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09-20-2006, 11:06 AM
How about this:

Blizz couldn't keep up with deleting all the threads on the official forums with the latest leaked talents datamined from Mondays Alpha update so they just pulled all of the forum servers off-line.

How much can they despise us?

Now you give it a try!

09-20-2006, 11:52 AM
Man would I give anything for those new leaked talents to not be real. Those things friggin suck, all of them. The first "leaked" fake patch notes were so much better with Mark of the Claw and what not.

My guess for why the forums suck is because the number of servers that are down results in a much higher number of people trying to browse them.

09-20-2006, 12:31 PM
Anyone with a link to the newly leaked talents?

09-20-2006, 12:44 PM
They are on the WoW General Forums of Curse-Gaming. The talents just make me wanna stop playing my druid. We arent a friggin hybrid.

09-20-2006, 12:49 PM
Can anyone please repost the 'fake' leaked talents for those of us that can only access TDG, and no other WoW-related sites due to a work firewall?


09-20-2006, 12:57 PM

If you can't access some the links to get the necessary info from
let me know and I'll PM you.

09-20-2006, 12:59 PM
i wanna see these newly leaked talents (as of monday 09/18) too, and can't due to block. :(

09-20-2006, 12:59 PM
Thats not them. Those are the old ones. If you want to see the new ones, visit the curse-gaming forums. Hold on ill post them in one sec....


Tier 2 - Control of Nature - Gives you a 40% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots and Cyclone. (80/100%)
Tier 4 - Lunar Guidance - Increases your spell damage and healing by 8% of your total Intellect. ( 16/25%)
Tier 5 - Nature's Warding - Reduces damage taken by Fire, Frost and Nature effects by -2%. ( -4% )
Tier 6 - Dreamstate - Regenerate mana equal to 4% of your Intellect every 5 sec, even while casting. ( 7/10% )
Tier 6 - Improved Faerie Fire - Your Faerie Fire spell also increases the chance the target will be hit by melee and ranged attacks by 1%. ( 2/3% )
Tier 7 - Twilight's Wrath - Your Starfire spell gains an additional 4% and your Wrath gains an additional 2% of your bonus damage effects. ( 8+4/12+6/16+8/20+10%)
Tier 8 - Force of Nature - Summons 3 treants to attack the enemy target for 15s.


Tier 4 - Nurturing Instinct - For 6s after coming out of a feral form, your healing spells are increased by an amount equal to 33% of your Strength. (66/100%)
Tier 5 - Survival of the Fittest - Increases all attributes by 1% and reduces the chance you'll be critically hit by melee attacks by 1%. (2+2/3+3/4+45+5%)
Tier 6 - Primal Tenacity - Increases your chance to resist Stun and Fear mechanics by 5%. (10/15%)
Tier 7 - Predatory Instincts - Increases your critical strike damage bonus with melee attacks by 3% and your chance to avoid area effect attacks by 3%. (6+6/9+9/12+12/15+15%)
Tier 8 - Mangle - Mangle the target, inflicting damage and causing the target to take additional damage from bleed effecs for 10s. This ability can be used in Cat Form or Dire Bear Form.


Tier 5 - Empowered Touch - Your Healing Touch spell gains an additional 10% of your bonus healing effects. (20%)
Tier 6 - Natural Perfection - Melee and ranged critical strikes against you cause 8% less damage. (16/25%)
Tier 7 - Empowered Rejuvenation - The bonus healing effects of your healing over time spells is increased by 4%. (8/12/16/20%)
Tier 8 - Tree of Life - "Transforms the Druid into the Tree of Life Form. While in this form you increase healing by 25% of total intellect for all party members within 45 yards, your movement speed is reduced by 50%, and you can only cast Swiftmend and healing over time spells, but the mana cost of these spells is reduced by 20%.

The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects."

Mangle Bear = Mangle the target for 130% weapon damage plus 176 and causes the target to take 25% additional damage from bleed effects for 10s.
Mangle Cat = Mangle the target for 245 additional damage and causes the target to take 25% additional damage from bleed effects for 10s. Awards 1 combo point.

Requires Level 70
Tosses the enemy target into the air, preventing all action but making them invulnerable for up to 6 sec. Only one target can be affected by your Cyclone at a time.

Flight Form
Requires Level 68
"Transforms the Druid into Flight Form. While in this form you are able to fly in Outland.

The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects."

Requires Level 66
Lacerates the enemy target, making them bleed for 155 damage over 15 sec and causing a high amount of threat. This effect stacks up to 5 times on the same target.

Requires Level 64
Heals the target for 315 over 7 sec. When Lifebloom completes its duration or is dispelled, the target is instantly healed for 600. This effect can stack up to 3 times on the same target.

Requires Level 62
Finishing move that causes damage plus an additional amount and incapacitates the opponent. Any damage caused will revive the target. Causes more damage and lasts longer per combo point:

1 point : 129 damage and 2 seconds
2 points: 213 damage and 3 seconds
3 points: 297 damage and 4 seconds
4 points: 381 damage and 5 seconds
5 points: 465 damage and 6 seconds

09-20-2006, 01:02 PM
sweet! thx =D

09-20-2006, 01:03 PM
You wont want to thank me after you get done reading them. They make me sick to my stomach.

09-20-2006, 01:30 PM
i can't make a final judgment right now, but it seems pretty balanced. i have to disagree with u about us not being a hybrid class, cuz that's exactly how i see the druid class... as a hybrid class. :|

when i first read the tree of life form, i thought it was pretty sad. however when you think about it, with tier3, rank11 rejuvs, improved rejuv + empowered rejuv, our rejuvs would hit for over 500hp per tick. in addition, we grant the other healers in our party additional +healing, we can cast lifebloom, and possibly regrowth? .. all for 20% less mana. not too bad.

the saddest thing out of all of this? we still don't have an AOE Fade, gah!!!

out of curiosity, what were u expecting from the bc talents? do u really hate the proposed talents that much?

09-20-2006, 01:32 PM
I sure liked the last set of leaked one smuch better too.

I'm not going to get worked up over it anymore though til I see something from Bliz. even the guy who posted these said they weren't implemented yet, they were data mined from the alpha server update. I am sure they will be quite different by the time we get them.

I think the heart is in the right place with these but the numbers need much adjusting and improved synergy. For instance feral gets a bonus to dot and a cc that breaks on damage, doesn't make sense, but if they switched it from disorient to stun or would be much more viable.

I personally feel vindicated they are moving moonkin to a more melee role as I always envisioned. Of course the biggest hurdle there is the swing timer and interrupt protection. The swing timer we won't see fixed in talents or new spells, we'll need to see the patch notes for mechanic changes. The above shows cyclone getting some interrupt protection like roots, and maybe we can combo that to buy us some time to cast a SF or something, we'll have to wait and see.

09-20-2006, 01:51 PM
for feral form, we just received 2 important skills we never had...

Mangle: from wut i can tell, it will be a mortal strike for us. basically, an instant, single target attack for bear form. on top of that, it will bleed the target, AND be based on weapon damage. having a high dps/slow weapon for druids will finally be important. Hmm, mangle for catform... sounds like a higher power claw attack to me only, but we'll c.

Lacerate: this will be our sunder armor with a bleed effect, to hold aggro like a warrior.

hmm... as for maim, it'll be like a gouge. with only a 3 point maim, we have time to heal ourselves, or to set up for a shred. if it has no cooldown, we can do it over n over n over. that would be sick, so i'm gonna expect a cooldown on that. :) a kidney shot kinda attack would be nice, but oh well.

as for moonkin, i'm gonna agree with u. i was expecting moonkin form to increase spell crit, as well as increase spell damage for party, instead of attack power? how odd. at least moonkins have decent mana regen now. cyclone makes the target immune for 6 seconds, so it might be used more for escape, or to shift out and heal.

09-20-2006, 01:53 PM
Thats not them. Those are the old ones.

Claritondeus actually asked about the "fake" ones. =P

But thanks for posting the actual ones.

09-20-2006, 01:56 PM
Bahroo what I meant by my statement is that Druids were meant to be a Hybrid class. These new talents offer nothing in the respect of letting us play as a hybrid. They just delve further into that respective tree.

The idea of having stats have multiple affects according to forms like Int adding to AP is something a hybrid class should have. And seriously, more bleed effects for PvP doesnt help us. We need raw dmg and CC so the combo Maim isnt bad. Its a shame that it breaks on dmg meaning that if any idiot is around and hits the person or you put any of our new "leet" dots on him, the finisher is useless.

And for Tree of Life....are you serious? There is no way in 25man, 10man, or 5man raids are you going to have room for a healer to be sitting in a tree form only casting hots.

09-20-2006, 02:28 PM
With full Empowered Rejuv ( 20% increase to HoTs ), and Lifebloom stacking 3x, HoTs could make the tree a viable healing form in fights where not a whole lot of moving is required.

09-20-2006, 02:44 PM
Id much rather have it root the druid in place and reduce the cast time of Healing spells by 1sec.

09-20-2006, 02:56 PM
I like em :) May end up speccing Balance to be able to summon treents ^^

09-20-2006, 03:23 PM
Seems pretty unfair that all priests get to summon their peasants, er I mean shades, as a trainable spell and we get ours as a 41 point talent in one tree.

09-20-2006, 03:54 PM
Many priests also wish they had the ability to spend some mana and increase their armor by 360%

09-20-2006, 03:56 PM
LOL a druid saying that a spell / talent that a priest has is unfair. Haven't heard that one before.

09-20-2006, 04:23 PM
Id much rather have power word:shield, fear, and flash heal then bear form for a healer's defense. When we are in bear, we can barely heal ourselves, cant do any real dmg if resto spec, and arent keeping our teammates alive. Priests can shield and heal themselves to full health in a second, and continue healing their party. If it gets too bad, they fear and continue healing.

09-20-2006, 04:44 PM
there is a certain amount of balance between us and the priests. the truly dangerous priest is the shadow priest. they deal enough dps to drop someone within a short amount of time. if they can't, they'll die.

a holy spec priest is at a disadvantage also, like us in restoration spec. their fastest heal, flash heal, is 1.5sec, and isn't a "large" heal. they don't have an insta-heal, while we have NS. they have no root, so they can only rely on fear (which is on a timer) to heal themselves up with a big heal. shielding up doesn't prevent spell interrupts, and only absorbs damage received. so what happens when your shield is down, your fear is still counting down from its 30sec(28 with talent?) timer, yer wearing cloth gear, and u can't deal crap for dmg? gg.

you really don't sound too happy about being a druid. mebbe u should try playing a priest as an alt, and see which one u enjoy more at the end. personally, i love this class for its versatility. we're definitely not known for being dps machines, but that's fine. :)

09-20-2006, 04:50 PM
Id much rather have power word:shield, fear, and flash heal then bear form for a healer's defense. When we are in bear, we can barely heal ourselves, cant do any real dmg if resto spec, and arent keeping our teammates alive. Priests can shield and heal themselves to full health in a second, and continue healing their party. If it gets too bad, they fear and continue healing.

Well maybe you have the wrong idea of being a hybrid. You seem to want to be all things to all people all the time. Not gonna happen. You have to pick what you're going to do at that moment or fight. Need to tank? Go to bear. Need to heal? Stay caster and heal. Need Panzer? Go balance.

09-20-2006, 05:25 PM
You were all supposed to post conspiracy theories explaining why Bliz hates us.

09-20-2006, 05:28 PM
oops, ok. bliz hates us, cuz we cherish nature. computers are not natural. without computers, wow would not exist. bliz hates us for being us. sadface.

09-20-2006, 06:31 PM
Wrong Meshugene. Shamans and Paladins can tank, heal, and DPS with all the same gear quite well. Plus they can do it all in one form. Thats Hybrid. Hybrid is not having to be a certain spec wearing the certain gear to be 75% of a main class.

09-20-2006, 07:09 PM
I donno about your last statement Lorath - the pallys in my guild have different gear that they use for healing tanking and dps. Healing is heavy obv on +heal, while tanking is heavy on sta with +def, and dps has crit and stuff. Also they have differnt weapons.

I would go as far as to say that a druid in 8/8 Feralheart can tank, heal and dps very well in just that one set of gear (weren't you just making that point yourself like a month ago?). Not as well as they could if they had specalized gear... Same is said for shammies and pallies. They can do it all fairly well in one set of gear, but excel at individual aspects when they specialize their gear and spec to what they plan on doing.

Your point is better taken that they (shammies and pallys) can do all things in one form - tank dps and heal - where as we have to shift around to do these things, then by bringing up gear.

09-20-2006, 07:41 PM
You said gear shouldn't make a class... but without gear with the proper stats, the Shaman and Paladins will have to swap too. Actually, enhancement spec Shamans know they can't wear any tier set if they want to be a successful melee spec shaman. Well, mebbe tier 2.5, but that's about it. They swap gear all the time. I'm not just talking about trinkets, rings, neck, weapons, but they have to change every piece when they have to take on another role. eg. healing.

Shapeshifting is part of our class. It is what makes our class stand apart from the rest. We are indeed a hybrid, but it takes more work to fully realize our potential. Strip us naked with no talent points, and we can still dps in cat, take more dmg in bear, and heal/nuke in caster form. When we specialize in one tree or another, we choose to focus on one aspect over the rest, that's all.

Let's talk about druid hybrid gear. The type of gear that covers all of our abilities no matter what tree you specialize in. Tier 2.5, Unending Life set, End of Dreams, Tier 0.5, or the PVP set. You wanna be moderately powerful in all forms? That's the kinda gear that will make you. str+agi+sta+int+spi, spellcrit+spelldmg+spellhealing+critchance+atkpwr. Now you have it all.

It seems like Blizzard finally realized Druids needed gear with a wider range of stats than most of the other classes. A year after release, we are just starting to see Druid gear with a full range of stats. I'm sure we'll see more in the near future, in addition to gear focused on a specific role. eg. Tier3 = Healbot. :|

Wrong Meshugene. Shamans and Paladins can tank, heal, and DPS with all the same gear quite well. Plus they can do it all in one form. Thats Hybrid. Hybrid is not having to be a certain spec wearing the certain gear to be 75% of a main class.

09-21-2006, 02:28 AM
I don't know about the talents, there are a couple of good ones in there but you would basically need to spec towards one tree or the other and I haven't studied them properly yet. The spells are what is of interest to me, I think that they fill in some of the deficiencies that currently exist in the druid class. For example:

Lacerate: obviously a tanking skill, which would make the bear a good tank and even better off tank, which 'may' make people think differently about pushing druids into a healing role.

Lifebloom: heals on dispel? what was that mr felhunter? you want to dispel my HoT? please be my guest.

Maim: finally a way to stun an opponent in cat form, allowing a quick heal or tranistion to bear/caster.

These are really the three things that I feel might make up some the holes that currently exist in the druid class. An AOE stun or similar might be a good thing as well but you can't have everything. If these are the real talents then I for one would be satisfied. that's my 2 cents worth anyway.

09-21-2006, 09:32 AM
Oh, I don't know about having to specialize, the end balance and resto talents look a little gimmicky to me.

If these are real, I'll probably just extend my current 24/0/27 up to 27/0/34. More +dmg/heal, less dmg from elemental effects, stronger HTs, and a heck of resistance to critical hits, and swiftmend - seems like a nice upgrade.

I was also comparing the priest shades to the force of nature treants. We have a shorter cd (3 min instead of 5) and they last nearly twice as long (15 sec instead of 8). I guess thats enough of a buff to make it a talent instead of a trainable, but i am not convinced. [figure in a 15 min period we could use 5 times for a total of 75 seconds, and they could only cast 3 times for a total of 24 seconds.]

09-21-2006, 12:14 PM
What was that Mr. Shaman, did u just purge my lifebloom?! Thanks! :D

I don't know about the talents, there are a couple of good ones in there but you would basically need to spec towards one tree or the other and I haven't studied them properly yet. The spells are what is of interest to me, I think that they fill in some of the deficiencies that currently exist in the druid class. For example:

Lacerate: obviously a tanking skill, which would make the bear a good tank and even better off tank, which 'may' make people think differently about pushing druids into a healing role.

Lifebloom: heals on dispel? what was that mr felhunter? you want to dispel my HoT? please be my guest.

Maim: finally a way to stun an opponent in cat form, allowing a quick heal or tranistion to bear/caster.

These are really the three things that I feel might make up some the holes that currently exist in the druid class. An AOE stun or similar might be a good thing as well but you can't have everything. If these are the real talents then I for one would be satisfied. that's my 2 cents worth anyway.

09-21-2006, 01:03 PM
We'll have to see how those play out as well though.

I believe the notes I saw had lifebloom at a 1.5 sec cast time, which would make it tough to stack three of them in 7 seconds unless you just spammed it for 4.5 secs straight, and by then you could have gotten of a HT and a couple rejuvs. The efficiency will determine how much it gets used.

Lacerate sounds nice, but maim isn't a stun its a disorient, which means it breaks on damage, like from bleed effects like lacerate, meaning it doesn't fit well with the new apparent emphasis on DoT in feral.

I notice no one is talking about the supposed flight form mentioned. Is that because you don't believe it? If you don't believe that isn't the whole thing suspect?

09-21-2006, 02:06 PM
I believe the flight form could be true. I loved having a bunch of Druids of the Talon in Storm Crow form in WC3FT ff'ing everyone and mowing down whoever I was fighting's air units. Seems like it would fit the history pretty well also. KoTG was my favorite Hero too (which is why, I suppose I rolled a Druid in WoW), so I'm looking forward to at least trying out being able to summon treents (should it be true).

Storm Crow form could probably use the same model as an owl, or some of the other flying hunter's pets. Seems like it wouldn't be that hard for Blizz to give us Flying form. And they have to know that everyone wants it.

Lifebloom seems very feasable as well. Warlocks get a spell that damages the dispeller when it is dispel'd. Seems natural that a druid could get a spell that healed whoever is dispel'd

09-21-2006, 05:14 PM
for me, flight form was expected, so i wasn't too shocked about it becoming reality. :)

09-21-2006, 05:41 PM
Agreed, I expected one at like 64 or 66 but to be about 15% slower than the actual flying mounts.

09-22-2006, 09:19 AM
My question is will we be able to reach the flying only zone with them. If every other class has to wait until 70 to buy there mountd seems like druids could be the only sub-70s up there.

09-22-2006, 09:42 AM
Its already been stated by blues that you will be able to summon people up to these areas.

09-22-2006, 12:16 PM
dang warlocks...

09-22-2006, 01:50 PM
If it wasnt this way, you wouldnt have any end game raiding until every person participating had got their flying mount.

09-22-2006, 02:00 PM
There are end game raid instances in most of the zones, only Tempest keep would be unreachable.

and yes, that was what I liked about the idea, exclusivity...

09-22-2006, 03:23 PM
Tell me that when Blizzard tells you the new mounts are going to cost 2000g. The difficulty of the zone is an exclusivity in itself. Making it expensive to get there is going overboard.

09-22-2006, 03:38 PM
Yeah I hear ya, but the impression I got from the press was there were places you couldn't get to without mounts, so when you finally did earn enough and fly into them it felt like a real achievement.

If everybody and there brother will be popping through portals to see the same stuff it loses something. I agree its fair and all, just not as cool.

09-22-2006, 03:42 PM
I figure it will be the same as Naxx. How many people you just see zoning into Naxx because they can? Very few because its a hard instance. Guilds wont be going there to just check it out and wipe over and over heh. Im just happy we get a flight form finally :D

09-22-2006, 06:05 PM
The question is, can I shift out of flight form, NS > cyclone an enemy player in flight, shift back to flight form, and watch them fall to their death since they're now dismounted? :texla:

My question is will we be able to reach the flying only zone with them. If every other class has to wait until 70 to buy there mountd seems like druids could be the only sub-70s up there.

11-03-2006, 06:02 PM
The question is, can I shift out of flight form, NS > cyclone an enemy player in flight, shift back to flight form, and watch them fall to their death since they're now dismounted? :texla:

I'm gonna say no, because you can't cast anything with a cast time while falling right? So you could NS cyclone but then you couldn't shift back to flight form (has a cast time i think). But someone said that if you Feral Charge while falling you can avoid fall damage. So maybe you could NS cyclone, shift to bear, and pray you found a mob to click and charge before you also became a splatter...

11-04-2006, 11:16 AM
Or you could shift to cat if you're not -too- high up.