View Full Forums : Worst Group Ever!

06-28-2006, 05:34 AM
Okay i'm fairly a newb and i've only had like 5 groups ever but I know this is terrible! Just hear me out-you gotta feel me on this one!

Deadmines-Group has a warrior, warrior, paladin, mage, me (druid obviously) as healer.

Throughout the whole dungeon, no one ever taunted. One guy kept rushing ahead Leeroy style not pulling, but just running into the crowd of 5+ mobs. I'm pretty much oom through whole fight and I do a few miracles. Guess what? The paladin just runs up ahead aggroing another 5+ while the group spams him to stop for the next 5 min.

You'd think we got 3 tanks, so i'd be fairly safe...nope

The three melee classes all assisted each other on one mob, while i'm getting beat on by 3 mobs at once...random pull after another while i'm oom.

The only other thing this paladin did was loot...take all the loot, ignore what i'm telling him in group chat, chooses need constantly on items such as cloth type

Then we finally kill a boss and cloth gloves the items bind on loot, one of the paladins pick need....I keep telling him leave the group/log off, I didn't know if either would work but the mage being my friend I was pretty urgent myself. He tells me no, and he ends up winning the item.

I said "you idiot..." get this, since my guild is a family oriented guild, I end up getting in trouble and have to apologize to him.

How would you guys have acted? =/

06-28-2006, 10:20 AM

seriously though if that kind of behavior is allowed in your guild than it is time to look for another.

06-28-2006, 10:29 AM
Was everyone in your party in your guild?

06-28-2006, 12:08 PM
i agree on the /gquit part.

06-28-2006, 01:36 PM
Is this everyone's first character in that group? Loot drama is really uncalled for in the Deadmines, as you will level out of anything good in a week, but if this is an indicator of how things will be down the road, you really need to find a new group to run with.

Unless of course by "family guild" you mean they are you're RL friends and relatives, in which case you will need to try to teach them how to play better, or at least find one reasonable person and explain everything to them and hopefully you can build a couple of players that know what they are doing.

06-28-2006, 04:13 PM

I'm amazed you got to the final boss! Must have taken you ages with a group like that. If you are all of the same guild then it might be worth discussing tactics in guild chat before you enter an instance again. If the others are new players too then maybe they simply didn't know the group strategies.

I am the noob of my guild and the more experienced players log their lower level alts sometimes and we have 'training sessions' for me in instances. This is great because if I make mistakes they don't curse and disband but give me advice on how to improve. Of course, it'll also benefit the guild because,hopefully, they'll get a competent druid when the time comes for end-instances :) . The other thing is that I see how a 'good' group can work and how much easier it makes the work for the healer! Previously I have been in some bad PuGs and was beginning to think that it was my fault that we were not progressing, because alot of the times it is easy for other players to blame the healer! Of course, I need to learn threat management (I'm far from perfect) but now I can also see that the other players can also be in error with poor pulls, bad aggro management or just being oblivious to the other members of the group!

Anyway, I digress, the point I was trying to make was that maybe some of the other experienced guild members could go on 'training runs' with those players who didn't seem to know what their functions and responsibilites to the group were. (Of course for this to work the new players need to a: acknowledge that they have areas of weakness to work on and b: listen to advice given).

If you want to stay with this guild then this may be of benefit in the longrun. However, if the players were looting everything and rolling need on everything because of being greedy. Or if they are just suicidal in instances and that is how they like to play then I'd think twice before grouping with them again, or (if the guild is small and you'll probably have to group with them regularly) even consider leaving the guild.

Whatever you decide, I hope that you enjoy future instances.


06-28-2006, 07:36 PM
One guy kept rushing ahead Leeroy style not pulling, but just running into the crowd of 5+ mobs.

That happens in PuG's all the time. Try to find a better guild so you can avoid PuG's.

07-01-2006, 07:16 AM
I remember I had a group where we had a good balance of classes.

Warrior, Priest, Paladin, me as DPS, Mage, we were in Stratholme Baron side, just that our Warrior was tanking with a dagger and our priest was doing damage instead of healing and the paladin did some healing but his mana never lasted long so we died.

The mage was the one doing his best and probably me, I was just doing DPS as told, the priest didnt want to heal, I was told to heal, so I kicked her and we did Baron with 4man untill baron him self, we almost took him down, then the server disconnected everybody :/

07-01-2006, 08:12 AM
I got in a group for Zul'Farrak, killed Zelrillis and the Flurry Axe dropped (epic 1h axe). Instead of passing on it like everyone else, some dumb@$$ warrior Needed it, said "koolthx", and was promptly kicked from the group.

He was later found in the City Trade channel, where we all kept calling him a ninja. Noone bought anything from him... PWNED.

07-01-2006, 12:43 PM
Noob groups suck the energy out of me. Especially at level 60.

I've never played with a Paladin, being a Horde of course, but I always assummed they would assist healing like the shaman do on horde.

Anywho, at level 60, watch out for alt 60s. I was playing with a warrior who I asked if it was an alt and it was. Obviously since it wasn't his main, he would be less experienced, but you think even after leveling an alt to 60 he would know how to f'ing tank!

There was a hunter who would literally pull EVERYTHING but he was just noob.

Furthur advice: Don't go on instances in groups you can tell are pretty bad. It's better to just drop out in the first few pulls an have them find a replacement, unless you really really really cannot find anotehr group.

07-01-2006, 04:44 PM
I actually don't mind the wipes as much as I do the ninjas. Ninjas really raise my blood pressure, lol.

07-01-2006, 05:27 PM
I got in a group for Zul'Farrak, killed Zelrillis and the Flurry Axe dropped (epic 1h axe). Instead of passing on it like everyone else, some dumb@$$ warrior Needed it, said "koolthx", and was promptly kicked from the group.

He was later found in the City Trade channel, where we all kept calling him a ninja. Noone bought anything from him... PWNED.

I think he had priority on it, atleast on my realm, we had the same thing just with some shield and the warrior just rolled need and got it, which was good since he had a crappy shield before.

07-01-2006, 10:16 PM
i was in deadmines and since Druids obviously wear leather the last part to complete my defias blackend set showed up, so i was thrilled 2 weeks of nonstop DM running was about to complete my set when all of a sudden the whole group hits greed sept this one PRIEST and hits needs!!! he won with a 5 roll to my 2 >< i promptly spammed him and kicked him from group later i saw him trying to sell it on trade channel where i spammed him for being noob!!!! PS the last part is BOP lol so the joke was on him i got the whole channel calling him noob and was shortly banned for 1 hour by GameMaster saying thats harrasment were i told off the "GM" saying well it was worth it :)

07-01-2006, 10:41 PM
I think he had priority on it, atleast on my realm, we had the same thing just with some shield and the warrior just rolled need and got it, which was good since he had a crappy shield before.

The warrior had a Phantom Blade... not crappy at all. But, my guild is so awesome. They got done running Strat, and my Wildheart gloves dropped! Instead of selling them, they sent them to me! =D

07-02-2006, 03:48 PM
Thats nice to hear. I had similair with my wildheart, my friend basicly was grinding money and righteous orbs and he got some leather stuff that was BOE and gave it to me.

07-11-2006, 05:21 PM
Let's see, worst group ever had to be a mara group. It was a warrior, rogue, mage, shaman, and me. Pretty solid group, right? Wrong! The rogue always went in first, while the warrior sauntered in, picked one target, and ignored all others. The shaman couldn't decide whether he wanted to heal or do damage, and so ended up doing neither; all he did was rez the people who died. That left me with the ardous task of trying to heal and tank at the same time, as you can imagine that went well. The mage was ok, but he left soon, and I can't blame him for that, as I left soon after.

07-19-2006, 06:32 PM
Argh. T-T I can relate to you completely.

Ok, so I'm doing RFC. It's me, this really, really, REALLY n00b mage, an equelly n00b hunter, a warlock, me, and a shammy.

The Shaman is 22, so he tanks, which I really didn't want him to do; I proboby had a better armor rating in bear, but due to the idiots, we wiped when I tanked so they made me heal.

Anyways, the shaman does a good job filling in the cracks, he heals, he tanks, and if we needed, he would DPS.

The warlock is doing good, she had her VW out (I think) which was good, because we had no mail wearers.

The hunter was just an idiot. Of course he plays a hunter well, because hunters take NO skill to play, n'uff said.

The mage. -inhales- I HATED him. He runs right up in the mobs face, and uses spells, when he should be WAY back, and he fell off a cliff, and was like 'omgwtf y havnt i rezed yet?'

-.- So annoying. So I left, the lock came with me, so did the shammy. We got a level 29 war, and someone else...I forget. So anyways, it was fun, because I got to fill in the cracks when needed, like a REAL druid. :D It was soooo much fun! I could heal when the shaman needed (He was tanking a bit to.) I could take aggro offa squishies, and I was doing -some- DPSing.

...:D It made me love my druid.