View Full Forums : Enchant Str/Agi Question

07-24-2006, 12:36 PM
Greetings! I've been looking into enchants lately and I have a few questions. I picked up a nice 2h mace the other day with 10 str and 10 int and I'm thinking this fits my Feral/caster build perfectly at my level (34). Then someone told me I should enchant it with agility to make it a all around weapon so I started to dig into it. Found the recipe on Thottbot but it did not help alot. Started hunting the materials in the AH but could not really find them. So my questions:

How hard is it to get the materials for these enchants?(Probably the 2h versions for max power!)

What on top of the general 5-10gp for a 300 enchanter should I expect to pay for them?
(I know it varies server to server i'm looking ballpark or even on crushridge if someone knows)

Am I crazy for even looking at this kind of stuff for my first character at level 34!?
(Currently I have ammassed about 70gp from leather, instance farming and playing the AH a little bit)

I realize there are other boards that this might be asked on but I'm a druid and I feel safer here !

07-24-2006, 12:41 PM
Save your money for a mount imo. If you want a +15 STR or +25 AGI enchant on that weapon you'll only regret it when you gain a few levels and get a better weapon.

07-24-2006, 01:19 PM
the 15str enchant and 25agi enchants are both really expensive in mats. I dont remember what they are exactly, but there are a lot of em.

You will be getting a better weapon in a few levels... not really worth the enchant price to get your current weapon enchanted. As Goa said, save the 70g for your mount when you hit 40.

In your early 40s, you can pick up a 2h mace called Blanchard's Stout that is a great feral weapon. I used that from lv 44 to about 58. That might be worth enchanting, if you have a steady amount of expendible income.

As far as hybrid weapons - it's probably best (if you can) to carry two weapons around with you at all time - one with Int/Spi for casting, and One with Str/Agi/Stam for feral. Remember - you can switch out weapons while in combat.

07-24-2006, 02:28 PM
Ahh as I feared it is expensive then. I was considering it if it was under say 50gp but it sounds like it's not. I have a fairly steady income from a few choice named in instances I can sneak to and of course selling heavy leather in mass quantities. Thanks for the advice on feral weapons I'll look into those! Until 50 or so I'm trying to find gear that will give me the stats I need for both casting and Feral. I realize that isn't feasible at 60 or so but so far i've kept almost all 5 stats around the same level and I do fine. (thus my pick of str/int as a combo on this mace!)

I do plan to eventually have a set for feral and a set for healing, although I think the PvP set will be my goal as that set seems to have everything a hybrid could want! Maybe add a few healing enchants here or there but that's my dream set at the moment.

07-24-2006, 03:31 PM
If you have to buy all the mats, it will be quite expensive. As mentioned, you upgrade you gear so fast as you approach 55+ that enchanting it unless you are twinking for BGs, just is not worth it.

07-24-2006, 04:56 PM
You should only put the +15 str or +25 agi enchant on a weapon you'll be using at level 60.

Those enchants require a skill of 290. Anything that high is going to cost a ton of money in terms of mats. On my server (Agamaggan), the mats for +25 agi cost about 190 gp.

The lowest-level weapon that I would even consider getting the +25 agi enchant is the Warden Staff (purple item, lvl 43 required), which is a great tanking staff even at level 60.

It doesn't make sense to pay a significant amount of money to enchant weapons or armor as you're leveling. Because you'll be selling those to the vendor for crap money once you outgrow them.

On a related note, you should be careful about not blowing too much money on gear on the AH. You'll be replacing every equipment slot many times by the time you reach 60.

07-24-2006, 05:19 PM
To be honest I've been using defias bp, legs of the fang, and a few other blues since about lv 20 ! I just recently upgraded alot of my gear at 34. ( still using those darn leggings of the fang!) So I was hoping to stay in this gear till about 45 or so...guess that isn't the case!

07-24-2006, 05:35 PM
I say again. Save your money for a mount (mounts are more useful in the long run). THEN think about idiot-twink enchants. ;)

07-25-2006, 12:13 AM
To be honest I've been using defias bp, legs of the fang, and a few other blues since about lv 20 ! I just recently upgraded alot of my gear at 34. ( still using those darn leggings of the fang!) So I was hoping to stay in this gear till about 45 or so...guess that isn't the case!

As a very rough benchmark:
- greens are good for about 6-9 levels
- blues are good for about 10-15 levels

If you dig around, you can find quests that reward you with good leather items, for either healing or feral.

E.g. I used the leggings from the Thermaplugg quest (big boss in Gnomeregan) for 20 levels:

You can supplement your gear with good deals on the AH. But you should try to spend the least amount of money to keep your character decently equipped, while saving up for the mount at 40 (90 gp with honored) and epic mount at 60 (900 gp with honored).

07-25-2006, 10:20 AM
Those legs are nice! I"ll definately find that quest and do it, I thought I had finished all the Gnomer ones. I'd say about half my gear is quested or leather crafted by myself! (200 skill now :D) If these are truely considered idiot-twink enchants as they were so nicely labeled I will forget about them cause after being a druid for a month and never having another character I surely don't fit that category! I think that about sums it up for me. Thanks guys!

07-25-2006, 10:51 AM
Those legs are nice! I"ll definately find that quest and do it, I thought I had finished all the Gnomer ones. I'd say about half my gear is quested or leather crafted by myself! (200 skill now :D) If these are truely considered idiot-twink enchants as they were so nicely labeled I will forget about them cause after being a druid for a month and never having another character I surely don't fit that category! I think that about sums it up for me. Thanks guys!

Nothing wrong with being a twink tho. But I'm guessing you're aiming for 60. :D

07-25-2006, 11:54 AM
Eventually, but reading the blizzard boards it seems like 60 leads to depression! I'll get there and enjoy exploring the world , then see how druid life sits with me. Hopefully reaching 60 before the expansion so I can be ready to tackle 70! Hit 34 with tons of time spent gathering leather etc. so I don't really see it as a problem.

07-25-2006, 12:22 PM
Eventually, but reading the blizzard boards it seems like 60 leads to depression!

QFT i swear this is prolly the wisest thing said her in a long time *chuckle*