View Full Forums : I need basic cat form tips

07-14-2006, 10:50 AM
I'm 48, and so far, I've gotten by on caster form and bear form. I want to try cat form for faster kills, but I've got a whole bunch of cat abilities on my tool bar and I don't know what to use (and in what order).

What do you recommend? :sumo:

07-14-2006, 12:14 PM
wow, u bear formed yer way to 48? that must've took a while. :) cat form...

prowl to mob
power up energy... then 5pt ferocious bite ftw

rinse and repeat

pop out to heal occasionally

gg :D

07-14-2006, 01:47 PM
Dont FB high armor enemies. Use rip which puts a DOT on them that will do some nice dmg over time and it totally avoids the armor reduction.

07-14-2006, 03:37 PM
Would there be any other changes to this sequence in 5 man where (in cat) you are the primary dps dealer?

07-14-2006, 04:25 PM
If you can get and stay in position you will get much better dps with shred, especially if you have the talent making them cheaper.

07-15-2006, 03:01 AM
Dont forget about rake as well though it and rip do not scale with level (yet) Rake is a great way to rack up quick combo points. Usually (with talents mind you).

y normal first round attack is usually (low hp/AC mobs, Clothies)

If i get an OOC proc i will shred (i dont have the talent to reduce shred though i am considering it)

On Higher AC or mobs with Higher HPS
Rip (4point) depending on the mob i wil throw another in for the 5 point
then alternate Rake and Claw to 5 for FB
OOC gets Shred almost always unless i cannot get into position or i am soloing

I am sure there are others who will disagree with me and that is fine this is just what works for me best right now :)

*edit* I almost forgot i always punch Tiger's Fury prior to both Ravage and FB the only exception to that is when i am doing PVP and i leave the Tiger's fury out of the pre-Ravage so that i dont alert my would-be victim that they are about to get destroyed /grin *edit*

07-16-2006, 01:14 PM
Does anyone else not wait to 5 for FB? I usally go at less then 5, the scalling of damage really doesn't benefit from holding out... unless it's to bring down a runner from 15% to 0 without much chase or stop a healer.

Just as a side note, I've only recently gotten any DPS meter... since I had to get CTraidtracker and hence the CTcore... I have the CT dps thing up... I can hit 200dps with bear swiping three or more mobs... which seems pretty good. Cat form is usally running from 150-170. This is vs. Twilight Culists in Silthius.

07-16-2006, 01:19 PM
For FB yeah i usually wait for 5 unless the hps of the mob are starting to get down pretty low rip on the other hand i usually hit at 3 or 4

Also in the rumor mill due to the talent upgrades and rogue review Druids are also going to be happy as they are going to make Rake and FB scale with level now (i am not sure about rip as yet) One of my rogue buds hit me with that bit of good news and is going to provide me with a link to the Blue post with it there :)

07-17-2006, 09:03 AM
There is no blue post that says FB will be scaling with damage that I know of. I have read the supposid 1.12 patch notes and it states it will, but other than those notes, I have not seen any mention of it.

Also, in those patch notes, it says Moonkin Aura will now add 3% spell dmg on top of 3% spell crit and Leader of the Pack will add 3% dmg on top of the 3% crit. Ive been wanting blizzard to buff our 31 point talents for a long time....

07-17-2006, 09:15 AM
There is no blue post that says FB will be scaling with damage that I know of. I have read the supposid 1.12 patch notes and it states it will, but other than those notes, I have not seen any mention of it.

Also, in those patch notes, it says Moonkin Aura will now add 3% spell dmg on top of 3% spell crit and Leader of the Pack will add 3% dmg on top of the 3% crit. Ive been wanting blizzard to buff our 31 point talents for a long time....

Those are a fake, do not post references to them here, it will only confuse people.

The actaul PTR notes are up now though; here is the druid section:


Barkskin: The tooltip has been changed to 25% due to the haste effect change.
Ferocious Bite: The Book of Ferocious Bite (Rank 5) now drops somewhere in the world.
Furor: This talent now works correctly with Cat Form again.
Improved Shred: The discounted cost for Shred will now be displayed correctly even when you are not in Cat Form.
Rip: Lesser potency Rips will no longer overwrite greater potency ones.

Note the change in barkskin, it may be a 25% slower casting now instead of 1 sec penalty. Would make casting with barkskin faster since we don't have any 4 sec or greater casts.

07-17-2006, 10:42 AM
Even though the fake notes contained it, but the real ones don't (yet), there is a blue confirming the plans to scale our finishers with AP (and rogue finishers, which aren't mentioned in the real patch notes either -- I expect the patch nots aren't quite done yet.)


07-17-2006, 11:06 AM
I really hope they buff our 31 point talents. They were a great start to the old trees but cmon.....Id like to see some damage addition along with the crit.

Swiftmend is awesome so mainly the feral/balance talents need a buff.

07-17-2006, 12:49 PM
Thank you Zack that was the post i saw as well and couldnt find it again :P

07-17-2006, 12:56 PM
Blizz pretty much changes things until the patch comes out....and even then they work on fixing/changing things. Don't worry guys....nothing is ever final. Only time will tell what really happens.

07-17-2006, 01:26 PM
In BG's where fights tend to be fast, I go with a FB after 3 points on cloth. I will put a rip on high armor targets after 4-5 points. It really is fun to watch your damage tick away even while you move away from the target to strafe or leave combat to stealth, return for a ravage etc. Cat druids are quite fast and can overwhelm a player who is not prepared. Very fun.

There isn't really a single answer. It depends on how many hit points are left, how many are in on the encounter and when you think you need to bolt. I can do enough damage and then lay in on a 5 point rip and move away to watch the target die. Quite fun indeed. A druid can kite a warrior this way. Get your rip on, move out to root, heal yourself, moonfire and then switch to cat and frenzy some more dmg.