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09-14-2004, 01:14 PM
Druids have had many changes since the beginning of EQ. I guess perhaps we were too mighty at creation time and they have slowly nerfed us. However the damage is done and the nerfing continues because of perceptions from years ago. Don't get me wrong I love being a druid and I would not change a thing even if I was starting over today.

They may continue to nerf but as long as I can find a way to progress I will and throw their nerfs back in their face and show them that no matter how hard they try they won't stop my progression.

With all the complaining that still goes on I wonder what would happen if all of the druids went on strike and didn't log on for a month? I wonder if that would change anyone's opinion about druids in a favorable direction?


p.s. sorry had to rant some.

09-14-2004, 02:00 PM
Enchanters tried to plot this, Clerics vaguely tried, and Warriors had a "Sit in"

The end result was that Groups found shamans to slow, druids to heal, and knights to tank.

Besides, you couldn't really make this work, since people have druid bots, and a lot of druids would ignore the "Boycott"

And we're not nearly as essential as any of them, so it wouldn't matter anyway. Would we notice if Shadow Knights took the week off? Wizards?


09-14-2004, 02:24 PM
I doubt that anyone would miss druids for our character skills and spells. Druids are more likely to be missed for sparkling wit and conversation... unless someone still has the original druid model on and then it's for the nudity. :)

09-14-2004, 03:52 PM
Lol Arienne...

The taking away of what made a druid fun when I created him caused me to make an alt I love much more. So much in fact Ill be changing mains soon. Other druids I have known for years are starting to do the same thing.

Take that as a boycott if you will, but its the effect it all had on me. I dont think anything will change the state of being a druid other then SoE realizing the diluting of the class.

Or perhaps its just time for change for me. /shrug

09-14-2004, 04:34 PM
As long as you're paying your monthly fee, SOE doesn't care what class you play.

Crowly Kittenclubber
09-14-2004, 04:40 PM
Would we notice if Shadow Knights took the week off?


Huh? SKs have a use? Well, other than hitting me w/ Thule on raids...bastadges...

09-16-2004, 07:45 PM

Strike all you want, you will just be replaced temporarily in groups. And unfortunatly, there will always be someone with a bot. Clerics, Shamans, Enchanters have the same issue now to varying degrees.

09-16-2004, 08:53 PM
I wonder what would happen if all of the druids went on strike and didn't log on for a month?

I think what would happen is I would start out with minor withdrawl and by day two I'd be having convulsions :rolling:

09-16-2004, 09:02 PM
Strikes are aimed at fellow players without any power, just like us. Strikes are useless.

If you want to organize anything to try to get SOE to do something, you have to hit them in the pocketbook. Get those druids to cancel their accounts. Even if those accounts still remain active for a month or so, the fact that they have been cancelled will register.

09-16-2004, 09:42 PM
I wonder what would happen if all of the druids went on strike and didn't log on for a month

I would assume that when we came back we would get nerfed because we were costing Shaman and Clerics group spots :p

09-17-2004, 05:01 AM
you have to hit them in the pocketbook. Get those druids to cancel their accounts
Well my two account are without oow for now, i didn't buy it when i learn about the nuke nerf.
And i am holding out on option two (cancel) to see if they real make link spell timer live.

09-17-2004, 09:26 AM
And i am holding out on option two (cancel) to see if they real make link spell timer live.Scirocco's right. You can cancel your account EVERY MONTH and still play!!

SOE has no idea whether you are going to resubscribe or not. Imagine the impact if, rather than a "sit in" or other form of protest with your character online, SOE suddenly saw thousands of accounts cancelled. Yes, you have paid for the month (or quarter or even year), but that's water under the bridge to them. They are more concerned about FUTURE income than current or past income, and as long as you are an open account they will complacently sit in meetings and project your account as future income as well.

Cancelled accounts show up on all the numbers they run and present at meetings just as live accounts do. Which do you think have a greater impact on conversations at their meetings? Food for thought.... :D

09-17-2004, 12:44 PM
Incorrect. Legally, they are required to list EVERY subscriber that paid for that month as a sub. You do not become a loss untill you don't pay for a month.

It's a publicly held company ( I think it is anyway), and it will always report the best numbers it can each month, bending the rules to do so. So if you paid, your getting on the books.

09-17-2004, 03:26 PM
There's a differance between what they tell the public and what they talk about behind closed doors.

09-17-2004, 04:35 PM
better not be too different from what they are telling the public.
Sarbanes-Oxley Act will ruin them. Sarbanes-Oxley Act was created to help stop things like ENRON adn WORLDCOM from happening again.

09-17-2004, 09:05 PM
Incorrect. Legally, they are required to list EVERY subscriber that paid for that month as a sub. You do not become a loss untill you don't pay for a month.

It's a publicly held company ( I think it is anyway), and it will always report the best numbers it can each month, bending the rules to do so. So if you paid, your getting on the books.Yeah you're getting on the books. The stockholders see the income. I don't dispute that. But you know that they HAVE to pay attention to "cancelled accounts". If YOU were running a corporate meeting to address the numbers and marketing strategies for the future, would you glance past the cancelled accounts and concentrate more on what you did last month when they were active??

Cancelled accounts HAVE an impact. I don't care how they slice, dice and spin the numbers, cancelled accounts show up as cancelled and they can't count on having an income from them once the subscription expires. If they get some back, good for them. But if they project sales based on cancelled accounts that *might* reactivate, you know it has to be an established percentage. If there was a rash of cancellations, they would have to take notice.

Cancelled accounts DO have an impact.