View Full Forums : Trying to get the 1.11 patch

06-20-2006, 04:12 PM
Anybody else having difficulty getting the patch through the Blizzard downloader?

06-20-2006, 04:50 PM
Yea. I just downloaded it via FilePlanet and installed. Others I know have used a program to convert the Blizzard Downloader into a torrent and downloaded via a Bittorrent downloader.

It usually caps out at 83% and the loses connection

06-20-2006, 05:13 PM
Well whaddya know, the one I got from Fileplanet is corrupt!

06-20-2006, 05:29 PM
I got it from fileplanet, no probs here. Just got the 1.10 -> 1.11 patch, not the big mother.

06-20-2006, 05:53 PM
Trying it out again

06-20-2006, 06:22 PM
The patcher didn't start downloading for me, till after 5 mins of sitting around. 100KB/s when it finally started.

06-20-2006, 07:13 PM
Yup. The WoW Techincal Forums is THE place to be at the moment.

They've got mirrors up and lots of complaints. :)

I am personally downloading from Rapidshare but have lineup spots in FilePlanet and FileShack incase this one is corrupt like my last two.

Good luck and happy patching.

06-20-2006, 07:47 PM
Same happened to me. Went blazing by, came to a screeching halt at 83%. Currently says I'm behind a firewall AND that it lost conenction with the tracker. Funny thing is, my firewall is disabled... going to go use a mirror.

06-20-2006, 09:03 PM
HALLEJUAH! After trying to log in at 9am this morning, It's all said and done at 6pm (just patching the actual thing now)!

06-21-2006, 01:53 AM
Went to Fileshack, stayed in the queue for 2.5 hours. Downloaded the patch at a respectable 500 KB/s. When I finally logged on, the server kept crashing, lol.

Do we have to post a ticket, to get compensation time?

06-21-2006, 01:59 AM
Dunno, but today was ridiculous. If we needed an indicator of Blizz's shoddy excuse for Support, it was today.

06-21-2006, 05:58 AM
I dl it from downloader but it was really really slow . I was looking for file to install it manualy but I didnt find it so downloader was only option . Game is working fine now .

06-21-2006, 08:44 AM
Downloader didn't start for a long time for me either, then after an hour it just started chugging away.

I think the first 83% passively downloaded for everyone over the past few weeks, which is why it seemed to go rely fast and then halt.

I also think the Bliz system is too reliant on other people already having the patch to share, I doubt anyone would have trouble downloading this morning, because so many already have.

06-21-2006, 11:37 AM
My guild hosted a .rar file of the 3 partial patches and I was able to download the entire patch in about 5 mins. It came with an installer, patched the game, and I was playing within 20 mins of the servers going up with the new patch.

I ran ZG that night and got to see some of the loot changes. I must say they are very nice.

06-21-2006, 01:16 PM
My guild hosted a .rar file of the 3 partial patches and I was able to download the entire patch in about 5 mins. It came with an installer, patched the game, and I was playing within 20 mins of the servers going up with the new patch.

I ran ZG that night and got to see some of the loot changes. I must say they are very nice.

The dream team...:epopcorn:

Anyways, the 83% was downloaded passively over the past 2 weeks as gwmort mentioned. The technical support forums were the place to be yesterday. Every refresh brang up a new page of topics.

I must say that Patch 1.11 was the most horribly distributed patch I have experienced (From Patch 1.7)

06-21-2006, 02:05 PM
The dream team...:epopcorn:

Anyways, the 83% was downloaded passively over the past 2 weeks as gwmort mentioned. The technical support forums were the place to be yesterday. Every refresh brang up a new page of topics.

I must say that Patch 1.11 was the most horribly distributed patch I have experienced (From Patch 1.7)

Whats this about Trixtaa?

06-21-2006, 02:45 PM
still having problems. :eusa_booh

goin pub to watch argentina holland instead

06-22-2006, 04:49 AM
Lorath I installed the update using the same d/l as you with a .rar file which contained the 3 .mpq files and the updater. Easy does it :)

About the passively downloader, that is the new background downloader which was installed with the previous patch, this downloader became active last week and started d/l. I had major lag while playing WoW last week so I switched to Windows and noticed it d/l so I disabled the option to auto-d/l in that app.

BTW we played 0-0 to Argentina :( Anyway both teams already were through to the next round so I think they saved some breath.