View Full Forums : Alliance Druid Guide (Skinning/Leatherworking)

02-10-2006, 03:01 PM
I am a lvl 23 Druid that has chosen to do the Skinning and Leatherwoking Proffesions currently I am (126) in Skinning and (75) in LeatherWorking.

y request is, can anyone who is an experience Leatherworker for the Alliance post a guide on the ins-and-outs of Skinning and Leatherworking. Can they post where are the best places to hunt for Mats for a certain skill range, what monsters we should be killing for these Mats, also which Items are the best for raising your skill quickly, and what items should we mass produce at different skill levels to earn a bit of proffit.

I myself am making Small Leather Ammo Bags that use a little amount of Mats and sell for 15-25Sp each and sell fairly easily.
Any info on the Skinning and Leatherworking proffessions would be extremely helpful for an Alliance Druid who is trying to find his way

<a href="" target="_blank">Azurefrost</a> 23 Druid of Twisted Nether.

02-15-2006, 04:06 PM
It's been a while since I have played my LW toon (my druid has been gathering rest XP while I level my priest to 60). But I can tell you that when you hit the 30's-40's that STV is great for skinning. Also Desolace would be good for 30's. (I remember this from my bf skinning all the time).

02-20-2006, 01:31 PM
It might be helpful if I post the type of leather gained from areas that you are likeley to be in.

Darkshore = scraps, light leather, medium (mostly in the south)

Astranar = light, medium, some heavy.

Wetlands = medium, heavy (raptor cave in the north is great for medium and heavy)

Desolace = medium, heavy

Anything that you can make that is orange in your book will get you a skill up. Look for things that take the least amount of materials to skill up on. I am mainly skilling up on items that my wife and I can use. I have made the majority of our gear.

If you do a combine that is yellow you will probably get a skill up but not a sure thing.

Green is possible but rare.

As far as making money you will always make more from selling the leather rather than anything you make.

I have stalled at 186 in Leather working as I am going to start selling the materials in the AH for my mount. I am lvl 33 and only have 59 gold lol.. If I am to have my mount at 40 I need to get busy.

Hope this helps,

33 Druid

02-21-2006, 10:08 AM
I am currently in duskwood doing a little questing and have found that the Nightbane not only give medium and heavy leather, but gold and items as well.

02-21-2006, 04:59 PM
I just hit 250 leatherworking and went tribal.

Farming -
Bears in Astranaar. They're everywhere and you'll get a lot of medium and heavy ( if I remember right ).

Stranglethorn Vale ( North end ) stay around Nessingways camp. There are ALWAYS people running his quest chain and killing tigers and leaving the bodies. A bit further south and on the west side you'll run into the raptors, lots of heavy and thich leather here and you'll find a LOT of unskinned bodies. My god the fun.

Once you're in your mid to high 40s, you want to head to Feralas and find the Yeti. Skins, cash, and some quests from the leatherworker in Feathermoon and done here.

After that it's Un'Gor crater. Umm, watch out for the big T-Rex creatures. My g/f and I were eaten/stomped by a 56E last night. Just outta nowhere, poof he was on top of us *sigh* ( I will kill and skin that sob! ).

As per what to make. I found whatever was yellow or orange and took the least mats to make. Armor kits till they went grey, then items I could sell for a decent price on the AH.

BTW, when you get the items that need wildvine, getting ahold of enough of that stuff is a PITA! It was very frustrating for me.

The leatherworker in Feathemoon sells the plans for "Living shoulders" which is a (1) item so you have to be on your toes. Sells for a few G on the AH, so it's a nice buy and turn around :)

02-22-2006, 06:44 AM
Other than selling the actual skins themselves, the best way I've found to make money on leatherworking while you level up is by selling armour kits.


02-22-2006, 08:28 AM
I am a lvl 23 Druid that has chosen to do the Skinning and Leatherwoking Proffesions currently I am (126) in Skinning and (75) in LeatherWorking.

y request is, can anyone who is an experience Leatherworker for the Alliance post a guide on the ins-and-outs of Skinning and Leatherworking. Can they post where are the best places to hunt for Mats for a certain skill range, what monsters we should be killing for these Mats, also which Items are the best for raising your skill quickly, and what items should we mass produce at different skill levels to earn a bit of proffit.

I myself am making Small Leather Ammo Bags that use a little amount of Mats and sell for 15-25Sp each and sell fairly easily.
Any info on the Skinning and Leatherworking proffessions would be extremely helpful for an Alliance Druid who is trying to find his way

<a href="" target="_blank">Azurefrost</a> 23 Druid of Twisted Nether.

SKinning is not your true problem.....your real problem is that you rolled alliance, and blizz does not love joo because of it. K? lawl

03-18-2006, 12:56 AM
I have just signed on and I see this is about druids... I personally have a lvl 38 Druid with the Skin/LW skills (Skin=281, LW=189). I have a question... Which form of leatherworking should I go for? I am a Feral Combat Druid, I use cat form, so I want LOTS of Agl/Str. Which gives more Agl/Str? Tribal or Elemental?

03-18-2006, 11:34 PM
Elemental is more geared towards Rogues, or feral druids. I am feral as well, but decided to go tribal anyways. There are some great tribal ( and even just leather ) patterns.

I carry around a mix of different gear and I use to make about 3 different sets, my solo / feral gear ( stam/stren/agi ), my caster / healing gear ( int, healing, spir, stam ), and my PvP gear ( stamina, stren and a crap load of armor ).

Tribal also lets you make the wolfhead helm, which not only sells great on the AH, but is GREAT for a feral druid.

03-19-2006, 01:00 AM
That Headgear in Tribal sounds cool, but I think I'll go with Elemental... Not only because Rogues love it, it's because I'm the only Leatherworker in my guild (kind of sad...) and we're getting ready to do raids since we got high levels. My guild leader says to use Elemental for the good resistances for when we raid MC or another big "ohmygodimonfire" place... Thanks for the info, I'm goin Elemental! First I need to level up, which isn't that hard, but Leatherworking is hard to do... I barely get any mats I need, and all the guildmates who want leather are really low level so I'm not getting any Leatherworking up anytime soon...

That brings up a point... When I'm looking for mats I go to the Auction House.


03-20-2006, 10:18 AM

I wish I could sell leather for that price damn. Leather market has dropped off on my server.

270 skinning 215 enchanting

03-20-2006, 02:30 PM
After that it's Un'Gor crater. Umm, watch out for the big T-Rex creatures. My g/f and I were eaten/stomped by a 56E last night. Just outta nowhere, poof he was on top of us *sigh* ( I will kill and skin that sob! ).

Devilsaurs. mmm fun. Skin enough of those badboys and you'll have yourself some devilsaur gaunts & leggings. If you have l33t feral gear already, sell em. They go for decent coin in AH.

03-21-2006, 04:38 PM
I have exacted revenge on many a Devilsaurs now, even solo'd a few.

All you see mostly are feet and knees, LOL.

Root, faerie fire, moonfire, starfire, bear.......bash, shift, heal, moonfire, bear....he dies..../laugh

King Mosh still got me though.....he is next on my "now that I'm 60 exacting my revenge" list. :)

03-22-2006, 10:19 PM
I'd bring a friend or two for King Mosh... (also he doesn't drop anything last I checked, but who cares if it's revenge eh?)

03-23-2006, 02:45 PM
A healer on you should do the trick for King Mosh. He goes down like a sack of taters =)

03-23-2006, 04:32 PM
Mosh got me again last night, well sort of. He didn't die and neither did I, but my healer did.

Stupid fear/roar and she was toast. Then a warrior came along to try to help, but he pulled aggro then realized the healer was dead and I was being feared and he ran, pulling Mosh with him and finally resetting him...bah. Another time....I will get revenge on that lizard.

Solo'd a 55E Tyrant Devilsaur last night. It was close ( all the fears ) but he dropped.

Need to farm these devilsaur so I can make my leggings and so that I can start selling the guantlets and leggings too.

03-27-2006, 09:37 PM
Dudes! I'm so freaking happy! Know why? I'M LEVEL 40 NOW! Also, my skinning is 295. If anyone could take me to Burning Steppes for Skinning XP then please do. Soon I'll be skinning Onyxia's Guards, so I won't need to go to Burning Steppes again soon... My Leatherworking is almost 200, so I can almost get my Elemental Leatherworking, too!

By the way, is 195 Leatherworking and 295 Skinning good for a level 40?

11-09-2006, 04:48 PM
just wanted to see if this is about right. I'm a alliance druid at lvl 20 with 178 skin and 108 LW. Is that about right?:texla:

11-10-2006, 11:45 AM
Hmmmm.... interesting on this concept of 'right' levels of professions based on levels of character.

I'm not aware of any rules that say that characters 'should' achieve certain lvls of skills by certain times.

If you are utilising your skills well and finding them useful then I'd say that you are using them 'right' - irrespective of what level your character is.

Yes, I know, my viewpoint is probably oversimpified; but then again simplicity has it's own virtues :)


Nu, The Hunter
11-10-2006, 08:42 PM
since im a hunter...

i hit 246 and finally found the Dragonscale leatherworking trainer... and i have everything for the quest except 8 worn dragonscales....

man... i got stuck on 187 for lvl 40-46 sooooo

ohh ya 300 skining

11-13-2006, 09:49 AM
If you are utilising your skills well and finding them useful then I'd say that you are using them 'right' - irrespective of what level your character is. I agree - for most parts. The only thing that would argue for having profession levels following you own level would be that you collect the correct kind of items from areas with mobs you currently gain best XP from. But it's mostly only a small loss of pride to 'go back' a few zones just to catch up on your profession levels; only real power-levellers would stay away from that...

11-14-2006, 12:36 AM
I hit Skining and LW Tribal full at level 42 all due to the fact that The barrens and Stranglethorn Vale has more than an ample supply of skins. Almost everywhere I ran there were bodies to be skinned and that eventually sped up the LW process. I found that making the nightscape headband sells really well (at that time in my ah at least) and pretty much got me quite a few levels up in LW. I also would suggest that if you want an abundance of wildvine go do the hinterlands elite quests with a few friends and you'll have a stack of 20 in no time. Speaking of King Mosh, we tried once to kite him to crossroads (like in that other video) but we kept on losing aggro and eventually gave up.We at least got him close to Gadgetzan.