View Full Forums : Wanted: Reputation Guide

05-16-2006, 12:36 PM
I am looking for a reputation guide.

I am not talking the general information as found on the site. It tells you what the faction is and what reward one can obtain.

I am talking about a guide that that tells you how to gain reputation with the various factions as in what you actually do to gain rep.

So far I am pretty clueless on how to gain reputation. The only thing I know is that if you want to gain reputation with a battleground you obviously have to play in that battleground, but I'm still don't know what is actually gaining reputation.

It would be nice to see a guide that says something like:

Faction / Do this / at this location / Get this many points


05-16-2006, 02:58 PM
This site will help:

It is not all-inclusive, however it's a great place to start answering some of your questions.

For Battlegrounds specifically, you gain reputation 2 ways:

1. Completing goals in the BG (e.g. "winning" yields the most) You gain some reputation by capturing a flag in WSG, gaining so many resources in AB (every 150 or so yields some rep), and taking objectives and killing opposing players in AV. Also, you gain some reputation by completing quests for AB and AV, iirc.

2. Turning in honor tokens. You get 3 for winning, and have to turn them in in groups of three. You can have up to a total of 20 on your person plus those in your bank at any one time. You get bonus "honor" (for pvp ranking) for turning in all 3 factions at once to the Battlemaster, however, this doesn't yield extra reputation (or didn't before 1.10).

05-16-2006, 03:34 PM
I did some experimenting this last time with the faire and I am trying to find the most efficient route to 1200 tickets for the epic necklace. Its looking like thorium widgets for me.

I wish I had a source to say how many of the lower turn-ins you could do before maxing them, as I ended up having to sell stuff I couldn't turn in after just a few redemptions.

05-16-2006, 04:09 PM
BGs I can enlighten you a bit here:

WSG - Turning in 3 tokens will get you +50 rep
AB - Turning in 3 tokens will get you +50 rep
AV - Turning in 3 tokens will get you +100 rep

Turning in 3 of WSG & 3 of AB & 3 of AV:
+ 100 WSG
+ 100 AB
+ 150 AV

As Bovus mentioned you can get more rep by completing certain objectives:

- a flag cap will get you +35 rep
- A falg return gets you no rep but some honor ( correction from Falloraan )

- every 300 ( or 330? ) you get +10 rep

- turning in rams/wolves or hides will get you +2 rep
- turning in armor gets you +5 rep

Wins get you more rep with each faction, losses will not hurt you though.

*Edit for corrections*

05-16-2006, 05:20 PM
I believe a flag return gets you the sameNo rep for returns, but you do get some honor.