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05-18-2006, 12:39 PM
Hey guys . Few days ago I payed for hosting packet .
I tought maybe I'll open some company but I won't so I have some ideas . If some clan need website I can make you whatever you want and you don't need to pay nothing .

I can make you website or add phpbb2 cause its much better and easyer and more useful than html . If you are interesting just post here .

( Admin sorry for link if this is not allow here just delete this topic )

05-18-2006, 12:43 PM
Cool offer Hyp3r!

05-18-2006, 12:44 PM
hehe :) I offer this just cause I can see you'r all good guys and for reword cause you are helping me alot . Thanks guys

05-18-2006, 04:14 PM
Well done hyp3r, this is the sort of thing that can really help.
Depending on your server space you could maybe make subdomains or something like that so a few people could use your offer.
y guild has a website but it needs something like a phpbb2 backend.

05-18-2006, 04:25 PM
Well done hyp3r, this is the sort of thing that can really help.
Depending on your server space you could maybe make subdomains or something like that so a few people could use your offer.
y guild has a website but it needs something like a phpbb2 backend.

Friend space is not important at all I can combine something .
Tell me what do you need and I will make it .

05-18-2006, 06:44 PM
Way cool, I will chat to guild after work and get back with specs but something like what you already have with and perhaps with nav on the left (something like, i'm not sure of the functionality of phpbb2 and what is possible.
I can knock up the graphics it just the backend that i have no idea about. Will PM you after I chat with guildies.

05-19-2006, 08:20 AM
Way cool, I will chat to guild after work and get back with specs but something like what you already have with and perhaps with nav on the left (something like, i'm not sure of the functionality of phpbb2 and what is possible.
I can knock up the graphics it just the backend that i have no idea about. Will PM you after I chat with guildies.

np friend :) . Just pm me or find me on msn .

05-19-2006, 02:33 PM

Love your attitude. You should know your friendly nature is rare and your willingness to share what you have learned about web development is admirable like a lot of the people here at the druids grove who have shared their successes and strategies. I am a better druid because of it.

05-19-2006, 03:12 PM
Thanks Wulfgor . I can see that you are realy good man too and I m very glad cause I'm part of this comunity . Maybe my help is not something big but I think it can help some guilds and players in developing and helping they members etc .
Thanks man . Your post is realy full of positive energy and it's realy nice to see it on places like this .