View Full Forums : Sorry, I have to ask...

10-03-2006, 02:08 PM
Please don't beat me up, but I have to ask. I got a 14 day trial of Wow and have been thinking about trying it.

What is the best class for soloing? I don't know anyone that plays so I would just be soloing to check out a different game. Sometimes I only have 30-60 mins to do something, and EQ doesn't cut it there. I know this is the Druid forum, but I can't post on the WoW boards since I don't have a character yet. I was looking at a Troll Rogue, but I have no clue on anything about WoW.

10-03-2006, 02:22 PM
The Druid is very versatile thus making it easy to solo with. your 30-60 min time restriction won''t affect you until you want to start runnning dungeons (instances)

10-03-2006, 02:51 PM
Rogues, Druids, Hunters & Warlocks are great for solo'ing.

Hunters & Locks have pets that make it that much easier.

All the solo'ing really starts to become viable as you hit lvl 10, locks get void walkers, druids get bear, hunters get a pet and rogues....umm...get something ( I can't remember ).

10-03-2006, 03:57 PM
and rogues....umm...get something ( I can't remember ).

dual wield I think

10-03-2006, 04:52 PM
Thanks for your replies folks! But, I love my EQ druid too much to deviate the class in WoW. Just seems wrong to me. And I want to try something different.

So, the consensus is that Warloks or Hunters are the best for soloing? Has anyone had any experience with a WoW Rogue?

10-03-2006, 05:06 PM
rouges are fun deals a lot of damage quick and can stealth. One of the best thing about being a druid however is you can heal yourself during combat.

10-03-2006, 09:23 PM
LOL ok, I found 2 guys at work that play. Both disagree with the best solo class. One says Hunter, while the other says Warrior. But they did say that you die a lot more in WoW than in EQ, how truthful do you find this statement?

Guess I need to create a few characters. /sigh

10-03-2006, 10:16 PM
i </3 to face warlocks.

10-04-2006, 08:47 AM
You may die a lot more, but it is not as big a deal. There is virtually no death penalty in WoW (other than repair costs).

10-09-2006, 01:42 AM
Well, I ended up making a Troll Rogue. But LOL, I got my wife to try and she wanted to play a Tauren Druid. So, in order to help her, she is definitely NOT a gamer, I had to make a Tauren as well.

12-05-2006, 02:40 PM
Thanks for your replies folks! But, I love my EQ druid too much to deviate the class in WoW. Just seems wrong to me. And I want to try something different.

I felt the same way, but in the end... I couldn't deny my innate druidness. I found rogues to be the most fun alt, but after 5 years of playing a druid in EQ, some old habits die hard - like running through camps and stopping to heal when they're all beating you up. Even priests can't take a whoopin' like a druid can.

70 druid on EQ
60 druid on WoW

I admit I loved my EQ druid more, but WoW druids can hold their own.