View Full Forums : RL Rant: Why do some people decide to shorten and "-y" your name?!

04-16-2004, 05:38 PM
I have a long first name and many, many people tell it's cool or pretty and unusual. When I was growing up, I went by the shortened version of the name


Today, I introduce myself by the long version but really don't mind if people call me by the long version or the short version.



alyn cross
04-16-2004, 05:46 PM
i've never quite understood the -y version of "Jim".... the whole name is shorter than the -y version "jimmy'.... wtf? not that i don't abbreviate Jim to just J. anyway, on everything but my ssn. /cackle

Chenny Sangforet
Cuppy Cake of
Frayed Knottie,
Stormy Wardie

it's got a nice ring to it, neh, chen?


04-16-2004, 06:07 PM
I totally understand your frustration Chenireriery

04-16-2004, 06:07 PM
I'm guessing Chenier is one of the oft-maligned "Catherine"-s.

04-16-2004, 07:10 PM
What's even funnier is that several folks in my guild do call me "Chenny" (Chenchen, Chennie-poo)...

04-16-2004, 07:11 PM
I'm guessing Chenier is one of the oft-maligned "Catherine"-s.
Survey says Bzzt!

04-16-2004, 07:15 PM
I'll take Real Names for $200, Alex.

04-16-2004, 08:17 PM
Does that mean I need to stop calling you Chenie?

04-16-2004, 08:33 PM
Nope. Just don't shorten my real name and add a -y, please.

04-16-2004, 10:50 PM
If you shorten my real name and add a "y" you get my real name!

I always made up nicknames for people, at least in EQ.

04-16-2004, 11:12 PM
Maybe just... Che, but then is it pronounced CHAY or CHIE?

Chenny Sangforaie?

04-17-2004, 12:00 AM
shen-yay san-for-ay




shen-ny is fine =)


04-17-2004, 03:16 AM
As a child I was called -y by my family. Around 8th grade when I wanted to be an adult I said call me my full name or call me the shortened name but don't call me -y. That worked for a bit. But my brother refused to let me grow up and although I protested (dammit I call him by his short name no Y for him). I got over it when I started having nieces and nephews calling me Aunt -y can't get mad at a 2 year old :(

04-17-2004, 07:56 AM
Thank heavens that can't be done with my name...shortening it and tacking on a Y turns it into a verb. (And no, not even an interesting one). My name just doesn't lend itself to shortening.

IG...yes, a very few call me Grenny. Although I'm more partial to the new nickname given me by a guildie...."twitchy-tail".

/pounds head against wall trying to guess Chen's name!

04-17-2004, 12:01 PM
Hm, I see your point in a way... it always makes me cringe when Daniels decide to shorten their name and instead of "Dan" then become "Danny". Makes em sound like a big girls blouse :p

Araxx Darkroot
04-17-2004, 12:16 PM
My real RL name is odd. It is a Spanish name (Duh!) and its diminutive is longer than the normal version. It drives me crazy, because my mother uses it all the time and two work colleagues (female) also use it all the time. Or used to when I was in the same office as them as a means to try and impose their authority on me. Never worked. I just answered with "what do you want (Insert name here with a BIGGER diminutive)"

Offers start at $1000 to reveal my real name and $1000 more for the diminutives :p

04-17-2004, 01:54 PM
Offers start at $1000 to reveal my real name and $1000 more for the diminutives :p
And a donation of a $1000 to the DG gets you to watch me spank him while he tells us!

/bangs on the tin cup
/pounds head against wall trying to guess Chen's name!
I know I've posted here publicly before somewheres...and I wouldn't mind tell you now, but then I'd get spammed with lotsa PM's calling me "-y"!

04-19-2004, 02:10 AM
English language - Dictionaries Y...
Oxford English Reference

British Library Cataloguing Data
The concise Oxford dictionary of current English.--8th ed.
1. English language--Dictionaries
I. Allen, R. E. (Robert Edward), 1944-423
ISBN 0-19-861243-5 thumb index
ISBN 0-19-861200-1 plain

1.0 Y...

-y(1) suffix forming adjectives: 1 from nouns and adjectives, meaning:
a full of; having the quality of (messy; icy; horsy). b
addicted to (boozy). 2 from verbs, meaning 'inclined to', 'apt
to' (runny; sticky). [from or after OE - ig f. Gmc]

-y(2) suffix (also -ey, -ie) forming diminutive nouns, pet names, etc.
(granny; Sally; nightie; Mickey). [ME (orig. Sc.)]

(2) Diminutive Nouns - actually neglected in English language compared to many other languages which have more precise rules - are often formed by adding a -y ( and in Scotland often by adding -ie e.g Laddie, Lassie etc) - denotes little or small - implies endearment and closeness.

So not an accident but a correct use of vocabulary - providing you are entitled to the implied closeness :)

04-19-2004, 09:32 AM
They probably aren't using "-y" on your name as an abbreviation, but rather as a form of endearment or expression of familiarity.

Similarly, we substitue titles and extended versions of real names to denote respect for a particular position, those often being longer than the real name. For example, Mister President or President Bush -- either has more syllables and more letters than Mister Bush.

Not to say that people never abbreviate long names or names that are difficult to pronounce, type, or spell. But typically when they add "y" with or without shortening it, their intent has nothing to do with saving keystrokes. )


04-19-2004, 12:53 PM
Exactly. No reason to get upset over that.

Well, Chenier *did* specifically rant about "PEOPLE I'VE NEVER MET BEFORE" :)

I'm guessing the rant was moreso against the assumption of an inappropriate degree of familiarity. The same has been the topic of rants about those who address a total stranger as "dear" or "sweetie" or (god forbid) "hon" ... it's sora like people who stand a few inches from your face when talking to ya, or unconsciously let their leg rest against yours in a movie theater. When it's a loved one or close friend, such things are usually ignored or unnoticed entirely; when it's a stranger, such things elicit feelings ranging from mildly uncomfortable to utterly intolerable. ;)


04-19-2004, 02:02 PM
In my cozy guild, we tend to shorten names all the way down to the first letter. ("Hiya, G!") If there is another person on with the a name beginning with the same letter, we throw in a few more to differentiate. This might be more an aversion to typing vs. using a nickname, though. :wiggle:

04-19-2004, 02:15 PM
In my cozy guild, we tend to shorten names all the way down to the first letter. ("Hiya, G!") If there is another person on with the a name beginning with the same letter, we throw in a few more to differentiate. This might be more an aversion to typing vs. using a nickname, though. :wiggle:

Tell me about it. I'm typically simply called Kell. And its not because people have a problem spelling the entire name.

Shortened names are typically seen more as nicknames or a more familier way of address. Sometimes its seen as "cuter".

Ask the Japanese why they might call a girl -chan. Because its a diminuative and considered cute.

That being said, it can be annoying. Both because they tend to be diminuative (and that isnt always appreciated here in the States) and because it does imply a level of familiarity we wish people wouldnt assume.

Anyway. I guess being called Kell by my guild is probably better than my nickname of Crunchy. :)

Kellory Silverstar

Grygonos Thunderwulf
04-19-2004, 02:43 PM
People in my guild call me Gry. Please gawd not Gryg... sounds like a bowel movement in its 4 letter incantation.

OMG I just took the most massive Gryg ever....

my mother used to call me by the first 3 letters of my name... (a 5 letter name) I think mom was lazy..

04-19-2004, 02:48 PM
My folks would have used a "-y" after my name, but idioty doesn't sound right....either does dumbassy (oldest brothers name)...of course the youngest brother, just-shut-the-hell-up-and-go-to-your-roomy did work...

04-19-2004, 03:06 PM
I allow only two people to -y my nickname.

Everyone else goes by my regular nickname.

As far as in-game, Mil is acceptable. Milly or Miller is not. Only three people call Mileron 'Miles'.

04-19-2004, 06:19 PM
I guess if "Delboy" counts then I get called that on the odd occasion ^_^

04-19-2004, 06:31 PM
i don't even wanna try to count the number of south park jokes i've heard from people i know in game >.< OMG THEY KILLED KENNY THOSE #@$#%^! hmmm maybe i could get a close approximation if i counted all my assist healing aggro deaths...

Kendali Thistlewood
Storm Warden of Tunare

04-19-2004, 08:45 PM
What puzzles me in game is that my character name is Suva. Nice and short. Yet it gets shortened down to SUV. I am so NOT a car.

Fyyr Lu'Storm
04-20-2004, 02:09 AM
I have a real -y name. And it takes about a week for people to drop the -y.

Which is ok by me.

Fyyr Lu'Storm
04-20-2004, 02:15 AM
Oh, about your name.

Yes, the non -y long version is superior to the -y version. I agree.

04-20-2004, 06:05 AM
Well, Chenier *did* specifically rant about "PEOPLE I'VE NEVER MET BEFORE" :)

I'm guessing the rant was moreso against the assumption of an inappropriate degree of familiarity. The same has been the topic of rants about those who address a total stranger as "dear" or "sweetie" or (god forbid) "hon" ... it's sora like people who stand a few inches from your face when talking to ya, or unconsciously let their leg rest against yours in a movie theater. When it's a loved one or close friend, such things are usually ignored or unnoticed entirely; when it's a stranger, such things elicit feelings ranging from mildly uncomfortable to utterly intolerable. ;)


I don't know...I always found it rather friendly whenever I was in Tenessee and every female I met addressed me as hon or sweetie. It was also proper to wave and/or greet complete strangers as you walked down the street. We Yanks are too priggish sometimes =P

04-20-2004, 11:37 AM
bleh, if I'm walking down the street, just leave me alone! Creepy friendly southerners! ;)

I have a really bad habit of calling everyone "babe".

04-20-2004, 11:41 AM
Oh, about your name.

Yes, the non -y long version is superior to the -y version. I agree.
Thanks Fyyr =)

Just boggles the mind when no one calls me by the shortened, -y version and then someone comes up and says it. Then I'm all...huh?

y parents usually call me by their pet names for me...none of them have ever called -y. And no, I ain't tellin' you the pet names either. =)

06-03-2004, 01:48 PM
My dad and brother call me Ali and if they call me Alison I think I'm in trouble but I HATE people who don't know me calling me Ali, it really really really makes me cringe -
but /shrug I'm a brit we're all uptight aren't we??? (and before someone says it NO I don't have bad teeth >< )

06-07-2004, 05:26 PM
Well I have 3 friends named David... and we often are all doing RPGs/gaming together on weekends...

They have become "Big Dave" , "Little Dave" and "Tito." I really don't know who decided on those changes, but the "Daves" do not seem to mind.

But what is in a name, really....

06-10-2004, 09:25 AM
I have a dog named Sandy, but everyone calls here Sandy.

07-21-2004, 07:58 PM
My first name is William, Shorten it and add a "Y" and it rhymes with my last name. Very bad, very sad indeed.

Taeyn Kaidyrsi
07-21-2004, 10:31 PM
But what is in a name, really....A lot.

I had mine changed legally.

Fortunately, neither the original, nor the changed version can be shortened and turned into a -y name.

Nor can Tae.

Hmm ... Taeyny? Taey?

People in my guild also tend to call others by the first letter. So ... I'm T to some. But if they are smart, they will call me Tae instead ;)

07-22-2004, 11:49 AM
Mines fun..I can tell how long people have known me by whether or not they use my 'y' name or my short version..or if they use my 'legal' name or the short form of that..or some other version.

I go by abut 5 or 6 different versions..but what ever you do, just dont call me Patricia - because although Pat / Patty may be short for Patricia in SOME cases, it is not true in ALL cases. Mine is one and that is a HUGE peeve for me. Please do not assume to give me a name that I do not and have not ever had :p

07-23-2004, 03:09 AM
I <3 my chenny-poo!