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05-01-2006, 01:54 AM
What is ganking? What is grinding?

05-01-2006, 09:30 AM
Ganking= killing another player while they are fighting mobs.

Grinding= lvling your toon by primarily killing mobs.

05-01-2006, 10:30 AM
imo ganking is when you get killed by more then 1 person

05-01-2006, 11:35 AM
ganking to me is any number of things:

- getting jacked when fighting a mob (low health/low mana and beat on by something else)
- getting jacked by a lvl 60 when you are 10-15 levels below the ganker
- getting jumped by an entire group 5v1 or even more than 1 person
- rogue stunlock gank while sitting down drinking or eating

Grinding to me is skipping quests and just killing mobs repeatedly over and over in the same area for exp.

05-01-2006, 02:33 PM
Grinding to me is skipping quests and just killing mobs repeatedly over and over in the same area for exp.

ok, this makes sense to me. So STV is the place to grind for 30+ ?

05-01-2006, 02:36 PM
ok, this makes sense to me. So STV is the place to grind for 30+ ?

If you are on a PVE server sure PVP it is gank central.

05-01-2006, 02:44 PM
where does the term "gank" come from, anyway?

05-01-2006, 03:28 PM

Prob the best info aviable on the topic :texla:

05-01-2006, 05:07 PM

Gank is also used in relation to Player vs. Player games where a group of 2 or more people gang up and kill another player, especially if they have an unfair advantage over the person being killed, and is an abbreviation for Gang Kill. Popularised by the MMORPG Ultima Online, it is now often used in any situation where the person being killed is at a significant disadvantage to the person killing, as in "That jerk just ganked me!".

Gank is also used when a player has killed another player when they were AFK (Away From Keyboard) or busy and unable to move or fight back. This usage is found in a number of MMORPGs.


05-04-2006, 10:59 AM
Ganking and mind begins to wander down forbidden paths.

Anyway, I think Jimmay summed it well in terms of WoW.

Ganking is either accepted or looked down on depending who you talk to. Gankers will defend their actions by this simple statement.

"He may have been 20 levels lower than me, but he's a future ganker."

Ganking is a disease. For many who have been ganked, they are just waiting for their opportunity to return the favor on the opposing faction when they get higher level. There are those who get ganked repetedly who hold to their honor and do not lower themselves to that level. And then there are those who simply will not play on a PVP server due to the ganking alone.

I play on a RP server (non-pvp) but I do enjoy pvp. Thank you Blizzard for Battlegrounds.

05-04-2006, 03:00 PM
ok, this makes sense to me. So STV is the place to grind for 30+ ?

I can't freaking stand STV b/c you get ganked once every 10mins and then they camp your body for another 20. I'm sorry but I don't have time to die over and over....Arathi Highlands isn't much better but at least it's wide open so you can see everything around you.

I prefer the areas over in Kalimdor...seems like less Horde are running around but maybe that's just my server.

Head to Astranaar and make your way south through the passage to the stonetalon mountains and then SW to desolace. It's barren but plenty of quests etc. to grind. Also you start the chain quest for Scarlet Mansion (phat reward @ the end depending on your class).

05-04-2006, 03:16 PM
I was in AV the other day and we were pushing FWGY.

This 53 hunter comes riding up and starts popping arrows into a priest. I mount up and dismount right next to him. He feigns death and proceeds to run off. I let him go and he stops and starts popping me with some arrows. I go cat and get some distance, mount up and dismount on top of him. He runs into a group of Horde NPCs and just sits there. I go cat and go back to the IBGY flag and stealth.

Sure enough, he comes back and tries to pop the priest again with some arrows, only this time he didn't have much time. I snuck up behind him: rake, a FF and a few claws and he was dead. He didn't come back to try to cap the flag.

Now, perhaps what I did was a gank of sorts, but I gave him every opportunity to leave without having to die. *sigh* I felt kinda bad, but did admire his persistence

Now, if you're on a PvP server, don't head down to STV without a group. You'll spend more time running to your body than questing.

The only "grinding" I do is when I need to kill things for certain drops / materials ( leather ), otherwise ( IMO ) the best way to lvl is power questing ( getting a number of quests in the same area and doing them all at once ). There are those that disagree with me, but it's just from my XP.

05-04-2006, 05:10 PM
The only "grinding" I do is when I need to kill things for certain drops / materials ( leather ), otherwise ( IMO ) the best way to lvl is power questing ( getting a number of quests in the same area and doing them all at once ). There are those that disagree with me, but it's just from my XP.

I completely agree with this...while most will tell you the best way to get xp/gold is to grind certain areas I've found that when I do quests and kill everything on the way to and from where I'm supposed to go I get grinding xp PLUS the xp reward @ the end.

:clap: I like that..."power questing"