View Full Forums : Advice needed for a talent build, PVP healer.

05-15-2006, 09:48 AM
I'm so far a lvl 34 Tauran Druid on a RPPVP server. I like RP and PvE, but primarily PVP, and then mostly BGs. I do some world PVP, but I never attack someone unless they start. I even got the help of a dwarf hunter to take down Frostmane (Horde quest to get the first leather headgear in the game) after helping him. Took some serious emoting before he understood what I wanted.

In BG and PVP generally I am a supporter and healer. My usual tactic is gurilla healing; I prowl until I am at the edge of the battle (~30 yards away from the fighting), return to caster form, start with a big Healing Touch and then toss out healings as I can. Once I get the attention of the enemies (which is usually early enough) I go travel form and run away, or bear form to soak up the attacks. If noone's in need of healing and I don't have attention, I nuke away, and when alone I usually try to run away (if there's allies nearby. Alone, I try to outlast my enemy)

For my purposes I need a good build. I am also ready to change my tactics if there's "other" tactics which are better for my purposes. I'd like some dps capability outside catform, preferably balance. If f. ex. an enemy is almost dead, but hacking away at an ally, it might be a better idea to kill off the enemy rather than healing.

Why balance rather than feral? Balance has two advantages;
1. Healing equipment can also be used for balance dps. In healing equipment I don't deal squat damage in bearform. Catform is way too squishy and lacks the healing of the caster form.
2. Feral requires melee. I'd like to stay away from melee whenever possible, seeing as my healing spells have a lot more range.

I've got four suggestions for a build, but I can't decide which to go for. All the builds are for lvl 60. If I an decide what to end up with, it's easier to collect good gear for that purpose instead of waiting 'till lvl 60.

Gurilla healer (7/13/31):
Balance: Nature's Grasp 1, Imp Nature's Grasp 4, Natural Shapeshifter 2.
Feral: Ferocity 5, Brutal Impact 2, Thick Hide 3, Feline Swiftness 2, Feral Charge 1.
Restoration: Furor 5, Imp Healing Touch 5, Nature's Focus 5, Insect Swarm 1, Imp Rejuvenation 3, Tranquil Spirit 5, Nature's Swiftness 1, Gift of Nature 5, Swiftmend 1.

This would be the best build, were it not for the fact that I want some balance dps. It was my earlier goal, until I decided to explore the balance trees. Feline Switness for maximum speed while prowling, otherwise as much helpful talents as I can see for the remaining 20 points after getting swiftmend. Maximum healing power in Restoration. Ferocity might be switched out for Feral Aggression.

Regarding Gift of Nature vs Imp Regrowth; The earlier will improve Swiftmend, where the latter will not. I try to avoid using Regrowth excessively because of it's extremely steep mana cost, and for all other purposes Gift of Nature is a better talent.

On a sidenote, this would also be a very good raid build.

A Healer's Vengeance (20/0/31):
Balance: Imp Wrath 5, Nature's Grasp 1, Imp Moonfire 5, Natural Shapeshifter 2, Nature's Reach 2, Vengeance 5.
Restoration: Mark of the Wild 5, Imp Healing Touch 5, Nature's Focus 5, Insect Swarm 1, Imp Rejuvenation 3, Tranquil Spirit 5, Nature's Swiftness 1, Gift of Nature 5, Swiftmend 1.

Imp Wrath and Vengeance combined means good balance dps, especially combined with some good gear. I miss all the goodies in feral, but I get both maximum healing and good balance. No real downsides except that other builds can put out even better balance dps. Like the one above, this is a good raid build. Perhaps a better one, too.

Swift and Furious (30/0/21):
Balance: Imp Wrath 5, Nature's Grasp 1, Imp Moonfire 5, Natural Shapeshifter 3, Nature's Reach 2, Vengeance 5, Nature's Grace 1, Moonglow 3, Moonfury 5.
Restoration: Mark of the Wild 5, Imp Healing Touch 5, Nature's Focus 5, Insect Swarm 1, Tranquil Spirit 4, Nature's Swiftness 1.

Almost maximum balance dps using Wrath, Nature's Swiftness and a hefty 17% mana cost reduction on Healing Touch. Sacrifice Swiftmend for even better dps. Not a bad raid build either, I'd say. Further, following a crit I can toss out a 2.5 sec Healing Touch, something the above build can not.

Regarding Moonfury; I believe this improves with +dam/heal gear, regardless of what I read in a semi-official guide/FAQ. Every other similar talent improves with +dam, so I don't see why this should not.

PVP tank (36/0/14):
Balance: Imp Wrath 5, Nature's Grasp 1, Imp Moonfire 5, Natural Shapeshifter 3, Nature's Reach 2, Vengeance 5, Imp Starfire 5, Nature's Grace 1, Moonglow 3, Moonfury 5, Moonkin 1.
Restoration: Mark of the Wild 5, Nature's Focus 5, Reflection 3, Insect Swarm 1.
Add Moonkin and Imp Starfire to the build above, sacrifice N.S. and some other talents. The idea behind this build is to prowl and heal as described above, but with a difference. Once I get the attention (and the battle doesn't look hopeless), I'll pop Barkskin and Moonkin form, and then start nuking away. Unlike bear form I can still deal good dps, and then I'll tank the enemies for as long as they care to bash me, then heal again if they drop me to "regain aggro". Interesting idea, but is it worth the major sacrifice of the healing talents?

Feedback appreciated.

05-15-2006, 03:24 PM
As a moonkin, I currently fall somewhere between your last two at 33/0/18, however my primary role in this build is as dps assist and healing back up for my guild 5 man runs.

I have good solo survivability in moonkin form, and I can MH in 5/10 man instances without anyone noticing I'm not resto.

Moonglow > tranquil spirit, and I have some excellent rejuvs now.

If I were to become a more dedicated healing role, I think I would go for 24/0/27 for natures grace, moonglow, natures swiftness, and some of the higher resto stuff (including innervate now).

05-15-2006, 08:30 PM
Who named those builds...honestly.

05-15-2006, 08:42 PM
Gwmort, can I ask you to share your build? Perhaps it will fit me as well, and seeing as you are an experienced moonkin clearly there's potential in it.

Trixtaa, I named those builds myself. I like to come up with names like that, just for the sheer fun of it.

Give me your build, and I'll give it a name as well.

05-15-2006, 08:54 PM

0/30/21 Spec.

You get benefits of Heart of the Wild so 20% more mana in caster and you get Nature's Swiftness.

14 in balance gets you to Omer of Clarity, 32 in Feral so you get LotP as well and the 5 in resto are for Furor.

Names these please. I've seen these builds in PvP but mind you these are more feral oriented PvP and you are less efficient as a healer.

05-15-2006, 11:42 PM
I know both those specs well, even considered using them myself. 0/30/21 is still an option, but for the reasons given above I will most likely not use them.

When naming them, I give them either the names from the most important talents or from the general idea behind the build.

0/30/21 might be The Swift Heart (of the Wild) or Heart of Swiftness. Personally I think the second sounds better.

14/32/5 can be given many names, mainly because it's idea.
I like "Killer kitten" best.

05-16-2006, 08:51 AM
I can't access my account from work, but I believe it is: 3100300000

The biggest thing I miss from when I was heavier balance are the improved starfires, but there is a significant improvement in my healing.

05-18-2006, 09:22 AM
Hm... I'm very tempted to try your ideas, using NW and OoC in moonkin form. Problem is how to get all I want... The way I see it, I need to spend 36 points in Balance to get it all, and then I've skipped Im Starfire...

I'd like to have 16+ points in resto too, but I can't see how I can combine OoC and that.

05-18-2006, 09:46 AM
What do you think about this one, gwmort? Thinking about respeccing at lvl 40 to Moonkin.

05-18-2006, 10:51 AM
What do you think about this one, gwmort? Thinking about respeccing at lvl 40 to Moonkin.

Not bad, but if you're goal is to be a better healer along with balance dps, the only points you have helping your healing are the nature's focus, and in a group where you would be healing you shouldn't get hit that much anyway.

Also keep in mind that Insect swarm is a resto spell, so you can't cast it in moonkin form, I only use mine when I am MH a PuG.

I would think about moving 3 points from Nature's focus to improved healing touch, and also whether the slight improvement in range is better than boosting your healing a little more.

05-18-2006, 05:21 PM
Truth to be told, I don't know what I'm thinking with. I want ot be a PVP healer, yet I consider skipping almost every PVP healer talent in the book.

For now, I'll go for 20/0/31. The only thing I'll lack from max balance dps is Nature's Grace, Moonfury and the Moonkin Aura. In exchange I get a bucketload of healing power.

Still 30/0/21 are tempting... it's never been this hard for me with any class, druids are the epitome of versatileness and different playstyles...

05-19-2006, 08:38 AM
For a 20/0/31 build, which is better... Imp Regrowth or Gift of Nature? I know the traditional answer is Imp Regrowth, but does that still hold true with the introduction of Swiftmend?

Well, I don't really expect people to be able to answer that until it's been tested... Just dead impatient.

05-19-2006, 08:55 AM
With the 31 point resto talent still a bit of an unknown I would really recommend a 24/0/27 build, up to 2 ranks of improved regrowth.

Moonglow > tranquil spirit as it reduces costs of all spells, not just HT, but if you choose to point the points in both you could have 19% cheaper HTs cast in 2.5 seconds after a Nature's grace proc on a regrowth crit. That is some wicked powerful healing.

Unless you are in a well organized and controlled raid and get away with casting just HT6 all day, the only way to be an efficient healer is with at least 23 points in balance, there I said it.

05-20-2006, 08:24 PM
I can see how Moonglow and Nature's Grace are better than Innervate and 3 points in Imp Regrowth... but I would guess Swiftmend and Imp Regrowth are even better. If it is no good, what would be the point adding it then?

Of course, that is not to say it isn't tempting to go 30/21 to get 17% mana cost reduction on HT and 2.5 sec casting time... that's the problem. All the suggestions are tempting, each in their own way.