View Full Forums : Over Sensitive Moderators..

08-14-2004, 05:37 PM
So , I started a thread with the intent of seeing rather or not druids do indeed want a rez line of spells.

Aparently this was too much "controversy" for the mod's who apparently do not want us to have any sort of discussion that dosent fit with their line of thinking.. so they locked it. GJ !

I will most likely get banned for this or this will just get deleted, lord knows we dont want to actually have any serious discussions on this board. And amazing enough I have always supported the mod's before, but this is just sad.

but for those who want the results.



So its fairly close issue. I would have liked to continued to get a larger data pool, but its not wanted. Just let the mod's and their "Inner Circle" decide what all the druids want , so they can be happy.

2 years of posting on this board and this is the first time I am ashamed.

08-14-2004, 05:48 PM

Oh please. Druid Rez has been discussed to death. It's not really something that druids need. So don't paint yourself as a martyr for bringing a flamey topic up that gets closed down. Regardless of what the players think or say, SOE is going to do what they think is best to do. Despite the fact that common sense clearly dictates what they're doing is the wrong thing to do.

So even if it was 100 to 2 in favor of druid rez, SOE wouldn't give a damn.

08-14-2004, 05:51 PM
Aly, considering this is the First thing about this board I have ever complained about and you complain about .....everything.

I would think that I have a bit more level head then you do.

08-14-2004, 05:51 PM
I don't complain about everything. Only the things worth complaining about. *shrugs*

08-14-2004, 10:02 PM
When everything is worth complaining about, pick your battles carefully.

08-15-2004, 12:11 AM
I personally wouldnt have locked the thread but if all you wanted was raw data then a Poll would have been more appropriate.

08-15-2004, 12:25 AM
Did you even try talking to a Mod/Admin via PMs/IM/Email with inquiries about your thread?

08-15-2004, 11:33 PM
I thought that thread was doing allright, and it was more engaging to read than the usual back-and-forth private and inside humor. It didn't seem to violate any forum rules either, and certainly no one was getting personal.

Constructive or not, I'd like a chance to further explain my own post too, but apparently that's not worth doing.

08-16-2004, 12:10 AM
Interesting. I saw one post from a moderator (I forget who it was) stating that they had considered shutting down the thread and I laughed. Thought it was an inside joke because the thread was harmless. There're a lot more "damaging" threads than taking a manual poll for rezzing. But to shut that one down? I didn't know that we had cleric moderators here. :/ Oh well...

08-16-2004, 03:03 AM
I think the thread was locked because it was likely to dissolve into something that was not constructive. The thread initially was a poll, so it should have been framed in that context initially if the original poster wished to get raw data: yes or no.

At this point, from what I have read so far the Druid rez discussion is one of the few issues that has Druids flaming other Druids almost instantly after the thread opens. The offhand comment about 'Cleric moderators' is a good example. Way to be McCarthy about it. Let's post a list of all the Cleric sympathising turncoats! We'll show them!

Oh come on. I'm kidding. :grin:

If a moderator locks a particular topic, I can only guess it is because the conversation isn't a healthy one. :duel2: The discussion isn't going anywhere really, and it's not because a moderator locked the topic.

08-16-2004, 08:33 AM
Aly is right in this case. The topic has been discussed to death. It's an old one - you can go back and find all the old posts if you want. The threads were very ugly.

Asking for a druid rez is like asking to Sony to give you a million bucks just because. Do you honestly believe that it is a worthwhile topic and that SoE will give it serious consideration? I'd ask what you were smoking if you really thought that.

I didn't lock the thread but I've seen it a million times before and I roll my eyes everytime.

08-16-2004, 08:45 AM
Aly is right in this case. The topic has been discussed to death. It's an old one - you can go back and find all the old posts if you want. The threads were very ugly.While it may be true that it's been discussed many times, it obviously is a topic that some are still interested in discussing. It was discussed in the Covenant in several threads but I don't remember DRUIDS ever really discussing anything there. Mostly it was one shaman and a few clerics.

Should we not discuss healing simply because it's been discussed to death? Or should we discuss druids getting Feign Death because it hasn't?

While it may be a hot topic with some and had POTENTIAL for getting flame-y, I've usually seen threads moved to this forum rather than being locked. :confused:

Chubbexul Demonsbane
08-16-2004, 10:09 AM
I don't complain about everything. Only the things worth complaining about. *shrugs*

LOl thats too funny, queen of complainers. Welll my thoughts are yes this subject has been talked about in the past, but it doesnt give the mods a right to close the thread, This is a message board intended to get people to discuss, advise, and yes even the occasional argument. Seems the only thing this board has become has been a safehaven for all the pathetic complainers that this board has been left with.

08-16-2004, 10:25 AM
Well, since you're still here, I guess that makes you one of the pathetic complainers eh?

I didn't close the thread, but yes, I agree with everything that's been said so far.

It was redundant, nothing in the thread was "new," and it was very apparent that no one was reading previous posts anyhow. And yes, that thread was a rehash of the old rez threads that came before it.

As for "calling for a poll," as jtoast mentioned, there's a more appropriate forum for that. Just for that, in fact.

So if this issue is "so important" to the druid community, wouldn't it be better served to be posted on the <a href="">druid concerns thread</a>? That way, 'rocco can put it on the official thread to have SOE address or shoot down. Or is this issue not important enough to usurp one of the existing issues?

And by the way, I don't think the "summary" of that thread is accurate.

Hardly anyone wanted a "rez," most wanted a "summon to corpse".

Chubbexul Demonsbane
08-16-2004, 10:30 AM
Yes im still here defending this game and still enjoying game. I have seen several topics discussed hundreds of times without seeing it locked up. But if you are going to be locking up threads then I would love to see you lock up a thread the second one of these EQ bashers hits the thread. Of course that would me you would have to lock up every thread that ally is on.

08-16-2004, 10:42 AM
Technically, comparing the posters and the posts on this thread so far, Aly is one farthest from the "flamer" tag right now.

Chubbexul Demonsbane
08-16-2004, 10:49 AM

08-16-2004, 11:20 AM

I looked at the posting rules and couldn't find anything that would have caused the thread to be locked. A lot of good new ideas have come out of rehashing old topics and about 95% of the posts here are redundant information anyway. If redundancy was cause for locking a thread then there would be NO forums here. Also, as the game changes so do people's ideas of what is needed and what isn't. But if a rehash of something makes you want to roll your eyes, don't read the thread.

I'm just confused as to why the thread was locked.

08-16-2004, 12:23 PM
I'm just confused as to why the thread was locked.
Because of the direction it was heading. It was turning into another flamey thread of Druids have X/Y/Z and Clerics have A. If Druids get A, I want X/Y/Z on my cleric. It's stupid. I much prefer the EQII class structure. Several base archetypes with more specialized professions as you level up, but they can function in the same role as any other specialized profession within that archetype.

That alone stops any and all arguments pretty much.

But if a rehash of something makes you want to roll your eyes, don't read the thread.
It's a waste of bandwidth. If you really want to find out a druids opinion on rez, just do a search for it. You'll find plenty of information to draw your conclusions from. Everything in Regnon's thread has been discussed before at one time or another. I didn't see anything new in it when I skimmed through it.

08-16-2004, 01:27 PM
It's a waste of bandwidth. If you really want to find out a druids opinion on rez, just do a search for it. You'll find plenty of information to draw your conclusions from. Everything in Regnon's thread has been discussed before at one time or another. I didn't see anything new in it when I skimmed through it.

So I tested this idea, and sure enough you're fairly bang on. "GoD era Resurrection" ( ) from March (which I don't remember reading.. d'oh) was fairly complete.

I can't help but notice the difference in the in non-druids that posted then. Apparently in March there was more sympathy, and people were more interested in discussing the issue alone, without bringing in "cleric compensation" and other spells.

08-16-2004, 02:09 PM
It was before the guild summit at SOE, and the class discution forum that have draw some of the most lobying poster from the other class (of style my class must get this first before another can get something).


08-16-2004, 03:32 PM
Heh everything been discussed 100 times, better lock every uber v casual thread and every soe sucks thread p

08-16-2004, 03:38 PM
Liberal use of the ignore list has kept me from heated posting in the uber-vs-casual threads now. ^.^~

08-16-2004, 03:41 PM
Pie. And 42. /nod

<-- didn't lock it either, so turn your phasers back to stun

08-16-2004, 03:46 PM
Isn't 42 the answer to everything?

08-16-2004, 03:59 PM
Why yes it is...hence, when giving it, there is resolution. Add pie and you're set!

Altogether now! "mmm, piiie."

08-16-2004, 04:01 PM


08-16-2004, 04:03 PM
for once i agree with Aly :)

Len the Druid
08-17-2004, 01:16 AM
what would be a better thread is one about has-been clinger-on's that still think they try to hold on to their relevance and shape EQ1 druids role in game.

But I digress..druid rez is silly.


08-17-2004, 08:54 AM
I think that would be "clinger's-on" ;)

08-17-2004, 10:01 AM
I think that would be "clinger's-on" ;)I think you mean "clingers on" :p

08-17-2004, 11:19 AM
No No, Klingon.

08-17-2004, 11:43 AM
Klingon's in EQ now? I always thought Ogre's might be related to Klingons.

08-17-2004, 11:56 AM
Because of the direction it was heading. It was turning into another flamey thread of Druids have X/Y/Z and Clerics have A. If Druids get A, I want X/Y/Z on my cleric. It's stupid.

So... a cleric posts that his class should get compensated and the thread is shut down? Wow, I didn't realize they had such power to control what druids talk about, but then, it happened in the Priest Covenant .. was bound to happen in other areas right?

Just my opinion (as a non-moderator), but I think it's presumptuous to lock a thread because of where it *might* be heading or where it "looked" like it was heading. If a single suggestion of cleric compensation was suspected to trigger a flamefest, perhaps that cleric's post should have been moderated so the discussion could continue and possibly generate some new ideas, perhaps even something that was more acceptable to other classes.

If you had asked me a couple years ago about a druid rez, I'd have replied with an adamant "no" .. and would have expected to see the thread cross-posted and degenerate rapidly as clerics got wind of it. Come to think of it, that's not even hypothetical; it has happened.

But ever since GoD was released and we've seen the direction SOE is heading with content, my position on that particular topic (and I'm sure the position of many other druids) has shifted a bit towards wanting to at least discuss future options. Maybe not an outright rez, but something that keeps groups from being overly penalized in content progression by accepting a druid as their main healer when a cleric isn't available.

As the game evolves, so do the needs of some classes to remain viable in their roles. If we are prohibited from discussing "old topics" because of what has happened when they were discussed in the past, I have some serious doubts about this forum's direction and its ability to retain interest.

For what it's worth, over the years there haven't been many occasions when I disagreed with TDG moderators' actions.


Sobe Silvertree
08-17-2004, 03:49 PM
Nothing wrong with disagreeing - we are actual trying to find out why it was closed - at this point we think the cat jumped on someones keyboard.

As I have always said - if you have a problem - just PM me or Email me and I will look into the reasons of why such a post was closed or address the concerns by the community.

I have reopened the thread but for now on just email me - try not to make an issue out of the something that really isn't an issue when it takes the same amount of effort to create a post as it does to PM me .. a lot of times it just takes a "hey can you look into this (issue) - k- thx".

As to the actual thread - My opinion we are beating a dead horse.. at the same time if there was another thread out there that addressed these same concerns.. its best to redirect or merge the post and this was "explained" in the admin section.

As to all those that want to make a change or enhance the EQ moderation of our forums - STEP UP! - If you still play EQ and want to help out the Grove request a spot in the moderation of these forums.. you may find it to your liking... as to complaining about what they do... sometimes you have to sit in their chair and maybe then you will see what they go through and the decisions they make on a daily basis.

Be Well,

08-17-2004, 04:09 PM
Guys, you have to cut the moderators some slack. It's a thankless job. We won't always agree with them moving something or closing something but they genuinely care and it shows. Every time I get upset at one for whatever reason I try and remind myself of these things.

Shaman rezz potions anyone?
Add a rezz stone next to every portal book?

And before your memory fades, Vox does or did drop a Druid/Shaman usable 90% rezz stick with 10 charges, so there is president here already since the game started. Heck, IIRC it could be used from inventory so anyone could rezz.

08-17-2004, 04:42 PM
Sometimes...a thread gets closed by accident.

You see, Rahjeir has replaced the mod interface on the board with HAL9784. Unfortunately the 9784 model isn't quite as well meaning as the 9000 model.

I'm just lucky the lil bastard hasn't figured out how to send me to Io yet.

08-17-2004, 08:03 PM
Yeah yeah, I know HAL9784 broke bards.

But but but, I'm patching it with HAL10k-alpha, nextweek! I'll break everyone with that one! Then it will balance out!

Sorry I had too....... :grin:

08-17-2004, 09:11 PM
Daaaisy, Daaaaaaisy....

Sobe Silvertree
08-18-2004, 03:28 AM
Looks like Scirocco took this one step further! - so.. we now have a fumble and a recovery.. gotta love them Patriots!


As for HAL - well let me say..

01010101010101101011001010101101010110101010010111 010101010101011010101

NM he's pissed at me already~!

08-18-2004, 07:38 AM
Isn't 42 the answer to everything?

No it isn't. It's the answer to "the ultimate question about life, the universe and everything". So there's only one question to which the answer is 42.

"What do you get if you multiply six by nine" to be precice.

08-18-2004, 02:10 PM

6*7 is 42, Nobody makes jokes in base 13

08-18-2004, 02:48 PM

6*7 is 42, Nobody makes jokes in base 13

No, but we joke in other numbering systems.

Why do computer programmers get halloween and christmas mixed up?

Oct 31 = Dec 25

And in binary...

There are 10 types of people in the world, those who known binary and those who don't!

And the question to Life, The Universe and Everything remains unknown because the super computer that was built to solve the question, Earth, was destroyed just as the answer was about to be revealed. 6*7 was merely speculation!

08-18-2004, 03:09 PM

But problem has ben rectified so , derail away.

08-19-2004, 05:02 AM
6*7 was merely speculation!

You mean 6 x 9 was merely speculation. /nitpick

Nobody makes jokes in base 13

/chuckle. Whatever helps him sleep at night :P

08-19-2004, 10:38 AM
you guys are all nerds ;)

08-20-2004, 03:20 PM
you guys are all nerds ;)

Thank you /curtsey