View Full Forums : Feral or Moonkin: Grinding with Druid?

09-28-2006, 11:29 AM
I have transfered my druid to the server I normally play on, I'm planning on using him as a guy to grind on mobs that might be too much for my warrior main.
I have made him feral based now, but how does Moonkin grind as well?

09-28-2006, 11:53 AM
Since Moonkin uses mana and Feral uses none, you will have more downtime between fights with Moonkin when grinding.

09-28-2006, 12:10 PM
Since Moonkin uses mana and Feral uses none, you will have more downtime between fights with Moonkin when grinding.

Not necessarily just because you are moonkin doesn't mean you have to stay there teh whole time. When you get low on mana shift to feral and continue grinding.

09-29-2006, 09:07 AM
Moonkin will do better against mobs that give your warrior trouble. Warriors do great physical damage, but have few options against high AC mobs. If you go feral those troublesome mobs will probably do too much damage to stay in the relatively more squishy cat form, so you will end up in bear, doing more or less what you would have done on your warrior, but with fewer melee abilities.

With a moonkin however, you would still have the warrior level AC for protection, but you would be doing spell damage, which isn't mitigated by AC.

09-29-2006, 01:05 PM
Feral is better for grinding.. it's a no-brainer. When you get the right gear and skill you can safely farm Tyr's Hand with no downtime whatsoever (yes I farm em in catform only).

Rogues with C'Thun dagger and Wars with Dark Edge will have more downtime than you, promise. :)

09-30-2006, 01:15 PM
Here's a good routine I used while grinding and soloing in catform while leveling. It's very simple actually but yea...

Grind in cat/bear, when you're at a hp% where you know you might not kill the next mob (see how much dmg you take per mob), shift out heal, shift back and you're mana regen will bring you to full mana each time and if you were 0/30/21 like I was, you could use shift, NS HT, shift back and the CD would be done.

10-09-2006, 08:43 PM
Here's a good routine I used while grinding and soloing in catform while leveling. It's very simple actually but yea...

Grind in cat/bear, when you're at a hp% where you know you might not kill the next mob (see how much dmg you take per mob), shift out heal, shift back and you're mana regen will bring you to full mana each time and if you were 0/30/21 like I was, you could use shift, NS HT, shift back and the CD would be done.
This is what i have been doing, its been working great for me

10-12-2006, 04:18 PM
Probobly be better to grind in Feral.

But, if you like me, you'll like Moonkin. :> I like grinding via spell casting; I like how if I'm outside, I can roots and kill em' before they get to me.

I like casting. :>

10-12-2006, 04:52 PM
The only down side about Moonkin grinding / farming is the downtime it takes to get your mana back up.

With the expansion talents encouraging melee, well if the gear compliments it like some of the posts have been saying it could be semi-viable.

10-13-2006, 06:35 AM
It might have been my gear or level, I was moonkin from 40 till about level 57, but kitty grinding is so much better for me. I'm not even full feral and my grinding is much better. 0/20/31 btw.

I was fairly good when I was a moonkin grinding. I had it down. But what was killing me was mana and badages. I would go through 4-5 mobs and then I would have to bandage then drink. That's money out of my pocket. : )

Now I'll go through 4-5 mobs, pop out of kitty hit NS-Heal, then back to killing. I've even tried lately poping out real quick and throwing down a Rejuvenation, then go into bear and Frenzied Regeneration my way up back to full health.

60 Tauren Druid