View Full Forums : Made people mad with this quote...

03-12-2006, 09:56 PM
I made a post in another forum (a different MMORPG) about world of warcraft's grindingbeing pretty easy. Here is what I said...

"Grinding in world of warcraft is pretty easy. There are many times where I would push my attack button and walk away to get a drink or make a snack and come back to find a dead mob and repeat the process."

This quote made a ton of people mad and I am being accused of never playing the game.

Hasn't anyone else done other things like clean their room, watch tv, alt-tab to aim, etc. while grinding in warcraft? Could an avid gamer really say grinding equal level or lower mobs in world of warcraft is hard?

03-12-2006, 10:20 PM
Lower level mobs, maybe... equal or higher, I kinda doubt (or at least I never had the guts to try going AFK fighting one :P).

I think a lot depends on the class, too... key-intensive classes like rogues or warriors, if you don't use your abilities, the fights get much harder.


03-12-2006, 11:35 PM
Lower level mobs, maybe... equal or higher, I kinda doubt (or at least I never had the guts to try going AFK fighting one :P).

I think a lot depends on the class, too... key-intensive classes like rogues or warriors, if you don't use your abilities, the fights get much harder.

And especially if your in an area with agressive mobs....:confused:

Ghost Bear
03-13-2006, 03:37 AM
I made a post in another forum (a different MMORPG) about world of warcraft's grindingbeing pretty easy. Here is what I said...

"Grinding in world of warcraft is pretty easy. There are many times where I would push my attack button and walk away to get a drink or make a snack and come back to find a dead mob and repeat the process."

This quote made a ton of people mad and I am being accused of never playing the game.

Hasn't anyone else done other things like clean their room, watch tv, alt-tab to aim, etc. while grinding in warcraft? Could an avid gamer really say grinding equal level or lower mobs in world of warcraft is hard?

On my druid I did this all the time:elfbiggri

Start a fight and go microwave some nachos. Come back in about 15 seconds later and hit Frenzies Regen. Go grab my bowl and a drink. Shift out heal, shift back. Turn on a movie.

Grinding was so easy (even pre 1.8, I can't imagine how rediculously easy it'd be now). I think that's part of the problem though. May be why so many people make it to 60 and don't really know anything.

03-13-2006, 08:31 AM
Its easy to go afk when grinding in bear form because the dps is so slow.
i find it more fun to grind with my mage that i just started since it only takes 4-5 spells and they're dead, and you always have to move to kite them

Ghost Bear
03-13-2006, 08:39 AM
Its easy to go afk when grinding in bear form because the dps is so slow.
i find it more fun to grind with my mage that i just started since it only takes 4-5 spells and they're dead, and you always have to move to kite them

You haven't lived til you AOE grind. It helps if you spec ice with that talent that slows mobs down when you blizzard them.
Frost Nova-->>Blizzard-->>Blizzard--->>keep on going til they are dead.

You can sorta afk grind on a lock. Send in the Blueberry and DOT them up. Watch T.V. and every-so-often hit the dots again.

03-13-2006, 07:02 PM
This reminds me of UAM (unattended macroing) in's actually against the rules there so if you got reported and a GM popped up next to your character, asked a few questions, got no response, you'd go to your screen to find yourself logged out. When you would log in you'd find yourself in a GM-made dungeon for anywhere from 3 - 21 days (sometimes indefinite if banned for the same offense more than once).

I guess we can all be thankful Blizz hasn't resorted to that hehe

03-14-2006, 09:20 AM
But they HAVE.

They hand out bans for playing unattended all the time.

03-14-2006, 09:44 AM
I am not saying that I hit a button and go shopping.

I am saying you hit attack on a mob and walk away for 30 seconds to a minute while you go and do something else like get a drink or alt-tab to respond to an aim message.

If you played unattended for long periods of time, I would hope you would get banned.

03-14-2006, 12:30 PM
I hate when my wife calls me away in the middle of a fight, I always go because RL>game, but it feels like playing russian roulette if I'm going to come back and find myself standing over the mobs corpse or staring at the spirit healer.

03-14-2006, 01:00 PM
I hate when my wife calls me away in the middle of a fight, I always go because RL>game, but it feels like playing russian roulette if I'm going to come back and find myself standing over the mobs corpse or staring at the spirit healer.


03-14-2006, 01:21 PM
I hate when my wife calls me away in the middle of a fight, I always go because RL>game, but it feels like playing russian roulette if I'm going to come back and find myself standing over the mobs corpse or staring at the spirit healer.

I agree Wife aggro>mob aggro and a whole lot more painful in the end LOL.

03-14-2006, 02:27 PM
Lol Wife Aggro.