View Full Forums : I'm a level 23 night elf druid? Best place to grind to get to 35???

04-16-2006, 07:33 PM
Hi I'm a level 23 night elf druid, and am wanting to go balance, feral druid. What do you think would be the best build talent wise for me. I want moonkin form so its more towards balance, but I use cat form to grind a lot. I can always spend the gold later to change, but I just wanted some tips to be more effiecient until than. Also, if you have any suggestions what is the best gear I could be wearing for Balance feral??? Any help would be greatly appreciated. My characters name is Cielen and I play on the Chromaggus server. Thanks again everyone!!

04-17-2006, 09:11 AM
Until you get to 40 I would put the bulk of your talent points into feral. The low level balance points don't help a whole lot until you have the protective shell of the moonkin. So I would put most of your points into feral until you hit 40 than respec to moonkin at 40.

04-18-2006, 03:24 PM
Feral is a great way to get to 40 or 60. I went leatherworking and made some stuff for myself when I was young, but I was always on the lookout for "...of the Tiger" gear. I would think "...of the Eagle" might be a good choice for moonkin. Thats intel/stamina gear. Whatever you do, just don't go spend money in the AH when your young. You will outgrow the gear faster than you can make the money to replace it.

At 23, you have some choices for leveling. Ashenvale, Stonetalon Mountains, Westfall, Redridge Mountains.

Once you hit 30 I highly recommend hitting Stranglethorn Vale. It will get you from 30 to low 40's. You'll likely spend a short period in Arathi Highlands around that 35 mark to get yourself ready for some of the higher level Stranglethorn quests. That is unless your on a PVP server. I hear that can be a gankville.

Good luck!

04-18-2006, 07:52 PM
STV = Ganking Zone of Gankingness.

04-20-2006, 05:05 AM
I second that gankiness. full of quests/xp/drops/cash/skins/herbs (180+) fishing (130+).

see......the gank!

05-19-2006, 10:55 AM
I fully agree with going Feral till 40'ish. I went full resto to 60 and it took ages. Wetlands is pretty good for 23-30ish. And I agree that STV is 30-40 Paradise. I've taken 3 toons to 60 and they all did STV 30-40.

05-19-2006, 12:43 PM
I dunno how you'd make it past 30-40 WITHOUT STV. My favorite zone so far. Ahh, the good old days.

11-09-2006, 02:56 PM
From 20-24 i'm usually killing wolves and spiders in duskwood. Get the 2 quests that give you xp for killing them.

I move to the south Shore area and kill the lions and bears till lvl 28.

At 28 I go back to duskwood and kill darkbanes until 30. From 30-32 I kill panthers, tigers and raptors in STV finishing the first quests for those masteries.

I then goto Arathi and kill raptors till 34. Go back to STV do the next masteries and go back to Arathi to kill ogres in the ogre cave.

At 35, goto the theramore area and kill raptors till 37ish. Goto badlands and kill any and all mobs till 38. At 38 kill the ogres in teh badlands till 40.

You can alternatively kill all the rock mobs and do the quests there.

This above is optimized from my thinking for xp/hour as well as max skinning. The ogres are great for cloth drops.

Hope that helps^^

11-09-2006, 04:56 PM
From 20-24 i'm usually killing wolves and spiders in duskwood. Get the 2 quests that give you xp for killing them.

I move to the south Shore area and kill the lions and bears till lvl 28.

At 28 I go back to duskwood and kill darkbanes until 30. From 30-32 I kill panthers, tigers and raptors in STV finishing the first quests for those masteries.

I then goto Arathi and kill raptors till 34. Go back to STV do the next masteries and go back to Arathi to kill ogres in the ogre cave.

At 35, goto the theramore area and kill raptors till 37ish. Goto badlands and kill any and all mobs till 38. At 38 kill the ogres in teh badlands till 40.

You can alternatively kill all the rock mobs and do the quests there.

This above is optimized from my thinking for xp/hour as well as max skinning. The ogres are great for cloth drops.

Hope that helps^^
Definitely do this. it helped a lot w/ my druid :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:

11-10-2006, 03:26 AM
On my way to an UBRS run, I quickly dropped by STV to help a fellow druid kill King Bangalash.That brought back many pleasant memories.The only q in STV that is hated by all is the one where you have to grind for a pristine tigress fang (Horde).The drop rate is so low that we started counting tigresses and on 138 I got mine and my friends decided to just drop the q.