks for ruining our night of raiding in Time /wave

03-26-2004, 04:00 AM
We some fun during a raid:

Roughly 25% of our raid zoned direcly on top of TT when zoning in to PoNb. Highly annoying.

03-26-2004, 04:17 AM
yay mobs warping in walls and going underworld that are required to progress!

Iilane SalAlur
03-26-2004, 06:06 AM
Pyronis warping all over field 2, killing our pullers too

03-26-2004, 08:48 AM
They knew it wasn't working right on test before it went on live.. and they put it in anyway.

03-26-2004, 09:03 AM
We had lots of LD's last night during raid. I myself had one issue of trying to loot corpse and there was no gear to loot. Posted on different topic after /dzquitting upon zoning outside adventure I fell for 20k dam underworld

03-26-2004, 10:25 AM
Trying to pull Pyronis and Babnoxis out of the bottom of the same lava pool the other night was truly an interesting experience.

Watching our tank and mini-Aten fighting on the opposite side of the wall because a warder pushed them through it, then him falling through to blob1 room, was entertaining at least.

03-26-2004, 12:22 PM
We had mobs warp on us in PoJ when pushed into walls AND twice we had people get warped out of trials in PoJ last night when we entered the trial.

*SIGHS* at SOE - come on guys - Test this crap better.

03-26-2004, 12:55 PM
They don't have the manpower to test every zone of the whole game with every combination of classes, spells, abilities, situations. Yes, many of the bugs should've been caught, but others might not be just because the Test server is an inadequate enviroment for good testing. Just not enough people there.

03-26-2004, 01:37 PM
Yes, many of the bugs should've been caught, but others might not be just because the Test server is an inadequate enviroment for good testing. Just not enough people there."

Then why not give some REAL incentive to play there.. Like make it closeto free ... not free cause you don't want everyone there. Or have Double/Tripple exp gain without a betabuff. They turned a lot of people off with Character wipes as well..

03-26-2004, 02:07 PM
In our raid last night we had people tethered to walls so they could not leave the zone in. Also the warping mobs. One time we had DI go off on a tank and it gated him to his bind with all his gear. Also love the succoring one where people go to random parts of the zone. Last night I had a succor, one person zoned right back in to where we had been fighting and another popped up on top of a building.

03-26-2004, 02:37 PM
I can't remember the last time they had a character wipe on test. And I do think they should offer some incentive to playing on the test server. I just don't know what would be a good and fair incentive without cheapening the efforts of the people that have always been on test.

Even then, the population would still be too small for all the bugs/exploits to be caught.

03-26-2004, 02:42 PM
Then why not give some REAL incentive to play there.. Like make it closeto free ...

Riiiight... I think I'd die of shock the first time SOE added something that caused them to make less money. It's a good idea, but not something SOE would even consider unfortuantely.

I do agree though, they need to make some real incentive to play on Test. I suggested this to Absor probably about a year or so ago. This crap has been going on for years. I'm sure it is possible for some bugs to sneak in every so often, but this is just inexcusable. Seems like there are far too many instances where bugs go live and people on Test had reported them and nothing was done about it, sort of like when Affliction Focus effects were working on all debuffs.

03-26-2004, 03:43 PM
more fun :
Our mage at the save D3 spot agro'd D3 through the wall (in VT) walls no longer block agro in VT we are having fun putting our mage back now

03-26-2004, 05:25 PM
test server people arnt dumb, they know about these bugs and post/bug them but the coding still goes to live

03-26-2004, 06:11 PM
*shrugs* I have logged on for several hours at a time sine the patch with only one graphics glitch that was fixed when I zoned. Everything else has worked great. So it's not something that affets everyone directly. Probably just some odd combination of hardware, drivers, etc.

03-26-2004, 10:26 PM
They probably already know the bugs are there and have a version of the game in internal Q&A. It's how the game industry works. Take NWN for example. They release a beta patch and let people test it out. Fix what bugs they can and shove any unfixed bugs into the next batch of Q/A and testing.

Even before they released patch 1.62, they were already working on patch 1.63. It's just a matter of timing, zots, and feasability. With such a big upgrade to the graphics engine... it's probably in their best interest to push it to live servers just to maximize their testing effectiveness. The entire population of all servers can test the changes far more quickly and efficiently than one test server can.

Guilds should have just put raiding on hold for the moment. It's common sense. It's not like a week away from the repetitive raid content is going to kill a guild. Big patch == big bugs == no raiding. Go xp or do LDoN adventures somewhere. Hell, take this time to grab 30 wet cats and go do some LDoN raids. If you die, whoop dee. It's just some xp lost.

03-26-2004, 11:52 PM
Meh, it's not like it's going anywhere. It'll still be there a month from now, two months from now and so on. And it's not likely to change much, if at all for years. *yawns*

03-27-2004, 03:58 AM
Again fell for 20k underworld same zone as I posted above. This is frustrating.

Also during a coh one person was coh'd, person disbanded and came right back. This happened twice to them.

03-27-2004, 04:55 AM
[QUOTE=Swiftfox]Then why not give some REAL incentive to play there.. Like make it closeto free ... QUOTE]

Well, I could be wrong, but I highly doubt that a person who plays a Test server because its cheaper or because they are getting some sort of advantage is the sort of person you want testing stuff for you. It seems to me those people would be far more likely to be exploiting a bug rather than reporting it.

The few who play on Test these days are probably far better at testing things than the average player playing EQ. And they probably want to keep it that way.

ost of the issues when things go live seem to involve a minority of players. Or issues that its not realistic for even a full server of people to have seen necessarsily. Of course, this last patch had so many issues its obvious that they knew there would be problems but went forward with the push anyway.

Of course for the conspiracy minded it could just be that they know WoW is opening beta and Lineage 2 is starting Open Beta and is going live in a month so they're rushing things again.

For those looking for a less capitalistic view, the exact same thing happened with the last graphic engine revamp and when they went to dx 8.0. From the issues that happened then, it is also obvious that there is no way a Test server could have found and fixed all the problems. Its quite probable that the Test server can find the problems, but fixing it might be a bit out of their league since often you need far more data points to narrow down an issue than 4 or 5 people reporting an issue.

In either event, I'm still somewhat annoyed that I"m one of the relative minority that got screwed up in that patch. And it wasnt even the main patch, it was one of the sub patches that messed me up. But I guess I should be counting my blessings as this was perhaps only the 3rd time in 5 years a patch messed me up. If I recall, the dx 8.0 revamp also messed me up...

Well, here's to hoping I've moved on by the time SoE pushes the dx 10.0 patch out. :)

03-27-2004, 04:33 PM
This should have been fixed with an emergency patch within 24 hours or else reverted back to the way it was before, it has a large impact on anyone raiding and is in some circumstances hindering progression.

This is taking their product to new degrees of faultiness. I am talking about the geographical problems that cause raiding guilds to have warping mobs, characters falling through the world on zone, LD's/crashes, Big mobs warping back to bind....these problems just ruin the experience for the players.

Dont come back and say "raiding people are a minority" when every night on drinal there are 500+ people raiding during prime time, and drinal has a VERY small population of raiding guilds/people. 500+ is not a minority, it might not be half or more of the current online population, but it is definately the people that play the longest, keep the most accounts (multiples per person), and have the longest running accounts on the server.

I am just very disapointed in SOE for releasing a patch that has such a large negative impact on the raiding populations of each server. They know for a fact that raiders have big opinions of this game and will be very vocal about them, so they shouldnt bitch when we come back and take a strip out of them for doing something like this that only adds to any current frustrations in the game.

03-27-2004, 08:17 PM
"Wah wah wah. I can't raid and get phat lewts." Big frellin' deal. It's a small price to pay to finally have a real graphics engine that is 100 times better than the first engine. SoE probably does know raiders whine the loudest and y'know what... they're probably so used to it... it's just a background noise they ignore nowadays.

Guess that's what you get for whining all the time and crying wolf.

03-27-2004, 08:26 PM
I still don't see what's so much better about this graphics engine. The sky is nice, (edit: oops, forgot to finish this thought)

And soloers and single groupers are hurt just as much. People have fallen to their deaths in a seemingly random part of the zone immediately after zoning, which is much worse when you're not in a raid situation and so don't have other classes around to help recover...

03-27-2004, 08:27 PM
Interesting. When did Aly all of sudden start apologizing for SOE??

03-27-2004, 08:36 PM
I'm just trying to point out the fact that most people here have no frellin' clue what goes on with patches for computer games. It's not a simple switch of a bit of code here and there. Or a tweak of a number or two. Especially with an upgrade to the core engine as big as this one. More upgrades are on the way.

I've worked with a mod team for NWN and we do a boatload of testing on modules, scripts, 3d model testing, texture testing, Q&A (which means Quality and Assurance for the uneducated), and playtesting with various class combinations and groups. However, even with all the testing that gets done, bugs still slip through. And even though we play the module, it isn't going to be a fully comprehensive test of every single class/level/race/group combination possible.

So we just have to hope for the best and fix what we don't find and update it soon as we can. I've spent hours staring at scripts in NWN that compile, but just don't seem to work... only to find it was a stupid semi-colon out of place that was ruining how it ran. Or the declaration of a variable in the wrong spot. Simple things that are easy, very easy to miss.

SOE has their problems when it comes to actual gameplay design... but they've got my appreciation and gratitude for doing such a stellar job with the technology behind the game. I know I could never write something as massive and complicated as the code behind the game.

As I said before... I personally have only been affected by the patch once and it was just a texture problem. It went away upon zoning. No one in my groups have fallen through the world while zoning or been warped around. The worst thing that happend was a dwarf couldn't get up the steps in BoT no matter how much he jumped. He zoned out and came back in and it fixed the problem.

03-27-2004, 09:01 PM
Consider yourself lucky then that you've been mostly unaffected. Most people seem to have been, although usually it doesn't result in death, just being sent back to the safe spot of the zone (which isn't always safe), or getting stuck in a place where the only way out is to gate (which is obviously a problem for some classes). Right this moment one of my guildmates is stuck under the world in Natimbi and waiting for a petition to be answered.

And yes, as a programmer I have a good understanding of the difficulty of testing massive software projects like this. The introduction of serious bugs doesn't bother me; it's a natural part of development. However, I still think they should have rolled back the code while they worked out some of the more serious bugs. That's part of what source control is for, so when things go wrong you can roll back the code to any chosen point in time.

03-27-2004, 09:02 PM
So Aly's case is one of "I have only been affected once and minorly, so I have little to no problem with the patch and everyone else should stop whining"

Heh, I havent fallen for 20k, I havent been warped somewhere in zone, but I have crashed a couple times (not too crucial) and have had big raid mobs warp and wipe a raid. I am not whining due to only my personal incidences after the patch, I am complaining because the errors are really obvious in game to a point that SOE should have seen them while on the test server and not implemented the change till at least the major ones (mobs warping and people falling off the world for 20k)...I can live with the crashes, geography traps, texture errors, they could probably due with a larger population testing the patch to determine a better solution, but the major ones are too impactfull on people's EQ time to subject the whole population to.

Plus, I find your comment about the raiders whining "just" because they cant get their "phat lewts" to be highly ignorant. The fact that you think a mob that 30-70 people work together for a solid 2-3 hours to get to and then turn around and get trapped bellow the world, warp back to bind point and wipe the raid, or just get trapped in walls and start killing people, to be insignificant and not worthy of attention or that all the raiders should just swallow it is very, very short sighted. What if your character couldnt get experience from any kills since patch, or continuously got killed upon zoning, or some other bug which significanly impacted your grouping or soloing...would you expect SOE to fix it very soon (within the next 3 times of you being able to log on) or would you just sit nothing else worth while with your character due to the impacts of the complaining...not angry feelings, just pleasantly smiling while you pay SOE for a monthly subscription that at the time you cannot enjoy.

The "I'm a casual player and these bugs dont impact me so everyone should stop whining" attitude is a bit high and mighty. Yes bugs do take a lot of work to fix, but thats what is expedted of a company producing software. You release a word processor that cannot Change font type and expect people to not complain and wait patiently for you to develop a patch that will allow them to use a feature that should have been working from release and you will lose a lot of money.

03-27-2004, 10:33 PM
Big deal. You didn't get to kill a mob. It is insignificant. It's just a game and in the end, the only thing you'll be left with are memories. That's why I hate the way EQ has turned out. Instead of rich stories full of heroic deeds and fell villains... you're left with a foul taste in your mouth. The only good memories are the few really good friends you've made and the time you've shared doing whatever.

03-28-2004, 12:43 AM
Well we are paying for the game, they are responible for making it work so we plays. Look at the patches and stop thinking just cause you were affected a little that everyone else its the same as you. You have no idea how many people has this patched ruined, some even quit too cause their computer could no longer handle it. Want to know what's really annoying? Falling for 20 k damage out of no where, getting wrapped around when trying to climb on walls and stuff, go underworld, go on top of the world, EQ windows not working, graphics bugged, EQ client crashing non stop, people death looping due to bugs. Need I list more?

03-28-2004, 12:53 AM
My main is a warrior and i have noticed they screwed the agro up some too.......was talking to some of my other warrior friends and they are reporting the same thing. Ohh well. And i was leading a pickup raid on seru other day and he was warping accross the room at first he went to our MT he had him for about 5 min then all of a sudden he warped to the clerics then clear to the other side of the room where no one was. Then next day i ported in to DSP and was stuck under the zone.

03-28-2004, 12:54 AM
Big deal. You didn't get to kill a mob. It is insignificant. It's just a game and in the end, the only thing you'll be left with are memories.Perhaps the fact that we can't kill a MoB isn't a big deal. What IS a big deal is that 50-70 people have set aside any other plans and have opted to log in and play together for the night. For one person, it's a minor inconvenience. For 70... that's a bit of a different story.

I sent you, via PM a while back, a link to a game where you can roleplay to your heart's content. Highly recommended by some very hardcore RPer friends. But it isn't as fancy as EQ so you may not like it unless you can use your imagination to improve the scenery. :) They say that there is a good core of real roleplayers who have enjoyed the game for years.

03-28-2004, 01:09 PM
I looked at it and the storyline didn't interest me. All I'm saying is it doesn't take half a brain to figure out that a big patch like this is going to cause problems and that things may not be just perfect for raiding. Guess I'm far too forgiving when it comes to problems. I figure they'll get most of them fixed in an reasonable amount of time. Reasonable being a week or so.

I presume there's going to be another patch soon. If not, then I'll start to wonder. Even so, I'll plan my playtime around the idea that things aren't perfect and act accordingly instead of leaping blindly into the game expecting eveything to be perfectly working.

03-28-2004, 02:04 PM
The bugs in-game caused by this patch affect everyone, that means casual as well as raiders. All you have to do is look at all the various message boards to see the uproar this patch has caused for all EQ players. It also caused the majority of people with ATI Radeon video cards, not to be able to play at all for days. Check out the EQ Live Technical message board for the many, many post by people that could not play after this patch due to a variety of problems. I have been through many patches since I have started playing EQ and none compare to the magnitude, nor the variety of problems this one has caused.

Aly, you are very fortunate that none of these problems have surfaced for you, but I find your callous disregard for those of us that are experiencing the many problems created by this patch, annoying for a lack of a better term. I also understand that this type of upgrade to the technology is going to cause some problems, but not to this extent. Your comment about raiders not getting their uber loot, is again quite annoying. Contrary to what you believe, some of us enjoy the challenge of the encounter above the opportunity to get the "uber loot." SOE dropped the ball on this patch plain and simple.

Storm Warden

03-28-2004, 04:06 PM
My callous disregard comes from years of listening to these same people whine and whine and whine over and over and over. There comes a point in time where you just don't care how much they moan and bitch... you just don't care anymore. I'm pretty sure most of the devs have long passed that point.

03-28-2004, 07:19 PM
maybe we wouldn't "moan and bitch" if they could release just one expansion.. or make just one patch.. that somewhat worked.

03-28-2004, 07:53 PM
maybe we wouldn't "moan and bitch" if they could release just one expansion.. or make just one patch.. that somewhat worked.
In all fairness, there have been PLENTY of patches that worked perfectly with no problems. And the Velious expansion was, relatively, smooth all things considered. It's just human nature to forget about all the good ones and focus on all the bad ones. But if you look through the history, more patches have gone well than those that have went poorly. But exageration and negativity is just the norm for the internet. People primarily focus on the negatives on messageboards.

Now with all that said, this patch was a bad one. There's no denying that. I just don't like uniformed / ignorant statements like the one above.

03-28-2004, 09:34 PM
In all fairness, there have been PLENTY of patches that worked perfectly with no problems.

so refresh my memory

03-28-2004, 10:01 PM
so refresh my memory
Source, eqcastersrealm. Patch History Archive.

Year 2000:
February 23
arch 29
April 28
October 3
December 19

Year 2001:
January 24
February 21
ay 8

All I did was pick a bunch of patches that had no other patches around them. Some of the ones listed above may have been "problematic" due to my unscientifc method but by the same token I missed just as many that went smooth as silk. I'm not going to waste my time on you any farther than that. You want to be negative, that's all cool but back up your ridiculous claims with facts. Can't do that? See you later so bye bye. Mmmm k?

03-28-2004, 10:25 PM
Well those patches were ok before, didn't cause many problems and not many people complained about them. However, take a look now. Message boards full of people posting bugs and problems, the game has been more unstable than ever. This isn't just some minor bug either, its some huge bugs that could be easily detected if they cared to test it out. The bugs are so big itself that it is affecting thousands of players. SOE has becomming careless I guess. :(

03-28-2004, 10:43 PM
I've worked in the software industry for several years, and am intimately familiar with sort of process that goes into getting code ready for release. While it would be naive to think that in-house testing can prevent all possible problems, it's even more naive to excuse Sony for releasing an update that was so obviously not ready.

1. Several of the issues people have complained about were reported by players on the test server before this patch went live. Instead of delaying release so those issues could be investigated and addressed, Sony pushed lots of known bugs on a very unsuspecting player base. That's bad software development behavior.

2. It's a very big deal to change the DirectX and driver requirements for a game with hundreds of thousands of subscribers playing with hundreds of different video card makes/models and thousands of different system configurations. Knowing this, any responsible software maker will allow extra development time -- and a lot more testing time (both inhouse and beta) -- than they would allow for more routine patches. Rushing this out the door when 'known issues' are sure to impose severe playability problems for some of your players? That's bad game development behavior.

3. EverQuest has been released in parts (expansions), each with its own listed system requirements, and therefore its producer has a responsibility to provide some level of legacy support. When an engine/graphics update is released between expansions, they should make every possible accomodation for those whose systems *do* meet the requirements for the *current* expansion. Users should have been able to PLAY after the patch, even if they couldn't experience all the newer bells and whistles implemented in the patch. Raising system requirements for software after thousands of people have purchased it? Doesn't matter which market you're in, that's shoddy business ethics.

Of course a company wants its game to take full advantage of the latest technologies and offer the richest and most eyepopping visual experience possible to players who have invested in upgrades which exceed the listed requirements ... but it's just plain wrong to penalize or dismiss anyone for not staying ahead of the curve.


03-28-2004, 10:46 PM
Every patch they nerf something works perfectly!

03-29-2004, 01:35 PM
Aly, if you hate the game so much why don't you do us a favor and go away. Your small-minded remarks about what people should do or feel based on your warped reality makes my head hurt.

03-29-2004, 02:01 PM
Aly's remarks about showing some tolerance are great in general. However,

If a car manufacturer released a car with:
1 in a 1000 tires exploding
1 in a 1000 gas tanks exploding
1 in a 1000 seat belts giving way
1 in a 1000 slipping into gear by accident

The list goes on, SOE knows about some of these issues and pushing it off to the production servers means they get a more complete list of issues to fix and the players experience suffers.

Sony's only lucky no one gets injured when a video game doesn't work right, afterall, if they did SOE would be liable.

P.S. Lev Saves Lives

03-29-2004, 02:30 PM
[QUOTE=iegil]Aly's remarks about showing some tolerance are great in general.


03-29-2004, 02:58 PM
Iegil's comment seemed quite clear to me.

03-29-2004, 03:08 PM
Yeah, comparing something life threatening to luxury is really going to work. EQ is just entertainment. Whoop de doo. Very, very cheap entertainment actually. I'm pretty sure I don't have to pull up any of the age old costs of EQ per hour vs. the cost of a dinner/movie date per hour to prove that point.

y warped reality? *laughs* Probably much less warped than yours. Afterall, I'm the one that refuses to let SoE drag me through the pathetic timesinks just by dangling a little +1 carrot in front of my nose. I have taken several breaks from EQ. Most of them four to five months long. I come back to visit old friends and see what's new. usually when a new expansion releases.

03-29-2004, 03:55 PM
Then why come here to complain about issues we have? We have valid issues we want resolved and this is a good place to discuss them.

03-29-2004, 04:24 PM
t's not the other guy that needs to prove anything, it's you.

Actually it would be Magadwen that has to prove her point. She's the one that claimed Sony/Verant have never put out an expansion or patch that "somewhat worked. She's the one that needs to back up her claim. I know there have been plenty of patches that had almost zero problems. I know that for a fact. I don't need to prove that. Magadwen is the one that needs to prove that every expansion/patch has not worked. Here's her quote, just to refresh your memory Autumn.

maybe we wouldn't "moan and bitch" if they could release just one expansion.. or make just one patch.. that somewhat worked.

03-29-2004, 11:12 PM
Autumn. Just shut up. And go the hell away. Ok? You're being an ass just because it's me posting and not someone else. If it was someone else typing the exact same things I typed, you wouldn't be sticking your fat head where it doesn't belong.

Islington does NOT have to prove his point. Mag was the one who made the first claim and has yet to back up her claim with facts. I'm still waiting to see that happen. No reason for Islignton or I to waste our time proving what we already know to be true. No reason for either of us to waste out time disproving Mag. That's their job. Not ours.

If you're so damn concerned about it, prove Mag's point yourself. If you can prove to me that every single patch of EQ, ever, in the history of EQ has had game breaking problems... that every single patch since EQ was first released did not "somewhat" work... I'll stop posting here. Somehow I doubt you'd have the guts to make the same bet based upon my claim.

03-30-2004, 02:35 AM
Guys, keep the thread about issues.

This is NOT a place for flaming or bashing or otherwise publicly ganging up and complaining about another member of the community.

You have tools available for dealing with that which dont involve a) hurt feelings and b) public spectacles. Use them.

03-30-2004, 07:30 AM
Islington does NOT have to prove his point. Mag was the one who made the first claim and has yet to back up her claim with facts. I'm still waiting to see that happen. No reason for Islignton or I to waste our time proving what we already know to be true. No reason for either of us to waste out time disproving Mag. That's their job. Not ours.
Huh? I thought I did prove my point. I'm not seeing where I'm being told that I was wrong with my "list." Of course it's probably Autumn asknig this but I've had him on Ignore after he personally attacked me. Seeing the mods warn him time and time again proved that is where he belongs.

Anyway, out of the 200 or so patches, you are saying that all 200 have been horribly implemented? I disagree with that statement because we all know it's simply not true. But exageration on the internet is fun I guess and people love to argue over the stupidest things. So my claim that out of the 200 or so patches that have been done, not every single one was poorly implemented is valid and true. I win.

And as I said, the last patch WAS piss poor. I'm not denying that. But I will refute a trolls claim that EVERY patch is equally poor.

03-30-2004, 08:49 AM
Ok ok if you want them to fix all this crap fast,,,, find a way to work the warping to our advantage. If we can find an exploit that benifits us they will surely fix it withing 24 hrs,,, porblem solved!!!!! :buttrock:

03-30-2004, 11:07 AM
We need a Flame board for threads like this...kind of funny to see the kids fighting and screaming...does the loudest one win?

03-30-2004, 01:58 PM
I hate to go away from the bickering and back to the original rant, but what the hell.

It was tested. The bugs were reported and SoE made a concious decision to push it live knowing it did not work correctly. These are facts and are not in dispute. I myself sent no less than 20 bug reports in the few days I tried the new graphics engine/collision system.

About 6 months ago they put in a patch that caused many people (Primarily ATI users) to randomly crash in JPF which also carried over into GoDs when it was released. In addition the old engine forcibly disables TnL on some cards and made target rings/leadership rings not work for many many users. The new engine seems to fix both of these problems. I am not sure if this was part of their motivation for releasing the engine early with all the known bugs or not.

The fact remains , no matter what their motivation, it was released early and little if any effort was put to fixing major bugs that were reported on the test server.

What it boils down to is that there is not a single person at SoE that gives a damn about Quality.

03-30-2004, 03:09 PM
im a guy, curse my name ><

and back on topic! what do you want me to prove? i asked you to refresh my memory, and the best that i've seen is patches that occur'd before i even started playing. along with no description as to what they did :)

and sweet, this patch just made icon outlines pink! way to fix the problem !

03-30-2004, 05:14 PM
woo...I rant one line and let it fester for a few days....vhat a mess! Bad Chen!

03-30-2004, 06:01 PM
But I will refute a trolls claim that EVERY patch is equally poor.

I'd claim that almost every major patch is equally poor. The one exception I do remember is the introduction of LDoN which I think was delivered properly to the customer and showed good technical quality. It stood out as it was so surprising that Sony could deliver even one good patch.

The patch today ... didn't fix the video problems, and maybe made them better and worse for equal numbers of people. People are still warping to safe spots. Riding horses now loses the viewing position so you can see inside your face (yuk). If the techincal quality from Sony was good then we'd know the change of the spell icon colours was deliberate, but can anyone with any certainty say it isn't a bug?

03-30-2004, 06:48 PM
These patches are kinda brute force tactics just to get people to play EQ 2 aren't they?

They could've just asked nicely =/

Unless they want more people to hang with them in WoW.

03-30-2004, 07:09 PM
Edit: Cut it out. I just nuked his latest post. Now I'm nukin this one. Let it drop before I turn into a meanie


03-30-2004, 11:18 PM
Jeez if you two so mad at each other why don't you two like yell at each other in pms or something lol? Don't bring this to like almost everything thread you two post on. Not everyone wants to hear your own personal problems. Patches are still getting worse. :(

03-31-2004, 01:40 AM
You're the last person that should be moderating posts like that Aidon because you did the same thing yourself in the thread about healing by calling clerics every name in the book.

She's the one that started the attacks. If you're going to nuke posts then you better nuke the one that started it all.

Autumn, I said, I don't care who started it. I said to stop it.

As for being the last person to moderate posts...erm, I'm a moderator. That's what I do.

I moderated yours. I moderated Aly's response to it.

If you don't like, take it up with me in PMs, or take it up with Sobe.

I will give you this warning though. Cease insulting the Moderators of this board. Even *******s like me. We have thick skins, but you really have this child-like fascination with pushing. Personally, I have no problem with deleting every single post you make, but Sobe would get irritated.

03-31-2004, 08:09 AM
woo...I rant one line and let it fester for a few days....vhat a mess! Bad Chen!

You should have put peroxide on it. Know ye nothing of first aid?

03-31-2004, 08:48 AM
edit: I said stop. Both of you. Just ignore him, at least for this thread.


03-31-2004, 09:57 AM
"Take it to PMS" (I think they both have pms)

03-31-2004, 10:25 AM
This whole DX9 engine is a symptom of how things are done these days at SOE: deadline count much more than a refined and stable product.

Building a new graphic engine to refresh EQ is good, the skies were pretty, and theoricly, an engine run on DX9 should bring better graphics performance, what is not good is they werent ready and pushed it to live servers anyway. they were FAR from ready. Test server users told them and they went with it anyway.

I think SOE should just swallow its pride, admit they werent ready to bring the new engine to live servers, and roll it back, then take its time to really debug it before giving it to us.

03-31-2004, 11:15 PM
With each passing day, I check my email hoping that Phase 2 of the WoW beta has been given a start date. It's just so obvious that SOE doesn't care. I guess they think people will just accept this and move on to EQ2. Bugged gameplay that is majorly screwed up and been that way for 2 weeks now is unacceptable. Sony is more worried about fixing pink buffs than gameplay it seems.

As for EQ2 there is no way short of them giving me a tricked out Falcon NW computer that I would even entertain tht thought or playing that.

04-01-2004, 09:00 AM
..I love the smell of NUKE in the morning...smells like...VICTORY!!!!!

04-01-2004, 02:34 PM
Sony is more worried about fixing pink buffs than gameplay it seems.

im surprised it only took them one patch to fix that :rolleyes:

04-02-2004, 08:57 AM
Went to the Tree City in Kelitan (SIC) last night trying to see my GM, got on the lifts, tried them all, and I started to go up, after about a foot or two, I just stopped while the lift continued up. I was just hanging in mid air. If I moved, I feel to the ground...also, I got stuck in the wall in POK just north of the bank while trying to go to that stone. Had to gate out to get unstuck...what a pain in the ***...Oh, I'm sorry, is this a FLAME thread now!?!?!

04-02-2004, 09:42 AM
I ran around in EQ for about four hours last night doing various things and again, only had one minor texture bug and that was the sky in PoTranq. It went fuzzy and screwed up. I zoned and then zoned back and it was gone. I listened in shout/ooc/market channels and there were very few if any complaints about mobs falling under the world and all the other problems mentioned. Maybe it's just because Vazaelle is a newer server compared to the ones most people here play on.

04-02-2004, 11:58 AM
QUOTE: Aly post # 83
I ran around in EQ for about four hours last night doing various things and again, only had one minor texture bug and that was the sky in PoTranq. It went fuzzy and screwed up. I zoned and then zoned back and it was gone. I listened in shout/ooc/market channels and there were very few if any complaints about mobs falling under the world and all the other problems mentioned. Maybe it's just because Vazaelle is a newer server compared to the ones most people here play on. /ENDQUOTE

OK Aly - If Aidon is gonna continue to be one sided in this moderating - which IMHO he appears to be for whatever the reason - I will call BS on you - Everybody - and I mean everybody including you - are affected by the latest run of horrendous and often amateurish changes implemented in a rush by SOE. Its well documented and even accepted and apologized for by SOE themselves.

Anybody who raids knows exactly what is occuring with Mobs warping, falling under the world and even summoning folks under with them, etc, etc.

Xegony was ruined as a raid because on three pulls she got stuck on trees and even tall grass it seemed! Our raid on Smith Rondo was ruined last night with these type of things. Go to any other class board and read if you want more proof.

Clearly either you are a newbie who stays in one place and dosn't move around and can see nothing or you are deliberately trying to stir it up by refuting the obvious. The problems are caused by poor implementation of the DX9 code and inadequateing testing of the results of changes. Yes some folks with different video are less affected than others but ALL are affected.
Why do you think SOE are patching corrections almost constantly now?

Autumn's problem is that he gets drawn into the BS with you.

Since the mods are going to allow you to continue to cause havoc here then perhaps I will suggest that as a Rogue spy who you get the hell off this board and go away and annoy another one. I for one have you on ignore from here on.

OK IMHO again and from what I perceive here - Aidon you need to get down of your high and mighty mod horse please its coming across bad now IMHO. I think you should Become more even handed please. and if you answer to Sobe than perhaps Sobe should speak to Aidon about it.


04-02-2004, 12:43 PM
Look, I spent four hours playing in EQ last night and the only problem I had was that the sky in Tranquility messed up texture wise. Once. Not one mob warped under the world. Not one person in my groups fell under the world or warped around. Not one person in my groups complained about any problems. And finally, I only heard a few complaints in shout/ooc/

Neither of the last two patches have broken the game for me. Guess I or my server am just that damn lucky. *shrugs* Perhaps a poll should be put up somewhere to see what servers are having the most problems and then compare the "Live" dates of those servers.

I even asked around last night, asking my friends in some of the top guilds on my server and they haven't experienced very many problems as people have here. So like I said before, maybe it just has something to do with the age of the server.

04-02-2004, 02:02 PM
I think falling under the world has gotten better since the last patch, however there still are some bugs out there.
We had 2 guildies fall through the boat and under the world in Iceclad. One guildie reported falling over and over on the boat while taking some nice damage. I am on the Druzzil Ro server, but it sounds like this is happening on other servers and is probably caused by the same thing that causes the problem with lifts.
As discussed on the EQ Tech forums here (

04-02-2004, 02:57 PM
Soon as this download finishes for NWN I'll try out the lifts in Kelethin, putting my dark elf booty at risk... well... not much risk as long as I stay away from that Evul Banker. *grumbles* The guards love me. I brought them so many orc heads it wasn't funny.

04-02-2004, 03:28 PM
When you make false claims you need to back it up Aidon, and you do indeed answer to the community. Aly moved on because you left her off the hook once again, proving that she must be a relative or friend of one of the mods.

Back what up? What are you talking about? You and Aly were busy insulting each other...I sought to put an end to it, because frankly, its old. I don't know anyone who isn't sick of you two sniping at each other. It wasn't one sided. She just shut up before you did. I said I didn't care who started it, I wasn't going to go back and read through the thread to see who said what when. If she started it, oh well. If you started it, oh well.

Both of you need to stop with the sniping at each other and others. You need to learn not to take it so damned personally and turn it into some sort of conspiracy everytime you get told you've gone to far. You also have to listen. I know for fact, you've been spoken to before in PMs by other Mods about your conduct.

Look, I agree with most of your views, and feel you have the potential to be quite a contributor to the community, but you have to take a look at how you present yourself and how you argue your points of view. Most of the folks I talk to on here are tired of your hostility and willingness to abandon the debate at hand the delve into the realm of personal insults.

I'm not the most diplomatic of people on here. I've gotten into "flame wars" with various members of the community. I've learned, over the years, to admit when I've gone to far, and apologize. We haven't even asked you to apologize. Just stop when we ask you to stop. And stop trying to turn it into some sort of persecution conspiracy. You destroy the thread when you do this crap.

04-02-2004, 03:33 PM
Look, I spent four hours playing in EQ last night and the only problem I had was that the sky in Tranquility messed up texture wise. Once. Not one mob warped under the world. Not one person in my groups fell under the world or warped around. Not one person in my groups complained about any problems. And finally, I only heard a few complaints in shout/ooc/

Neither of the last two patches have broken the game for me. Guess I or my server am just that damn lucky. *shrugs* Perhaps a poll should be put up somewhere to see what servers are having the most problems and then compare the "Live" dates of those servers.

I even asked around last night, asking my friends in some of the top guilds on my server and they haven't experienced very many problems as people have here. So like I said before, maybe it just has something to do with the age of the server.

When I still played, I frequently saw people complaining about problems I hadn't been affected by. I never doubted them or the existance of the problems. When it came to bugs, some people are lucky for whatever reason.

04-02-2004, 05:42 PM
Well "seeing" it also depends on where you go while you are playing.

I couldn't log in because of computer issues for a while, but all the people in my guild who were on for our last tier 1-4 Time raid saw huge issues there. One MoB from tier 4 went through the wall to visit his dad in tier 5, among other things.

I did make it on briefly for the next night for tier 5 and got stuck on a cleric's corpse when we were killing RZ and couldn't move anywhere. The adds killed me. Typically if I am being beaten on by adds I can kite them for a while until someone else gains aggro, but when I can't even jump over a corpse or back out of it, strafe out or move forward, I die. :/ Oh yeah... and when we were fighting Bert, I was feared right into CT. In fact, I was UNDER him for about 10 secs before I could move away. He never hit me until I was almost to the doorway to Bert, and then he killed me.

From all the reports I have heard from my guildmembers, I think it's a good thing I couldn't log in to see the fiasco. Corpses stuck in walls, characters being summoned under the world, falling to death upon zoning, bouncing off walls... what a mess!

As for "servers being old", last I heard the servers were a part of SOE's operation as well. If the issue is with the age of the equipment on their end, they are responsible for that aspect of the patch as well.

04-02-2004, 06:02 PM
Plane of Hate is really laggy, I don't know if this was bad pre-patch but it's awful now. I raided there last week with every single graphics option turned off, something I haven't need to do in years. Our MT on Innoruk was warped to the zoneline halfway through the fight and that almost wiped us.

04-02-2004, 10:32 PM
Not sure if it is a bug or SOE making an attempt to make us useful indoors....

Tonight inside an indoors dungeon, Ikkinz, it started to pour rain several times. Wake actually came in handy and amazingly enough it isn't an outdoors only spell.

04-03-2004, 09:38 AM
I guess I'm really lucky so far. None of my characters have gated/ported/zoned under the world (knock on formica), even with levi up. Guildies haven't been so lucky.

The collision stuff is a royal hassle, especially in MM dungeons where I tend to bounce off pianos and fireplaces and coffins. And although after updating my drivers, I upped my gamma setting, it seems the bazaar is still very dark.

Lag seems to be getting better tho. And I've fixed that extremely nasty business of crashing when I use windowed mode. That, perhaps, was the most frustrating of all.

Now I can put my trader up and go back to working on my scripts again!

Fyyr Lu'Storm
04-03-2004, 01:05 PM
What I dislike is 90 percent of your posts are on what you think is fair or unfair moderation. It is not content topical.

And I know that your definitions are different than mine; that I can live with. <shrug>.

You just fill up a rather topical thread with stuff I don't want to have to read in it, frankly.

I invite you to post a public rant thread about your persecution by the mods, please. I am sure many would find it enjoyable and readable. These threads(the heal one too) get a lot of other class(board) visitors and if I don't want to read your bickering here, I sure as hell know THEY don't want to read it. If you don't I will; and move all the further 'he said, she said' stuff into it.

04-03-2004, 02:19 PM
I guess I'm really lucky so far. None of my characters have gated/ported/zoned under the world (knock on formica), even with levi up.

Same here. There's just too many variables to consider what's causing the problems. Graphic card, drivers, sound card, drivers, motherboard, drivers, server hardware, ram, etc. Too many options and combinations to do a poll on it, but as long as people turn on the reports to SoE, it'll make things easier on the devs to isolate the problems.

04-03-2004, 04:03 PM
Exactly one thing has changed for me: the switch from the DX8 engine to DX9 engine. I had been running DX9.0b with the exact same hardware both before and after the patch.

y guess is it's somewhat dependent on play style. As a druid I'm almost always levitating, which seems to aggravate some of the problems. I also have a habit of backing into corners (or walls, when I can't find a good corner) so that I can channel spells more easily. This makes me far more likely to fall through a wall and under the world than someone who stays close to mobs in the middle of the room. Speaking of which, the autorewind feature is making it very hard for me to back into a corner anymore.

Zoning under the world problems seem to have been reduced. However, I've been running into another annoying problem. Kod'taz has an invisible ceiling over the entire zone. The mountains extend up through this ceiling. Since the zone has lots of mobs that see invis, run very fast, and could kill me in 3 rounds (maybe less), it makes sense to travel high on these walls to stay as far away from the mobs as possible. However, since the DX9 engine was introduced I usually find myself passing through that invisible ceiling and ending up stuck above the zone. As a druid I can evac out, but not everyone has that option.

04-03-2004, 07:45 PM
Anyone stuck above the ceiling can just run out one of the zone lines in the SW and zone back in....

04-03-2004, 09:21 PM
Southwest? Isn't that the zone to qvic?

Edit: Ahh, yxxta, not qvic. What are the requirements for zoning into yxxta? I've been hearing conflicting reports...

04-03-2004, 10:05 PM
If you can get to Kod, you can zone into Yxtta. I solo there from time to time.

04-03-2004, 10:20 PM
Really! Hmm, I may have to give it a try...anything I should know before I do? :)

04-04-2004, 11:01 AM about it's not worth it? :)

04-04-2004, 02:30 PM
Hehe, figures. Still, I'll want to try it once just to say I've done it, sort of like quadding in Time A. :P <a href="">Palarran the geonid!</a>

04-04-2004, 07:26 PM
I wouldn't advise anyone to try a GuK LDoN dungeon at the moment. My group just did a hard adventure and we all found it impossible to target any mobs at any distance. I'm not exaggerating much there either. Our monk was using proximity to pull. Our chanter couldn't target to pacify and used F8 for mez. I had to use F8 to target adds for snares. It was a complete joke.

This was a group of 6 different players on different hardware and we all found mouse targetting unworkable. That's no state to release software.

04-05-2004, 10:40 AM
<center>The Penguin Admin is now watching this thread.
You have been warned.
(I'm the mean one)</center>

Keep replies on this thread <i>on subject about the topic</i> (what a novel concept, eh?) Any more sniping, personal attacks, trolling for flames, or anything along those lines will have the <b>entire post nuked</b>. So no more hiding one sentence on subject within three paragraphs of "Player_01 sux".

Love, the ebil penguin.

04-05-2004, 10:56 AM
A short list of bugs (features) I've discovered so far:

* Snowing sounds

If you are ever in a zone and it begins to snow, you can never get rid of the snowing sound. Zoning doesn't help, I had to log all the way to server select as it would give me snow sounds on the character select.

* Ghost people

This one happened to me when I tried to fix the snowing sounds. I logged back in and in some zones people were a floating head, waste and weapons. The ghostly parts varied on occasion but that was what most people were reduced to. Either that or everyone donned plastic wrap while I was away.

* Targetting

Its worse in some zones than others. Can't target worth crap. Had a party wipe from it once even. Again seems worse in some zones than others. May be a function of the ground geometry.

* Horses

Oh boy, headeache giver. Seems the view camera doesn't track to the animation. You get funky polygons clipping in and out all over the place. In particularly laggy situations you even fall completely out of your skull.

* Odd shading and lighting

Chest pieces have a two tone effect. Mostly visible on chain and robe wearers. Some people look like they have a lit flashlight stuffed in a pocket. I don't know if this is intentional or not.

* Mobs in the floor

This may be fixed for all I know. I've heard of mobs sinking or going through walls.

* Ghostly abilities

I can pass through bars like they aren't there. Ran through Thurgadin to pick something up, I forget what, and as I was expecting to hit the U button to open the portcullis, I passed through instead.

* Raid window

Some people's raid windows aren't updating when people leave, go LD, change leaders anything. Saturday we called off a lucky attempt at Terris Thule because we couldn't get people in the raid. Some couldn't see raidsay and chat channels were particularly goofy in LOTT.

04-05-2004, 02:26 PM
You should have put peroxide on it. Know ye nothing of first aid?
Bap, I think it needed a serious dousing with bleach! Goodness!