View Full Forums : To mount or not to mount?

02-12-2006, 10:22 PM
Hello all,
I'm pretty new to the forums, mostly been lurking but my question eventually pushed me to get to asking.
I've heard a few times that as a druid in travel form, there are ways to get items that will increase travel form speed to the speed of a lvl 40 mount. Now, my question is, does anyone know the specifics on how to do this, and if its a bad idea, is it better to go with being on a mount instead of just travel form and switching boot/whatever?
I'm rather interested in just skipping the lvl 40 mount and save money a bit by just improving my travel form speed to lvl 40 mount speed. So, opinons? Answers?
I'm not near 40 yet, so I still have time to save for a mount if push comes to shove and I find out that increasing travel form to lvl 40 mount speed is a bunch of hollaballoo, and so far, I haven't really found anyone that answers what exactly would increase the travel form speed... So, any ideas?

(If I have this in the wrong area, or there is a post that covers this, please just give the link. I tried looking for something that might be similar, but eh... maybe I missed it. :/ )

~ Ailouros.

02-12-2006, 10:33 PM
I would get a mount.

They are nice to have and most people do have them at least by the early 40's.

Is it because you don't have the cash or don't want to spend the cash?

If you need help making gold, I would as well as other people on the forum be glad to give some tips.

02-13-2006, 05:59 AM
Mostly just curious if it is possible, really. You know, taking an alternate method that is cheaper. I (hopefully) won't be lacking when I get up to lvl 40 money-wise, but I had heard of people talking about travel form increased speed and if it was actually a better choice or not.
Thanks for the reply. :)

02-13-2006, 09:09 AM
I had the same questions before turning 40 (can't remember the thread tohough, sorry). The consensus came down in favor of getting the mount, but now that I have it I'm not sure.

I have the mithril spurs and carrot-on-a-stick fo rboosting mount speed, but I still end up in cheetah more often than not.

I am an herbalist and like to pick up what I can while traveling from place to place to avoid the need for "farming runs". Well I can't pick anything while mounted, and the act of mounting is a 3 second cast. Much quicker if you'll be making a couple of stops in an area to stay cheetah (can even pick herbs w/o shifting).

Keep in mind that mounts are useless in instances. If you're big on PvE, probably the only use is getting to the instance. (I am impressed with how quickly I can get to SM now). I suppose they have some uses in the larger BGs, but for WSG you can't mount with the flag and will still be using cheetah (plus that 3 sec cast is a big deal while under fire and you could be booking off in travel form).

I think the best thing I've gotten out of it is the coolness factor. Now I'm one of those guys on a mount I used to envy when I was lower level.

02-13-2006, 09:28 AM
Definately there is a coolness factor to it. I got my mount and just kind of sat around in the capital cities for a few minutes. Lots of lower level people would whisper me - cool mount... can I have 5s?

I was in a group the other day with a couple of 41s-44s. In the group there was a 43 who didn't have a mount. The rest of the group gave the guy a hard time for not being able to purchase one. You would have to live with the 'shame' of not having one.

02-13-2006, 10:14 AM
You're gonna hate saving for your epic mount. Save save save. Buy your regular mount. Its worth it. You get places faster and your group won't have to wait for your slow/poor self. Yes, I still use cheetah for emergency get aways. But once I'm out of combat, I'm mounting up and running like hell.

And yes, there is a "coolness" factor in having your mount. It says "look at me, I'm cool, and you're not"

02-13-2006, 11:08 AM
Definately get your mount, many PUG's (shudder) and some hardcore groups will drop you or not invite you a second time if they constantly have to wait for you to get to the instance... regardless of whether it's because you have a mount or not, they'll use that as their reasoning.

Get your mount, run around on it, have fun with it. The 90g it costs is a drop in the bucket compared to an epic mount.

Now wouldn't a level 60 travel form be nice...

02-13-2006, 12:45 PM
To answer your initial question, yes, you can get your travel form speed near the speed of a mount. You can do this by getting 3 pieces some very high lvl pvp gear - ranks 8-10 I think. I am nowhere near this close, and I'm lvl 60. There are a few threads here, which I dont really want to dig for, that outline exactly what rank you need, and how many pieces of the pvp you need for the bonus.

The bonuses of the pvp set are +15% speed in cat form and cheetah form.


ount speed = 60%
Travel form = 40%

With the pvp gear, which at lvl 40 would be a HUGE time sink to get, you would have 55% increased movement speed in cheetah form. Your mount is still going to be 5% faster, which may not seem like much, but then throw in the carrot on a stick trinket, riding gloves enchant and some mithril spurs, you are closer to 10-12% faster.

And IMO the best part of the game for me was hitting 40 and buying a tiger. What could be cooler than riding around on a big tiger? Or Kodo beast if you are horde. I guess that would be cool too :P

02-13-2006, 12:58 PM
~Kodos FTW~

02-13-2006, 02:14 PM
To answer your initial question, yes, you can get your travel form speed near the speed of a mount. You can do this by getting 3 pieces some very high lvl pvp gear - ranks 8-10 I think. I am nowhere near this close, and I'm lvl 60. There are a few threads here, which I dont really want to dig for, that outline exactly what rank you need, and how many pieces of the pvp you need for the bonus.

The bonuses of the pvp set are +15% speed in cat form and cheetah form.


ount speed = 60%
Travel form = 40%

With the pvp gear, which at lvl 40 would be a HUGE time sink to get, you would have 55% increased movement speed in cheetah form. Your mount is still going to be 5% faster, which may not seem like much, but then throw in the carrot on a stick trinket, riding gloves enchant and some mithril spurs, you are closer to 10-12% faster.

And IMO the best part of the game for me was hitting 40 and buying a tiger. What could be cooler than riding around on a big tiger? Or Kodo beast if you are horde. I guess that would be cool too :P

PvP armor gets you to 161%speed with the 15% speed bonus (4piece bonus for Rank 10 set, 3 piece bonus for the Rank 13 set).

I got my mount at 40, worth every gold piece.

02-13-2006, 03:35 PM
PvP armor gets you to 161%speed with the 15% speed bonus (4piece bonus for Rank 10 set, 3 piece bonus for the Rank 13 set).

Where are you getting the other 6% from? I think that is what the original poster was asking for. Besides the PvP armor, what items or enchants can effect run speed in Cheetah?

I personally don't know, seems like most speed improvements weren't designed for travel form so its questionable whether they work. For instance, I think there is a boot enchat, there are the defiler boots or whatever with the AB rep that get a little speed, something I've heard about on the forums called "nifty-stopwatch", etc...Which if any of these work? How much speed can you add to travel form?

02-13-2006, 03:37 PM
15% of 140 = 21

140 + 21 = 161

02-13-2006, 04:26 PM
So the PvP speed bonus doesn't add based on 15% of normal speed, but 15% bonus of your speed in forms? I was under the impression that it just added a flat 15% bonus speed on top of the 40% that you get from cheetah, similar to the carrot.

Does the carrot, then, add 4.8% movement speed?

02-13-2006, 05:28 PM
90g eh? I'll be using cat form until lvl 60 then lol. I'm lvl 34 now (recent EQ2 convert so first time through) and and haven't had over 6g on me at one time. My leather working is 225 now and I'm sure that once Im lvl 35 and can make new things, I'll be broke again lol.

Hurrah for travel form : )

02-13-2006, 05:32 PM
Ouch, I didn't know that a group could be so prejudice about the lack of a mount, but I can totally understand them getting impatient about waiting. I get kinda impatient, myself, when the pally and mage I usually group with are far behind me when I'm travelling at 30% increase in kitty form. ;)
Right, wanted to check out the advantages and disadvantages of cheetah form VS. mount. I can definately see the pros and cons of both, and the amount of both mount and epic mount make me cringe, especially after paying for spells. ;) Dinged 24 and went from 2 gold to 80 silver is 0.5 seconds . >.<
I'm also trying to get a horse for a mount and working like crazy on that faction, just for the fun of it, but I might end up with a kitty mount, anyways. Which, is cool, too. :)
Guess that answers my question, right there, as aquiring the items to even increase my cheetah form speed sounds like a pain in the arse. Though it'll definately be nice in WSG/AB when I'm 10% faster then everyone else in the 30-39 bracket. >)
Thanks for your answers, guys and gals, been a big help. :)

~ Ailouros.

P.S. No kidding, Asclatorian. I've had about only 12g or so on me, at the most, and haven't gotten any characters up to 40 yet. Huzzah for EQ(EQ1, here) transpanters. ;)

02-13-2006, 05:34 PM
If you start sellling stuff that you make in the AH, or even leather that you skin, you would be surprised how quick you get 90g. I sold stacks of some low lvl herbs (swifthistle and stranglekelp) for approx 10g a piece. And I gathered these while questing - if I saw a yellow dot on the map, I'd stop to pick it then put it in the AH.

90g seemed like a lot to me in my low 30's on my first toon, and I had to borrow about 30g from guildies. On my second toon, I started selling stuff earlier, and had about 150g by the time that I hit 40. Needless to say, I'm now at 43 and only have about 22g.

Unless you are an enchanter, put every green item in the AH. And you will learn to love gray trash weapon drops - they sell for a good amount to vendors. A good way to make money and lvl at the same time is to run Scarlet Monestary a LOT. This instance nets tons of green gear, all which can be sold in the AH.

You will love having your mount :)

02-13-2006, 05:44 PM
I use the AH here and there mostly selling thick armor kits for like 1g each. Im not comfortable putting much else on there since Im 1) on a new server Senjin and 2) I don't know how much armor should cost and have lost money trying to sell it. I think once I'm closer to 300 LW I'll start throwing my leather up there and then the money should flow in a bit more, at least thats what Im hoping. I just started making my wild leather armor, so maybe I can finally make some cash with that. I havent even bought any of my bear skills since I dont use that form ever lol.

And I had my first SM run the other day. I was a good healer and no one in my group died, but I was a naked cow by the time the run was over. Think I need a few more lvls before I grind there lol...and nothing to skin in there and thats all I grind on lol.

02-14-2006, 06:58 AM
1. Some of the SM zones have hounds you can skin, and make sure to repair before hikling up there.

2. To check market prices try browsing for other auctions of the same or similar items you want to sell, or allakazam tracks average prices for most items over the last thousand sales (game-wide though so individual server results may vary).

3. I f you still can't figure out a good price try just listing the item for slightly over the vendor default with no buyout and let people bid it up.

4. I find stuff sells much better on weekends when the server population is up, but any night you have to queue is a good night to sell.

02-14-2006, 10:32 AM
I have had good luck farming silk from the Angerfang Orcs in Wetlands. I am 32 atm and have about 52 gold. I am sure that I could have 100 by now if I had sold the leather I have been skinning. Skinning is at 240 and leather working is 188. I sell some of the things that I make when I skill up but over all the stacks of silk have been going for about 1.5 gold. (Arthas server prices)

y wife has made a killing on the war effort with herbalism. She has over 150 gold currently and is also only 32.

I am going to have to start farming leather and selling it in the AH I am afraid. I have been using it exclusively to make gear for myself and my wife.

I think I should have enough by 40 though.


02-14-2006, 11:38 AM
1. Some of the SM zones have hounds you can skin, and make sure to repair before hikling up there.

2. To check market prices try browsing for other auctions of the same or similar items you want to sell, or allakazam tracks average prices for most items over the last thousand sales (game-wide though so individual server results may vary).

3. I f you still can't figure out a good price try just listing the item for slightly over the vendor default with no buyout and let people bid it up.

4. I find stuff sells much better on weekends when the server population is up, but any night you have to queue is a good night to sell.

So I ran SM again last night and realized that I lose about 4k xp an hour avg vs. soloing and I got 4 heavy leather instead of 100+ lol. Think I'll stay in my hole for a few more lvls.

Thanks for the info on "allakazam tracks average prices". I'll have to check that out and just go a bit lower since my server is still new (yet I'm in que postion 100+ when I try to log in). I'll have to try the no buy out option, see how that goes.

02-14-2006, 12:16 PM

I am also in the wetlands. I farm for my leather at raptor ridge all the way to the east of the zone. There is a cave up there filled with raptors. The cave is a loop shape by the time you finsih the loop the first part is repopulated for more leather. Also there is a named mob in there the Matriarch I believe is what she is called got some decent greens off her. I always walk out of there with plenty of medium and some heavy. My skinning is 220. I little bonus from there I have always walked out with at least a couple greens from there I am an enchanter so nice for my disenchanting. Plus there is a chest in there with some random stuff not great but will make a little coin off it. Last night I got the Manual of anti-venom which I will be selling on the AH today since I can cure poison and don't need it for my first aid. sorry this was so long started rambling.

02-24-2006, 08:40 AM
Do what I did when I hit level 40 - find a rich friend and get them to loan you the money. :P

Getting my mount was such an awesome feeling. Better than sex, one might say.. I did a lot of bouncing around Darnassus that day. :)

Oh and just to clarify the situation about money. Once you're raiding lategame instances like BWL, 90g isn't really that much. The money that drops from the bosses in BWL, split between 40 people, still means that everyone will get in the region of 30g each. A full repair on my hunter, if all my gear is on 0 durability, costs around 18g. I can earn 14g an hour farming with my rogue friend in Tyr's hand. Money is abundant. 90g seems a million miles away when you're lvl 30 but it won't be like that forever.. :)


02-24-2006, 10:27 AM
Getting my mount was such an awesome feeling. Better than sex, one might say..

UH Your doing it wrong than LOL J/K :grin:

02-24-2006, 03:10 PM
Better than sex with yourself perhaps....or maybe you are REALLY into WoW ;)

02-27-2006, 11:05 AM
I have time for both.

But seriously - sex is only a blindingly amazing thing if you don't get to do it very often. Sex is like oxygen. As soon as you aren't getting any it becomes really important. :P


03-11-2006, 02:50 AM
Yea, mounts are very awesome, getting gold is also easy when you spend some time farming. Me while I'm runnig from instance to instance I usually see herbs I can farm. There is a macro that lets you get off your mount and then remount automatically.

Plus, imo those white kitties are too awesome to skip up. But, the mount I would love to get is the epic from zg.

One thing I have noticed is that a mount is also like a status symbol. Many see a mountless 40 and think "He must not be that good if he ain't got no mount". So, getting a mount will not only let get to places faster but will let you look as cool as a druid should be.