View Full Forums : Druid appreciation
07-29-2004, 12:55 PM
If you are in a high raiding guild does your class ever get thanked? I'm reminded over and over in chat how well the clerics have done at healing when I have been just the same thing. I can't recall a time when anyone thanked the Druids for a job well done.
For ex: What I consider a non trivial event we had more druids on than clerics and all I heard was great work Clerics. This is done consistently and I have the utmost respect for our clerics but are other classes that clueless in our abilities too?
Now most guilds do not have that many druids in their guild so having more druids on line than clerics says a lot.
The game gets more disappointing every day for me.
07-29-2004, 01:42 PM
The game gets more disappointing every day for me.
I think the recognition things is due to the fact that we are the jack of all trades, master of none. We do indeed make good healers but people that don't play a druid might not realize that we are the next best thing to a cleric and assist the clerics quite often with spot heals and taking over heals to let cleric med. I havent been playing long enough to be bothered by that yet. It sounds like you are getting burned out and this is not a good thing. Maybe you could play an alt for a bit? Just a suggestion.
Fairweather Pure
07-29-2004, 01:51 PM
My last second heals have saved more tanks and raids from failure than I can count. No one really notices, but I do, and that makes me happy in a smug sort of way :)
07-29-2004, 02:25 PM
I've been thanked by clerics for covering them. Usually in private, never publicly... but yah. I hear you.
Oh, and:
we are the jack of all trades, master of none
No offense, but every time I hear this I want to remove someone's kidney with a hedge trimmer.
07-29-2004, 02:43 PM
Well... some jobs are just thankless! In CoH the healers get thanked for keeping everyone alive, even when it was the controller that kept everything locked down and harmless so that the healer didn't need to heal anyone! In my nightly group I group with a guy that dispenses the CoH equivalent of KEI, he gets thanked for everything.... me... no one notices that I dominated stuff, debuffed so they do 25% more damage and get hit 75% less often... do I get thanked? No nevah! It's the guy with the flashy big ass heal, who makes your character look orgasmic, who casts it about once an hour that gets thanked!
07-29-2004, 02:45 PM
My raid leader says 'Great job healers' usually. So if you were healing, you got thanked.
(dusted off the druid recently, so yes it's an alt for now).
07-29-2004, 03:07 PM
Yeah, in my guild, we have a Heal Channel.
Both Clerics and Druids join it, and while 9 times out of 10 were not in the CH chain, we do a ton or Spam Healing, MGB SOTW, and Rampage Tank Healing while the clerics concentrate on the MA or SA.
We always get thanked. Usually becasue we only have 1 or 2 on at a time, and were doing all that above, while still doing, Pot9, PoS, Regen for necro's and Debuffing with Hand and Eci.
07-29-2004, 03:51 PM
I've been thanked by clerics for covering them. Usually in private, never publicly... but yah. I hear you.Since I first started my druid in April of 2000 I have been thanked exactly ONCE.
I can't remember the clerics name(damn I wish I could) but it was immediatly after a successful Vox raid(that alone tells you how long ago it's been) and I was in the MT group. My patch heals saved the MT twice and the rest of my mana went to keeping the cleric alive through the AE's(I pretty much resisted most of em so I don't think I needed many heals, if any.)
Her comment was "Thank you for keeping me alive! It is Soooo nice to finally meet a druid who didnt just blow all his mana nuking."
07-29-2004, 03:55 PM
Jack of all trades is the definition for a Bard btw .
07-29-2004, 05:11 PM
Jack of all trades is the definition for a Bard btw
yea, Druids are the jacks of ....ummmm...uhhh... Actually, let me get back to you on that one.
07-29-2004, 05:45 PM
If you are in a high raiding guild does your class ever get thanked?
07-29-2004, 07:10 PM
Jack of all trades..... This is a figure of speech that doesnt necessarily cover every single category but I still like to think of the druid as one. He isnt the best healer or nuker or debuffer, but he gets the job done. Wait, we are the master of one. We snare like no other lol.
07-29-2004, 07:46 PM
Well, our snares get overwritten quite frequently. And rangers get a nice AA snare (Entrap) that we don't. So yeah, we snare like no other. Sure wish we did....
07-29-2004, 07:53 PM
I used to get thanked for casting POT9 on people, especially when fresh rezzed and they didn't have a chance to ask for buffs.
07-29-2004, 08:23 PM
At the same time, druids dont get as much heat or blame as clerics.
07-29-2004, 08:23 PM
Also, it's not just Druids who don't get thanked either. Sure healers do great things, but what about the people who are running around curing that mana drain AE or God knows what else?
I've never seen anybody thank the main tank at a big raid, lol.
07-29-2004, 10:11 PM
actuly this was a problem for my guild and we have more druids then clerics normaly finaly i got mad bitched in druid chat rest of them agreed and the druid officer mentioned it to the raid leaders a few times befor they got the hint(dang near wipe on trivial mobs in VT) finaly they just thanked healers :) but as to the person that questioned if MT gets thanked yes all the time by the healers if they do a good job.
07-29-2004, 10:26 PM
At the same time, druids dont get as much heat or blame as clerics
aybe not now but remember the reaction the last time you actually evaced a group?....*shiver*
07-29-2004, 11:04 PM
do you mean accidentially?
i've had that happen on raids...
07-29-2004, 11:21 PM
Yeah, I get miffed sometimes when I hear in /rsay "are clerics ready?", etc., but I just assume they are including druids too and I pipe ("no, 40%, feed meh").
I did get really mad once when the raid leader put the secondary tank (and clueless aggro wonder) in my group during a Time raid. P3 sucked ass. Druids are spot healers there - not main healers (especially with 12 clerics on the raid).
One pull I decided to actually heal the rest of my group and off assist heal (i.e., not 100% spam the damn tank in my group). Raid nearly wiped (hi! thanks clerics!).
But, I wouldn't want to be a cleric either - I like my class, so I guess it doesn't bother me that much.
07-29-2004, 11:25 PM
do you mean accidentially?
i've had that happen on raids...
Ya, then too but I actually meant like 2 years ago back when people actually did dungeon crawls.
07-30-2004, 04:21 AM
Well its been a little while since I played ... so not recently. I got fed up with how depressingly useless druids are at the very highest level raids right now. 1 druid at a raid = useful. 2+ druids = wasted space.... but I digress.
In PoP raids though druids used to get a lot of credit, at least in AO. RZtW, Xegony, most of Time (P1, P3, Terris, Vallon and Inny) were real druid critical fights for us. We used to regularily farm Xegony waaaay back with 6 clerics in chain for mt, and 1 cleric + 4 druids healing the add waves... that made us feel useful and we used to get thanked a ton then :)
07-30-2004, 06:20 AM
Yeah, I get miffed sometimes when I hear in /rsay "are clerics ready?", etc., but I just assume they are including druids too and I pipe ("no, 40%, feed meh").
Thats because most Raid leaders know that Clerics either have a med penalty and regenerate mana 50% slower then other class's, or clerics need to get their ritual dancing before they are ready on raids, by which time usually everyone else is ready
07-30-2004, 09:28 AM
Wow! I haven't been able to play lately but in my guild we often have more druids logged on than clerics. I remember watching chats before and watching the clerics being "screamed" at for our failures. I think the druids were blamed once (but we were all dead at the time we were blamed for so I felt like a cleric *laugh*). Actually, in the past if healing went well it was all thanks to the clerics in chats, but as the clerics kept hitting that revolving door and the druids stayed pretty constant it was recognized that the druids were more seasoned and actually saved our necks a lot of times when the clerics were still learning.
These days if I see a "good job druids" or "good job healers" I wince a bit because I know I did so little to add to the win. When most of your play is spent ducking patches that have already been patched by clerics it's hard to feel as though you contributed. On the other hand, I think druids account for more clerics staying alive in a fight than the clerics do.
That said, I have found several times when the entire raid has waited for me or another druid to get to full mana or close. They may not ask but if you tell them you are low mana you might find that they do care! :)
07-30-2004, 04:21 PM
If you are in a high raiding guild does your class ever get thanked? I'm reminded over and over in chat how well the clerics have done at healing when I have been just the same thing. I can't recall a time when anyone thanked the Druids for a job well done.
This sounds familiar... = /
And as far as dissapointment - I felt that too. So I started my alt (first ever). Since not only was there a lack of recognition, but I couldnt stand out in my class either with more of us in the guild back on now I just felt sorta lost in the middle - not my style.
Nevermind I picked an alt class to be even more shunned on a daily basis - but at least there's only 4 or 5 of us that are 65....
07-30-2004, 09:36 PM
Thats because most Raid leaders know that Clerics either have a med penalty and regenerate mana 50% slower then other class's, or clerics need to get their ritual dancing before they are ready on raids, by which time usually everyone else is ready
I mostly get annoyed at this because of the scenario where we have a lot of clerics on a raid, few druids and we're both saving MGB for heals, so group and singling buffs. Few druids spamming POT9/BOT9 > med penalty clerics
Oh, and 3 freakin' bards can't keep mana song on, but that's a whole other issue. =D
07-30-2004, 09:57 PM
Oh, and 3 freakin' bards can't keep mana song on, but that's a whole other issue
No kidding, whats with that! 8P
07-30-2004, 10:45 PM
It's been my experience that other than big named fights, bards tend to go afk with me on autofollow for most of the raid (unless they're pulling, in which case they're not going to be singing mana song anyways).
In my last guild, we had a really incompetent bard officer who didn't even put on manasong before going afk for 45+ minutes, so when the only other bard on a raid went LD one time (on purpose, to prove the officer was a worthless twit), we had no manasong for 20 minutes, and the idiot officer got many tells.
07-31-2004, 06:40 PM
Druids in my guild get thanks, well when learning PoTime we did. Druids were on Rampage duty so it was always an attaboy from either raid leader or the RT. :thumbup:
Sobe Silvertree
08-01-2004, 04:10 AM
When I was raiding - I used /tell target Macro for my heal.. IE: Incoming Quick Heal.. Incoming iCH - worked well.
any healers actual like to know who's healing them when they have aggro so they know to watch that person just incase they get aggro'd (Ping Pong!).
As to all others.. people in my guild knew how much we healed due to the fact that all the druids used the Macro.. with different sayings.. and we got thanked a lot and those that didn't know how much we healed (newer peons).. found out quickly how much Druids backup healed. (/assist target healing rocks!)
08-02-2004, 07:09 AM
Im thinking its because maybe my guild is not as big - nor are we that advanced, but our RL's are great for thanking healers and not just clerics. Actually, I was asked to lead the heals channel recently since I was the most experienced healer online - and I was on my druid at the time - was a pretty cool feeling.
Aye this used to be a problem in our guild as well, but a few well placed "ahem"s, and now the "healers" are thanked, not just the class of clerics. Most people only notice the obvious, clerics keeping the Main Tank alive. They don't notice that while the clerics all focus on one player, it's the druids (and shaman) that are keeping the entire rest of the raid alive from the AE's, Rampages, and other incidental damage.
One thing that was fun to do for awhile was to add a tell to my hotkeys that sent a tell to the person I just healed that said simply, "Saved your life! Have you hugged your local druid today?!" Got me a lots of hugs, as well as increased everyone's awareness of just how much Druids do contribute on raids.
It varies. I have seen a , "good job healers" in the raid channel a few times. A lot of the time I will be in the cleric cheal channel and see the healers thanked there. Often, myself and maybe one other druid are the only ones in the channel since we don't usually join the ch rotations. I mostly sit in there to coordinate with the clerics on mass HoT's or see if a lot of clerics start posting "dead's" to know I might need to get my evac but, er heal button spammed more. We have a different channel for spam heals. The spam heals channel never sees a thank you and of course, no raid leader in the druids channel. I get thank you's in tells though and usually pass along the thank you healers message to the druid channel.
08-19-2004, 01:54 AM
If you are in a high raiding guild does your class ever get thanked? I'm reminded over and over in chat how well the clerics have done at healing when I have been just the same thing. I can't recall a time when anyone thanked the Druids for a job well done.
For ex: What I consider a non trivial event we had more druids on than clerics and all I heard was great work Clerics. This is done consistently and I have the utmost respect for our clerics but are other classes that clueless in our abilities too?
Now most guilds do not have that many druids in their guild so having more druids on line than clerics says a lot.
The game gets more disappointing every day for me.
Druids in my guild are appreciated.
We also have 11+ very active druids in our guild.
I often get /tells from guildies thanking me for a job well done.
After Our first Quarm kill ( 3rd attempt ever, 5th time in Time) a guild warrior sent me a tell explaining that the reason we were able to take Quarm so soon was due to our druid base.
y guild knows our contributions and rewards us frequently.
I'm very content with how my guild treats me and my fellow druids.
While Clerics may get more glory than druids, consider this: Druids rarely get blamed for problems. Clerics are always the first to get blamed for not keeping main tanks up. Clerics are always under pressure to raid early and often, more than any other class.
We may not get all the "attaboys" clerics get, but, we don't get the grief they get either.
08-19-2004, 07:47 AM
Well our Raid leader sometimes just says GJ Healers or GJ clerics... so I take it upon myself to tell my druid brothers and sisters what a good job we did.
At the start of PoP our raid was completely ignorant to the debuff we call Hand of Ro... after a few months it became essential and Wizards started asking for it (mages never did cause they h8 druids). So I believe at least wizards know how important our debuffs are to land their top of the line spells. At least that -i believe- gives a sense of importance to our druids. Not to mention our MGB heals, and spot heals which could be better but dont get me started on that. :)
Honestly if nobody thanks your raid-force druids, step up and tell them how good of a job they did. It goes a long way. :D
08-19-2004, 10:40 AM
Yeah, but CC still sucks, Tea. :grin:
08-19-2004, 02:02 PM
Yeah, but CC still sucks, Tea. :grin:
Bah! Least we're still here! How's EoD? :duel2:
08-19-2004, 02:21 PM
Actually, I think a large part of'em are playing WoW via FOH hookups....
08-20-2004, 11:23 AM
Our guildleader is a druid!
uch love for druids, OR ELSE!! :thumbup:
08-20-2004, 12:56 PM
More often lately our clerics thank the druids for a good job covering fast heals. Our clerics know our druids kick ass.
08-22-2004, 11:26 AM
And the fact that if they dont tell the druids that they kick ass Trevize will kick THERE ass have nothing to do with it.
honest!! :)
In my guild we, the druids, know are own value and we make sure everyone know that the order of classes is
Everyone else.
Work great:)
09-05-2004, 01:34 AM
I must admit I have been very sensitive in the past on the issue of druid appreciation. Mostly I think was related to my previous guild that thought clerics were the only ones deserving of loot and appreciation. When I joined a high end guild I immediately noticed how much better I was being treated and appreciated.
I think for the most part my guild officers and members are very good in appreciation department. Sometimes you will hear the healing team being referred to as clerics but mostly its always "healers" encompassing eveyone that heals.
I have learned to step back and look at the bigger picture. In reality clerics are one of the few classes that get alot of direct positive reinforcement. That is really ok because I look at tanks and I never see "good job tanks" or dps being told "good job dps" or even chanters and bards being told "good job with crowd control". So if leadership wants to feed the big egos that some clerics develop thats ok! I know what I am doing and in reality I am sure they do to.
09-05-2004, 03:51 AM
The clerics know that my heal arrived before their's on random agro'd raid member_09 even though they have the faster heal :P
Honestly, for me well timed spot heals keep me happy just because....well just because :P -- a well timed heal can save somebody, once in awhile can even save a raid (when does a nuke do that?). And really, the people who receive them now know who they came from, so....I think if you're doing well, it does get quietly noticed.
09-06-2004, 02:17 AM
Oh, and 3 freakin' bards can't keep mana song on, but that's a whole other issue. =D
I wish we had bards. =/
09-06-2004, 02:26 AM
What are Bards?
09-07-2004, 10:07 AM
More often lately our clerics thank the druids for a good job covering fast heals. Our clerics know our druids kick ass.
Yeah, or their guild leader kicks their ass. =)
12-05-2004, 04:20 AM
Hi. I'm Bryano and I'm a druid
I like to watch the stars and decide for the mathematics
of certain things I hear
I sit and yell about nonsense with an old bald friend.
I'm a half-elf and I tend to feel underappreciated
as I'm not that good looking tho the usual green eyes.
Hoping to find some sense in this realm of
town and time.
Thanks for any morale praisers.
12-05-2004, 08:30 AM
Same here, not the clerics get thanked but the healers generally. And i can remember a few times where my heal would decide if a raid wipes or not.
12-05-2004, 11:43 PM
i get comments like great job on healing ramp tank or healing grp etc, and so on, but heh, i dont really care if ppl thank me or not. i appricate people with manners very much however, ppl with manners are geting lower and lower as time progress's.
Well our Raid leader sometimes just says GJ Healers or GJ clerics... so I take it upon myself to tell my druid brothers and sisters what a good job we did.
our guild leader calls us F***erheads , hahahahahahah
12-08-2004, 12:59 AM
My guild sends the members a booque (sp?) of flowers :rose: and a box full of heart shaped candies that say "huggles" on them after first kills on major mobs.
I love such apprecation.
12-08-2004, 10:14 AM
our guild leader calls us F***erheads , hahahahahahah
Keep away from Eci, or your ears will start to bleed!
01-13-2005, 12:22 PM
To be honest, when an event is won and a raid does not wipe the efforts of every member of that raid are usually the cause of success and not any one individual class. I get more upset when I see one particular class congratulated for doing what they are SUPPOSED to do in any raid situation. The personal satisfaction I receive is when we beat an event using all the classes and when each player does the best they can. I expect no compliments for doing my job well, at the same time I find it bad when a particular class gets blamed for the failure of an event. I have always felt like you win and lose as a guild/raid, and compliments while appreciated are not necessary. A "good job everyone" is my favorite compliment.
Whether you think druids are overlooked, underpowered, nerfed, port ho's, or whatever, when we do our part in conjunction with everyone else, raids go smoothly. When we dont do our parts raids may be winnable but its never as good as when we are on our game.
If we were not necessary we would not be in guilds and appreciated.
01-30-2005, 01:34 PM
We, my guild, took down Barxt last night and won Uqua and of all the celebrating the following message came across our raidchat "Druids you did a great job tonight" sometimes its the simple things that make it all worthwhile. :thumbsup:
01-31-2005, 09:08 AM
Congrats on the Uqua victory!
As far as appreciation goes, myself and another druid buddy of mine always tease the clerics on how we save the raids, but overall I feel very appreciated by my guild, a few members have even let me know about this. Hell our raid leader is a druid, so clearly we must be adding serious value right? :smile:
02-02-2005, 10:38 AM
So this is a thread as much about the lack of appreciation as it is about slakker clerics. I've come to a great frustration of our clerics of late. I am in a high end raiding guild. In the middle of a raid after killing a middling boss of the zone and we were on clean up, a cleric had the nerve to say to me "im not rezzing tonight". They refuse to follow directions and efficient rezzing proceedures. Please tell me why a wizard needs to be rezzed before someone who get the masses rebuffed. I guess i really dont understand. The druids of our guild are carrying the healing while the clerics trip over their egos. And all we hear is good job clerics. /puke /rant off
02-02-2005, 11:05 PM
I feel lucky, in my guild the raid leader claims the secret to his success is druids. One of my tanks just changed his last name to Lovesdruids. We are worshipped as gods.
02-20-2005, 01:52 PM
I have been watching this thread for a long time and was quite surprised to see all the comments. A lot of time has gone by since I started this thread and a lot has happened to me in the course of the game.
I have gone on to another server, yes a big risk because I knew no one where I was going but my guild which was one of the top and had been the top guild where I was fell apart. Most quit or went to different servers. I chose not to follow guildmates. What I have found out is that there is no drama as I had seen for years where I was, druids really have the appreciation and respect and no class is disrepcted. Every class has desires for a make up in a group.
To keep it short, I'm very happy where I am now at this juncture.
02-21-2005, 09:35 PM
A couple nites ago, my guild killed the Emperor of SSRA for the first time. Was a 32 min long fight, we had 4 clerics and 4 druids at the raid(one of the clerics was being boxxed by a bard though). One druid was assigned to Spam RGC the main tank. One cleric was on the Ramp tank, and another cleric was healing the Off-tanks. The other two clerics, and 3 druids(including myself) were assigned to a CH rot on the Main tank. At the start of the fight(after blood was dead, and Emp became targettable) the two clerics in our CH Rot went down fast to Emp's rampages. This left us 3 druids healing the Main tank in our CH rotation for around, somewhere between 5-10 mins. The clerics were rezzed and came back into the CH rotation and we ended up defeating the Emperor that nite :thumbup:
Needless to say, us druids got many thanks that nite for saving the raid from a wipe.
02-22-2005, 12:49 AM
The guild I used to be in I was allways set as Rampage healer in Time and the Paladin's thanked me all the time. Rogue's thanked me alot for keeping them alive also. For the most part Cleric's will allways get more recognition for the healing department as well they have better spells and if they fluff a CH chain they get yelled at not us so it evens out =)
02-22-2005, 05:16 PM
We make the clerics look good :whistle:
02-28-2005, 05:19 PM
Our druid army gets thanked a lot. I feel appreciated anyway.
03-02-2005, 02:11 PM
I think our druids are appreciated, Im more a healer then a nuker so I get fed as much as the clerics do ( if not more do to the mana cost difference ). Alot of times I get stuck on rot which isnt usualy to bad unless its a AE that comes along with that big and nasty, and Im the only healer in the group. On second thought its kinda funny to watch most of your group die with the excuse " MT more important the you fool!".
However our GL does pass the heat along to the druids as well as the clerics when things dont go well. *shiver* I try to hide behind a ogre or something when that happens.
05-07-2005, 02:56 AM
Thanks is appreciated but not really necessary - I know what I'm doing and at times who and what I'm saving from sudden death. Getting invited to a CH chain cos low cleric numbers, while having the lowest manapool of all druids in my guild, just goes to show they put trust in me and my general awareness, that's enough recognition and respect I wish :)
06-02-2005, 01:46 PM
I have my druid team trained to say "it was heal agro" if we die on a raid :whistle: But yeah our druids are very well treated... course me being an officer and a druid has nothing to do with this... :biggrin:
06-12-2005, 06:47 AM
Actually, my guild appreciates druids.
One problem is that we have so many of them. It's hard to feel special when there are so many druids but it also allows us druids to support each other. We have our Druid Chat Channel which only druids use and we can keep track of who is doing what, as well as make druid comments.
Druids are appreciated in my guild. Sure, they don't often come out with "Well, the druid(s) saved the day on that one" but then they don't do that for any other class either.
Any guild member of any class who does their job well is appreciated.
It is true that clerics get more slack that we do. Because they are needed more. When you have 10 druids and 5 clerics and only clerics can do the major healing, then of course they are prized more. Sure, if you want to recruit with us, we have much stricter requirements for druids than clerics. But that is basic supply and demand.
I tend to always watch Enchanters because they tend to have less hit points (well, in the past anyway, as a new member of my guild, I have much fewer than some of them) and it is so important for the success of the group and raid that they survive. I've had Enchanters send me tells thanking me for keeping them alive when the cleric was busy or just not paying attention.
I'm appreciated for being there when needed, for having a good attitude, for trying to help the guild and members succeed and have a good time. Being a good player gets you appreciated no matter what your class.
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