View Full Forums : Chat Channel Nazis

09-18-2004, 04:12 PM
Yesterday Sobe decided we needed new mods in serverwide.druidsgrove. All well and good. However picking two random people (Crystalreine and Kryttos, no issues with Lihp but again, never seen him in channel before) who've never been in there prior to the OoW release is nonsense. Especially since they're on this power trip trying to turn the channel into a G rated playground. Guess what, its not a G rated channel, we don't need constant supervision and the power trip can yesterday.

People who have actually been in the channel more than say....3 days, know how things work and how people like say....Gallas are dealt with. Its a hands-off channel unless someone has a history of misbehavior or they're blatantly excessively out of line. No offense Sobe, but what were you thinking? The egobrats have got to go.

Sobe Silvertree
09-18-2004, 05:01 PM
Well .. I didn't see you volunteering either.. I said - send me a tell - Other then that Arvine is now in charge of the entire channel, and quite frankly the attitude of only being on there for so many days must go - it is a channel for all Druids.. tho Gallas is a tard and we all know that.. even I kicked him after he threatened to report me /shrugs.

But then something had to be done.. Chat channel is sometimes a welcome mat for The Druids Grove Forums and if people do not feel welcomed.. well that upsets me.

As for anything else.. can be contacted and the issues you have can be discussed with him.

As for the mods.. a situation was already reported by one of the mods that "someone" was constantly swearing in the chat room.. and quite frankly it seemed that .. that someone was doing it on purpose to bate the mods to create a situation. Bottomline, IMO no matter what filters are in place.. it is improper etiquette to swear in a live chat channel. Slip ups will happen.. thats called judgement.. as for the rest.. experience will come.. now quit your bitching or step up to the plate. :whistle:

Oh yea Aveyn.. you going to the Fan Faire? - Your gonna owe me a couple drinks after this ;)

09-18-2004, 05:51 PM
I can't read everything in DG chat all the time, yesterday was one of those times. I probably would have sent a tell had I noticed. I've ended up mod many times before, much to my delight as I got to use my /kick gallas hotkey which goes on my innate invis button =) I think the current mods at least should have had some say in who was added since they get on and know the amosphere of the channel. These new people are heavyhanded and completely ignorant of anything to do with how the channel is run.

So in that I disagree with you, being new does make a difference if they're going to be put in a position of authority with no prior knowledge of how we do things. The current influx of epic2.0fanbois is fine, but some more consideration could have been made on how to deal with it. Its sure not a welcoming channel now with a couple kindergarten teachers running amuck.

I swear off and on sometimes, I don't really pay attention, and lets be honest, EQ is not a kids game. Moderation should be the rule rather than the lowest or highest common denominator. I didn't see anyone swearing to cause a situation, I sure didn't sit quietly by and let their power trips go unchallenged either though. I am confrontational when I don't agree with something, the channel has been hands-off for as long as I've joined and this new development makes me very resentful of how things were handled.

If I wasn't a completely broke (and in debt) typical college kid I would have loved to make this or last FF and buy you some drinks :cheers: but it doesn't seem likely. Out of state tuition is painful. You would rather have drinks with Molilya anyway, halflings are cuter :P Just ask her to get your seat in the "full and upright position".

09-18-2004, 05:55 PM
On a side note, I believe Iglacias had enquired about being a mod as well.

09-18-2004, 06:08 PM
Alright, I was probably one of the people being complained about, Though I wasn't consciously swearing to get a rise out of anyone (til after one of the new self important nazi's kept telling Toprem to stop cursing anyways).

Anyways, I was (and still am) irritated by people who never bothered to join the channel til the past few days, and as soon as they log in (and a new one logs in every 12.8 minutes) asking "any new epic info?" in some form gets REALLY REALLY OLD.

And yes, the new mods have absolutely no idea about the atmosphere and mood of the channel that has developed over the past few years, and no offense intended, but neither do you Sobe, since you're rarely on or in the channel. Even Gallas was dealt with when he caused problems, if not by a mod, then by the community as a whole rejecting him. For that matter, Toprem and I have had our differences, and occasionally engaged in namecalling through the channel, however, the past couple days I've realized he's much smarter than I'd given him credit for previously, and agree with him on several defamatory opinions of the new mods.

I would have no problems being a mod if it meant removing the current whiny middleaged mother types (whether they are or not is irrelevant, it's the attitude that is projected), however since I do not exactly have a pristine reputation in terms of playing the metagame of EQ (in that I say what I think, rather than what people want to hear), I didn't expect to be accepted, so I didn't even offer.

Sobe Silvertree
09-18-2004, 06:54 PM
You have my Email Aluaeia -

As for the current mods I sat in the room for around 1 hour.

Some of it maybe overkill but give them time.. we still working it all out.

I won't take a "remove this people as mods" and I will be a mod - sorry thats just way wrong on so many levels.

09-18-2004, 06:59 PM
I won't take a "remove this people as mods" and I will be a mod - sorry thats just way wrong on so many levels.

You're reading more into it than you have to.

I don't want to be a mod, but anyone (including myself) would be better than the schoolmarms we have now.

09-18-2004, 09:23 PM
hun, *sorry about the hun but its something I call everyone, or sweetie* anyways, since I have been a mod I have sent maybe 2-3 tells in all to people asking if they would mind keeping the language and sexual inuendos down. The time of day that it was hitting isnt real good, especially with the fact that there could be children in the chat channel, or as one person said their child was reading it and started asking questions or if the child(ren) had seen it they would have started asking questions. I would think that Sobe nor anyone else would want to be a sex instruction class instead of a game and friendly chat channel to help answer or ask questions.

just my 2 copper though =) Everyone relax, have fun and enjoy each others company =p


09-18-2004, 09:30 PM
And those people asking that are asking the wrong channel, if they had been in the channel for more than the 3 days they probably have been they'd know that TDG channel isnt for soft skinned people..

And Alua tells the truth, i have the SS to prove it~

09-18-2004, 09:49 PM
You could always create your own serverwide.unkempt channel 8P

09-18-2004, 09:50 PM
I thought about that actually.

It'd just be sad though. I'd feel like the flood of idiocy had won.

Kryttos Arcadia
09-18-2004, 10:03 PM
as opposed to any other time? :P

09-18-2004, 11:38 PM
Normally I stab them. In the face.

09-19-2004, 01:18 AM
You made new mods? Of all the times for me not to chime in... I'm the bestest channel nazi

09-19-2004, 02:24 AM
If the mods are supposed to be a team, or at least work together they should have some slight clue who each other are. Not end up some hodgepodge of miscellaneous people formed from the summary unilateral decision of one person. I think a mistake was made in the choosing, they shouldn't have been mods to begin with.

Submitting for on-the-spot volunteers is superficial, arbitrary, unfair to the standing mods and disrespectful to the channel as a whole. Especially given the completely transitory nature of a solid chunk of the people now leeching in the channel. Just becuase you play a druid doesn't mean you're part of the online community and that goes for everyone.

Fenmarel the Banisher
09-19-2004, 02:40 AM
The Dude:"They weren't Nazis Walter they were Nihilist. They kept say they believe in nothing."

Walter:"*bleep* me. Nihilists. I mean say what you want about the tenants of national socialism but, atleast thats an Ethos."

Kryttos Arcadia
09-19-2004, 03:23 AM
ive been a druid for 5 years. and have been part of EQdruids and TDG community since then. I know Sobe and Spiritual as well as the next person if not moreso. I was always in and out of druidsgrove channel

09-19-2004, 03:36 AM
The Dude:"They weren't Nazis Walter they were Nihilist. They kept say they believe in nothing."

Walter:"*bleep* me. Nihilists. I mean say what you want about the tenants of national socialism but, atleast thats an Ethos."

Yep, forget about the channel. It's all about the rug. It really tied the room together.

09-19-2004, 05:11 AM
Well at first it came by surprise but Kryttos has been ok lately... about the others well i was a bit disapointed.

There are some people that i simply not see as the not-swearing type. For example Toprem and Alu, it's in their character and has been like that for a long time now.

I'm really irritated by the current influx of Information Leechers that has come to the channels, especially when we have a topic with 20 pages of information and they come and ask stupid stuff that is posted. Does every information has to be handfed to them? If they are all leeching info and not working on squat, what's the use then.. shouldn't we all be working together? At least they can think and develop ideas if they are grinding.

Anyways, yes im guilty of making some people be offended, but it's my strong opinion that those people should at least have the decency to read the info on these boards and not ask the same goddamn crap every 10 seconds.

09-19-2004, 05:19 AM
True, people should read the boards when able to get information they need. I would like to know what people feel is appropriate channel discussion, just to see how people feel about it.

What is the objective of the channel? Is it to talk about Druidic things? The new epics certainly cover that and until both are solved I would suggest people just deal with the influx of new people. I'm in and out of the channel also, and like to hear discussion (as rare as it occurs).

oderate what you like, just don't let it turn into another tradeskill channel. There's helping someone, and there's being a sanctimonous freakish jackass about it. Everyone has a choice, I guess =)

09-19-2004, 05:35 AM
it's my strong opinion that those people should at least have the decency to read the info on these boards and not ask the same goddamn crap every 10 seconds.

Regardless of whether they "just logged in" or not.

Also, LOOK UP WHAT AWESOME NEW DROP YOU THINK MIGHT HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT before you go "HAY GUYS I THINK I FOUND A EPIC PIECE!!" only to be told you're the 83rd person today who's found a ****ty jaggedpine quest item that's been around for 3 years.

09-19-2004, 06:09 AM
You know, maybe you really should make that unkempt channel :)

09-19-2004, 07:07 AM
Hmm,well maybe you could consider me one of those leeches or not...i never even knew about the channel till epic 2.0 when sobe posted it in the forums.I been in the channel and i been doing epic parts for 3 days now and trying to help figure out what we need.What i do have to say is,Yes people should read the boards,yes people that dont are irritateing,and YES some people definatly handle other people very poorly.I dont think cussing and name calling is a very good way to get people to help or read the boards at all.

09-19-2004, 08:28 AM
Im sorry but I guess I have to say this. you all really do not know me or the type of person I am. Of course not being on the same server does that alot, how can you get to know a person that you dont group, chat, play regularly with. I dont believe I was too harsh with the couple of people I did talk with, and when I spoke to specific people it was in tells, not in open channel where direct names would be mentioned. Its just not right to point out a specific name in front of others or point out indiscretions. I spoke openly a few times politely asking people to calm down and have fun trying to show just how nice it was meant to be using smileys and whatnot. Maybe that didnt work.

The point Im getting to is this...I will ask Sobe to remove me and I will as well leave the channel. I have been visiting the grove now for over 4 years, until recently always as a guest, just never bothered to register, yes Ive been on the grove for over 4 years, and now after 4 years of browsing and reading and suddenly registering with the board after so long I dont feel welcome. I have played EQ since less than 4 days after it went onto market, and this is the first time I have ever seen anyone ever be so heartless and cruel to people as badly as what Im seeing here. Maybe I just assumed everyone is nice and need to open my eyes to what the people in the world are really like. Not everyone is as sweet or nice and friendly as I imagine them to be. Maybe I need to stop being so trusting of everyone. When I see what people think I just start crying every time I read something so maybe I should just distance myself from everything. I would never imagine hurting anybody. To see others happy or more relaxed in things that they do is a reward for me. To see that people think like this and that possibly I could have caused that anger or sadness is severe punishment to myself. If I cant bring a smile to someones day then maybe I dont belong after all.

again Im sorry if you thought I was a "nazi or shoolmarm" Maybe I should stop being so nice to everyone

best wishes to all and yes I did edit this a little bit. After stepping away, having a smoke and a hot cup of coffee I decided why should I leave the family I have known on the server I play where we all laugh and love together on a TS server running out of my home. (yes, I have a computer that has been dedicated to a TS server now for over 5 months or more..I cant recall now its been so long) and no Im FAR from being a schoolmarm...heck on TS we have a dungeon, harem, adult playpen, kitchen *wink, what actually IS cooking in that kitchen* as well as some other risque chat rooms where we can all let down our hair and talk away to each other without worries of kids being on the server during prime time hours where some of what we may talk about *tongue tornado knows who he is" doesnt go to listening tots ears. Anyways, dont label someone from one lil run in when you dont truly know them yet. a single tell from someone saying "might I ask if you would please watch your language a bit. It would be truly appreciated"....if that is being a nazi or schoolmarm then alot of people are in trouble I guess.

09-19-2004, 08:55 AM
Well Crys, I can see you are a board newcomer. This is your 4th post, however that doesn't mean you are new. I come here a lot read, try to learn. I also post info, ask info and visit the chat channel at intervals.

One thing I disagree on is someone taking authority and deciding to change something that has been working. I joined the channel last night after people were complaining about people getting removed for swearing. If people come into the channel to purposely cause a problem then yes maybe a warning but unless they have a pattern of causing issues I just leave the channel.

I also agree that if you read the boards unless something isn't posted here and you want info you don't need to ask in chat.

09-19-2004, 09:24 AM
I'm not a real member of the druidic comunity (ranger) and also have not been in any chat channles for weeks since my computer is infected and has prevented me from doing EQ things other than visiting webwites and MBs such as this one, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

That said, I think that if you are actualy considering quiting after this, you really do need to back off and calm down a bit. No one is perfect, and not everyone is so kind. I am truely surprised you have not learned of the idiots adn a-holes that can populate EQ sooner, and that because you ran into a few people that you did not mesh with that you are considering quiting a game you say you love.
But I aslo think (based on what I'm hearing here, I of course have not been able to see it first hand) that you may have been a bit hastey in making judgements. I would suggest that you log an alt people don't recognise, and sit in the channle just observing how people act in a normal setting so that you can get a feel for the channle. Stuff will be a bit rougher than you are used to at boards, and some people will shoot thier mouths but unless it seems a large number of people are offended or disgusted then just let it be.
Personaly when I am mod of a channle (never been a perma-mod, but gotten there by being in the longest) I will only boot people who are consitantly talking about highly inapriate stuff ( for example a certain peron that visits the ranger channle will tell dead baby joke, graphicly describe illeagle sexual desires, or what he did with lotion and tissues for the past half hour), Spammers, and idiots who simply want to start a fight and don't contribute anything (I will allow those that like fights but are also helpfull on the other hand).

09-19-2004, 09:28 AM
Also would like to add that even if you are a very nice individual does not mean everyone will like you. I have known some very kind and cheery people who I personaly liked quite a bit, but some others were annoyed or even became hostile to this person because of thier kindness. As the old saying goes, you can't please all the people all the time, so just because some people are pissed at you don't mean your horrible person, they're just not the crowd for you.

09-19-2004, 10:28 AM
From reading this board regularly you would get the impression it is a more mature and a nice board to visit. I read here daily and have for a long time, and I am offended by some of the language used in this thread. Usually, people do watch their language on this board, it's been that way for years and our mods make sure they do.

Even in umkempt our general rules apply, you should watch the language you use and no personal attacks are allowed here.

09-19-2004, 10:46 AM
edit edit edit lol...wish I could just delete....anyways, was just browsing all my favorite boards after giving the grandbabies their baths, breakfast and favorite tv back to lurking, foraging, searching, tracking I go....

09-19-2004, 11:34 AM
Personally, it's my feeling that anyone calling people "hun", "luv", "sweetie" or "dear" are worse than people cursing. But then, we have a lot of teens sowing their oats in /gu as well so maybe I'm just used to non-PC chats... :flipbg:

09-19-2004, 12:58 PM
I personally quit joining duids grove chat a Long long time ago because it became such that most of the talk was useless and offensive to me. Don't get me wrong, I curse in chat occasionally. It is the pointless expletives and discussions that drove me away. I have no idea of the current situation because I have not been back in a great while. My comments are more historic in nature since some people have criticized "newcomers" for not understanding the history of the Channel.

Just because it has always been one way does not make that way right.


09-19-2004, 01:22 PM
Crystalreine, just to be clear, I have no problems with you on a personal level, my problem is that 3 people were arbitrarily imposed as moderators without any ideas how to use their power, and rather than try to fit in to a community that they decided to join, they decided to try and impose their standards on a community which neither wants nor needs them.

And to be sure, the DG in-game channel is a different community than the forums, they may have started from the same mold, but it's now an example of divergent memetic evolution as a result of different evolutionary pressures. Forums lend themselves to well thought out, edited and re-edited posts with concise grammar and punctuation to lend credence to their point rather than juvenilia and name calling; In-game channels have the pressure of people oftentimes trying to multitask and play the game as well as argue their points, and oftentimes the pressure becomes overbearing and people regress to more primitive arguments.

Case-in-point: Kryttos - Other than his repetitive badgering people about language that has always been acceptable to the community at large until 3 days ago, has been excessively helpful to people who probably don't deserve it. The main point returns to what I said above about trying to impose your arbitrary standards on a community which has no need of desire for those standards.

Also, the people joining for the first time need to realize, WE DO NOT WANT TO HEAR "any new info?" in some form every 8.6 minutes from someone who just joined the channel, or have someone asking about ****ty Jaggedpine quest items 83 times a day.

I'm generally a rather tolerant person, except when people feel the need to spew stupidity on me, or try and impose arbitrary standards that I do not agree with upon me.

09-19-2004, 02:22 PM
While it is true that the chat channel is different from the forums, it still bears the name of TDG, for anyone to have the nerve to tell Sobe that he doesn't have the right to assign mods on that channel is amazing to me. It bears the name and therefore it does reflect upon this community. A community that Sobe in large part supports out of his own pocket. I don't see that any of the people who are against his decision are even supporters of this site.

If you want to be rude to people who join the channel and use language that is considered offensive there, then why don't you make up your own channel and name it what you will and have at it. But please don't give TDG a bad name out there as it isn't deserved.

Kryttos Arcadia
09-19-2004, 03:47 PM
There is a point tho where the excessive swearing its crossing the line a tad. i mean people dont need to be like " %$^ this %^$#@# game, %^$% piece of %^$%

09-19-2004, 04:00 PM
Well, just realize that if you're seeing links to old world JP quest drops that those people are unlikely to ever see epic 1.5 or 2. Hehe.

Slight point of clarification for chats since people asked me - Necro epic 1.5 has been completed on Povar, not 2.0.

I'm looking forward to seeing what progress we can make! I'm too low to finish any of them but am still quite excited by the new quests.

09-19-2004, 05:12 PM
Just wished to note Aluaeia and others who wonder. I gave it some thought before volunteering to be a mod for the channel. After thinking it through as well as nobody else stepping forward when the request was made I sent Sobe a tell, letting him know that for a background I had been with EQ since it first came to be. I also was a Sr Guide for 3 years though I will not mention my guide name nor the server I worked on. Needless to say, I LOVED the program but after 3 years just got burnt out so had to step down. That with being a mother of 3 men, yes 21, 22, 24 years old, the 22 year old came back october of last year from 8 months in Iraq during the beginning of the fighting in the 1st Marine Division, as well I was a SSG, Personnel Records Lead in the US Army for 12 years.

I know I dont need to list a resume for things and have to explain why I did step forward to help but when nobody else offered that is when I decided to give it a go. I know I should have more patience and let things pass as I cant please everybody nor will I ever be able to, but the 3 years I spent as a Senior Guide the many players whom I assisted, answered petitions with and helped, or could not help really appreciated the way things were done and that fact I never ever would drop them with no explanation or at least talking things out with them to try to either help them with their problem or lead them on a way to go to get the help needed. Maybe since the burn-out and being somewhat older now I may not quite have the patience I had before and decided that I dont need this kind of headache. and its true, I dont..and if people are going to be upset because I stepped up to bat when others wouldnt as the call was made then lets see someone else step up and try to keep things in moderate control.

Needless to say I do let some things pass, everyone slips, its expected...for someone to say "what a ****ty deal" or "what a bastard" yah I let things like that pass, but to talk of penis, f word or other very crude words in middle of the day...then its time to send a friendly tell requesting that a person please try to control their wordage...well, if I or others are slammed for asking people to control it I for one am tired of being slammed and dont need to take it nor will I. Do you understand?


09-19-2004, 05:17 PM
I think Lauran has basically hit the nail on the head.

Anyone who complains about Sobe assigning moderators to the TDG channel has no legs to stand on. The name ultimately belongs to him, and if SOE is willing to back him up, then that's the end of the story. Nothing stops you from making your own channel and acting in whatever way you like.

Personally, I find it sad and juvenile that some people find honest enthusiasm or requests for help to be so threatening to their "coolness", or whatever it is they are trying to preserve, by swearing and otherwise treating people like crap. Grow up. You say it's an adult channel? Well where I come from, adults dont behave like that, it's simply not tolerated. You dont stand in a line for coffee having a very loud conversation, hear someone comment on it, then yell at that person for having an opinion, call them a moron, then insult them because they got into the line after you. Sorry, it's a public place, and some common courtesy is expected.

If you feel the need to froth at the mouth, feel superior to others, and otherwise treat the rest of humanity as "lesser" because they didnt bother to type in /join serverwide.druidsgrove a couple weeks before the first time you did, then you know where the door is.

09-19-2004, 06:32 PM
if SOE is willing to back him up, then that's the end of the story.

That is a good question isn't it.

09-19-2004, 08:09 PM
I personally quit joining duids grove chat a Long long time ago because it became such that most of the talk was useless and offensive to me. Don't get me wrong, I curse in chat occasionally. It is the pointless expletives and discussions that drove me away. I have no idea of the current situation because I have not been back in a great while. My comments are more historic in nature since some people have criticized "newcomers" for not understanding the history of the Channel.

Just because it has always been one way does not make that way right.

I also quit going to the chat channel a long time ago for many of the same reasons.

When the other main druid board was purchased by he who shall remain nameless and a few policies were instituted I didn't agree with I simply quit going there. I would suggest that those who disagree with chat channel policies put in effect by Sobe and his assigned moderators do the same.

09-19-2004, 08:11 PM
I personally quit joining duids grove chat a Long long time ago because it became such that most of the talk was useless and offensive to me. Don't get me wrong, I curse in chat occasionally. It is the pointless expletives and discussions that drove me away. I have no idea of the current situation because I have not been back in a great while. My comments are more historic in nature since some people have criticized "newcomers" for not understanding the history of the Channel.

Just because it has always been one way does not make that way right.

Well I popped in there for the first time the other day - wasn't much like the boards unfortunatley. It's just used as a social channel by alot it seemed and, for me, it would be better if I didn't have to ignore 95% of it to get to the useful stuff about druids. Each to their own I guess, but a serverwide channel for info only supports so many people if it's also a chat channel. When they started debating which was better, eq or sex, I left :thumbup:

09-19-2004, 09:29 PM
Well the channel would be useful if of those 80% of the people that ASK STUPID QUESTIONS THAT ARE POSTED would actually get out there and work on it. We will remain stagnant if people continue this behavior. If you want to "leech" info then read the boards. INFORMATION FOUND (at least in the druidsgrove channel) IS POSTED INMEDIATELY in the boards.

I have no beef with Kryttos, I think Sobe made a right choice.. it's true that most of us have enjoyed a close atmosphere of people that usually hang out in the channel and then this influx of newcomers because of epic has ruined it, and on top of that we're being censored. So some people are bitter about it, especially since we cannot be ourselves like we used to.
About the other mods? Well I haven't seen them in action much, so I really can't speak about them.

09-19-2004, 09:33 PM
Well I popped in there for the first time the other day - wasn't much like the boards unfortunatley. It's just used as a social channel by alot it seemed and, for me, it would be better if I didn't have to ignore 95% of it to get to the useful stuff about druids. Each to their own I guess, but a serverwide channel for info only supports so many people if it's also a chat channel. When they started debating which was better, eq or sex, I left :thumbup:

So we're supposed to be discussing the numerous ways we can miraculously balance priests, what's our most effective solo tactic, what AAs we should get, etc. 24/7???? Give me a break.

09-19-2004, 09:36 PM
So we're supposed to be discussing the numerous ways we can miraculously balance priests, what's our most effective solo tactic, what AAs we should get, etc. 24/7???? Give me a break.

I love you Nimchips, please have my babies.

09-19-2004, 10:02 PM
So we're supposed to be discussing the numerous ways we can miraculously balance priests, what's our most effective solo tactic, what AAs we should get, etc. 24/7???? Give me a break.
As opposed to bitching about new people asking questions in channel or comparing EQ to sex? yea I think so.

Is it all that tough to make an off-topic channel and confine the bull**** to it?

09-19-2004, 11:42 PM
Again, ranger main, didn't frequent druids grove, eq-time gine because computer sucking blah blah, keep that in mind incase I go off base with what I'm about to say. However if what I say still holds true to some extent, good, that's what I was hoping. (also sorry about using names, just using name of person furthest down in chat and on the side I am replying to, not ment to be personal)

Nimchip and others pissed about those asking questions all the time... keep in mind that all that enter your channle aren't nesisarily druids (yes, even if they don't spam they can still be another class). It might simply be that they either know the channle off the top of thier head for some reason (I know monkly buessness and crucible though I hardly ever visit either board and don't have a shammy I play on normal basis) were told about it from another channle they hang out in (I've been told about cleric and chanter channels but have since forgotten) and the individual simply has a druid friend that needs a bit of help. Rather than tell him to pop in for the question, or yell that the friend to look it up on the boards, I will pop in to a channel, ask if anyone could please provide the bit of info I need. Then if someone provides the info I will thank that person (or persons if more than one is helpful) and leave. So while it would be nice if everyone checked here first, some times you need to endure someone asking around for a friend or guildy. Now, if someone keeps poping in every hour "I'm a druid blah blah, any new info on epic 2?" Then I could see you being angry and telling him to visit the boards if he wants info (in a much rougher manner than that even).

However, jtoast and others saying channel should just be for info. It is my experiance that if you were to make a channel devoid of any social conversation it would not last very long. You can only sit around discussing quests and stuff for so long in game before growing bored of it. Alot of you know about the quests (except new epic) and therefor there's no reason to talk about them, so the channel sits silent, and people decide to stop joining in except for when they do have a quest question, at which point they find everyone else had the same idea and it's near empty. But if talking to these people as you would a friend, venting a bit about the fool that trained you, saying how good your day of work went, etc it's a little more interesting. Now even if you don't need info you hang out to talk with friends, and if one of you has a question someone could reply.

09-20-2004, 12:13 AM
You are wise young padawan.

09-20-2004, 12:30 AM
I think the major problem that we autojoiners feel, is that it is now a completely different channel then it was 9/13/04. It was a comfortable place to hang out in, even if it got risque at times. In the course of 1 day, the channel increased 150-200%. It is filled with newbies that feel like our comfortable room is irrelevant and unimportant. Though the room usually only had about 30 people in it, it was our room (and I say this not being one of the most frequent talkers in the channel, but I'm on autojoin) and we chatted as we felt like it in there.

Analogy: say you and a group of friends and acquaintances meet in a coffee shop regularly. It's so frequent that they let you use the back room and people come in and out all day. Then suddenly, the coffee shop has a new manager that feels everyone should use the back room and they add little toys like a video game or something (epic) and you are your friends are being crowded out of the room. You would be downright pissed if you were being pushed out of your back room, even if you have "no real rights" to this room.

It was expected that epic talk would go on in the channel. It was not expected that the entire group of regulars would be pushed aside and basically given the attitude that their feelings were unimportant. New mods coming in to stiffle old regulars. Being told that we would be kicked from channel if our attitudes don't improve. Threats of suspension from the mods, which is laughable as they cannot do any sort of thing.

People come in every few minutes and they don't even say hello. Their first words are "so what else is new on the epic." One would assume they had just logged on, since they are just joining the channel. Why didn't they look on this very message board for themselves? And Tunare forbid someone suggest they look on the boards, for they get all huffy and defensive about it, and of course the original old member saying look on the boards is wrong eh?

I also autojoin the eqtraders channel. There are a lot of the same issues in that channel. People (n00bs) come in the channel and ask for the world. Hello go look it up for yourself on the website. Why is that so hard?

It would be a shame that the channel would fall apart over this epic quest, but unless things are changed to accomodate all users, it will die. Epic people will go away once the epic is solved and the old timers will be gone, pushed away. That leaves no one but the mods. Hope they have fun modding each other.

09-20-2004, 12:41 AM
However, jtoast and others saying channel should just be for info. It is my experiance that if you were to make a channel devoid of any social conversation it would not last very long. You can only sit around discussing quests and stuff for so long in game before growing bored of it. Alot of you know about the quests (except new epic) and therefor there's no reason to talk about them, so the channel sits silent, and people decide to stop joining in except for when they do have a quest question, at which point they find everyone else had the same idea and it's near empty. But if talking to these people as you would a friend, venting a bit about the fool that trained you, saying how good your day of work went, etc it's a little more interesting. Now even if you don't need info you hang out to talk with friends, and if one of you has a question someone could reply.
Indeed my friend, indeed.

Jtoast, you want 24/7 info channel? There's a search option here in these boards with a WEALTH of information.

Oh yea, and even if we were to leave the channel (us that keep complaining) there will still be people that will bull**** in the channel. So take it as you wish, we're not here to satisfy your every personal need.

09-20-2004, 06:25 AM
Oh yea, and even if we were to leave the channel (us that keep complaining) there will still be people that will bull**** in the channel. So take it as you wish, we're not here to satisfy your every personal need.

What, better the devil you know huh? What is the purpose of your channel then? Who is welcome to join it?

So we're supposed to be discussing the numerous ways we can miraculously balance priests, what's our most effective solo tactic, what AAs we should get, etc. 24/7???? Give me a break.

Not up to me to tell you what to discuss in your channel. All I'm saying is it was not what I expected because it's unlike the boards where you feel more welcome - although alot of that is due to the variety of people posting, including those who have quit eq.

Analogy: say you and a group of friends and acquaintances meet in a coffee shop regularly. It's so frequent that they let you use the back room and people come in and out all day. Then suddenly, the coffee shop has a new manager that feels everyone should use the back room and they add little toys like a video game or something (epic) and you are your friends are being crowded out of the room. You would be downright pissed if you were being pushed out of your back room, even if you have "no real rights" to this room

Good point, I think to complete that analogy though, you'd have to add the bit where your group of friends advertise globally that anyone is welcome to come along and join in their discussions. Then I'd be inclined to feel less sympathetic toward them.

However, jtoast and others saying channel should just be for info. It is my experiance that if you were to make a channel devoid of any social conversation it would not last very long. You can only sit around discussing quests and stuff for so long in game before growing bored of it. Alot of you know about the quests (except new epic) and therefor there's no reason to talk about them, so the channel sits silent, and people decide to stop joining in except for when they do have a quest question, at which point they find everyone else had the same idea and it's near empty. But if talking to these people as you would a friend, venting a bit about the fool that trained you, saying how good your day of work went, etc it's a little more interesting. Now even if you don't need info you hang out to talk with friends, and if one of you has a question someone could reply

Yeh of course it should have some social banter, not saying it should be more like the bazaar channels (although they do work). It's common to exaggerate someones point in order to argue against it.

As for leeching on the epic, my bags are full of stuff I've foraged and ground spawns I've picked up that I'm trying to work out. Done alot of mob spotting too but in my brief time in TDG channel there just wasn't a respite from 'social banter' and, being new there, I didn't want to step in - hey, that's as much my fault as anyone elses.

I guess for me what it comes down to is this; There are lots of places in game where people can chat about just about anything, where then do people go if they want to talk about druid related stuff in-game? I've no desire to crash someone elses party, especially if the party sucks :p Sounds like some of you guys would nail someones balls to the wall if they asked anything which was already answered on the forums - those are the 'channel nazi's', not the mods imo. Me? I'll stick to the boards quite happily.

09-20-2004, 07:31 AM
Usualy when breaking into social banter whithout there being a break in which to talk I will start by introducing myself, wait about 30 seconds for a reply (getting a hi is good, but not getting one isn't nesicarily bad) then I will state that I have a question I would like to ask. I wait a little longer for someone to say go ahead or something similar, if I again don't get a reply I might repeat this part, though not always. Then I will move to the question and sit there for about 5-10 minutes awating a reply and any follow up comments (sometimes after asking about a mob an "oh yeah, it summons" is tossed in a minute later) and thank people as they offer up the information. Then if the conversation apears to be both intersting and something I understand I will stick around, if it doesn't meet those to criteria I will say thanks again and leave.
And yeah, ball nailing is usualy a bad practice, though I do know the feeling on wishing you could just put a motd up when they join the channel like "no, there is no raid tonight", "no new epic info at this time" and "regis is a dumbass and the mod is afk, please ignore him" though of course in the last one the mod would not be present to offer up that motd...

09-20-2004, 10:44 AM
Analogy: say you and a group of friends and acquaintances meet in a coffee shop regularly. It's so frequent that they let you use the back room and people come in and out all day. Then suddenly, the coffee shop has a new manager that feels everyone should use the back room and they add little toys like a video game or something (epic) and you are your friends are being crowded out of the room. You would be downright pissed if you were being pushed out of your back room, even if you have "no real rights" to this room.Probably a better analogy is...
You have a favorite coffee shop and suddenly a tour bus lets out... the riders get out and seem to take over your favorite spot. BUT the positive to this is that you know that eventually that bus is gonna take off and they'll all pile back in and drive away.

As for the "old timers", if they truly ARE old timers to EQ they know the pattern and will either stick around or come back after the bus leaves.

You can complain about it all you want but according to the chat rules in EQ there isn't a lot that you can do about it except just weather the storm. You don't have to like it, you don't even have to listen to it, but if you want it to end you just have to be patient. :/

So... ride out the storm as you think will be the most beneficial way. You can complain bitterly or you can sit silently until the storm subsides, then offer input when things are more manageable and positive changes are more than a knee jerk!

"you" is the general you and not directed at any specific individual.

Sobe Silvertree
09-20-2004, 10:45 AM
Threats of suspension from the mods, which is laughable as they cannot do any sort of thing.
Want to know Who stated this.

They can request that a person is banned in both places.. here and in the channel. Violations of the Rules here.. or there.. is the same thing.
"Leeching information?"

-- /putting on my Red Sox cap.

WTF do you think this board, and every board is in place for.. an active dissemination of information. Why do you think the channel was setup by me for? An active dissemination of information for Druids in Everquest. Sure there is a social side to it.. but that's OT information and some information just doesn’t sit well with others.. the difference is.. people choose to read what they want here and have no control over what happens there.

Just because some people feel that its “there home” that's fine.. it’s the same reason why The Druids Grove is still the Druids Grove and not some lost memory of EQ Druids (for those that are old enough to remember).

But when I put something in place and you start to deny people to that part of the community.. become hostile towards those people. I will take drastic measures.. that probably will piss you off. But as I sat in that channel yesterday for most of the day.. The situations I saw was one person would come in holding his cock… IE: strutting his stuff.. and the rest would fall into formation.. It was almost hilarious at best. I felt like I was watching the Growing up Gotti show.. where everything is calm and then someone get upset and everyone start yelling and screaming.. in this case .. swearing and acting like they just walked into a Bostonian Internet Café.. and yes I can say that I live in this area.

So I would take that person aside.. talk with him/her.. in tells.. and low and behold.. the channel would go back to normal.

You know some of those people that were in the channel.. that were asking for help.. mind you I have no real information about the epic.. so I started reading.. figuring it out.. I am a quick study like that.. so I started helping some of those that were in the channel.. and quite frankly its not that they didn’t try to look it up.. they just are unaware of all the resources out there.. things we take for granted like Lucy.. and Ala’s site.. most people do not even know what Ala’s is.. but that is why the Grove is in place – to help people.. to disseminate information. Sure some had some hotkeys set up.. that's fine.. least it points them.. but some do not even know the link in how to get there.. they put in try using the full address so they know where “to” go.. IE: ( or ( or ( any of them work.

Some of them were very young.. which is why when you talk about penis’s and blunts.. well sorry that 12 year old has no filter that will protect them against that.. and when they ask the question.. “what is a blunt?” well sorry “the channel is a representation of our community and with that I do not allow those conversations to take place”.

Then you got your normal person.. when someone tries to offer information.. maybe a hint or clue.. that's not in the little clique that is going on in the channel.. they are bashed to the point where even I would be pissed off. Sure some information will be repetitious… that happens in every quest.. people are trying to offer information.. sometimes its something you already have heard.. or is part of another quest. A lot of the old school quest in areas where I would never of “looked for gear” that maybe you wore and did the quest for .. “different generations of gear and quest” and maybe you know about those quest already and the repetitious questions get to you.. and questions that sounds like a stupid questions.. are getting to you.. just don’t answer, let someone else.. Its funny.. yesterday, I asked the same question as one that was just owned by a couple of the same people.. approximately an hour later.. and they answered the question.

Of course there are times when "Your not on" and there is different people using the channel.. but now they are staying up later working on the epic.. or your waking up earlier.. and they bump into "YOU" the old timer thats been in the channel the longest.. (so you say).. and you two butt heads on who has the longest or harder.. er Staff weapon.. of course that is happening also.

So.. heh.. just maybe from their perspective not so silly or stupid.. I never did Jaggedpine quest.. the area and gear was below my needs and I already had better gear.. so learning those quest is just something I didn’t need to do.

Now as I have said it .. and will say it again.. “The Channel is for information” but as we also have a “Off-Topic” discussion area.. there are things we talk about other then Druid discussions.. but you don’t see things about two lesbians and which hair color they use.. or whos’ holding whos.. .. well you get the picture.

As for SoE.. I lost the channel twice before the “grand fix” and both times I got it back.. This is the Channel for The Druids Grove.. and I will run the channel how I feel it should be ran. For those that feel the need to claim it as there own.. sorry there is no squatting rights that I know of in place in EQ.

09-20-2004, 07:19 PM
ive been a druid for 5 years. and have been part of EQdruids and TDG community since then. I know Sobe and Spiritual as well as the next person if not moreso. I was always in and out of druidsgrove channel

Who the hell is Spiritual?

That being said. Sobe has kept the Grove community going for a long time now. A big part of how he does it is by knowing who to pick for what job.

Have faith in his decisions.

09-20-2004, 07:26 PM
That is a good question isn't it.

In the case of AnyDruid vs Sobe before the Court of SoE. Sobe wins, I suspect

He's well respected by Sony, as is the Grove, because of our long history.

We don't kowtow to them, but instead provide invaluable contributions in the areas we find of interest (i.e. Druid stuff).

09-20-2004, 08:56 PM

09-21-2004, 12:49 AM
Just posting that Leviat should not be a mod! Die Leviat, die!


09-21-2004, 12:52 AM
Just posting that Leviat should not be a mod! Die Leviat, die!

/agree. No thank you to Leviat being a mod.

09-21-2004, 01:57 AM
I am a newcomer to the serverwide.druidsgrove channel. I found out about the channel in the serverwide.eqdruids channel a day or so after the OOW expansion. I switched channels b/c I thought I would be part of a "coming together of Everquest druids to help solve the 2.0 epic". Apparently, I walked into a mine field of abusive, venom-filled, sophmoric behavior by a few of the "old" channel-squatters.

I have played this game for well over two years and have accomplished many goals. I have learned a lot about the druid class and EQ strategy in general (from exp'ing to tradeskilling to questing).

To label someone a NOOB because they are new to a channel is representative of the hate that is characteristic of the druidsgrove channel.

To call someone a LEECH because they are there to learn is an example of abusive behavior.

I have seriously mixed feelings as to whether I want to remain a part of the channel or not. I have met some truly amazing, helpful people in the channel. I have also met people who make me want to wretch reading their abusive comments. I totally understand the frustration of seeing someone log in and ask "What's new?" without doing a little research. The reaction to that ... is what is the problem.

Toprem constantly curses and complains and yells about every possible topic (ex. other classes obtaining their epics before druids). He has screamed, in all-caps "Get the F$CK out of the channel you LEECHES". It is truly amazing how miserable he is and how much pleasure he receives by being a bully.

As for me, I will (temporarily) remain in the channel and not respond or offer any information. I, for one, will NOT allow myself to be abused by anyone. If I do find any relevant information, I will pass it along to a respectable member of the TDG community and allow them to share. I will not hoarde any new information, I will just release it in a safe manner.

After the epic, who knows. Perhaps Toprem and his gang should get *their* channel back to act as immature and irresponsible and as abusive as they want. Perhaps, the channel will evolve into a more mature enviornment.

It saddens me that such an amazing opportunity to bring in more people to The Druid's Grove community is being ruined by the bad apples.

Luclin Server

09-21-2004, 02:45 AM
I think we got a very vague definition of what is a "leecher". Right now at this very moment in EQ time I really do not give a damn who is leeching or not, but the fact that people just come in and DEMAND information or suggest stuff that has been suggested before doing at least some work in finding out what it is or what is it for makes me rabid. Whatever happened to good ol' hard work?

So far i've seen coments from old channel mongers saying stuff to "leechers". These people come in the channel and tell people like Toprem to "shut the hell up" or they insult them for no apparent reason. Well I sure as hell wouldn't like to get told to "shut the hell up" in my own home... How do you come in a channel and dictate what to do and what should not be done when you haven't joined before on the rest of your EQ life. If Sobe wants to do it the whatever, it's his channel. But if you're a person we know that has not ever joined before and commands people to act accordingly to your own prefenrence i will raise my middle finger to you and say some mean stuff.

I have been posting every bit of false and true info in my thread so we can avoid stupid questions and stuff that has been repeated a thousand times.

I for once would like TDG to be exactly like the boards in which the mayority of the opinions that are made have been throughly researched and EVERYONE HELPS EACH OTHER. That means I help you IF you are willing to help me too. If we help each other while brainstorming we will be faster in this stupid quest, but if we have 90% people that are just looking for info and not helping at all, we are gonna remain stagnant. Only 4-6 druids SERVERWIDE will be trying to find a way into the quest like has been happening to this day.

And about hoarding info... none of us that you call "old channel trolls" have been hoarding any info at all, in fact we are working hard as well to solve this quest. For example, Aluaeia found no ground spawns in Goblin places in Kunark, Toprem tried the combine with the maiden plants first than anyone.

About Toprem, well i will talk to him, But i saw who was the person that commanded him to act accordingly to what him/her thought it was right... or should i say insulted him. In any case, it's in Toprem's nature to cuss in the channel, it has been this way for a while. If you have an issue with it just put him in ignore.

09-21-2004, 03:04 AM
I found the Empowered earth too! god that thing must suck for people who need it and don't have it yet.

09-21-2004, 03:05 AM
LOL yea you did, sorry i forgot :P

09-21-2004, 10:55 AM
I think we got a very vague definition of what is a "leecher". Right now at this very moment in EQ time I really do not give a damn who is leeching or not.

But the previous moment you were complaining about everyone that asked just about any question, and my instinct tells me that the next moment will be the same.

If Sobe wants to do it the whatever, it's his channel. But if you're a person we know that has not ever joined before and commands people to act accordingly to your own prefenrence i will raise my middle finger to you and say some mean stuff.

Exactly, it IS Sobe's channel and as such he has made the decision to put mods in, I can't help but believe that he didn't do it on a whim, but rather because it was needed in order to keep the channel a place that ALL Druids of TDG can be proud to call their own and not be afraid to join in at ANY time.

I for once would like TDG to be exactly like the boards in which the mayority of the opinions that are made have been throughly researched and EVERYONE HELPS EACH OTHER. That means I help you IF you are willing to help me too.

So does this mean that unless someone gives you new info first you will not help them? But on the other hand many people are unsure of old quest stuff and new mobs/npc's (HI! Task System) so they ask a question about them but are slammed HARD and swift for being a noob or a leech? How can anyone offer anything they may or may not know when there is the constant and very real fear of being attacked in channel for saying something that does not meet with some peoples standards of new or helpful?

Only 4-6 druids SERVERWIDE will be trying to find a way into the quest like has been happening to this day.

Which brings me to my server, I am on BB as is Crystalreine (sp) and I can tell you that far and away we have the lions share of bad Druids, ones that bring shame to us and make us all look bad, but she is not one of them.

I am far from knowing every Druid on my server but I can tell you this, Weatherworn, Solsticemoon, Valcury, Crystalreine and myself are GOOD Druids with excellent reputations (I know I am forgetting a few others, forgive me my fellow BB Druids) and oddly enough we are the ones that are working on the quest. We don't compete with each other, we assist each other when we can, we ask questions that we would probably like to ask in the channel but we use tells instead because the channel is so damn hostile to "questions that have been asked before" (according to some), but they are NEW to us and we are trying HARD to be an active part of solving this puzzle.

I have every faith that Crys is doing what she (and Sobe) thinks is in the best interest of us ALL, not just a few select people, frankly even I was dismayed yesterday when I saw statements about liking the taste of dick... So what? Was that really needed? It doesn't make anyone look cool to talk in such crude ways, it only makes them look sad and pitiful because they have to go for shock value to get attention.

I have spent most of my long life in the music industry and trust me there is nothing anyone can say that will make me blush, I've quite literally been there and done that so there is no shock value to be had from me, but it is quite sad to see the level of childishness that comes over some people at times, I just want to scream GROW UP FFS!!!

If we can't all get along can we just try to put aside our difference in personality and get to work on solving this puzzle? It would be so nice to see us all band together instead of creating cliques that exclude some and therefor potential resources of information. I am of the hope that maybe someone will stumble across something and give us a new direction or lead, but if we make people feel unwelcome then we lose the possibility of them ever helping any of us, and that only hurts us all.

I am not trying to pick on you Nim, I am just too blonde to be able to figure out how to quote different people in different posts and your's was the most recent /hug

Sorry for rambling, I haven't had my 2nd cup of coffee yet =/

09-21-2004, 04:19 PM
Hey all, im sorry for my absence, but i would like to ask what went wrong with the new mods to cause all these problems?? My ISP has been down for 2 days , as ive not been on, but TDG is on my auto join now and i do appologize for anyone thats offended because they feel i only came for epic help. I never really knew there was a server wide TDG channel untill a few days ago when someone tuned me in, i thought it was a good idea. and as for my 2 copper on the cursing and nazi issue, Ive got a bad trash mouth and i like to have fun with everyone, so it wont be me whos going to be pointing any fingers if someone curses in channel, but then again there is a point where it has to stop, i just hope i never have to be the one to make that point. but anyways having said that, im going to go ahead and log on, now that ive got internet back, i hope you all have had a good week so far.

09-21-2004, 07:06 PM
Eileah, no it does not mean i won't give out information. All information we get is placed in both Epic threads. If we all work towards the same goal and please note the word "WORK", we will reach it faster. On the other hand (and i'm repeating this again) we have 90% people that just log in the channel, *try* to get info, then leave. We also have the people that just get the latest info and do not work at all to solve the epic, they just sit tight for the next set of info. Having said this, i realize that people are busy all the time.. i, for example, am in a raiding force that raids daily, so i work hard on my free non-raiding time to try new stuff.

But the previous moment you were complaining about everyone that asked just about any question, and my instinct tells me that the next moment will be the same.
I dont complain at all about questions that are actually useful and relevant, so the term *any* question isn't what i meant at all. That's the purpose of the thread i made, to avoid useless rumors and stuff that has been proven false.

Exactly, it IS Sobe's channel and as such he has made the decision to put mods in, I can't help but believe that he didn't do it on a whim, but rather because it was needed in order to keep the channel a place that ALL Druids of TDG can be proud to call their own and not be afraid to join in at ANY time.

I wasn't talking about mods... i was talking about new people that joined that were NOT mods. I havent seen mods act rudely towards anyone, even if those people are being "childish" or "insulting" or whatever people call us.

09-29-2004, 02:57 AM
Honestly I don't give a flying fig what gets discussed in TDG channel, be it X or G-rated. I've seen just about everything at this point. I do find vulgarities to be extremely distasteful, and I've always thought it was kind of sad to see people cursing for lack of anything intelligent to say, but hey that's your IQ dropping, not mine. The only thing that upsets me is seeing people who actually feel superior to those who come in asking questions, and treat them poorly because of it. Not everyone is a super leet information gatherer with hotlinks to Alla's, Illia's, EQTraders's, and TDG all in their favorite places and a 24-7 refresh feed going to Nimchip's epic thread.

Like Sobe, I've never bothered to do the Jaggedpine quests. Jaggedpine was a name on a cloth map for most of my EQ career. I've only zoned in there once just so I could say I'd zoned in there. I was way over-level for those quests so I never really learned about them. If I was an expert on JP questing though, I wouldn't bitch someone out for linking a JP quest item. You're going to have to suck it up and realize that with this epic quest is going to come a major influx of clueless people who will look to you as sources of information to help them do this quest. If they link an item that they hope will help solve the epic, who are you to demean them for doing it? At least they're trying to help. Seeing people trying to help and getting nothing but abuse in return really frosts my knobs. I don't care if they just linked fishing grubs, it's still input. Have a little patience, ride this out, quit complaining, and you'll have your precious little TDG /autojoin clique back eventually. Jeez criminy.

Kryttos Arcadia
09-29-2004, 07:05 AM
really frosts my knobs

Thats a new one.

And Tyenu! what you been up to.. its Kindidar from Torvo =D

09-29-2004, 02:16 PM

I'm not sure if you were being serious or not, but .... Spiritual was the "person" who ran EQ Druids before the sell out. Ive been playing for a few years now and EQ Druids was the first eq web site I ever frequented. Partisipation on those boards died off after the sale and the site is shell of its former self. Spiritual was a wonderful administrator and the site, while he ran it, was great.

harvey the dog
09-29-2004, 07:29 PM
/drama on

09-29-2004, 08:39 PM

I'm not sure if you were being serious or not, but .... Spiritual was the "person" who ran EQ Druids before the sell out. Ive been playing for a few years now and EQ Druids was the first eq web site I ever frequented. Partisipation on those boards died off after the sale and the site is shell of its former self. Spiritual was a wonderful administrator and the site, while he ran it, was great.

TDG was the boards over at EQ Druids when it first started. I'm aware the history of the two boards and who Spiritual is, and what he is (I can't remember the name of the goth guy who sold the site to spiritual though).

Knowing Spiritual is not something to put on ones resume.

10-02-2004, 07:15 PM
Hey Kindidar, long time no see. Glad to hear you're still druiding it up out there. :)

Kryttos Arcadia
10-02-2004, 09:03 PM
aye doing alot of the work on the damned epic =\ Absor needs his head examined. cuz 100+ driuds cant figure out his throught process.

10-04-2004, 03:48 PM
I feel the need to suddenly defend myself as well :( ....I am a new 65 druid been working on her for about a year. Up to now I didn't know about the channel (until the epic 2.0) came about...

I have dredged through all of the 107 pages of the epic information and I cannot even do it at the present because I don't own OOW. But I wanted to be helpful if I noticed something that might help.

Anyhow...I wanted to say that I have done the research and thought I would join the channel of druids, just to see how things go. Now I don't feel so welcome....oh well, good luck with it all :shuffle: don't want to be a leech since I haven't played for 5 years....


10-15-2004, 04:14 AM
Now I don't feel so welcome....oh well, good luck with it all :shuffle: don't want to be a leech since I haven't played for 5 years....
Guv, I'm sorry that you did not feel welcome. The chat channel is a bit more "biting" than the boards - as you can see from this thread, even for the moderation that is applied to the channel, the mods get flamed for it.

Shoot, I even get flamed for "typing with one hand" since my replies are usually short (heaven forbid I'm trying to be involved in the channel while grouping or raiding). =) But I don't let it get to me.

Anyway, I want to extend a druidly hand here - please feel free to hang out here on the boards and ask away! /hug

10-17-2004, 08:51 PM
Guv, I'm sorry that you did not feel welcome. The chat channel is a bit more "biting" than the boards - as you can see from this thread, even for the moderation that is applied to the channel, the mods get flamed for it.


11-03-2004, 06:41 AM
EQ was given a ESRB rating for a range of ages, if you dont like a child to be exposed to swearing, turn on your badword filter, or dont let them play, that's all i'll say.

11-03-2004, 08:41 AM
This thread had died, and was pleasantly forgotten.

Therefor in the interest of not hearing you people bitch any more in this thread...I'm locking it.

Any further whines about chat channel moderation can be made in a new thread, where I will taunt you for your asininity. It had better be an amusing rant as well, or I will insult you a second time.