View Full Forums : Tailoring is going to be the death of me

08-19-2002, 04:44 AM
So, I'm working on the shawl quests again....currently on #6 and working on tailoring so I don't fail miserably 15 times on the combine. I went from 119 to 139 over the weekend and I do believe that my right arm/wrist is now completely ruined for life because of all that clicking. It was sooooo time consuming. Hunting for spiders in EK, combining spider silks, porting to WC and buying koila sap then porting to SH to do the combine on the heady koila's 9,000,000 times. Then logging on my enchanter and making 10,000 vial's of viscous mana. Then finally doing the combines on a wu's fighting cap. Could they make this anymore tedious/difficult? I mean 4 heady koila's per combine!! and 2 koila saps per heady koila! Sheesh! So so so so time consuming and not to mention expensive. I got so desperate I bought spider silks for 10 pp EACH in the bazaar. Ouch. But I just couldn't take going back to EK again.

And to think I still have a long way to go before getting to a decent level to actually do the shawl combine. I don't know how you 250 tailors got where you did without throwing in the towel.

*calls the doctor for some pain killers for my wrist/arm* ;p

Aidon Rufflefuzz
08-19-2002, 06:13 AM
S'why I stopped at 152. After a night of using about 120 swatches my wrist and hand were killing me. I said screw it and did my shawl.

08-19-2002, 07:19 AM
I made mine at 130 :)

Stop Seriena, keep your sanity. Its not worth it. You can regather all the components to do 6-8th shawl faster than you can skill up from 130-160...

Friends dont let friends become tailors!

Honestly, the only reason I see for being a GM tailor is if you are a halfling and are doing cultural. The tailored bags and the druid armor are very sweet. Good muchies were more important to this halfing though! Baking 210 this morning.

Reipod Darkfyre
08-19-2002, 09:30 AM
Heh heh, tailoring sucks. Got mine to the point of starting acrylia studded junk and said forget it.

Did my combines for 6th, 7th, and 8th already at 157 skill. Just grab a geerlok and cross your fingers it's much easier.

Now if I only had gotten my smithing up before they nerfed the trival levels I'd have my 8th shawl done. I'm crying over that daily.

Talyena Trueheart
08-19-2002, 09:59 AM
I am such a slacker (just did my earring quests last week). So I took way too much time starting on my shawl. Earlier this year I finally started working on it because I was tired of wearing that crappy ODS. Next patch came focus items.

/hug ODS

/destroy low level shawl crap

Okay, one day I will need to replace my ODS, but when I do I will just replace it with something that I can get with 60 of my closest friends instead of 600 rl hours of mindless clicking, hehe.

08-19-2002, 10:18 AM
lol All good points. I also thought of destoying my low lvl shawl crap and just sticking with the ODS but oh well. We'll see if I am still saying that when I get to shawl #8.

Going to take the advice and just try the combines instead of trying to get tailoring up. My poor hand/wrist can't take the abuse anymore!

08-19-2002, 10:21 AM
I still work on it off and on because I want to be able to make those halfling packs.

But atm, just 163...and how I loathe all the effort it takes to get farther...

Miss Foxfyre
08-19-2002, 01:13 PM
Tailoring does suck. I had the worst time in all my EQ days gathering pelts and farming with Booboo-Jabober. By the time I gathered enough pelts, the skill raises wouldn't happen very consistently, so I'd have to go back to farming pelts again. It's enough to make you quit EQ. Seriously.

08-19-2002, 01:27 PM
I think ONE heady Kiola is enough

4 just pissed me off = p

Nafai Nyef
08-19-2002, 02:29 PM
Just keep at it, Seri. The 6th shawl is brutal timewise and almost makes the 7th look easy. I had the devil's own luck and made my 6th with 152 tailoring, raised it to 158 for the 7th and never had a problem. Not one failure in shawl 7. Get yourself a tinkered +5 tailoring item, and don't buy the silk, buy the freakin' kiolas! Oh, if only the bazaar had been active back when I was working my way to 158...

08-19-2002, 03:50 PM
I spent about 2 weeks working on tailoring before my reaction to it was "screw this, it ain't worth it".

/hug ODS

08-19-2002, 04:26 PM
Tailoring is extremely easy to raise to 158, especially now that there are new recipes for the lower end. If you think doing that is long and tedious, you shouldn't even think of going past 158.

Miss Foxfyre
08-19-2002, 05:50 PM
Extremely easy? Maybe, but it's totally tedious. I'm surprised to hear you say it's "easy."

Mistryl Corazon
08-20-2002, 05:08 AM
I've been trying to GM tailoring for a long long time now -- not sure why anymore, just one of those goals.

Last night I finally skilled up from 185 to 188 after being stuck at 185 for about 4 months and 200+ combines.

I was happy for about 5 minutes, until I did a search in the Bazaar:

Othmir Fur Caps - 50pp (seller with a good number of them trying to undersell everyone)
Othmir Fur - 100pp EACH

At this rate it's going to cost me 23487283478pp to get my skill up, even *with* me quadding otters for my own furs (and it's not even good AA exp)!


08-20-2002, 06:26 AM
Well, if they nerf the shawl like they did on test I will forget the whole thing....that ticks me off.

08-20-2002, 09:54 AM
Foxfyre says: I'm surprised to hear you say it's "easy."

But it is, compared to how it used to be. I raised tailoring to 88 a few years ago, and it was a painful process of collecting bear skins or making studded armor.

Now, it's a relative breeze:

Combine 2 store-bought woven mandrakes to skill 66 (takes a few minutes)
Combine the woven mandrake and boning (easy smithing item) to make picnic baskets to skill 76
ake sacred Tunarean silk to 135 (involves one evening of silk collecting and imbues)
Wu's to 158

The whole process only took me a few days when I needed to brush up on tailoring for PoTC.

08-20-2002, 04:13 PM
Wus sucks :p Thats what ran me off.

Seriena, what thread are you reading? The shawl on test is better...

08-21-2002, 04:53 AM
Yeah, I posted that before I saw what the improvement was. So now I'm going to get that thing done asap! :)

But yes, wu's sucks. I can't even believe you'd say that was easy. 4 heady koila's is just plain stupid.

08-21-2002, 07:56 AM
Yes, Wu's is annoying, but with the Tunarean silk route, you only have to endure Wu's for a brief 23 skill points -- maybe a few hours. And each stack of heady kiolas only takes about 30-40 seconds to make, far less time than collecting the silk. For the true wimp, there are often heady kiolas for sale in the Bazaar. You could just buy silk and heady kiola and hit combine.

Or perhaps you should try making Minotaur's Hero Brews for 100 skill points. About half way through, heady kiolas will seem like a retirement in paradise by comparison. <img src=>

08-21-2002, 09:19 AM
If you're doing tailoring just the shawls, stop and just do the shawl. Even if you fail 10 times, it will be easier to collect the components for the 6th shawl than to level and try with better success chance.

I was at like 160 something and failed 3 or 4 times anyway. Just getting siren hairs, etc. is still easier and CHEAPER than skilling up.

However, if you're insane tradeskiller lunatic (*cough*), then keep skillin', babe.

Here otter, otter, otter...

Thing that's killing me now...paying 1-2k for !&^!@%$!@ velium hound furs. /sigh

price on otter fur caps: What do you expect? It's the easiest and cheapest thing to skill up on if you can hunt the otters yourself. Bare minimum cost, 15pp per combine? Heck yeah, I'll take that. So if someone's way underselling the bazaar, fill up a mule and wait til he's sold out and then sell them at your price. Or destroy them. You're not making otter caps to sell - you're making them to skill.

ake black panther or cobalt drake or cultural if want something to sell.

08-21-2002, 09:22 AM

Find someone who's skilling up on brewing and pay them to make you Heady Kiolas. It's sooo worth it. =)

08-21-2002, 02:13 PM
Actually with the bazaar now live tailoring almost falls into the category of all the other trades of being buyable finally rather than farming forever and ever. So it is better.

08-21-2002, 08:51 PM
in my dreams, ligge! only with unlimited funds could one buy their way through tailoring with the bazaar. fl rockhopper hides are running up to 500p, and ive seen acrylia bricks up to 1k each. at that rate its 1500pp per attempt just for reinforced masks, and you can forget making anything like a tunic that would cost 4500 just for ingredients =P

but i agree, heady kiolas for wu's is NOTHIN. try makin ceremonial solstice robes heh. combining 6 essences, 3 silks, 3 dust, and 3 sacred silks per attempt, over 30 mouse clicks per attempt. i did a run of 194 attempts one night (5820+ clicks), next morning i could hardly use my clicker hand =P

i keep seeing those commercials for that super blue stuff. i think im gonna get myself a bottle before my next tailoring run!

08-22-2002, 03:05 AM
All this talk about wrist/hand problems has me wondering, albeit a silly question, are ya'll using good ol' fashion mouses or trackballs here?

08-22-2002, 07:32 AM
I see Rockhopper hides for 5-10p right now. I just checked. So its definitely going to be server to server difference and prices will come down eventually.

Whats the cost on an attempt at JC past 150? 200?

It wont ever be the ease of some skills but I would rather spend thousands of plat that I can make out exps hunting rather than farm greenies for hours and get no skill ups.

08-22-2002, 09:15 AM
Bibbe says: are ya'll using good ol' fashion mouses or trackballs here?

On every computer I use <a href=>this</a> and <a href=>this</a>. No other way to game, in my opinion.

Whats the cost on an attempt at JC past 150? 200?

Jewelcraft costs under 10K to take to 250. You spend a lot on the actual ingredients, but sell 95% of them back to the vendor for almost exactly the cost.

08-22-2002, 09:17 AM
The difference with JC is that it's all NPC supply and buy back - with good CHA and lucky RNG success rate, you don't lose that much money (buy gems and bars, make item, sell back, only lose maybe 10%).

Otter fur caps - NPC merchants don't buy at all.

For fun, I wanted to see what an NPC merchant would buy my acrylia studded cloak for - a whopping 1p 5g..wooo.


08-22-2002, 09:46 AM
Oooh...nice thread going on over at eqtraders about what mouse to use for tradeskills: ( ic)

08-22-2002, 05:26 PM
lol yeah I know the differences between selling back to vendors or being stuck selling to PC on JC vs tailoring.. that wasnt what I asked I asked what the cost per attempt was since that was the number thrown at me.

I have done a few tradeskills.

However I also know that with 100% PC bought supplies I went from 140-149 on tailoring yesterday and I made 6k net profit. I only made acrylia studded cloaks to do this also.

I didnt do that when I went from 0-196 in JC. In fact it cost me about 2500p.

08-23-2002, 02:05 PM
lucky dog =)

10-04-2002, 04:50 AM
Welp, I don't know how you guys did it. Tailoring is now at 162 and I've failed the 6th shawl 8 times. EIGHT! I hate this freaking shawl. I hate dire wolves and sirens.

I can make solstice robes till the cows come home but I can't make this stupid shawl to save my life. It's like my worst nightmare.....

And on top of that after I failed my shawl ...again...I went to pull Dain and he was being the biggest pos ever. 4 hours..only got him warped down single once then the raid proceeded to push him through the wall so he warped back to his throne and began to summon. Every other time he and 4 of his guards would get stuck pathing and chanting at the bridge


EQ is not fun sometimes.

Sorry, had to get that out of my system