View Full Forums : I quit too!

Len the Druid
06-02-2004, 02:01 PM
Oh wait. No I didn't. I still play and I still have fun and quite frankly could care less if your powergaming fanny leaves the game. Look, I'm sorry that you spent 12 hours clearing time and then wiped becuase it was broken. I'm sorry that GoD's unbeatable. I'm sorry that VT key takes a lot of mindless grinding. I dont care. I balance my life. I dont play for 12 hour stretches. I dont binge.

I dont consume content in some fruitless race to be the top (insert class here) and have the most AA's so i can max out innate charisma. I dont care where i am on eq rankings. I could care less if my guild accomplishes a server first. I'm perfectly happy seeing Fennin go down knowing a whole bunch of you did it before.

aybe you made the mistake of attaching some worth and inherent value in make believe concepts ..or trying to find some kind of glory in a video game. You gave yourself to the game. You overused or I should say underutilized your time. You woke up one day, hit /days and realized , "good lord! I'm a geek". You vent your anger on a company that tried to accomidate you who only in hindsight and through OH NOS!! MASS RETIREMENTS finally realized they've been catering to the wrong crowd.

You're gone. We get it. After posting 36 times about how free you are (to go play another game /bog hi missing the point) the message has sunk in. You dont need to repeat yourself.

So retire and please just shut the face. It's called going out in style, say your goodbyes and be done with it. Have some class and grace if you can. But dont bother those of us who still enjoy our 12 dollar interactive chat toy.

06-02-2004, 03:07 PM
I would just like to point out a few things...

Truth #1 -
uch of the content you now enjoy is due directly to the "powergaming fanny" people you're waving goodbye to. The relatively bug free state of NToV, Ssra - the v39283.30 update of the elemental, LDoN, GoD zones... Be the first person in those zones, to play those zones, to spend 8+ hrs getting to those zones, just to find out that all you get is a little gumball machine with an "Out of Service" sign hanging over it. See how you feel at that point.

Truth #2 -
This board has an ignore function.

Beyond that, if you don't like what people are saying, you have just as much right to gripe about them as they have to gripe about the game or quitting the game. If you don't like what they're saying and you don't feel like putting them on ignore, and you therefore decide to post a sarcastic post like this one, well then pot, kettle, black.

If you get no "inherent value in make believe concepts .or trying to find some kind of glory in a video game." then it seems rather silly to pay $12 a month for, as you called it, a "12 dollar interactive chat toy". There's a neat little protocol out there called "IRC" which has been around almost as long as the internet has existed. It's free (well as free as you can get on the internet).

Beating things in MMORPGs make you feel good that you've accomplished something, no ifs, ands, or buts. You said yourself, "I'm perfectly happy seeing Fennin go down knowing a whole bunch of you did it before." If that wasn't the case, then we'd have to assume that you were rather impassive about the killing, or you disliked it entirely. It'd be rather silly to keep doing it under those circumstances, wouldn't it?

You want to gripe about "ubers," feel free to - there will be a lot of people on this board that agree with you. When I played EQ, I considered myself one of these "ubers". My guild was among the top 1-2 on the server, and even though we lagged about a month behind Afterlife or FoH in achievements, we still worked our collective butts off to be the first on our server. If you're happy sitting on the sidelines and hearing about everyone else's accomplishments, more power to you. However, if you think your current gameplay hasn't been affected by those who came before you, you're delusional. If you think that this current outpouring of SOE "reaching out to the EQ community" isn't a direct result of the large end-game guilds retiring, you're kidding yourself.

You're right; these are people who played the game for 8-12hrs a day.
You're right; these are the people who trudged through bug-filled zone after bug-filled script.
You're right, these are the people who have been doing nothing but complaining for the past five years.

Just imagine what it takes to make people that committed finally quit.
...can't possibly be the game, now can it?

06-02-2004, 03:23 PM
I quit! Neener!

Len the Druid
06-02-2004, 05:15 PM
I'm hardly bashing ubers :devil-lau . Unless you consider being a binge player a component of being uber, i supose that was pretty bashy. I'm bashing the whiney babies who feel compelled to lament about their suffering at the hands of sony only to then feel compelled to gloat over their new found freedom when they final muscle up and cancel their account.

Storm you want some recognition for being a beta tester? Thank you for beta testing rushed out expansions that you and your race-to-the-finish types caused.

Powergamers caused the next expansion to be released long before it was ready and thus had to become the beta testers for it. It happened with Luclin and PoP and now Gates (even Ldon i suppose with craptastic implementation of LDoN Raids which would have been cool).

So two points! Stop posting " I RETIRED LOOK AT ME" posts and pls to be shutting up about reaping what you sow'd (<- ooh a pun)

06-02-2004, 05:33 PM
Um... the rushed out expansions are a marketing strategy and have nothing to do with the "Ubers." Loy and Ldon and GoD were all part of this "Expansion every 6 months" agenda, and only one of them was targetted at raiders/powergamers. The other two were aimed at, I would surmise, people like you. I guess that makes you to blame for rushed releases?

Get a grip. Lashing out looking for people to blame is a childish instinct, made worse because its become so lucrative in our litigation based culture. But it's 90% irrelevant. If you are so intent on placing blame, at least put it where it really belongs, which is not the players, nor even many of the devs, but at the very few money people at SOE making the decisions who are only looking at the bottom dollar, and not caring about the quality of their product or the impact of releasing substandard crap on the market.

So take your own advice, and "pls to be shutting up", whining about whiners is hypocrisy at its highest, and your post is a shining example of how the customer is simply not always right.

06-02-2004, 05:34 PM
When did I say anything about being a beta tester, or recognition for being a beta tester? The end zones for most expansions were not available during beta testing procedures. They were "secret zones" that they [SOE] did not want the general player base to test prior to release.

I would keep dismantling your post, but it's rather boring, and it’s also rather apparent that you have no idea what you're talking about, your so called “facts” nothing more than third-hand information. Why keep poking holes in Swiss cheese? There’s no point.

aybe next time you can produce a post that provokes thought instead of the meaningless drivel you've written here.

Len the Druid
06-02-2004, 07:28 PM
"When did I say anything about being a beta tester"

"However, if you think your current gameplay hasn't been affected by those who came before you, you're delusional. If you think that this current outpouring of SOE "reaching out to the EQ community" isn't a direct result of the large end-game guilds retiring, you're kidding yourself. "

If they have to rush out a new expansion in order to keep the gamers who obviously ripped through the current expansion faster than they thought possible happy, they will send out the expansion "working" for the majority and "who knows" for the zones that come last. Get a clue. If you were making PoP would you have started with time and worked backwards? No you make pot and pon etc etc etc and wait for Furor and the seven dwarves to get to time and find the bugs ala..beta testing..for everyone else.

I agree that expansions are all about getting the bling. I guess you guys think the timing of them is purely coincendental? Going back to post velious? With Luclin and PoP? Hell even Kunark to a point..The timing of them has been wrapped primarily around powergamers ripping through content and needing more.

06-02-2004, 07:39 PM
*gets mad*

I'll bite :p

ost of the people who leave, and post about it, are established members of the community who we all know, love and care about.

You, however, are not any of those.

That, I imagine, is why you wouldn't understand. Perhaps if you spend more time here and make a few friends yourself, you'll have a better understanding of why we *do* care when a friend leaves, why they leave, and what they're going to do next.

*returns to cuteness*

06-02-2004, 07:47 PM
Huzzah for Cloudien! Aptly spoken!

Len the Druid
06-02-2004, 08:14 PM

Now the clique begins attacking. Classic.

06-02-2004, 08:28 PM
Clique parries the lurker's reposte and delivers a solid slash to the Lurker's dangly bits.

06-02-2004, 08:40 PM
Maybe we should add a "Black Helicopters" user group... Members would be added by general consensus of the forum readers.

06-02-2004, 09:11 PM

Now the clique begins attacking. Classic.
Bashing on the community will not endear you to the community.

06-02-2004, 10:33 PM
So two points! Stop posting " I RETIRED LOOK AT ME" posts and pls to be shutting up about reaping what you sow'd (<- ooh a pun)
rofl That perfects fits you.. a perfect perfect match....

This community isn't yours.. If you get offend by what people posts, then you don't read or just ignore whoever..

06-02-2004, 10:45 PM
Watch a movie and have the tape break at the very end. So sorry, come back later and buy another ticket and maybe the ending will work then.

Do a stretch of LDoN adventures, and through some mysterious bug, lose the points from the last 10 runs.

It's not an uber complaint exactly. "Ubers" happen to be doing it, but that does not in any way invalidate the complaint. They gathered for the raid, jumped through the hoops, spent X hours working toward a goal, and that goal failed to materialized through no fault of their own. The PRODUCT was defective. And now you're upset because they are upset? You post deriding these players about being caught up in "make believe concepts". They are tired of paying to see all the movie but continuously finding that the ending can't be shown (broken). Are you catching the irony here? It doesn't sound like you are directly involved in any way, yet you are motivated enough to post your feelings.

If you aren't 'caught up' in all this, why does it even impact you enough to bother posting?

You know what my gripe is? People who are 'caught up' in placing judgement on the play styles, and even the life styles, of people with whom they have no interaction, no ties. Whatever "Bob" from another guild on another server does with his time is in no way, shape, or form really any of your business. Nor is it your place to place judgement on those who play differently than you.

A little friendly tip - if a thread is titled something like "Goodbye, cruel world!" don't bother reading it. They aren't tricking you into reading the post with misleading subject titles.

06-02-2004, 11:27 PM
Len post on the Torvon message board also.

We all love hearing his opinions also, on why we were all wrong. About well everything according to him.

06-03-2004, 01:48 AM
All I have to say here is... Stormhaven pwns.

Fyyr Lu'Storm
06-03-2004, 04:40 AM
"Maybe we should add a "Black Helicopters" user group"


Foil hats group

06-03-2004, 04:54 AM
I will admit that people who constantly post that EQ sucks, and who retired sometimes gets old, but it no worse, and to be honest, probably better then stupid posts like yours.

A lot of people really had alot of fun, or overall enjoyed much of their time in EQ, and are saddened by the fact that circumstance X caused them to quit (in their minds) Often they are wrong (IMO), often they are right, and often they are overblowing certain issues, and often they dont even know why they quit, but its its perfectly reasonable to "get the things off your chest" so to speak about why the person (thinks) they quit, and what in their minds is wrong with EQ..

Once again, I'd rather read them then stupid posts like yours.

06-03-2004, 07:45 AM
That came out of nowhere....

I quit and I wasn't one of these people you describe. I sincerely hope that the people who do play, play because they enjoy it not because they think they have to. Its for their own mental health.

06-03-2004, 09:25 AM
I quit EQ about a year ago now, and other than just a few tidbits in threads here and there saying, "I haven't played in a while, but what I remember was...", the biggest "announcement" I made was probably to Sobe when I told him that we should probably send someone to the summit who actually still plays the game.... /bonk 'rocco.

06-03-2004, 10:30 AM

06-03-2004, 11:27 AM
Stormhaven When I played EQ, I considered myself one of these "ubers". My guild was among the top 1-2 on the server, .... the biggest "announcement" I made was probably to Sobe when I told him that we should probably send someone to the summit who actually still plays the game....
I love it, especially from a current TDG Admin, who only validates the point the original poster was making. :wavey:
And then to wonder if you should "send" someone to the summit who actually still plays the game? Hello? Are you listening to what you're saying? You have no stake in the game anymore. Give it up, or is being an Admin too much power and recognition for you to walk away from?


Chubbexul Demonsbane
06-03-2004, 11:28 AM
Len The druid I completely Agree. I'm Sick of all those that post about quitting EQ and how the world should follow them. They think they are better then everyone else, Like we are sinners cause we still play and they dont. BAH I say! For those who mantain relationships here on the boards I say COOl. stay here post enjoy your life, but please keep your condesending Remarks about quitting the Game to yourselves. WE DONT CARE!!!

You know whats the Sad Part 1/2 of those who on these boards and others who come and post " IVE QUIT EQ" and "EQ SUCKS" all end up playing again, like the Hypocrates they are!!!!

06-03-2004, 11:56 AM
...whining about whiners is hypocrisy at its highest...

I don't think whining of any kind is the highest form of anything, beyond possibly...whining. If we're going to rate hypocrisy, then I'd probably put the government telling us not to kill, the execution of murderers, or the U.S. stance on global nuclear weapon proliferation above whining.

Don't get me wrong. Hypocrisy can be good. I'm glad my parents were hypocritical, otherwise I'd be a chain-smoking college drop-out that threw what little money I had away on the futures market.

06-03-2004, 12:05 PM
I'm glad my parents were hypocritical, otherwise I'd be a chain-smoking college drop-out that threw what little money I had away on the futures market.

I may end up puzzling about that statement all day long today. :)

06-03-2004, 12:30 PM
I may end up puzzling about that statement all day long today. :)

It's no riddle. As with most parents I've seen, they just don't practice what they preach, but that doesn't mean what they're saying is wrong or has a bad effect.

06-03-2004, 12:39 PM
Yeah, I was just trying to visualize what your parent was like. Sounds like they were a good parent though if they managed to help you avoid all that.

I think my parents pretty much lived up to what they expected from us. They were teetotalers, non-smokers, non-adulterous. I think their worse vice was that they ate only ice cream and popcorn for supper on Sunday nights. A habit they still maintain into their 80's.

06-03-2004, 12:43 PM
Popcorn and ice cream? That sounds pretty good after eating ramen noodles for a week. That reminds me, it's lunch time here:)

Chubbexul Demonsbane
06-03-2004, 12:47 PM
I don't think whining of any kind is the highest form of anything, beyond possibly...whining. If we're going to rate hypocrisy, then I'd probably put the government telling us not to kill, the execution of murderers, or the U.S. stance on global nuclear weapon proliferation above whining.

Don't get me wrong. Hypocrisy can be good. I'm glad my parents were hypocritical, otherwise I'd be a chain-smoking college drop-out that threw what little money I had away on the futures market.

BEST QUOTE EVER!! :buttrock: TWO thumbs up I love it!! =)

06-03-2004, 01:15 PM
I love it, especially from a current TDG Admin, who only validates the point the original poster was making. :wavey:
And then to wonder if you should "send" someone to the summit who actually still plays the game? Hello? Are you listening to what you're saying? You have no stake in the game anymore. Give it up, or is being an Admin too much power and recognition for you to walk away from?

Erm, actually quite a few people on TDG don't play EQ anymore. However, the ones that still post on EQ subjects maintain quite a high degree of knowledge about the game, including where to hunt at certain levels, what spells do, what items are good to get for most druids, etc, etc. Our ratio of people who've quit and returned has also been pretty high throughout our board's lifetime.

As I've also stated, I didn't "wonder" about sending anyone to the summit, it was offered to me due to my length of time on the board, and I declined in favor of sending someone much more up to date about the current EQ subjects (heck, I even suggested Scirocco). But you can feel free to try and flame me again, it's rather amusing seeing how wrongly you interpret things by assuming you know everything that has gone on behind the scenes simply by reading my two lines of text on the subject.

As for being an Admin, I assure you, if Sobe ever asks me to step down, I'd do so. But to quit because of the "power and recognition"? Less drugs would be my suggestion to you. Let me say that there is nothing more ego boosting than to do mundane tasks like splitting threads, moving threads, moderating posts, creating new forums, moderating sig sizes... Mmmhmm, my life as a TDG admin is just one rollercoaster ride after another!

Hell, this community has gotten pretty boring when compared to our old days when EQ was hot... most posters here moderate themselves now. And the community as a whole has become quite "inventive" when it comes to dealing with trolls and spammers. It's fun to let those threads go on just for the entertainment value.

I even miss the old cleric vs druid vs shaman vs necro threads. Maybe we should start another "DRUIDS NEED CH AND FEIGN DEATH AND DIVINE BARRIER" thread again. Now THOSE were fun. Ubers vs Casual is pretty boring.

I would just like to finish this post by saying… I forgot what the hell my point was.

06-03-2004, 01:30 PM

o/` You're an *******! o/`
o/` He's an *******! o/`

I sing that in the friendliest of ways.

By the way. I quit. And now sony is reaping what they sowed.

06-03-2004, 01:40 PM
I still play! But I'm GONNA QUIT! Soon.... very soon I'm gonna quit. Well maybe not SOON soon.. but I am gonna quit... sometime. For now I just wanna whine! Which side do I have to be on for that? OMIGOD someone tell me what to do!

06-03-2004, 01:41 PM
o/ must be some short-hand I'm not familiar with. When I saw your "singing", my first thought was "that's a malformed regular expression".

06-03-2004, 01:43 PM
Len has a point about the board cliques Chenier, and some of us aren't worried about endearing ourselves to the community. I would much rather post the truth instead of trying to make 'false' friends.

Autumn10, investigative reporter!

Next week: His groundbreaking story on how the Grove staff is consipiring to limit the smiley emotes to only pro-grove smileys!

06-03-2004, 01:44 PM
o/ must be some short-hand I'm not familiar with. When I saw your "singing", my first thought was "that's a malformed regular expression".

o/` = lil musical note :P

06-03-2004, 01:51 PM
let try:

Let begin a petition that the next extention to be renamed: Invasion of the penguins.

And that the invasion armies must be composed of tricolor penguins.


A lot more interesting that having CH or ress for druid, not?

And a retired (from EQ) Grover, can give back a lot to the communauty here. And also a lot of history of the evolution of EQ. How many recall the time when not only you have to see your spellbook to medite, you was having to press the meditation button?


PS: no fluo colors for the penguins ;).

06-03-2004, 01:55 PM
...and you have to run this gauntlet that has dozens of ice slides pointing at you and penguins are continuously diving down the slides to attack you.

That would be sweet.

06-03-2004, 01:57 PM
As a pedantic aside: Isn't the past tense of sow, sown? Sony is reaping what they have sown.

As far as cliques are concerned, I usually find people who complain about cliques haven't made an attempt, or are pathologically incapable, of forming bonds to the other people they associate with. I see a lot of MB where someone seems to purposefully set themselves at odds with everyone else. They ridicule people, they argue stupid points endlessly, and then they complain about "the clique" because they never even made an attempt to fit into the group, or they've even gone out of their way to alienate everyone they come into contact with.

For instance, I've been coming to TDG for most of the 4+ years I played EQ, and even after I quit. Now I've had my share of disagreements with a lot of the people here, however that doesn't stop me from liking them and agreeing with them on other issues, or at least enjoying our debates if we agree on nothing. So when someone without a clue or history wanders into TDG and baselessly starts flaming about things they know nothing about to the people I've come to regard as friends, then sure, I come to their defense, or at least to ridicule the flamer.

And as far as the board moderators and owners are concerned, other than myself I'm a schlub, they've done a lot of good thankless work and made this a community you feel a part of even after you camp out of EverQuest for the last time. Someone leaving EQ, for whatever reason, its a big decision for them when they've put so much of their lives into it. I may not always agree with the reasons people give when they do quit, but I can identify with the feelings of loss of something that they once really enjoyed but no longer do. People often feel disappointment or even betrayed that what started out so good turns sour. Kind of silly feelings to have over a game, yet so many people do. That they wish to express those ideas in a dramatic, flamboyant manner is absolutely no skin off my rosey nose.

Yes, people who do quit the game should probably not be like ex-smokers and harrangue everyone else to quit. That does get annoying. But I certainly don't find anything wrong with people stating why they quit or getting involved in threads like the one about the EQ summit. The EQ summit might be a little late for us, but we probably have a LOT to say as to what it was in EQ that we disliked enough to finally hit that cancel button.

06-03-2004, 02:00 PM
o/ must be some short-hand I'm not familiar with. When I saw your "singing", my first thought was "that's a malformed regular expression".

Oh dear... you and I must be cut from the same cloth. That's what I thought too.

Sobe Silvertree
06-03-2004, 03:54 PM
I love it, especially from a current TDG Admin, who only validates the point the original poster was making. :wavey:
And then to wonder if you should "send" someone to the summit who actually still plays the game? Hello? Are you listening to what you're saying? You have no stake in the game anymore. Give it up, or is being an Admin too much power and recognition for you to walk away from?

Let me be blunt here.

As per any organization.. you know your people -

You ask.. they give suggestions.. and you take those suggestions and make a decision.

I always ask the Admin first.. why because thats the way "I" do things.. even though I may already know the answer I will get.. its just proper. Call it my military side but you ask the Generals first and they pick and choose who they feel should go.

I was able to bring two people from the Grove to the Summit.. both I consider as very serious players.. one you would define as a casual (serious player) and one more towards the Guilds Raiding.. so taken the recommendations from both Admins and my own personal recommendation .. then I had to talk/called each individual. I already knew who was busy with real life... + to add the fact that it was a short notice trip.

So.. we made as a team a decision and those members who were picked because it was quite obvious that "people who play" should be the "people" who go.. thats just logical.

As to the rest of the thread..

Len has a right to speak his Rant.. but at the same time.. so do other people!

As for clique's attacking his post.. I would quite frankly say.. they are defending their position as a community member which I will not take away that "Right" even if they are staff.. its the way we have always done things here at the Grove.. and will continue to do things here at the Grove.

Len seems to be taking it well - I have no quarms with him.. I realize he's been very vocal in the past and thats fine.. we at the Grove don't mind that.

As for Autumn10.. I love the guy.. other people love the guy.. some people hate the guy.. but then thats what Ignore is all about. (no Autumn.. its not a gay type love either.. /sorry ).

Great post keep em up.. and understand if you do feel that you been personally attacked you can email me and I will look it over.. if I feel your just not thick skinned enough to venture into this arena.. I will tell you.

Thats my final word on this.. if you don't like it.. sorry.. if you want to do something about it.. "Step up to the Plate" I am sure I have a position for you.

06-03-2004, 04:57 PM
I have no quarms with him..

That is a really good Freudian Slip.

06-03-2004, 05:01 PM
Hehe... I was gonna say something but I'm just used to Sobe's creative spelling 8)

Sobe Silvertree
06-03-2004, 05:49 PM
hehe dam spell checker

06-04-2004, 10:23 AM
[QUOTE=Len the Druid]Storm you want some recognition for being a beta tester? Thank you for beta testing rushed out expansions that you and your race-to-the-finish types caused.[QUOTE]

I just wanted to ask this. Can someone define the appropriate speed of advancement? Exactly how fast can a guild go through content and still meet your approval? What play style and online time meets with your recommendations? Your use of 'race-to-the-finish types' made me wonder at what point do people exhibit such inappropriate behavior so they qualify to being such disreputable people.

Not that I disagree. I'm sure such people caused SOE to speed up development, push up marketing, manufacturing, and shipping dates for every expansion since release. I'm also fairly certain that these same people are at the root of the cause of world hunger and probably involved somehow with rising gas prices.

06-04-2004, 10:30 AM
I'm also fairly certain that these same people are at the root of the cause of world hunger.

I'm sorry, but everybody knows the cause of world hunger is Sally Struthers.

06-04-2004, 10:40 AM
The Truth?! You can't handle the TRUTH!@!!

sorry, too early for me to in any way logical and not silly. =D

06-04-2004, 11:01 AM
Err.... You did know this is a game ... right?

It's not real.....I promise.... err is it ?

The only people to get mad at are SOE - not 'cos they are money grabbers...thats what business is all about - well capitalist style that is....but because they have never seemed to give a real **** about their customers who give 'em the money. They only seem to respond when something hurts their revenues....err hmmm isn't that what business is about though....reduce the product (cost) to the customers screaming level and then back off a bit !!

The only thing that seems to be hard about quitting is leaving your friends and investment behind - after playing so long that is!

So I can understand folks posting and stating that at last they have broke their habit!! All I can say to them is thank you for your protest (cancel that is) for maybe it will benefit the players that stay by forcing SOE to respond to all the genuine complaints about the game as more players quit.

Thank you and yes, mostly, you will be missed!

06-04-2004, 01:37 PM
She's in the Westlands...where the day's just starting when its 10:40 here.

06-04-2004, 02:07 PM
West Commonlands is 3 hours earlier than in the East Commonlands.

06-04-2004, 05:20 PM
The west coast is still asleep when the real world wakes up.

06-10-2004, 09:22 AM
Umm, even at 7:30 am, I've been up 2 1/2 hours and been at work for 1 1/2...10:30 is lunch time isn't it?

06-10-2004, 09:54 AM
cross-posted in quote of the day:

"It's never to early too start thinking about lunch." - Frank Knapp, Blue Springs, MO

06-17-2004, 01:45 PM
...problem with being up early is that when most are thinking about eating lunch, I'm thinking about my first martini...hehe

06-28-2004, 09:51 AM
Hummm, I cant think about my first martini.. was too many years ago.

06-28-2004, 01:23 PM
....of the day....

06-28-2004, 01:39 PM
If you can't think of your first martini of the day, then you've had too many!

06-29-2004, 09:37 AM
Depends... What day is it??