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09-27-2006, 09:52 AM
This could be a very good idea but in its present state I would not spec for it. I will spec for it IF they do the following.

1. Remove the movement restriction as it makes no sense. As you get into high end raids such as Naxx you are required to move around alot not just stand still as in MC. It also makes this a worthless pvp talent.

2. Allow ALL restoration spells to be cast while in this form. It makes sense to not allow any balance spells to be cast however it makes no sense not to allow Healing touch, or Rebirth, or Natures Swiftness to be cast. It should be the flip side of Moonkin.

3. We didnt get any aggro reduction like fade so the 360% ac bonus should be added as it is to Moonkin form. This will allow us to take a wack or two without have to shift into bear and waist mana.

I think making these 3 changes would make this a very nice talent. I dont want to be a gimped healer that can only use 1/2 of their healing spells and basically be a slow moving totem for other casters.

What do you think?

09-27-2006, 10:12 AM
Removing the movement penalty or at the very least lowering would make this much more attractive. I am not sure I understand the restriction on healing touch spells but I guess there is a reasoning for it and the talent will certainly have a niche raider spec'ing to it. I see no reason to dive that deep into the resto tree to get it given that you could dive into the balance tree for much greater benefits or even feral.

09-27-2006, 11:46 AM
I am not sure I understand the restriction on healing touch spells but I guess there is a reasoning for it and the talent will certainly have a niche raider spec'ing to it.
I think Blizzard has seen how powerful using a ton of +heal gear along with low ranks of Healing Touch has become, and this it their way of trying to force druids away from using that. With HoTs stacking, I'm sure HoTs will be used a lot more, especially on main/off tanks, but I doubt druids role when healing will change much.

09-27-2006, 01:19 PM
This could be a very good idea but in its present state I would not spec for it. I will spec for it IF they do the following.

1. Remove the movement restriction as it makes no sense. As you get into high end raids such as Naxx you are required to move around alot not just stand still as in MC. It also makes this a worthless pvp talent.

2. Allow ALL restoration spells to be cast while in this form. It makes sense to not allow any balance spells to be cast however it makes no sense not to allow Healing touch, or Rebirth, or Natures Swiftness to be cast. It should be the flip side of Moonkin.

3. We didnt get any aggro reduction like fade so the 360% ac bonus should be added as it is to Moonkin form. This will allow us to take a wack or two without have to shift into bear and waist mana.

I think making these 3 changes would make this a very nice talent. I dont want to be a gimped healer that can only use 1/2 of their healing spells and basically be a slow moving totem for other casters.

What do you think?

Very well put. In its current form it doesn't seem worth 41 points to me.

10-13-2006, 01:37 AM
Hey Guys

I just came on to post about the same thing. I like how the trees have been revamped, in this form they make alot more sense, and we have been long overdue for a healing form. As a Druid who loves to heal there is one area where I have always felt naked and that is when I have pulled agro. It has never made sense to me that while healing a party if I draw agro I have to drop into bear form to increase my armor or cat form to use cower, it just dosn't fit into the feel of a healer.

As a priest I have fade and shield or Pallies have more armor but can still heal in it and also have a form of shield and stun. Druid have to stop healing and shape shift into a feral form or run for it lol.

I love the idea of a healing form, it makes sense, but it would need some changes before I would spec to it. The form does have some bonuses, a healing aura that effects the whole party within range, and the mana reduction for HOTs and Swiftmend by 20%.

The first downside that I see is that you can only cast HOTs, I would assume that Regrowth is included in this and we get a 20% mana reduction cost on these spells. But it is costing us 872 mana to get into this form, there goes alot of saveings, and to cast anything else I have to change in and out of it.

I guess the idea is that we would have maxed out Natural Shapeshifting but I am still seeing huge mana losses. In tree of Life form I would need to change forms to decurse, also if I drew agro I would need to double shapeshift to drop into a feral form as I have not armor increases or agro dropping ability, the mind boggles.

Also with the speed reduction the form would be very hard to be effective in. The beauty of swiftmeld was that I could move around a fight and 'heal on the run' To take my movement speed away is crazy. I can not see any reason, in its present form why I would want to stay in Tree of Life form other than to look good.

As Annubrim has said a few simple changes would make the form viable, though I would like to see decursing allowed

1. Address the speed reduction

2. The same armor increases as Moonkin and Bear form

3 The abitlity to decurse

With the mana reduction of Regrowth I could handle losing Healing touch etc, but I would see these 3 requirements as necessary to make the form a viable 41 point tallent

10-18-2006, 12:06 PM
havent had time to read anything here yet(will be back) but I think that the treeform should have a aoe root, would make sense imho, could even be instant cast.

1. Aoe root

2. ofc Armor! (you can have barkskin in caster form, but you dont have bark in treeform?, silly)

3. *more comments coming* ;)

10-18-2006, 12:36 PM
I think they should let tree druids cast roots (duh), and that tree druids should be able to cast them indoors when in the form, because they would like, have roots...

Seriously though, would give some cc to help deal with aggro, as long as no one touches the mob (other than the tank) the roots should hold for a while to allow you to keep casting. 6 seconds from cyclone won't cut it.

Plus roots from a tree would just be fricking cool.

10-18-2006, 04:43 PM
havent had time to read anything here yet(will be back) but I think that the treeform should have a aoe root, would make sense imho, could even be instant cast.

1. Aoe root

2. ofc Armor! (you can have barkskin in caster form, but you dont have bark in treeform?, silly)

Thats a great idea. Makes all kinds of sense. I dont know why they wouldn't give us the ability to cast roots as a TREE.

10-18-2006, 04:55 PM
This could be a very good idea but in its present state I would not spec for it. I will spec for it IF they do the following.

1. Remove the movement restriction as it makes no sense. As you get into high end raids such as Naxx you are required to move around alot not just stand still as in MC. It also makes this a worthless pvp talent.

2. Allow ALL restoration spells to be cast while in this form. It makes sense to not allow any balance spells to be cast however it makes no sense not to allow Healing touch, or Rebirth, or Natures Swiftness to be cast. It should be the flip side of Moonkin.

3. We didnt get any aggro reduction like fade so the 360% ac bonus should be added as it is to Moonkin form. This will allow us to take a wack or two without have to shift into bear and waist mana.

I think making these 3 changes would make this a very nice talent. I dont want to be a gimped healer that can only use 1/2 of their healing spells and basically be a slow moving totem for other casters.

What do you think?

I dont agree with second paragraph . Think its very cool that we cast spells in this form and it will be much interesting to play . Agree with other things .

Nu, The Hunter
10-18-2006, 04:56 PM
1. Remove the movement restriction as it makes no sense. As you get into high end raids such as Naxx you are required to move around alot not just stand still as in MC. It also makes this a worthless pvp talent.

2. Allow ALL restoration spells to be cast while in this form. It makes sense to not allow any balance spells to be cast however it makes no sense not to allow Healing touch, or Rebirth, or Natures Swiftness to be cast. It should be the flip side of Moonkin.

3. We didnt get any aggro reduction like fade so the 360% ac bonus should be added as it is to Moonkin form. This will allow us to take a wack or two without have to shift into bear and waist mana.

I think this is a great idea.. what is the point in spending all ur talent points in healing and u cant cast them all... I dont know about the ability to move thou... i tihnk that would be pretty hard.. and also pretty funny seeing a tree walk around.. but i like the idea they got about the tree form thou..

What i would add is this

1) give a plus Armor for this form like pallys have..

2) give a VERY!!! long healing range so u dont have to move that much..

3) as above i would also give AoE Roots becuase... well ur a tree...

4) and no mana cost for switching forms... mostly becuase u have to always be able to walk to places.. and that would be the only form that cant..

5) give the Tree Form a buff that makes the healing spells cost 50% less...

That is all i need for it.. if they would change that.. well i would only play druid and they would be the best healer in the game.. somewhat.... that is alll
:) :) :) :) :) :)

10-18-2006, 10:51 PM
To be able to AOE roots in doors, that is just plain cool, for me that would be a type of agro control that fits in nicely with the whole concept of a druid tree form :))

10-19-2006, 04:13 AM
Maybe a ability to turn into an ironwood tree or something. Like mages' ice block. U turn into a tree with increased ac for a while but can't cast anything and shed all aggro. Then again, no that would be imba.

10-19-2006, 09:31 AM
Editing my previous post here and adds some :)

1. AoE roots.
This could be done in several ways imo, either;
a. with a cast, every mob in the area get rooted, like frost nova for mages. Would benifit the druid in solo and raid situations, keeping mobs at safe range.
b. a aura that gives all in party (or raid) within xx feet area a natures grasp buff. Would give the raid a very useful extra cc ability, mainly for casters/healers.

*even tho I feel that if a tree can travel indoors (how strange is that?)the druid should be able to root indoors, I dont think that blizz ever will implement this as the root/cc issue indoors have been debated for so long and Blizz wont give in on this one. Maybe the tree will make them reconsider tho*

2. Armor(-or rather survivability)

This could be adressed in several ways imo.

a. the 360, common way to make the druid happy, armor x 3.6.
This gives the druid the needed survivability to endure most in pve and pve situtions.

b. Aura(*sigh* again) that make the tree of life give all in party XX HP /tick of the XX % HP that the tree have. A healthy tree gives a healthy return. This would/could make the tree the key factor to keep the raid up on their feet as long as the tree is fit n healthy.
*this is just a example* The tree of life have 10000 HP (considered lvl 70) and give 1 % of HP/tick in aura thats 100 HP/tick, when the trees HP drops to 3000 HP the return for the party/raid is only 30 HP /tick.

c. give the tree a healthy amount of resistances(with soon almost 3 billion ppl driving to work every morning spewing out pollution the trees really have to have some amount of resistance ;) )

2.b would adress the pve content only and wouldnt give much in return for the druid in pvp situations. But fact remains, have Blizzard ever given resto druids anything for pvp?

3. Remove poison/curse

All cleasning should be reacheble in this form, shifting out to remove this is just plain silly. Without this ability a Tree of life would be nothing more then a Log of death.
Keep in mind tho that decursive addons mechanics will be removed as of 2.0, that will likely change the whole perspective on instance decursing.

In general, the speed reduction and the lack of HT can be compensated in diffrent ways, Im not so sure that they will be as vital as they are now. But as the 41 p talent in the resto tree looks now its not being compensated, and trees should move as normal and being able to cast HT. 41 points there doesnt look as its worth it.



EDIT; forgot that from the crown of the tree there shall be dreamfoil and icecaps spawning every minute ;) :P
EDIT2; ..bah, why not mana pots ready n done :P

10-19-2006, 12:58 PM
Keep in mind I ain't resto (bear tank as of now, but still heal), so don't yell at me if I missed something.

1.) Roots:
I disagree with the AoE roots because, to make it balanced, it probably should create threat. And threat for healers is bad...maybe instanct cast roots WHILE making roots indoors now?

2.) Protection:
I think it just needs the classy 360% more armor. IMHO the resistance to all spells is bad because trees burn (fire resist), their branches can break after an ice storm (frost resist), they do die to basically the same thing as all animals (shadow resist), they are prime targets for lightning (natural resist-ref. shaman) and...I dunno about arcane.

Alright, I'm done :texla:

10-19-2006, 04:05 PM
2. ofc Armor! (you can have barkskin in caster form, but you dont have bark in treeform?, silly)

Seriously. You'd swear it would be:

"blahblahblah form blahblah HoT blahblah movement reduce blahblah The druid is benefited by a constant Barkskin effect, which makes the druid immune to spell interuption and increases the casting time of all non-instant spells by one second."

Hm, you know, here is how I, personally, would like to see treeform:

Healing Aura
Ability to cast all healing spells (+innervate)
Constant Barkskin
AYBE: Ability to cast roots (I sort of get the feeling barkskin would undermine this)

Now, to make this balanced:
-30% reduced movement (I think we all wouldn't mind tacking on another 10% for those benefits?)

-Reduced life
-Reduced armor
-Decreased healing range (if so, maybe make the speed -25%)

I'm not too sure myself, but I think tree form should be the restoration's equivalent of a moonkin. *shrugs*

10-20-2006, 03:45 AM
Scrap Treeform alltogether. Make a dire sheep form.
This should throw off the pace a bit.

10-22-2006, 05:30 PM
I dont know guys.. I dont like the Tree Form as a concept. Statswise it may prove to be useful, but let's not forget tha WOW is an MMO-RPG,and Roleplaying a tree does not sound very appealing, to me at least...

10-22-2006, 08:53 PM
Actually I've always wanted to RP a ent type creature, favorites from LotR, and I always liked the Green Man myths.

10-23-2006, 03:41 AM
I dont know guys.. I dont like the Tree Form as a concept. Statswise it may prove to be useful, but let's not forget tha WOW is an MMO-RPG,and Roleplaying a tree does not sound very appealing, to me at least...

I don't know, playing warcraft3 with defencesive trees that can move positions also sounded out of place for a strategy.But then again ... I love an Ancient Protector rush in the morning. :assimilat

That being said. I think we should at least give it a try and I for one will respecc to this after ive seen how viable feral really will be at level 70 end-game instances.

BTW: What will they call level 60 end-game instances since its technically not the end of the game anymore?

10-24-2006, 04:30 PM
Seriously. You'd swear it would be:

"blahblahblah form blahblah HoT blahblah movement reduce blahblah The druid is benefited by a constant Barkskin effect, which makes the druid immune to spell interuption and increases the casting time of all non-instant spells by one second."

Hm, you know, here is how I, personally, would like to see treeform:

Healing Aura
Ability to cast all healing spells (+innervate)
Constant Barkskin
AYBE: Ability to cast roots (I sort of get the feeling barkskin would undermine this)

Now, to make this balanced:
-30% reduced movement (I think we all wouldn't mind tacking on another 10% for those benefits?)

BRILLIANT!!! I think that would work...but I ain't yeah :elfbiggri

11-07-2006, 01:17 PM
1. Remove the movement restriction as it makes no sense. As you get into high end raids such as Naxx you are required to move around alot not just stand still as in MC. It also makes this a worthless pvp talent.

It is, and will stay, a worthless PVP talent no matter what. Why?

Okay, you fight against an enemy team and spot a druid in life of tree-form.
He can only do one thing (besides moving slow), heal his team.

Can you give me any single good reason why the opposing team should not immidiately focus fire on you?

Using Tree of Life in PVP is like painting a giant TARGET ME FIRST sign on yourself.

11-07-2006, 01:48 PM
it only costs like ~300 mana to shift into tree form with that shapeshifting mana reduction talent. people can shift in and out to move around, if they have to.

i can't picture it as a pvp talent. ;)

11-07-2006, 02:37 PM
PVP Tree of Life = Tree of Death. Unless they give us an armor boost. PvE, we'll see. I'm gonna try it out for a bit assuming that we continue raiding post BC, though am about 95% sure that I'll be getting back to my feral roots.

11-07-2006, 03:18 PM
I'll be getting back to my feral roots.

Pun intended? :P

I may or may not try it out. I'll probably go Feral/Resto so I can heal and solo/PvP, now that the two trees are mingled.

11-07-2006, 04:20 PM
u should consider remaining restoration spec, but not go with tree. i got my beta key yesterday and was testing out my heals with full restoration spec (51 pts). my rank 11 rejuv normally does like 453 a tick, but with bc restoration spec, i was ticking for 553. in tree of life form, my rank 11 rejuv was ticking for like 575, which kinda sucked.

rank 4 ht is nerfed, but if you have enough +healing (>900) and spec, your rank 4 ht can still do ~1k heals (as opposed to ~1.3k heals on live)

however, if u choose to go feral again... yer gonna love it! after doing my healing tests, i went 0/41/10. i only have like 930atkpwr in catform, but mangle crits for ~1k on cloth in catform. in bearform, i fergot if it was doing 600 dmg on a regular mangle, or a crit mangle. i will test it further. oh, and weapons proc in form (100% confirmed by myself).

PVP Tree of Life = Tree of Death. Unless they give us an armor boost. PvE, we'll see. I'm gonna try it out for a bit assuming that we continue raiding post BC, though am about 95% sure that I'll be getting back to my feral roots.

11-07-2006, 07:44 PM
u should consider remaining restoration spec, but not go with tree. i got my beta key yesterday and was testing out my heals with full restoration spec (51 pts). my rank 11 rejuv normally does like 453 a tick, but with bc restoration spec, i was ticking for 553. in tree of life form, my rank 11 rejuv was ticking for like 575, which kinda sucked.

I'm actually really torn here. I have grown VERY fond of Resto, as have my guildies who get heals from me :P. I guess I'll see how everything shakes out with BC. Not sure how focused as a guild we are going to stay on raiding and trying new dungeons, or if were all gonna go quest hard until 70, or what. If we decide to level primarily through instancing / raiding, I'm gonna do something like my feral / resto build that I have currently (0/15/36). 553 a tick on rejuv O.O. wow.

however, if u choose to go feral again... yer gonna love it! after doing my healing tests, i went 0/41/10. i only have like 930atkpwr in catform, but mangle crits for ~1k on cloth in catform. in bearform, i fergot if it was doing 600 dmg on a regular mangle, or a crit mangle. i will test it further. oh, and weapons proc in form (100% confirmed by myself).

So many options! I'm gonna start saving my gold for the few respecs that I'm gonna do after the first free one.

SOO jazzed about weapon proc in forms. The TuF is looking more and more dominant. And I'm gonna reconsider the enchants that I was thinking about. Really glad to hear that is not just hearsay... now to pray that they dont take it back.

11-07-2006, 10:40 PM
I think the only purpose of the treeOfLol is mana efficiency in raids. Maybe there are extremely long battles in BC that require this, but even for current raids it's quite handy. From the reports that I've seen this is the biggest attraction. Remember also that we will have three HoT spells that can be used. I really should be able to decurse though.

It don't think it was intended as a PvP tool, but I know that there are a lot of resto druids that do battlegrounds and heal, so I guess they will have to do a more hybrid role in BC (like a real druids ;)

It's still better than the priests lolwell!

11-07-2006, 11:21 PM
How do you know the future instances will require one to move about a lot. Don't think you're going to be raiding Naxx CONSTANTLY at 70...

11-08-2006, 01:35 PM
I really should be able to decurse though.

From what I've heard, AoE Curses / Poisons will play less of a role in BC, with AoE Damage / DoT's being more prevalent.

This was stated in response to a lot of loud complaints about Decursive not working with BC. Devs said that currently, it had gotten to the point where they had to design instances with Decursive in mind, so they threw in TONS of aoe curses / poisons / debuffs, and certain classes were being reduced to 'cleanse-bots'.

So I'm not too worried about not being able to decurse / abolish poison in tree form, though it shure would be nice.

11-08-2006, 02:35 PM
I've been grinding and questing a bit with a TuF. All I can say is... thank god it's a slow 2hander, because it would be overpowered if it's a fast weapon. Ha, but luckily, we are the only class that can put a use to the proc. ;) It procs so often in catform, it's unbelievable. I can see it as a very useful weapon (proc) when fighting casters, with a Crusader enchant, no less. ;)

SOO jazzed about weapon proc in forms. The TuF is looking more and more dominant. And I'm gonna reconsider the enchants that I was thinking about. Really glad to hear that is not just hearsay... now to pray that they dont take it back.[/QUOTE]

Nu, The Hunter
11-08-2006, 06:12 PM
I think it would be awesome if well.. they turned tree form to like a god healer..

1) 150% to movement

2) unlimited Healing range

3) take off 75% of mana cost on healing spells

4) Lose all threat every 5 sec..

5) Gives Tree Aura..
a)360% armor increase
b)Mana regeneration is increased by 150%
c)all stats increased by 50
d) 50% for crits on heals..
e) does 50 damage to attacker

6) every crit heal does a aoe heal on the person healed that heals everyone around them by 400

7) everyone time hit roots the attacker

8) has a poison cloud aoe attack that does 100 nature damage every sec. for 25 seconds

That would make tree form a God..(and still defeatable)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

11-09-2006, 11:00 AM
I think the servers might crash if druids were that strong.

Even if you were joking, that'd be pretty boring; there'd be no challenge anymore.

11-10-2006, 03:26 AM
Yeah, you clearly got some other meaning of 'balance' than me - and Blizzard, I suppose ;)

11-10-2006, 03:50 AM
I can imagine it now.

Player x:LF Treefrom druid 2 cast heal on me in STV
Druid y: Sure buddy im in winterspring ... give me 5secs 2 cast.
Player x:TY