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04-11-2006, 11:01 AM
1) I don't have the Wildheart Shoulders, Chest and Kilt. Can I still get the Feralheart Shoulders, Chest and Kilt even though I don't have the Wildheart to trade in?

2) Does the feralheart drop in instances now?

3) How do you get 12k of armor in bear form?
I have 9300 in bear and I'm feral spec!
Please list armor and items I would need to get 12k plus armor

Thanks for your help, I'm new to this site

lvl 60 Feral Druid Malogos Server

04-11-2006, 02:46 PM
1) I don't have the Wildheart Shoulders, Chest and Kilt. Can I still get the Feralheart Shoulders, Chest and Kilt even though I don't have the Wildheart to trade in?


2) Does the feralheart drop in instances now?


3) How do you get 12k of armor in bear form?
I have 9300 in bear and I'm feral spec!
Please list armor and items I would need to get 12k plus armor

No idea i'm a healing druid.

04-11-2006, 03:08 PM
You have to get the wildheart pieces first before you can get feralheart. It does not drop off mobs, it's the result of quest that requires you to turn in your wildheart.

12K Bear who's never been in a raid zone!

04-11-2006, 03:09 PM
Ok, some things here:

You need Wildheart to get Feralheart. They are all turn-in quests. Expensive, and difficult ( 45 min Barron run?!?! *curses* ) but quests none the less.

Ok upping you armor in bear - if you're tanking you may want the thick hide, short of that it is all equip and enchants. So here's a quick breakdown.

- Weapon: Warden Staff ( 260 AC +11 stam, get a +str enchant )

- Cloak: Cloak of Warding ( 214 AC, get the +70 ac enchant or the +5 al resists )

- Shoulders: Atal'Ai Spaulders of the Bear ( 193 ac 12-13 str 12-13 stam )

- trinket: Mark of Tyranny ( 180 AC +10 Arcane Resist )

That should help you out GREATLY

04-11-2006, 06:58 PM
3) To add to the list -
AB faction armor
ZG Animist Gear
Slaghide Gauntlets of X, from BRD
Ring of Protection
Tortise Band

The only good AC gear I've seen in MC is the Dark Iron Ring.

04-11-2006, 07:14 PM
srry, linked main above. this is the 12k bear sample

04-12-2006, 01:38 AM
srry, linked main above. this is the 12k bear sample

Would 12k be with buffs?

04-12-2006, 03:35 AM
actually, I'm lazy and forgot both to subtract out 2x agility before multiplying and also forgot the profile was associated with my talent set and the 10% for thick hide was already applied. It's still like 11,500 as is, which is getting close to just 12,000 with only mark. If you tossed exalted AB shoulders on there you'd prob do it with no raid loot. Just didn't think the exalted AB grind was a reasonable recommendation for someone of unknown playtime =)

04-12-2006, 10:30 AM
Thanks everyone, it's nice to get some help:)

04-12-2006, 12:43 PM
AB faction isn't that hard to grind. The games are short, win or lose you get faction gains and it goes quickly. I just wish I could get my AV faction as quickly *sigh* 1/2 way to exalted now though :)

AB is next on the grind list, though I don't get anywhere near the satisfaction of winning AB as I do when we down the general in AV. Healing the tanking and dots on Derk. Just a much bigger feeling of accomplishment IMO.