View Full Forums : Horde Pallys and Alliance Shamans

07-23-2006, 05:02 PM
Do you like this idea?

[Horde] blood elf paladin
[Alliance] draenei shaman

Yes or no?

07-24-2006, 04:52 AM
Well, at least it will solve the age old argument of the power of Shammies. So I vote yes, The Alliance will get to test drive them. I am curious why people who voted "no" did so. Please bear in mind that this is my first foray into the world of warcraft, i have not played any of the previous games so if there is a lore reason behind your decision to vote "no", then I wasn't to know :)

07-24-2006, 12:33 PM
I love this! For a couple reasons first no longer will encounters be *easyer/harder* for one faction to beat, second i can finally play a pally again, i think it will also remove the rose colored glasses in terms of shaman vs. pally power and it will make balancing both classes alot easyer and help progress raid encounters.

the only thing i dont like is that now there will be another class competing for spots in 20/40 raids :P

07-24-2006, 06:58 PM
I voted no, because I liked the notion of Paladins fighting on the side of "light" and Shamans fighting for the "dark". I rolled a Pally alt because I thought the Crusades type character would be cool.

To see a Horde pally fighting alongside undeads and trolls - doesn't sit right with me.

In my experience, Alliance always lose to the Horde in WSG because they don't play as a team; not because of any game balance issues.

07-24-2006, 07:35 PM
No, not really.

Kain Elderan
07-25-2006, 01:43 AM
I voted yes. Too often have I seen posts and complaints about the imbalances between shammy/pally, especially in PvE. Now those people won't have anything to complain about. As to seeing paladins on horde side.. there's lore to back it up, and it's not like it's never happened before in the fantasy based universe. There's plenty of fallen paladins.

Do I think they could have done a little better with the lore? Sure. But it's their game, and my fun won't stop just because of this change.

07-25-2006, 06:36 AM
Well.. the horde already have the best racials for PvP, as designed. Shouldn't we in all fairness boost alliance pvp racials now when Horde gets a PvE boost (and no, shammys for alliance isn't a PvE boost really).

Or should we just settle with Horde is better than alliance in every way?

Sounds pretty non-balanced imo.

07-25-2006, 12:25 PM
Goa come back to me when you get the wonders of the SoE and GoA totems!

*edit* by the way this is not ment as a stab at you bud you will LOVE Love love them! Our current LoTP group is me (feral druid) 3 rogues and a shaman with Imp totems (although we are seriously considering dropping one of the rouges out and adding one of the Fury/MS wars into the group Battleshout FTW *edit*

07-25-2006, 01:37 PM
No....Just no...makes me want to quit...

07-25-2006, 06:37 PM
PvE wise, Paladins are a great addition for the Horde side. I'm not sure how well Shamans will benefit Alliance PvE though. Horde players always talk about how Alliance got it easy when it comes to PvE contents. Well, this would prolly shut them up, or at least give them something else to complain about. :)

07-28-2006, 06:53 PM
I honestly dont care that much. Yeah it stinks that the factions dont have their own unique class but I dont plan on playing either class anytime soon so right now it doesnt bother me too much.

08-04-2006, 09:19 PM
Goa come back to me when you get the wonders of the SoE and GoA totems!

*edit* by the way this is not ment as a stab at you bud you will LOVE Love love them! Our current LoTP group is me (feral druid) 3 rogues and a shaman with Imp totems (although we are seriously considering dropping one of the rouges out and adding one of the Fury/MS wars into the group Battleshout FTW *edit*

Ya maybe. It's too early to make a judgement really. Still think it sucks that horde have the best racials tho. ><

08-21-2006, 06:12 PM
I said no earliier while the anti-hordepally / allyshaman movement was strong but now...i really dont care.

ps. better start dueling shamans so i learn to fight them..

pps. all ally shaman should be griefed so they never reach level 60 thus making it easier in PvP =O

08-22-2006, 06:27 AM
I have never played Warcraft before, so I dont have deep knowledge about the lore.

I voted no becuase I feels its a easy way to create "new" classes for Blizzard. I really would have hoped that there would be more classes. Even thoo with the new lvl cap comes more speacialised classes.

I liked the class buildings in Baldurs Gate where each class could be built as a hybrid or very specialised.

More classes, more hybrids.

08-22-2006, 09:50 AM
The problem with bringing in new classes is they have to find a spot in raids. There already is an issue with some classes being useful in raids. The next issue is balance, bringing another class into the picture becomes a headache to make sure they are not over/underpowered.

08-22-2006, 11:36 AM
game wise, I think its fine, might eliminate some inbalnce for horde PvE and Ally PvP.

Lore wise I don't like elves as Paladins, all the lore on the Dranei seems a bit contrived so it doesn't bother me as much.

08-28-2006, 02:41 PM
i think the biggest reason i like the idea is this: at this point there are boss's and events in end game content that requires the use of certain class's. Like hunters are needed to tranq certain boss's. Currently they cant do things like this for paladins/shaman because then the opposing faction wouldnt be able to complete it.

Secondly, it ends all the whiners about alliance being easier then horde in PVE, and visa versa for PVP.

I know everyone in my guild is eagerly awaiting paladins in our guild. It will make things much easier.

The only people i would think would truely be against it are hunters on alliance, and warriors on horde. As they will now have to roll against a new class of characters for their gear.

12-06-2006, 03:39 AM
It will also make Pallies and Shaman for both factions a more required class because blizz can design raids around their roles without worrying about faciton imbalance.

12-06-2006, 08:59 AM
Faction imbalance? Is that when you run scholo 5 times and only see pally items when your in a horde party? Im gonna roll a pally just 4 scholo. On the other hand my server thrives on the alliance side (usually 75% of server comprised of allies) because of 2 things. Elves and pallies. Now get the best of both ELF PALLIES!! Woot ... now our server may actually balance itself out in terms of faction.