View Full Forums : Enchanting prices

03-08-2006, 11:41 AM
This thread is for the more seasoned players of WoW.

How much have you paid (or are willing to pay) for any or all of the following enchants? Please note how much you would pay if you brought the mats.

Fiery weapon
Icy weapon
+15 agi
+15 str
+4 dmg to 1H
+7 dmg to 2H
+3 stats to chest
+5 resists to cloak
+7 FR to cloak
+3 agi to cloak
+70 armor to cloak
+100 mana to chest
+100 hp to chest
+9 sta bracers
+22 int on weapon
inor riding speed to gloves
+4 mana/5sec bracers

Just hit 300 enchanting yesterday. I was enchanting for free just to level up, sometimes providing the mats free of charge. Now I want to charge people :P

When you reply, please list the name of the enchant(s) and how much you paid (over and above the price of mats). If there are any here that i did not list that warrant a reply, please post the enchant and the price you paid too. Thanks.

03-08-2006, 01:20 PM
If I bought the mats, I'd expect to pay nothing :P Cause I'd just get a guildie to enchant for me.

03-08-2006, 01:26 PM
If you are in a guild, how much would u tip them? Or, if you weren't in your current guild, what would you value the service at?

03-08-2006, 02:12 PM
I got the +30 spellpower enchant this week, the mats cost me about 280g, and used up nearly all my cash, but I found a guy who would accept an arcane crystal as a tip.

03-08-2006, 03:47 PM
Not bad. arcane crystals sell for 18g on my server. sweet tip.

03-08-2006, 04:37 PM
I get enchants in my guild from one person, who is our main enchanter. Others have enchants she doesn't have (i.e. +15 agi) but everything I have needed she had.

I randomly give her stacks of elixer of the sages, so I guess that would be considered a tip. The few times that I have tried to sneak a few gold into the trade window, she cancled the traid and said /no. Nice to have good friends.

I really dont know what an acceptable tip would be, as I am more into trading.. I am constantly xmuting arcanite for guildies (done about 15 in a row without selling one), but what goes around comes around. 10% seems a little high. Seeing as how the enchanter isn't really going out of his way to do something if you provide the mats, I'd say 5g or so would be good. But then again, I dont really know.

03-08-2006, 04:47 PM
I was thinking about 5g for some of the higher end enchants like +15agi. But, I do disagree that enchanters don't go out of their way. Many recipes are rare drops, which translate into high AH prices, or require much grinding to get the rep necessary to buy the recipes. I've dropped 1000g on rare recipes and rep (mainly Thorium Brotherhood). I can see why people charge amounts like 80g for +22int (excluding mats).

03-08-2006, 07:12 PM
I guess it's just me, but if someone brings me the mats I won't charge them a thing. If I have to supply the mats then I am charging for the mats as well as the effort to get said mats. ( With the exception of guildies, as that is all a trade basis IMO ).

03-08-2006, 07:50 PM
Its also fair to consider what it took for the enchanter to get the recipe as well, some require real dedication and farming or surrendering huge resources for rep, they should get some return on that investment.

03-09-2006, 10:49 AM
I might be a little biased, as I am a 300 enchanter. IMO 10g is a fair tip for something like the +15 AGI or +22 INT chants, 5g is not enough. The amount of time spent getting rep up for those recipes is ridiculous. The +15 STR enchant only requires friendly with Timbermaw, so 5-10g would be appropriate. For other enchants like +100 HP or +100 MANA, mats plus a couple gold. Minor riding speed to glovesis a very expensive recipe, at least on my server, so at least a couple gold tip for that one. I wouldn't tip under 1g for any enchant though, even the ones learned from a trainer.

It amazes me when someone is asking in trade channel for some random enchant, and when I tell them I will do XXX for 2g plus mats and they are astounded that I would ask for something in return for doing the enchant. Yeah, I spent 300g getting to 300 skill and 100s of gold on rare recipes just so I could provide free service to my fellow gamers /boggle

03-09-2006, 07:41 PM
Try more like 50-100g.

I disagree...or maybe I just wouldn't dish out that much for a "tip"...if it's the "cost" because I don't have mats then ok.

03-10-2006, 04:23 AM
Its also fair to consider what it took for the enchanter to get the recipe as well, some require real dedication and farming or surrendering huge resources for rep, they should get some return on that investment.

Discussed this with a 300 enchanter the other evening. I didn't realize the extent that some of them go through to get some of the recipe. So, I will recant my never tip comment, but still say that the tip asked for must be reasonable. 20+g tips that I've seen scroll by are insane.

03-13-2006, 05:38 PM
I was thinking about 5g for some of the higher end enchants like +15agi. But, I do disagree that enchanters don't go out of their way.

Yaki, you have a good point. Some of the recipies (+15 agi comes to mind, as well as some of the AD enchants) are super hard to get, and the enchanter should be in a position to at least make their money back for the enchants.

any recipes are rare drops, which translate into high AH prices, or require much grinding to get the rep necessary to buy the recipes. I've dropped 1000g on rare recipes and rep (mainly Thorium Brotherhood). I can see why people charge amounts like 80g for +22int (excluding mats).

Was the 1000g on Kingsblood by any chance? Arrrgh thats a long grind for that. I'm trying to get the transmute recipie from TB - 3 hearts of fire into essence of fire.

03-14-2006, 08:49 AM
I'm pretty sure that transmute is one heart of fire into 3 elemental fires.

03-14-2006, 10:06 AM
Was the 1000g on Kingsblood by any chance? Arrrgh thats a long grind for that. I'm trying to get the transmute recipie from TB - 3 hearts of fire into essence of fire.

As a miner, I did the iron bar turn in. I still spent a couple of hundred gold on buying additional iron bars. Then spent another 10g on dark iron residue. Have spent another 1000g thus far on dark iron ore. I'm close to 1/2 way to Revered w/ TB.

I think everyone should roll an alt and level up some sort of useful trade skill just to see how difficult/expensive it is to level up to 300 AND get most of the useful recipes. I'd like to see someone sell their services for free then. Arc transmute costs like 5g on my server and that's learned from a vendor.

People are willing to spend 150g for mats, but don't want to pay 5-10g for crafting. gg.