View Full Forums : Yet another Gear Check

07-14-2004, 03:55 PM
Hi and thank you in advance. I am a lvl 59 druid, in a guild currently in a state of flux so raid drops are not in the picture. Any suggestions on upgrades? I have about 45k banked. (I love you Wyvern Hides). Should I invest in a horse? Are there any focus effects I should be looking at acquiring. I know that ring HAS to go, but as I am at the WIS cap, its diffiuclt to get rid of those HP's and saves.

Anway, here is Magelo (

Thanks again.


07-15-2004, 08:58 PM
How do you exp? That matters a lot for what focus effects you need, if you need a horse, etc.

07-19-2004, 10:09 AM
My exp is mostly solo, charming in Pon / PoD. Root / Rotting elsewhere. Oddly I was very excited to get the new AE DD spell, but have yet to really use it. I do some grouping, LDON type stuff mostly and guild raids. I hope that helps, and thank you for your replies.


07-19-2004, 12:17 PM
Your gear is fine for your level......actually your gear for the most part beats what I had when I hit 65. So dont worry about it too much, at this point save your money for spells and get those levels.

Thicket Tundrabog
07-19-2004, 03:55 PM
I agree with Majus. Your gear is quite good for level 59. I'd consider putting something better in your range spot. I'm sure you're proud of your Grandmaster's Satchel, but put it in you Ammo slot (even though the stats won't help you there.)

Also, I notice that you have zero augments on your gear. Do more LDoNs and get the augment drops. You can now remove and recover augments, so careful augment planning is no longer critical.

Finally, look at your style of play and add appropriate focus items. If you root/rot, how about burning affliction or extended torment (LDoN augment). If you heal a lot, go for Wander's Sylvan Sleeves with Improved Healing IV. If you nuke, go with Wanderer's Sylvan Gloves with Summer's Anger.

The best thing though is to level up.


07-20-2004, 10:44 AM
Since you root rot and charm, buy a horse. Preferably a drogmor, since the horse head interferes with targeting.

However, make sure you use it right. Make a /dismount hotkey, and give yourself a lot of room when root rotting. The mounts take a good amount of time to get moving, so it becomes very important to re-root before the mov gets in melee, since you escape slowly. The /dismount hotkey helps. If your charmed pet is tanking, a mount is good to, but hit /dismount the moment charm breaks. :)

Also look at ornate pants. 60k on my server, with clicky savage roots. I love them, and they allow you to spam re-root while on a mount for no mana, while medding.

07-20-2004, 03:15 PM
Horses > Drogmars