View Full Forums : Solo walkthrough to get the Idol of Ferocity relic

03-31-2006, 09:45 AM
I got the Idol of Ferocity last night by going through a stealth run on my own. For those who aren't good with names (like me), the Idol of Ferocity is the druid relic that reduces the cost of claw and rake by 3 points. I've found walkthroughs detailing how to do this but died a couple times figuring out how to get to the boss (which was a pretty easy kill). Here's a walkthrough explaining how to get this relic in greater detail - If you need it :) So if you're interested, read on.

First, the idol is dropped off Lord Roccor (a rock elemental) in BRD. From my understanding he has been moved from his original location (in that big open area shortly after you first enter the instance) and is no longer a rare. He now patrols along the right side around the Ring of Law room. He is NOT in the room, but the alley around the outside of it.

Here's how to get to him.

When you first enter the instance, head straight in. There are 2 lvl 49 elites guarding the mini-entrance to the big open area where Lord Roccor use to be (the old Atlas mod still shows him there). You can probably stealth past these guys, but I killed them just in case (they hit pretty hard though, fyi).

Once you're in the big room, you'll see the area with scattered sets of mobs of 3-4 with pats of dogs circling around. You want to stealth around the edge of the room to get to the Ring of Law. Personally, I took the long way and went clockwise around because it looked easier (The counter clockwise way is probably shorter but it looked like the mobs were denser there). As you do this, you need to be careful about the dogs 'cause their stealth detection is better than the guards. I followed a pat of dogs around and it worked well for me.

When you reach the Ring of Law's entrance, you're almost there. Lord Roccor is Not in the Ring of Law room. You need to continue along the path beside the room, the big guy pats along this path. Clearly you cannot fight the guy along this pathway.. the mobs are pretty tightly packed and there are dog pats along here too. When you reach the Ring of Law's first entrance, take some time to watch the pats. There are 2 groups - pat of 3-4 dogs, and pat of 2 guard+2 dogs. Time your stealth along the path with the dogs so you don't cross their path. The alcove where you want to fight Roccor is at the second entrance to the Ring of Law (lower level). It looks like a redish area on the minimap, it will be to your right. You want to stealth into this area and wait for Roccor to walk by.

The fight is not hard at all. When you see the rock dude, pull him into the entrance area (right under the doorway is fine) to fight him there. He hits slow and relatively hard so go bear. He is not immune to bash so use it when you need to heal. If you keep him at the entrance way, you should have no problems keeping him from aggroing the pats. I'm lvl 60 30feral/21 restor build with hide of the wild as my only epic. I didn't even have to use my NS-HT

Rinse, lather and repeat if necesary. Hope this helps,and sorry about the wordiness. I got the relic in my first kill :)

03-31-2006, 09:51 AM
One more thing... In terms of loot, this guy dropped the relic, the Smoking Heart of the Mountain enchant formula and a Core of Earth. This is only one run though - not too shabby still :)

03-31-2006, 09:51 AM
Took me 3 kills here.

03-31-2006, 12:47 PM

03-31-2006, 01:04 PM
I was wondering if someone over here would post about it. Great thread! Something to note: Don't go telling everyone about the Smoking Heart of the Mountain drops. Just quietly sell one at a time while the price is still high. I got three of them on my seven runs to get the idol. Great cash until the market drops :)

Here's a few pics. Note the minimap on the first showing the final location if any of you still were unsure where he was at. Very easy as far as solos go.

Completely unrelated but I didn't notice it until I was in that dark doorway...the Finkle's Lava Dredger now has a yellow glow. Finally =)


03-31-2006, 03:15 PM
Seedy you boozyelf, you have my shoulders =( hand 'em over!

03-31-2006, 03:31 PM
Oops, sorry about the image sizes. I'll link them from now on :)

03-31-2006, 04:19 PM
I wonder what an epic relic will do...?

03-31-2006, 04:38 PM
I wonder what an epic relic will do...?

The relic that drops in AQ40 is an epic. It takes .15 seconds off your healing touches. Not sure who it drops off of though.

04-05-2006, 07:19 AM
I've found this pic on the wow forums:
[clickable for full version] (

Also I posted some info and pics about the other relics here (

04-06-2006, 08:53 AM
2 kills for my drop. Stingy jerk didn't drop anything else worth while ;)

First time through did aggro the partol dogs a few times till I got used to it. Yeah, they see you even in prowl. OUCH. Aggro'ing 1/2 an instance is not good for health.

04-06-2006, 02:51 PM
To add to this:

- @ Lvl 60 I was able to stealth through the 2 initial guards, through the middle of the first open area and into the corridor that Roccor patrols.

- The dogs will see you. Be very very quiet. They will look at you, bark, and then move on. Just don't be too close to them and sure as hell don't move when they look at you.

- The entry way you want to fight in is your 2nd door way on the left to the ring of law.

- From here you'll be able to pull ( just don't pull if he's crossing paths with another patrol group ) and not have to worry about adds coming in mid fight. Make sure and stay IN the doorway.

- He hits fairly hard and does some fire damage and magic damage.

- A bash, regrowth, rejuv back to bear was enough to get me through the fight with about 1/2 hp.

04-07-2006, 12:15 PM
I must be unlucky. I've put him down 6-7 times and all I've gotten is the plate or cloth shoulders and a couple smoking heart of the mountain formulas.

04-11-2006, 11:52 AM
15 kills for me. Sure did DE a ton though. The little clerics in guild were crying each time I DE'd the cloth shoulders.

04-11-2006, 01:27 PM
15 kills for me. Sure did DE a ton though. The little clerics in guild were crying each time I DE'd the cloth shoulders.

haha.. made me think "Everytime you DE those cloth shoulders, God kills a kitten. Please, think of the kittens"

...though... probably no one would get that *sigh*

04-11-2006, 01:51 PM
Got it first try. No smoking heart of the mountain formula though :( On my first stealth run in I decided that I could keep walking once the dogs saw me, and that was a mistake. At least it was a quick death.

I heard that "DE'ing cloth shoulders" will make you go blind too. Poor kittens.

04-11-2006, 03:45 PM
Got it on my first kill.

04-11-2006, 08:49 PM
Got it first try. No smoking heart of the mountain formula though :( On my first stealth run in I decided that I could keep walking once the dogs saw me, and that was a mistake. At least it was a quick death.

Yes, I thought the same thing. Which was why I posted not to move ;)

I tried to run from them with sprint. I got away from them but aggro'd the first room and...well it was death. LOL

04-14-2006, 09:09 PM
Second kill it dropped for me. Interestingly, he was easier to solo in pure caster form the whole time, rather than Bear. Course my gear is T1/T2 and I'm 40 points in resto.

04-17-2006, 03:47 PM
Second kill it dropped for me. Interestingly, he was easier to solo in pure caster form the whole time, rather than Bear. Course my gear is T1/T2 and I'm 40 points in resto.

that's awesome! ^_^ ....what did you do? how hard was he hitting you for?

04-25-2006, 02:16 PM
Are relics unique? I mean, can I get this one for when I solo/tank and the other one for when I heal?

04-25-2006, 02:31 PM
Yes Cobra you can have all three.

04-25-2006, 04:49 PM
I tried to solo this guy, got in position, and he kicked the snot out of me. Any strategies for the fight?

04-26-2006, 07:57 AM
Here is what i did,
And i have to say thats it was almost flawless (did almost 10 runs until the idol dropped)

1. Postion.
2. use MF and Fearie fire to pull.
3. Go to bar and start normal attacks, always save enough rage for max frenzied regen.
4. When you are low on health use frenzied regen and keep on hitting, this time since you dont have frenzied regen use specials but keep enough rage for bash.
5. When low on health click on bash and do HT + Regrowth.
6. Switch back to bear and keep on attacking.

You can repeat this until he is dead.
Usually he is dead after 1.5 of this sequence.
If you have NS you can use it instead going back to step 1.

Its pretty easy, the only problem that might occur is thos @#$$# dogs :)

04-26-2006, 02:13 PM
Took me three tries before he dropped the idol. Phalanx_era's walkthru covers just about everthing you need to get the idol. Here is some hints from what worked best for me.


1) Lord Roccor's melee is fairly weak. His big damage is the earthshock he will cast every 20-30 sec. A Nature Protection potion will help if your nature resist is low (less than 100).
2) Start the fight as he moves into view when he is moving from right to left. This reduces the chances of a dog adding.
3) Start the fight with Starfire+Moonfire (you won't need this mana later, use it to shorten the fight), cast rejuv on yourself and shift to bear. Use bear FF and roar.
4) Save bash in case you need a heal (he could get lucky and do a series of crits on you). You won't usually need to heal if you are resisting the earthshocks.
5) If you think you may need a heal, don't wait until the last second. If you don't resist the earthshock, you may be stunned for several seconds.

Level 60 Druid, feral cat build. Around 6000 AC in bear.

04-26-2006, 03:35 PM
Thanks didn't realize he was doing any nature damage, I'll try it again with a pot.

05-04-2006, 10:58 AM
Great Walkthrough!
Got the Idol on my 2nd try.
Nature Protection Potion will help!

05-16-2006, 02:32 PM
Also took me two tries. The suggestion about using Frenzied Regen made the second try much easier. I only dropped out of bear twice to heal thanks to that -- once using NS and once using Warstomp, which made the Earth Shocks irrelevant.

On my first try, I had to try to just push one through and had to pop a heal potion to survive.

This was really easy though. I'd never been to BRD, it took me longer to find out where it was and find the instance entrance than to kill Roccor twice.

05-25-2006, 12:02 AM
How did you reset the instance? If you can't reset it right away, how long does it take for the place to reset on its own?

05-25-2006, 10:51 AM
How did you reset the instance?
You have to be grouped with someone else to reset it.

1. Enter the instance, farm your mob and head to the zoneout.
2. Invite anyone else you to your group (any level, it does not matter).
3. Promote the new person to the leader of the group.
4. Leave the group.
5. Leave the instance within 60 seconds or you get ported to your bind point.

If you can't reset it right away, how long does it take for the place to reset on its own?
I believe it takes 30 minutes of you being outside the instance, but not positive.

05-25-2006, 02:48 PM
May I assume that this is a level 60 walkthrough? It seems to be from the discussion.

05-25-2006, 03:13 PM
You don't have to be 60. If you're lower, you just have to be more cautious while stealthing in, and the battle might be tougher.

05-25-2006, 07:12 PM
Got it on the 4th try. Only aggro'd the doggy pats once. Best advice I have is wait at the first RoL entrance and when the 3 doggy pat moves back towards the 2nd entrance, follow a distance behind them. Lord Roccor is NOT immune to nature spells. Feel free to Thorns yourself and keep FF and/or insect swarm up on him. The low level nature absorb pots work fine. Keep a couple Superior or Major healing pots on you incase he lands an Earthshock in the middle of your heal.

05-26-2006, 08:42 AM
I'm sure it's been said elsewhere, but:

When trying solo stealth runs, take off any items that have "durability" until you get to your target. You can re-equip without breaking stealth.

Saved me a ton of $$$ on repairs!

06-01-2006, 01:31 AM
My Idol tale;

So there i was bored and trying to figure out what i wanted to do tonight i for sure didnt feal like grinding an AV was brutal today so an idea pops into my head and i say to my guild "Hey gang im going to try something eather very silly or brave, I dont know which but im going to do a stealth run to Lord Roccor and see if i can get my Idol" Which was met by a few hearty chuckles and one or 2 comments about the spirt healer and a new GF...

So there i was at the gates of BRD with nothing but my guild tunic on i zoned in and started to sneak by those darn doggys, the first time i moved when a dog turned and looked at me... splat. No matter i know better now! The second time I got to the tunnel and went LD right between the two guards...splat. (My guild is in stiches at this point) The 3rd time i made it all the way down to the pull spot shifted into bear and began the fight... (remember what i was wearing?) you guessed it.... splat. At this point one or 2 of my guild members have passed out due to laughing soo hard and a Shaman, Priest and Hunter (thank you Ninewhile, Yexia and Rake) took pitty on me and offered to come help. We cruze down and smoke him the first time, Cloth shoulders and the Chant formula. Rawr we breezed threw the Ring of Law and went to finish off my quest for the Shadowforge Key then it was outside to reset the instance. The second kill went even faster then the first, stupid shield...

Then Yexia had to go to take care of her poor hubby and Nine was hungry so we disbanded but not before i did the instance reset.

So there i was again, naked and alone. I made my way in with almost reckless abandon and got to the killing zone, Chugged some fresh brewed Greater Armor, Agility and Nature potions and pulled our friend Roccor, all was going great, my first heal was Frenzied Regen and he was at 55%, my second heal i (being a feral not a resto) used a Major Heal pot (perfect for the situation really) and poped a regrowth/Rejuve, Moonfired then dropped back down to bear and finished the job. My first solo kill of Lord Roccor, and he dropped my Idol i were a happy Droodad and my guildies were no longer laughing...

I am LVL 59 with mostly BRD/ZF/ST drops but i do have a Warden Staff and i sit at about 5700hps and 8300AC in bear form.

y current build is:

So you dont HAVE to be 60 or Resto to solo him you just need alittle persistance hehe

(and wow that got long)

06-01-2006, 09:40 AM
It must be the lack of stamina that keeps getting me, I have just not been having luck soloig this guy.

06-01-2006, 09:42 AM
Grats Nurg! Way to stick w/ it!

06-06-2006, 08:39 AM
I've shown a few druids how to do this,

When you notice his pathing:


Bear (Put my back to the cave wall)

First Heal: I wait till i get to about 80%+ Rage and Frenzy Regen

Second Heal: Bash Regrowth/Rejuv/moonfire/bear

As for gear, I make sure to wear enough AC to break 10k but not to the point of gimping my Stamina/Strength. I dropped the Tortoise ring (AC) for one Ogre Band (STA/STR) and i recently switched from +15 STR to +25 AGI on my Warden Staff.

09-15-2006, 03:58 PM
So what the safe level to be when you go in there? 60?

09-18-2006, 02:42 AM
Dude you rock. Got it 7 tries. Dropped plate 2 times cloth 3times and 1 smoking enchantment. only things of note.

10-15-2006, 09:25 AM
Worked out perfectly - Thanks for the info. Got my relic first drop. :)

11-02-2006, 11:29 AM
Woot! got the SHotM and Ferocity relic on first drop. Solo'd Rocco at 57, was tough but he is so predictable it was easy. If you have the raid mod it announces his nature attack and thats when I would bash and move out of range and heal. Simple, I got down to like 30% at one point but otherwise everything worked smoothly. This process will take a LONG time. II would guess I bashed/healed half a dozen times before he fell. ALL WORTH IT! Now I have the recipe and my first relic YAH!

Oh ya, the dogs suck. Their detection radius is ridiculus and I'm full feral with 5/5 stealth skill(not sure of exact name). However, Sooth Beast works well...whenever they were near I would launch it and once when a dog was looking at me...just turned and wandered off....other times I fled and luckily got to the portal with 1/2 the instance form, dash ftescape.

11-02-2006, 01:24 PM
Grats on your relics guys. I've probably killed this guy a dozen times without a single death. Never pott'ed either. Pretty fun to use all of your tools.

Pull with a Starfire, IS, FF, MF, then rejuv yourself and get into bear. The initial rejuv helps a lot to mitigate damage. Also, make sure to have demoralizing roar up. The ap reduction helps you take less damage. Then its just a long, slow fight in bear form. Lots of mauling, and when I am at about 60%, I'll stop mauling to build my rage bar up to full, all while just autoattacking, pop a 100 rage frenzied regen, while still autoattacking. Eventually, when I'm down to about 25% health I'll bash, regrowth rejuv, then back into bear to finish him off. If things for some unforseen reason get ugly, NS HT and back into bear.

Something every druid should practice. Solo'ing roccor makes you a better druid. Just like solo'ing smolderweb. And go make your SHoTM now!! So worth it

11-03-2006, 01:40 PM
To date ... I have taken 4 lvl 53 druids, a lvl 54, two lvl 56,and a lvl 60 mage to go and fight roccor.Almost all off them have the SHotM by now and all off them can successfully solo Roccor without any effort (except the lvl 53 druids who still seem 2 catch some aggro every now and then and the mage who misstimes her blinks). They all have their Idols and most of them only solo for a SHotM or the blue items which always tends to disenchant into small brilliant shards (except the idol which turns into a large brilliant shard).It pretty decent and an hours worth of soloing will get you at least 20 gold minimum in your pocket.

11-06-2006, 04:40 PM
Nice work on the guide; it took me four runs to get the idol. I wasn't expecting to be able to take Roccor, as I only just hit 60 and have so-so gear. Yet, with one Nature Protection potion (thanks for the tip), it was a breeze. The only time I died was walking back to the portal--after the first run, when I had gotten the blue shield--and was saying to my guild "This shield makes my druid a better tank" when a bloodhound got me. Ow, bloodhounds.

Thanks for including this guide and tips on the forums. Me and my idol thank you.

11-09-2006, 01:33 AM
Roccor is really lots of fun to kill.Hes about a 7 -12 min run and the items you get off him are really great if your an enchanter and still very good when he drops stuff like Smoking heart's recipe and the idol.Also ... if im farming core of the elements I like killing him cause he usually drops a decent lot.Then again ... I only farm him cause I hate farming Mother Smolderweb. :)

01-06-2007, 05:32 AM
I must be pants, those damn dogs get me everytime, I stand still and dont move then bang they bite me :(


ade it through 4 times, 1st time I was not paying attention and forgot to watch my health, Opps Dead, 2nd and 3rd times plate dropped and core of elements then TADA one idol.

any thanks.

02-19-2007, 12:50 PM
Im not lvl 60 yet but i really want this idol.
By all the posts im geussing that most poeple are suggesting feral fo this guy, my problem is im full resto, loving it, but still, any suggestions for soloing him when not using bear form?
another thing:
while looking on thottbot i thought, 'what other decent idols are out there?' so, taking a shot in the dark, i typed in 'idol' on the search, to my amazement almost 95% of all items with 'idol' in their name e.g. idol of ferocity, are for druids, anyone care to say why?
o, and idol of ferocity has a 15% drop rate, so if you are extremely unlucky oyu should get it in about 10 tries

02-19-2007, 06:29 PM
I haven't done this run yet, but are going to try when i get some time. I don't see why you would need to be feral though, the only benefits that a feral druid would get is a bit more damage and a bit more extra stealth. If you are a NE then the stealth will probably be ok anyway but just be extra careful.

As a resto druid I would still go bear form to tank him down but pop out to heal more often, use bash regrowth, rejuv (you won't have the stun time for both but take a couple of hits) and then later use NS/HT combo and then you still have rejuv + swiftmend to use if needed and frenzied rejuv so should be ok. He will just take longer to kill each time. From the looks of things if you stay in the doorway then you won't get adds so extra time isn't really a problem.

03-03-2007, 02:27 PM
I just helped a mate through jailbreak quest (hes level 70, we had a lvl 68 (another mate) helping us and im level 55)
We met lord Roccor by surprise (as in: he ran into us)
He dropped the idol, 3rd time I have ever done BRD and 1st time ive killed him :)

03-05-2007, 04:55 PM
12 kills... no idol... :bs:

edit: idol on my 14th kill finally.

03-11-2007, 08:01 PM
I haven't done this run yet, but are going to try when i get some time. I don't see why you would need to be feral though, the only benefits that a feral druid would get is a bit more damage and a bit more extra stealth. If you are a NE then the stealth will probably be ok anyway but just be extra careful.

As a resto druid I would still go bear form to tank him down but pop out to heal more often, use bash regrowth, rejuv (you won't have the stun time for both but take a couple of hits) and then later use NS/HT combo and then you still have rejuv + swiftmend to use if needed and frenzied rejuv so should be ok. He will just take longer to kill each time. From the looks of things if you stay in the doorway then you won't get adds so extra time isn't really a problem.

You have the right idea.. you don't need to be feral at all. For the fight, you'll just have to be more aware of how fast your health is going down and would probably need to pop out sooner to heal up. Since you're not feral, you'll want to make sure you have a moonfire dot on him to help with the DPS. Time isn't an issue but the last thing you want to do is go OOM from having to switch forms to heal too often.