View Full Forums : old rant: class specific drops in Time (aka Where the hell is my orb, bitch?!)

05-19-2004, 01:29 PM
14 kills of TT - no orbs (oh and the SK hammer rotted last night /scowl)

10 kills of VZ - FIVE FREAKING SHINAI's (and only 1 cleric hammer)

P4 does not like our priests...=P

hey terris, bite me. :moon:

05-19-2004, 04:04 PM
Likewise we've had 1 Orb from 10 Kills and 5 VDD's which isn't a bad thing, whereas others have reported that Orb of Clinging Death is a frequent drop for them.

05-19-2004, 04:07 PM
Druid Orbs - Ran out of people to give them to long ago, still a few twinks left without them.
Shinai - This must rot for everyone.
Rog JTFB - Ran out of alts to give them to.
ag Veils - A bard looted the last one.
Pal Hopebringer - A necro looted the last one.
Shm slowstick - Was on the verge of rotting until applicants saved the day.
Bard Songblade - Last person just got one. The next will go to an alt probably.

On the other end of the spectrum:
Cleric Hammer - Have received many, but not enough to supply the horde o' clerics every guild needs
War DBOW - Two total. Lots of pissed off wars.
Enc Slowstick - Three total. Lots of pissed off encs.

They really do seem to be 'streaky'. Some items drop so much they're quickly relegated to alt and then rot status. Others continue to frustrate the piles of people waiting their turn.

Nimphe Wildwood
05-19-2004, 04:43 PM
Ugh Chen, I know exactly how you feel. I had to wait from the time it last dropped for our Druid back on October 24, 2003 until finally when I got mine on January 14, 2004. That's what, about 12 (give or take) drops in-between.

Believe you me when I tell ya, I didn't miss any Time raids between those dates.

Lots of luck to you sis. Hang in there. :)

05-19-2004, 05:00 PM
I was thinking of ranting the same thing. Our last run this last weekend every god we killed dropped a class only weapon, *gasp*! So needless to say I was extremely hopeful when TT was our next target and I was still the only druid on/in the raid...very. But as luck would have it, a class specific item did drop - the SK one. Grrr. Next time it drops I have a feeling 4 of us will be on and ill be sitting quiet when teh tells start...

Good luck Chen =)

Storm Warden of Zeb
Iratus Lepus

05-19-2004, 05:45 PM
We ran out of Full time member druids to give it to, so next time we get an orb it will go to an app (unless they are new member by then). We have HOH's going to clerics now since we can't seem to get any of the cleric weapons off the zek. Hast VD went to an app...

05-19-2004, 06:07 PM
We need songblade badly... we farmed inny like how many times? near 20? Not a single one dropped. Guess the randomness kick in sometimes a bit too much. :p

05-19-2004, 07:31 PM
We need songblade badly... we farmed inny like how many times? near 20? Not a single one dropped. Guess the randomness kick in sometimes a bit too much. :p

Actually, Rani got one now. Like last week or so :) Happybard, that only took about 7months.

05-19-2004, 09:02 PM
3 TT kills, 2 orbs. (No hammer yet...)

05-20-2004, 10:04 AM
4 TT kills for us.. one orb so far

05-20-2004, 12:24 PM
First TT kill last night

1 HoH
2 Necklaces

65th Storm Warden
ithaniel Marr

05-20-2004, 03:42 PM
12 TT kills = 4 Orbs (Next is for me but hasn't dropped since 4/15/2004)

On the other hand... other class items:
7 RZ kills = ZERO Darkblade (war)
12 TT killls = 1 Cudgel of venomous hatred (SK)
7 Bert kills = 1 timespinner, blade of the hunter (ranger)
5 inny kills = 1 jagged timeforged blade (rog), ZERO songblade (bard)
12 saryrn kills = 4 Time's Antithesis (sham), 1 Veil of lost hopes (mag)
9 vz kills = 1 hammer of holy vengeance (clr)
11 tz kills = 2 Serpents of vindication (enc), 3 hopebringer (pal)
9 ct kills = 4 Staff of Trascendence (monk/bst)

Yea that's right no Songblades or Darkblades for us. Our MTs are using quarm hammers and bloodfrenzies to tank :\ And the bards are angry as hell.

05-21-2004, 12:33 AM
We haven't had a single drop of the necro only item.

05-21-2004, 03:13 AM
AFAIK necros dont get a necro only item they get the wizard/necro wand from CT.

Hah, Been in time Since late late 2003, must be 20-25+ TT kills...

ZERO \\ ZILCH \\ NONE Orbs..... druids gave up a while ago on it, tons of HoH tho,

I have Magician Mask, and SK 1hb, almost got songblade too but was waiting for someone to log in a bard who didnt have and they forgot their info so it just rotted =(

Only 1 GBoC too, uh 2 DBoTWL, lots of VDD's a few JTB's, 1 slow stick, 4 TA's..

05-21-2004, 10:13 AM
Haven't seen one drop since March :(

05-24-2004, 12:34 AM
Got my orb tonight! :) Yay

05-24-2004, 02:37 PM
20 tt kills - 6 orbs and 8 hammers for us <3
we haven't gotten 1 sk wep and we've only gotten 3 songblades drop (but only having 2 bards really that raid it's not a big deal)

05-25-2004, 11:32 AM
Update: The orb dropped off of TT Sunday on Zeb. Only two druids and the other already had one. Apparently TT reads these boards and felt generous.

It put me way behind in BKP given I didnt expect it to drop and upgraded my back the same night, but it was definently worth it =)

Storm Warden of Zeb
Iratus Lepus

05-25-2004, 04:34 PM
Got my orb tonight :buttrock:

05-28-2004, 09:17 AM
I gave up and got a different range item :p. The right click effect was not a major concern to me. Yes it's nice but again the orb evaded us.

05-28-2004, 11:18 AM
Lol, we are 7 for 40 now on orbs over on Fennin. Hell maybe more, I kinda lost track when I gave up and got the Eye of Dreams. Funny thing is everyone who can use a hammer has one.

05-28-2004, 12:54 PM
Glynna, what did you go with instead if you dont mind me asking?

05-28-2004, 03:11 PM
15 kills, 0 orbs.


05-29-2004, 04:37 AM
Grendul /bonk. It's in my magelo:

Globe of Mystical Protection
AC: 25
DEX: +20 STA: +18 CHA: +12 WIS: +18
INT: +18 HP: +175 MANA: +170 ENDUR: +170
Regeneration: +3
ana regeneration: +3
Avoidance: 10
Required level of 65.
WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, type 8: empty

06-01-2004, 07:28 AM
AFAIK necros dont get a necro only item they get the wizard/necro wand from CT.

Hah, Been in time Since late late 2003, must be 20-25+ TT kills...

ZERO \\ ZILCH \\ NONE Orbs..... druids gave up a while ago on it, tons of HoH tho,

I have Magician Mask, and SK 1hb, almost got songblade too but was waiting for someone to log in a bard who didnt have and they forgot their info so it just rotted =(

Only 1 GBoC too, uh 2 DBoTWL, lots of VDD's a few JTB's, 1 slow stick, 4 TA's..

We haven't quite given up yet! We curse quite a lot in our channel after each TT kill.

Anyway... would be nice to get an Orb before we stop raiding PoTime. =/

06-01-2004, 09:19 AM

We had one rot last night because the player didn't get his twink there fast enough. No one else needed/wanted. The one main who could use wouldn't take it because he carries the Eye of Dreams.

06-01-2004, 04:00 PM
LOL Cosworth can I transfer back to Fennin and you gimme a HoH. We have killed TT 12 times so far and has dropped 2 HoH's and 2 Orb's. Heck the Cleric hammer has dropped more time's for us.

06-02-2004, 12:03 PM
I finally gave up on the orb and took an Eye of time we killed Terris, guess what she dropped?!

I like my Eye =D

06-02-2004, 07:42 PM
I finally gave up on the orb and took an Eye of time we killed Terris, guess what she dropped?!

You're better with the eye. +500 mana is soooo win!

06-09-2004, 05:13 PM
Hehe second.. err or third TT kill, we got the Hammer and a druid Orb last night. And something else that didn't say druid on the decription, therefore useless and i don't remember. Anyways!! Grats to our druid who got it, I see they are in short supply to some.

06-12-2004, 01:31 AM
I hate to be the one to tell you this, Chenier.
There are 4 Orbs of Clinging Death on the Rathe.

Sealody got hers on 10/17/03
Nizer got his on 10/23/03
Grimson got his on 11/19/03

That's in 48 kills between 7/23/03 and 5/29/04

Noble Blade got one on Tuesday, though, so good luck :)

06-12-2004, 05:19 AM
Try 6....FK has two. They just dropped after I gave up trying. =D