View Full Forums : Engineering for Druids?

07-19-2006, 03:23 PM
I'm just curious as to how Engineering suits for druids. I know that engineering is an awesome PVP profession for every class, but druids cant use engineering items while in their feral forms, can they? So they'd have to shift out into caster form to use something.

I'm just curious as to how this works for druids who have engineering...Does the shifting out usually pose a problem? Or is it not that big of a deal at all?

I'm seriously considering dropping skinning/LW for mining/engin, so any feedback would be helpful.


07-19-2006, 06:48 PM
I bet engineering would be good with Resto, or Balance (Pre-Moonkin, that is. :D)

07-19-2006, 08:15 PM
Well my druid is before i switch professions i want to get someone's perspective of how it is being a feral engineer, or why they aren't one.

Kain Elderan
07-20-2006, 03:35 AM
I know this isn't the best place but um... I am at work and blocked from too many sites. :( Anyways, to further this... is engineering useful to a paladin? Anyone have an alt or any experience with this? I have been debating what profession I want to take on my paladin on Scarlet Crusade. My friend has a 300 enchanter/Tailoring, and another friend is planning mining/blacksmithing. So I don't really see LW as being useful.. and I dunno about herbalism/alchemy... any advice? I like alot of the stuff that engineers can make, but I'm just worried about commiting alot of gold to this only to realize its almost useless for my class. I know that it really isn't that profitable of a skill, but I play the AH game to make money anyways.. and there's still mining. Would appreciate any input.

Sorry that this isn't the best place, I know this is a druid specific forum.

07-20-2006, 09:17 AM
I believe engineering is probably a better choice for pally then a druid. Paladin's dont really have ranged attacks, maybe one or two but they are still minimal range or limited to specific mob types (not speaking from experience really just reading)

07-20-2006, 09:19 AM
I'm just curious as to how Engineering suits for druids. I know that engineering is an awesome PVP profession for every class, but druids cant use engineering items while in their feral forms, can they? So they'd have to shift out into caster form to use something.

I'm just curious as to how this works for druids who have engineering...Does the shifting out usually pose a problem? Or is it not that big of a deal at all?

I'm seriously considering dropping skinning/LW for mining/engin, so any feedback would be helpful.


Engineering as a druid rules!!

You CAN use some engineering items in forms. I use my Gnomish Shrink ray all the time when in cat or bear. It just makes me laugh fighting a 2 inch tall boss mob.

ithril dragon, another wonderful, useful oh crap button. Summons a level 50+ mithril dragon to fight for you for 1 minute. Can use once an hour. I'm working on mats for the arcanite one. Ouch, 200+ gold in materials alone.

Items you can use in feral forms are the engineering trinkets.

Some items you make are not trinkets so you have to be in caster to use. Like dynamite, bombs, disconbobulator ray and so on.

Expensive to level up, I feel its very much well worth it. And to boot, you can get Jumper cables, an extra rez that sometimes works.

I recommend going Gnome engineering as you can make the more fun toys. (Once you pick, you can't change, ever)

And while you can't make the Jumper Cables XL, you can buy them from another engineer and use them. Handy!


07-20-2006, 12:08 PM
You can change between Gnome and Goblin now, but you have to start from 0 again. Before, you had to reroll char, I believe. :)

07-20-2006, 12:42 PM
Engineering as a druid rules!!

You CAN use some engineering items in forms. I use my Gnomish Shrink ray all the time when in cat or bear. It just makes me laugh fighting a 2 inch tall boss mob.

ithril dragon, another wonderful, useful oh crap button. Summons a level 50+ mithril dragon to fight for you for 1 minute. Can use once an hour. I'm working on mats for the arcanite one. Ouch, 200+ gold in materials alone.

Items you can use in feral forms are the engineering trinkets.

Some items you make are not trinkets so you have to be in caster to use. Like dynamite, bombs, disconbobulator ray and so on.

Expensive to level up, I feel its very much well worth it. And to boot, you can get Jumper cables, an extra rez that sometimes works.

I recommend going Gnome engineering as you can make the more fun toys. (Once you pick, you can't change, ever)

And while you can't make the Jumper Cables XL, you can buy them from another engineer and use them. Handy!


This is the kind of input I was looking for, thanks! :D

I was either going to become an Engineer or an Alchemist (if engineering turned out to be not that useful for feral druids).

I'm going to switch to Mining/Engineering right now. :texla:

07-20-2006, 07:16 PM
Even before you could use Equiped items in Feral forms Eng' was where it was at.

Grenades/bombs are great in AB for stopping multiple cappers at a node. In WSG... the Goblin "The Big One" bomb can actually cover about the entire area of the Flag Room.

People talk alot about the MC cap... I can't stand the backfire on it. On the other hand, the Goblin Rocket helm has a 0% chance of backfire'n and is great for solo cap'n a node in AB.

The death-ray... the only way any druid will see a 4k hit is with one. Having rejuv + roots to go along with it is even more ideal.

Personally, I'd recomend Gnome Engineering for the Death Ray. Then buy a Rocket Helm/Goblin Jumper Cabels XL and some bombs from a gobo' engineer.

07-21-2006, 09:30 AM
People talk alot about the MC cap... I can't stand the backfire on it. On the other hand, the Goblin Rocket helm has a 0% chance of backfire'n and is great for solo cap'n a node in AB.

FYI, you can use the MC cap in forms, and it can not backfire because Beasts can not be Mind Controlled.

y brother is a Paladin with engineering maxed out and loves the heck out of it. I think he thinks hes James Bond or something. He planned this whole routine for the Gurubashi Arena wher he dropped into the arena once the fighting was lready going on using the parachute cloak and dropping bombs then hit the ground and used the rocket helm to charge someone going for the box then released his mechanical combat pets and zapped someone with the Deathray, then I believe he finally got around to using some paladin spells to heal up and keep going.

On the other hand, most of my guild has macros now for 5-mans that give warnings when he releases the battle chicken we are likely to wipe (runs around pecking anything in sight pulling everybody around).

12-19-2006, 06:31 AM
My brother is a Paladin with engineering maxed out and loves the heck out of it. I think he thinks hes James Bond or something. He planned this whole routine for the Gurubashi Arena wher he dropped into the arena once the fighting was lready going on using the parachute cloak and dropping bombs then hit the ground and used the rocket helm to charge someone going for the box then released his mechanical combat pets and zapped someone with the Deathray, then I believe he finally got around to using some paladin spells to heal up and keep going.

I'm sorry to bump an old post, but that paragraph was the best sell on taking up engineering, ever ! I wish I hadn't dropped it for alchemy now !

08-31-2007, 04:50 PM

Deathblow X11 Goggles... /drool

ALMOST enough to tempt me to drop SK/LW, pick up Mining and Engineering... I'm at about 347 LW and maxed out on skinning

09-04-2007, 02:48 PM
I looooove my Deathblow X11 Goggles. I'm an idiot, I have LW/Eng. (Hey, it sounded like a good idea at the time.) >.<

02-19-2008, 08:37 PM
imo engineering is awesome for any class, the only drawback is you spend a ton of money levelling it

02-20-2008, 03:39 AM

02-22-2008, 08:04 PM
It's only really expensive if you want to get it to 375. For druids that's not as big a deal since they get swift flight form; they only really want it to 350 for the goggles and the stam trinket. To level engineering to that is about, oh, 1000g or so.

Even better, engineering can actually make money via mote farming.

And the upgraded quad deathblow goggles look ridiculously nice for feral DPS. Still not that great for tanking, but it's pretty good.