View Full Forums : Show me the money!

04-16-2006, 02:08 AM
I hit level 19 today (NE druid), and I'm still pretty much broke.

I have leatherworking and skinning, so I can make things like the Moonglow Vest and any Dark Leather armor. Plus Medium Armor Kits and the like.

So how can I make some serious cash? Where can I find the approx. market value of my leather goods? Do I just dump everything in the Auction House? The fee is a bit steep. :sumo:

04-16-2006, 03:33 PM
Pre-40 I would suggest trying to use 2 gathering professions to help with your leveling speed and its real easy to make money (skinning especially). Unless this is a cash mule alt, go for skinning and either herbalism or mining.

04-17-2006, 09:14 AM
Is a good place to get market value for items.

However, I believe you will find that you can sell your leather for more than you can sell your crafted items. That is how I got my money for my mount is farming leather and selling it on the AH.

04-17-2006, 02:10 PM

you can sell your leather for more than you can sell your crafted items.

according to that site, the common price for Light Leather is 2 silver per. Or 25 silver for a bundle of 10. Does that sound right? If so, this is going to be way more profitable than quests like Deep Ocean Vast Sea. :elfbiggri

04-17-2006, 03:15 PM
That sounds about right to me. I sold medium for 50-75s heavy for around 1g a stack.

Always check the AH prices before you post yours to make sure you will be the lowest cost and ALWAYS put a buyout people who are looking to level there professions want to buy now.

04-17-2006, 03:42 PM
If so, this is going to be way more profitable than quests like Deep Ocean Vast Sea. :elfbiggri

.... Deep Ocean Vast Sea... was that the *mostly* underwater quest where you had to find the chests in the sunken pirate ships? OMG that quest is a $%^#$ to do! x.x

Back to topic though... :P
Besides skinning everything around that you can possibly skin you should invest in a set of good bags! I know cash is hard to find (which is the point of the post) but seriously, get the biggest bags you can afford and loot everything that falls, skin every animal that dies, etc. You won't see a big jump in cash immediately but it will make a difference in the long run as you'll be tossing out less vendorable/auctionable stuff due to lack of bag space.

As for the bag investment... If you're in a guild, you can ask guildies for hand-me-down bags or you can farm cloth and find a tailor to make the bags for you.

You also mentioned you're a leatherworker? If you're levelling leatherworking and find that some items that might be great for levelling (i.e. those that use the fewest/cheapest mats) but awful for selling/using you can always get them disenchanted and sell the mats on the AH. You can ask your friendly neighbourhood enchanter to DE the items for you (which I wouldn't suggest as I know people who actually take a "cut" out of what comes out as a "tip" since you'd never know) but you can also make yourself a DE mule. Send your unsellable greens to your mule, get it to DE and sell it for you. Enchanting mats usually sell pretty well.

Anyway, just a few small tips for you. Good luck :)

04-18-2006, 01:31 AM
What you shouldn't do is set your price a bit lower than the lowest price. Sure you may get your stack bought out first, but then someone else will do that and another person and so on and next thing you know, the value goes down and now no one wins except the buyers.

04-18-2006, 01:39 AM
can I dump items in the Bank, then login as an alt and use those items?

04-18-2006, 08:39 AM
No, the alt will have its own bank space, but you can mail items to the alt (assumes same faction).

05-30-2006, 01:46 AM
[topic revisited]

So now I'm level 39, still broke. :eusa_booh

I rode the Light Leather gravy train for awhile, but lately the market's been flooded. I've had little or no success selling crafted leather items, and I didn't get any amazing world drops to write home about.

I've basically lived in instances since Deadmines/Stockade/Gnomer/SM, but most of the good stuff is BOP.

At least I've got the various Travel forms, but I was hoping to get a mount at 40. What can I do?

05-30-2006, 08:58 AM
SM - Graveyard.
Not all the mobs are elites and drop a decent amount of silver, plus the occassional blue (maybe cloth too, can't remember).

05-30-2006, 09:21 AM
Farm the Yetis in The Alterac Mountains. They can be skinned for medium/heavy leather and drop coin. There is also a rare yeti that drops a blue knife or headress. In the ruins you can stealth to a goblin merchant who sells the frost oil recipe. Yau buy it for 25s and can sell it for 2.5g. This and selling first aid books got me my mount. I started saving at 32 had enough for my mount and a respec by 40. Also make sure you are honored with Darnassus if NE for 10% discount.

06-05-2006, 11:23 AM
[topic revisited]

So now I'm level 39, still broke. :eusa_booh

I rode the Light Leather gravy train for awhile, but lately the market's been flooded. I've had little or no success selling crafted leather items, and I didn't get any amazing world drops to write home about.

I've basically lived in instances since Deadmines/Stockade/Gnomer/SM, but most of the good stuff is BOP.

At least I've got the various Travel forms, but I was hoping to get a mount at 40. What can I do?

don't despair... I play a hunter so your results and lvl of difficulty may be different (though not greatly I'm sure).

In my thirties it took me 10 DM and/or WC runs to get 100g. You must loot everything, all cloth and all greens but don't bother with BoP's. I averaged more than 10g a run in each of these instances. The key is to go there with every available inventory slot possible.

In DM you'll get more wool than you will in WC and in WC you'll get more light leather.

Another option is go to gnomer... if you farm the mobs just outside the clean zone before the oozes and elementals you can rake up tons of silk in a short amount of time. Those mobs respawn quickly and there is a mailbox right there so you can keep going after your inventory gets full.

Another idea... the yeti cave in Southshore. They resapwn quick, give you some coin an occasional green and tons of heavy leather. HL sells great cause blacksmiths need tons of it when they pick up their specialty.

Anther idea... if you're able to solo the graveyard in SM, do it. Keep everything, even the grey items... most of them sell for a good deal of coin to vendors. There is a good mix of elite and non-elite mobs and the drop rates are decent.

how's your fishing skill? if you can fish tanaris I'd go at night and fish stone scale eels... if you go at the right time you can match a entire DM run with a couple stacks of stone scales... only probelm is the eels drop best in the middle of the night *shrug*

oh yeah! The Wetlands... kill lots and lots of whelpings to gather small fire glands... these sell like made, plus if your lucky you'll get the red dragon whelping and that sells for a decent chunk of coin. I sold mine for 125g but prices mught vary on server and rarity.

As far as selling your wares... the Auctioneer MOD is the way to go. get it... spend a week scanning the AH once twice a day and the prices should be evened out enough to get you going.

good luck to ya.

06-06-2006, 09:39 AM
Step 1 - Create Bank alt
Step 2 - Level this alt to Level 6
Step 3 - Run alt to SW/IF/Darn pick up enchanting
Step 4 - Download:
Step 5 - Buy the biggest bags and as many as you can afford
Step 6 - If you're not on a quest and you're just grinding, kill hummanoids (they drop coin and cloth)

From this point forward, your druid never steps foot into Auction house again.

Now that you're in your 40s, your home should be Loch Modan and you will be killing animals and lesser rock elementals in Badlands.

Any green, blue, or someday maybe epic that you get as a drop...mail it to your bank alt.

Any white item used in crafting (elemental air, elemental earth, etc. etc.) mail it to your alt.

Any leather you are not using for your leatherworking mail it to your alt.

Any silk &/or Mageweave you don't use for First Aid, mail it to your alt.


Each day, before you log onto your druid...log onto your bank alt. Empty out his mailbox. List everything on Auction House using auctioneer.

Any Green that does not sell after two attempts gets disenchanted. Either send the mats to your Druid for enchantig purposes or sell the mats on AH

Any Blue that does not sell after five attempts gets disenchanted.

I run auctioneer no less than once a week and not more than twice:

Friday - right before dinner I run it
Sunday - when i'm done for the night, i log back onto my bank alt and sometimes run it again.

Rule #1 - When you go out to quest/ never hearth home until every last bag slot is filled

Rule #2 - You kill everything that moves and yields XP...everything (I don't even use a mount when leveling)

Rule #3 - Once you work a zone, don't fly all over god's creation on one specific quest. Hunker down and wait till your bags are full

Rule #4 - Don't fly back to IF to list 2-3 greens, wait till your bags are full and mail it to your bank alt, that's his job.

If you do this, you'll level faster, make more money, and have enchanting materials to enchance your own gear.


I started my level 25 Druid to hang out with some friends. I started with ZERO money and no loans. At level 25, I have learned all my skills/talents, I have all 12 slot bags (14s s & 16s are just crazy priced right now) and I have close to 30g. I did get one blue ring drop, but otherwise the money was made off of Skinning/Herbs. My druid has not ever been in AH.

06-20-2006, 02:15 PM
that is exactly how you make money... no lies, just follow step by step what the above poster mentioned... you make an AH mule with the profession enchanting and you leave that right by the bank/AH/mailbox

for alliance, i would choose IF because everything's so dam close, you have the mailbox/bank on one side of the bridge and the AH on the other... and for horde, ogrimmar for the exact same reasons...

now, try selling all your BoE greens on the AH... if you're not too sure what price to sell them at, look around that level for the same type of equipment and see what it goes for... i usually put everything up for 24 hours lenght of time but set the actual price and the buyout price as the exact same thing because for the lower levels, its mostly high levels buying stuff for their twinks and they don't like to wait for the auction to actaully finish...

remember to disenchant some stuff... like if i were to find a cloth armor "of the tiger" i wouldn't even think about putting that up on the market but automatically disenchant it... remember, whatever that doesn't sell on the AH, you're losing money because of the deposit you're losing at the end... you only get it back when the item actually sells, according to my experience... i could of course also be mistaken... and even if you choose to put it up on AH, i usually notice if i don't sell it on my second time around, its not going to sell, ever... so i just disenchant it and sell whatever the mats i receive...

i chose skinning/herbalism as my gathering profession on my main and pretty much i send everything to my AH whore... from my experience, wool cloth sells for a lot... i'm not too sure why, but it sells for a grand amount for lower levels... so i would pick up as many stacks of that as possible as you level on humanoids... and on my server, lower level herbs still go for atleast a gold or two like briathorn, kingsblood, strangelkelp and all that junk... go for it

you save a lot of time by mailing these to your AH whore instead of running to put it up yourself... its way too time consuming and trust me, you'll be living the good life soon enough...

but don't get all gung ho and start sending all the money made to your main... if you can, leave as much money with the AH whore as you can... if you want something, buy it on your AH whore, but don't try to spend until you have atleast over 50 g because as they say, you need to spend money to make money and you'll atleast need 50 g to keep yourself in business...

and one last quick tip... make money on other people's ambitions to quickly sell out... if you see something on a buyout price for much less than its real worth, jump on it... buy it out and repost it on AH for the actual price... ofcourse i'm not talking about a measily 1 silver difference but i find that if its something i know that sells consistently for 50 silver higher than the posted buyout price, then i'll grab it, take it from the mailbox immediately and post it back up for the right price, nailing myself 50 silver in less than a minutes work...

by level 30 i had around 275g with not a single blue BoE drop... first character on that server with no donations or loans...


one last thing... if you run out of bank space on both your alt and your main... like i did when i was saving silk cloth before i could level my first aid beyond wool cloth but wasn't high enough level to go to the place to level it up... i had about 50 stacks of silk cloth saved up because i like to level my first aid then sell the excess on AH... anyhow, back on topic, if you run out of bank space for both your alt and your main, remember the mailbox can always act as an additional bank... you send stuff over and you have a 30 day waiting time on it which saves a lot, LOT of space... and 30 days is pretty dam long, and for no cost, you can simply push the return button for another whopping 30 days... how neat is that... so basically, anything that isn't already soulbounded to you, you can simply use the mailbox space as a bank... and if you're worried about the whole hour waiting period for items to arrive, just keep in mind that when you're returning things, its instantaneous...

btw, my first post... i just made an account to help you out

06-20-2006, 03:26 PM
btw, my first post... i just made an account to help you out

much appreciated. :cool: All of the comments have been good, and I've got my AH whore in place. I even caught 1 stonescale eel in Tanaris, but it was in the daytime so I'll have to try again at night.

07-06-2006, 05:07 PM
That sounds about right to me. I sold medium for 50-75s heavy for around 1g a stack.

Always check the AH prices before you post yours to make sure you will be the lowest cost and ALWAYS put a buyout people who are looking to level there professions want to buy now.
to do this its really great to have the auctioneer and scan the AH for about 2times a week u can get it on :elfbiggri

07-07-2006, 08:47 AM
I have a friend that is a squishy and picked up LW and Skinning to make money. They usually put the Armor Kits and the Leather up for sale on the AH and they make enough to give plenty to their alts when needed. They also gave me a few gold starting out.

It might be a slow starting out this way, but if you are looking at making money fast I would agree with the other posters....2 gathering professions is the way to go. Also, any BOE items that you get while questing/grinding....sell them on AH. I made quite a bit on an alt a while ago just doing those things....she was only level 20 with like 18-24 gold....all earned.

07-07-2006, 06:11 PM
well i think it all depends on ur grinding skills and if u have or dont have an money alt
im lvl10 on my new nelf druid now and i already got 7g so just make an alt(alternative character)and then learn it enchanting and tailoring and then send all linen cloth u get on ur main to the alt and get up the tailo skill until u can make brown linen robe and then make a lots of those disenchant them and sell the reagents dropped on ah and woila lots of money

07-31-2006, 10:40 AM
to do this its really great to have the auctioneer and scan the AH for about 2times a week u can get it on

For me, I make the most money by ruining the mod constantly. I run the mod every time I first log on and then every trip back to AH after that.

Then go to the search auctions tab. Here I have the following 3 profiles set to go.

1. "Blues and Up" - here I set the minimum requirement to blue items and up, 50% (expected profit).

2. "Money Maker" - here I set the minimum requirement to 1 gold profit, 75% (expected profit)

3. "Cheap Money Maker" - here I set the minimum requirement to 25s and 75% (expected profit), there is a lot of these items (i.e. wool cloth postings for 25s per stack that re-sell for 1g)

I then fish through returned results (typically anywhere from 5-15 for #2 and #3 and usually <6 for #1) and make my purchases, pickup and re-post.

Everyone has their own methods of making money (hopefully) but this works best for me.

The reasons this works for me:
1. No spamming enchants
2. No farming
3. No grinding
4. Works best for my sporadic times I am on
5. Gaining additional resting exp spending time in ah
6. So far (2 month in) averaging around 10g a day for about 5 mins worth of "work"

Create resurrected
07-31-2006, 03:06 PM
As much as I could be detracting from your enjoyment of the game, I'd say to just not worry about it.

One collection skill is usually enough to cover all your training costs and then some.

aking money at 60 is much easier than trying to do it on the way up.

08-01-2006, 02:19 PM
Herbalism and skinning ftw. I've made TONS of money with this. My druid being my 3rd 60, I didnt really need to make money but it's always nice to come back to the mailbox and pick up a couple hundred gold from the sale of herbs and skins from a day or two worth of farming.

Also, imo dont take mining and herbalism, pick one or the other. The constant switching between tracking skills sucks.

08-08-2006, 10:33 AM
Another good farming area is to find Ogres at your level to grind on, good coin, occassional green drops, and cloth. Always like them for grinding XP and making some $$$. The ones in Tanaris at the compound are a huge farming strategy is to MF and root, attack another close by, moves things along nicely.

I done the SM graveyard thing and found the best way (at least at 60) is to round up all the ghost thingys (between 9 and 12) while in Moonie, when stopped, barkskin, Hurricane...9 to 12 bigger ghosts with empty pockets in about 20 secs of work..Drink, Rinse, Repeat in the tomb, Drink Rinse and Repeat outside.

Pre-40 money making IMO should be two gathering skills. I did herb and skinning since so I don't make special trips to gather while grinding / questing for XP. There's a good guide in the WOW forums (site is down or I would link). Was able to buy level 40 mount with training and have 100G in pocket. This was with the lack of knowledge that you really DON'T have to buy gear EVERY time you level LOL.

I've since dropped herbalism at 60 and picked up LW-Tribal and pushed that up to 300 and in the process finding what is a good seller/profit item based on the cost to make by purchasing mats in AH. Anyone with any knowledge of LW products that can be made with a profit by purchasing mats off AH, I'd would sure like to hear what has been working for you.

08-08-2006, 01:02 PM
Anyone with any knowledge of LW products that can be made with a profit by purchasing mats off AH, I'd would sure like to hear what has been working for you.

Good luck. I just got to tribal 300 and am very disappointed. While there is hide of the wild and the devilsaur stuff, you have to farm your mats (so you have to keep skinning "doh") otherwise you just about breakeven with buying the mats and then selling (at least on my server) and even then there is not a "ton" of money for you to tap into, unlike enchanting or even alchemy IMO.

Here is the link to the prior discussion on this.. purchasing mats off AH

That's another suggestion I have with anyone who always seems broke. Check the Ah for a quick search of basic mats which, for whatever reason, are way underpriced for the going rate (i.e. wool, silk, hides, shards etc..). While not always, I can't tell you how many times I have bought a stack of basic mats and put it right back in the ah. Quick and painless way to make a g or two.

08-08-2006, 03:12 PM
You think maybe the Warbear or Ironfeather sets would generate some income like the devilsaur? Both are much easier to farm for mats -- all in WS. The Owlbeast that drop the feathers also drop coin and various blues and the bears that drop the warbear will drop Rugged when it is not warbear, leading to the point that you maximize the farming trip by earning a little extra coin and / or mats.

Been also wondering about the Frost Sabre gear but can't figure what applicability it would have with Frost / Shadow resistance.

08-08-2006, 03:41 PM
I don't know. Keep an eye on the going rate in you ah and then compare the time and effort into farming vs your expected profit. In the end, the going rate on your ah will tell you what your items will sell for.

I have very limited time on line so I can't farm, so personally I look for other alternatives.

I hate to be a downer on tribal lw (I am one :) ) and I am sure if you stick with it you may be able to find a niche and make some coin, but I am now getting why there are so many negative posts about LW in general.

IMO, For the time and effort and money it takes to get 300, you would think it would really pay off (like enchanting) especially considering that, in reality, it eats up another profession (skinning).

08-09-2006, 04:30 PM
I checked yesterday, the Warbear pants are selling from 16-20g on my server. Interesting enough the pattern was not for sale and from memory, I have not seen the pattern for sale in a while. May try to get a couple and throw up for sale if its not BOP.

So after not seeing the pattern I ported to moonglade and started up the tunnels to find the vendor. Whoops! big mistake :) Will have to re-read thott on other ways to get the pattern as making these would upgrade what I already have and if not bop will throw some extras in the ah.

08-15-2006, 01:56 PM
Yeah...Get friendly with the timbermaw (which is doable without the investment in time) by grinding either the south or north felpaws. That will get you both Warbear patterns as 1) you need to be able to converse with them not have them kill you and 2) you can only get both with rep and a little $$$. Just made a set yesterday (Turalyon) and put both up for a starting bid of 30G and BO of 40G each. We'll see, but they are RARELY seen on my server.

I'm going to try and max rep with the timbermaw for Might of the Timbermaw and Timbermaw Brawlers. They costs approximately 70-80G to make together, however, both are awesome feral pieces (had someone make them for me with mats b/c I was impatient, still want the