View Full Forums : Feral Attack Speed

07-10-2006, 02:06 AM
Looked around on the internet for info on this but found nothing. I'm wondering wow, damage per hit, hit speed, and dps trasfer from weapons to cat and bear form. It's obvious attack speed is not directly trasfered, bear is a lot slower with the same weapon as cat. So basically is there some formula they use, or does each feral form have a set attack speed and only dps is transfered and they calculate what the new damage per hit is. Probably something I didn't even think of. Any help on this would be very appreciated, Thanks.

Kain Elderan
07-10-2006, 02:11 AM
Weapons DPS and hit speed do not transfer. The best thing for a druid to focus on for their weapon is stats or proc on hit.

07-10-2006, 04:38 AM
Bear form attack speed is somewhere around 3.00 from what I hear and catform is about 1.80.

Weapon hit speeds do not transfer, but I am not too sure about weapon dps.

When picking feral weapons I look @ stats (str,agi,stam) and maybe other equip stats. Procs do not work in feral.

07-10-2006, 08:52 AM
Not feral, but I am pretty sure bear attack speed is 2.5 and cat is 1.0.

07-10-2006, 09:18 AM
Trixtaa....I believe they changed that with one of the recent patches. Now procs do work in Feral....atleast armor procs. On one of my Druids on another server....she was wearing the great Green Whelp Armor and when I went in animal forms it still put the mob to sleep.

Correct me if I'm wrong guys.

07-10-2006, 10:09 AM
Procs from armor work because your armor is still getting hit when you are in forms. Procs that proc on hit with a weapon do not transfer in to feral forms since you are not hitting with your weapon you are hitting with your claws and teeth. Stats from weapons however do transfer.

Ghost Bear
07-10-2006, 10:55 AM
Anything that says Chance on hit does not work. For example:
The proc on this weapon

However effects which are categorized as Equip, will work in feral forms. This covers such effects as:

and the ever famous

There is this new mace from Naxx that supposedly works in feral as well, it is on Equip. Also it just happens to proc form off hand for all the rogue/wars. Meaning its freakish, and can be duel wielded, notice not unique.

While we are on the subject, a lot of melee tend to love the Maelstrom Card for the added dps, but really I have grown to love my Heroism:
It really does fire off quite a bit. It was great for tanking, swipe spam made it like a mini HOT. And now with moonkin, it goes off all the time solo when I'm using my daggar/offhand. It actually keeps up with most of the healing I need while farming, leaving my mana for head explody.

07-10-2006, 01:08 PM
The difference is: Chance WHEN hit, and Chance ON hit. Chance WHEN hit, such as Green Whelp Armor, will proc regardless of forms. Chance ON hit only procs when you actually hit something with the weapon, not teeth or claws. Chance TO hit on weapons and armor though does apply for feral forms as far as I know.

And no, weapon dps doesnt have anything to do with feral dps. Nor does weapon speed.

07-10-2006, 09:07 PM
So, basically, weapon procs don't transfer; instead, each form has a base damage amount (most likely dependant upon lvl) and attack speed. Str. increases attack power and agil. increases crit % and stats on your weapons go toward this. Damage on your weapons, per hit or per second, does not transfer to feral form in any way.

Please let me know if any of this is inaccurate.

07-11-2006, 08:31 AM
So, basically, weapon procs don't transfer; instead, each form has a base damage amount (most likely dependant upon lvl) and attack speed. Str. increases attack power and agil. increases crit % and stats on your weapons go toward this. Damage on your weapons, per hit or per second, does not transfer to feral form in any way.

Please let me know if any of this is inaccurate.

Str and agi both increase AP, strength just gives more AP (especially if you have HotW).

07-11-2006, 05:14 PM
What GW was saying, was yes, you are correct :)

But yeah both Str and Agi increase ap, though str increases ap slightly more. There is a calculation somewhere, but I'm too lazy to find it.

Which is interesting and somewhat counterintuitive - many cat form druids, due to their fast attack speed, want higher ap for higher overall dps, while many bear form druids want to crit more often to generate rage. Many cat druids focus on str (up until they get to the 900ap number that GWMort says is key. Still like to see a forumla or some proof for this, but I digress...) and bear druids focus on agi.

07-11-2006, 08:56 PM
I think agi makes a better tank not only in terms of crits for rage, but also by increasing dodge % which is all a bear really has with no parry or block.