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02-22-2006, 08:41 AM
I just have to know what are people doing with there money that they cant afford a mount by the time they hit 40?

So to all the peeps in the 30-40 bracket that are broke please clue me in as to what it is that is taking your gold?:confused:

02-22-2006, 08:45 AM
The most common cause of being broke is trying to level up your professions at the same time as your character level.

Engineering, for example, requires huge amounts of resources that are all-too-easy to pick up from the AH, and provides almost no income.

Some people also regularly shop for better items from the AH, and still others don't bother picking up vendor trash to sell.

aking money in Warcraft can be a tricky business for the inexperienced..


02-22-2006, 09:05 AM
Alchemy got me when I was trying to save.

I kept buying recipes and purchasing herbs when I was too lazy to go farm them. Then I wouldn't be able to sell the pots for as much as even the mats cost sometimes, and others I actually used the potions (drinking cash). After I got my skill to where I wanted it at the time though I turned it around and started making money off transmutes and selling herbs.

y cousin is 15 levels behind me and has 3 to 4 times the cash I do. He sells everything he can lay his hands on, gears up by getting guildies to go through instances with him, and never buys anything. He has enchanting and tailoring (mage), and hasn't even started leveling them yet. I guess its just how one chooses to play.

02-22-2006, 09:23 AM
A friend of mine did that - farmed like a madman for herbs, constantly, right from about lvl 5 all the way up to lvl 60. He made so much money that he actually bought his epic _before_ he dinged 60, and as a result, the moment it happened, he mounted up and went to celebrate. :)


02-22-2006, 11:08 AM
I think I set the official "broke at 40" record. I had 55s when I dinged 40. I had just finished my Tribal Leather quest when that happened so a lot of money has gone into my LW. As far as what is "taking my gold", I think the root source is there was no gold there to begin with. The most I've ever had was 20g, I have 10 slot bags and have not bought 1 piece of armor. This is my first run through WoW so I don't know what the big sellers are or where to farm for expensive drops.

That's my reason.

02-22-2006, 11:57 AM
Thanks for the feed back on this, I really did not think I would get any!

This is my first time playing WOW and the only other game I have played that was even close to this was RuneScape.

There are a couple choices I made at the start that have helped me gaine a small fortune (for my lvl). Me being a Druid I can only wear leather armor so I thought it was only right to take skinning/leatherworking as my professions, I always farmed my own leather and made my own armor, of course as I gained in lvl's there were some things I would make that I had to buy some mats but by that time money was not an issue. I have always been about 5 lvl's ahead of myself in the leather working area.

Two skills that go together really well are fishing and cooking, People have to eat to replenish there health and you can train fishing right along with cooking (I know it's boring,but). Selling fish at the AH is a very easy way to make lots of money. There is always a damand for Oily Blackmouth and FireFin Snapper and have you seen what Stonescale eel goes for!

The most important thing I have learned about making money in WOW is to make an alt just for banking and buy/sell for the AH. When your out questing or grinding/farming take your green's and mail them to your alt, let him do all the work with listing it for auction. I'm not saying sell things at crazy prices either, research your items and come up with a fair price..better yet get an AH mod that will do it for you.

I may not be the most decked out druid with all blues and the hottest weapons but when it does come time for an upgrade if I cant make it I'm not gonna have a problem buying it.

I hope this helps somebody to make getting gold a little easier.

02-22-2006, 12:40 PM
It also doesnt help that my server is just over a month or so old. So the $$'s not flowing from high lvls twinking their alts yet. I am also like 250ish in Cooking, Fishing and First none of that has helped either lol. I don't mind being broke as long as I have had fun doing the things that made me broke. I think once I am satisfied where my crafting is, I can start selling raws and make a lot of money fast.

02-28-2006, 06:15 AM
i had a problem with the money aswell because i was constantly respeccing talents and upgrading my gear on ah every lvl.
Ended up having to borrow gold from a guildie

02-28-2006, 06:40 AM
Here's another question for you all. Do you think that your spending/saving habits in WoW reflect your spending habits in RL? :)

ine do..


02-28-2006, 09:41 AM
My problem is/was that I never farmed for anything coupled with the fact that I picked a none money making profession, enchanting, I have put too many resources into it to drop it so that was not an option for me. The only thing I spend my money on is profession and skills. I have yet to buy anything from the AH. I wear what I loot. I just have never stopped to really go after gold and since I have disenchanted most of the greens I find I haven't sold them. On top of all that I solo 99.9% of the time so I rarely run instances I do not have a block of time that I can find a group than run the instance. I have now found a way to make a couple gold off the laziness of other players by buying the expert first aid book along with the mageweave and heavy silk bandage books and selling them for 100% profit on the AH. sorry it was so long just wanted to throw my 2 cents in.

02-28-2006, 11:26 AM
Personaly Iv found Alch a good source of income and herbing the raw items is good also. Iv gotten quite a bit of gold by droping major healing pots, and mana, and serveral other things even selling a few Flasks for around 80-100g

03-04-2006, 11:09 AM
The most important thing I have learned about making money in WOW is to make an alt just for banking and buy/sell for the AH. When your out questing or grinding/farming take your green's and mail them to your alt, let him do all the work with listing it for auction. I'm not saying sell things at crazy prices either, research your items and come up with a fair price..better yet get an AH mod that will do it for you.

If u do this, take a bit of time to get ur alt to lvl 5. Then u can learn enchanting and DE unsellable greens (& blues). Enchanting materials are nice to sell since there is no deposit costs involved. If ur planning to sell drops do some research in other classes need (imo Wolf/Whale/Boar stuff can be de-d immediatly, nobody buys that).

Also specify a buy-out price, unless u want to get a 'feeling' of the market for some item. Many players missed me buying there stuff, because they didn't specify a buyout.

I know the feeling though, i was a very frustrated warrior from lvl 40 till lvl 43, running around in STV :( Espcially if u have a warlock in ur regular party :) My druid is my 2nd character and luckely my druid could immediatly get a mount since my warrior (which was lvl 60) made enough gold.

03-04-2006, 11:47 AM
The OP makes a good point. I was told to save, save, save so that I could get a mount by 40.

I had so much gold from gathering professions that I dropped one and leveled engineering to 300 and had an extra 100g after I bought my mount. Quite honestly a stack of ore or stack of herbs goes for quite a bit while skinning can really rake in cash.

Also if you get a lucky blue drop you can half your mount money from that. My brother got 2 blues one day and make 160g from them at level 20.

03-05-2006, 06:21 AM
Also if you get a lucky blue drop you can half your mount money from that. My brother got 2 blues one day and make 160g from them at level 20.

Those kind of prices for level 20 blues are ridiculous. Nothing should be that expensive at such a low level, but I do admit that when I found out how many people level up alts to 19 for WSG and stay there, I sold any good level 19 blues and greens on the AH for ridiculous prices as well. Mostly all have 60 alts that can buy anything for their uber-wsg build.

03-05-2006, 08:42 AM
Those kind of prices for level 20 blues are ridiculous. Nothing should be that expensive at such a low level, but I do admit that when I found out how many people level up alts to 19 for WSG and stay there, I sold any good level 19 blues and greens on the AH for ridiculous prices as well. Mostly all have 60 alts that can buy anything for their uber-wsg build.

Honestly level 19 blues are worth 50g+. That's what they are worth regardless of what prices we have set in our heads.

Twinks change the economy - I think they are trashy or really bad players personally, but their bag and bags of gold have to be spend somewhere I guess.

To the topic - just get your 2 gathering professions and use the AH and your mount should be affordable by 40 even if you don't get a 'lucky' drop.

03-05-2006, 11:01 PM
Ah, MAN! I had gotten a couple blues nad equipped them even though I was 2x the level requirement. But really, I dont have so enough time to play wow and farm. I just play to level up and sometimes do a BG or two.

I love druids so much I have another alt just for balance spec.

03-06-2006, 07:25 PM
Me, I bought my gold, I know it was cheap but it was so in 2 ways. Cheap because I spent real money for fake money, But also cheap because it $40/1000g when it usually goes for $60 to even $100 on my server.

:mad: :twak: :curse: :nono:

03-07-2006, 09:08 AM
:mad: :twak: :curse: :nono:

I second that

03-07-2006, 11:56 AM
HERBALISM! I swear by it. Collection for short-term disposable goods manufacturing.

03-07-2006, 11:58 AM
Cheap because I spent real money for fake money,Just ban him and be done with it, please.

03-07-2006, 08:03 PM
We don't have a rule against posting about gold selling (I think) -- just against advertising it.

03-08-2006, 12:58 AM
I've been going with 2 gathering professions since about level 25 for financial purposes. I use skinning/herbalism and its great. Fishing is probably good for level 20-40. Fish for deviates @ the Wailing Caverns. They sell for almost 8g a stack on my server.

03-08-2006, 04:27 PM
What lvl fishing is needed to fish for deviates at WC? My priestess is lv 80 fishing. Sooo boring lvling it up, but I know its a good source of gold (along with herbs) for clari's epic mount, so I'm stickin with it.

03-10-2006, 06:30 PM
What is it with people against people that buy gold?
I had my reasons but soon found my folly...
now I'm broke and have decided to instead farm that my profession is up.

sorry about buying gold, but please dont make me feel bad about it.

I like this forum and would hate to feel unwanted in a cool place such as this...


03-13-2006, 08:59 AM
For the Record. Advertising gold selling sites is not allowed. Posting about buying gold, discussions about it, or admissions to having done so are just fine (for now), as long as noone links to any gold seller sites.