View Full Forums : Time Spent Playing WoW per Week

10-10-2006, 12:46 PM
Just curious as to how much each of you play per week.

10-10-2006, 01:26 PM
21+ I am hard of the core.....not.

21+ is a pretty low cutoff for the top teir of this poll though imo. I would wager there are quite a few people that play 30ish hours a week.

10-10-2006, 02:16 PM
Really depends on the week for me. Right now though....definitely 21+

10-10-2006, 03:41 PM
2 days a week I play from 7PM to Midnight = 10
1 day a week I play from 11Am to 11PM = 12
2 Days a week I play (lets call it extra to protect the innocent) = 12

34 hrs = too much if you consider that anything over 24 hours is like removing an entire day from RL per week. :shuffle:

An analysis of time spent in a week goes like this....

1. Work
2. WoW
3. Kids
4. Wife

Someone agree with me. There is definately a flaw in priorities. Note: This is a measure of time not love. But as a fly on the wall someone might think different.

10-10-2006, 03:45 PM
WOW! Maybe I should have put in higher tier there a way to change that now? I would think it is locked.

10-10-2006, 05:53 PM
Mon-Thurs = 4-5hrs (830pm-1230am)= 16-20hrs

Fri= 6-8 hours
Sat= 2-8 hours
Sun= 2-5 hours

It could go as high as 41 hours a week in WoW depending on what I am doing. Right now I am juggling getting FR gear and the BG grind so I am playing more than I normally would. When I am just BG grinding it tends to be in the lower end of the spectrum.

My priorities always land WoW in dead last right behind clipping my toenails in order of importance. It really doesn't bother me to play 5 hours one week and 40 the next.

10-10-2006, 05:56 PM
An analysis of time spent in a week goes like this....

1. Work
2. WoW
3. Kids
4. Wife

Someone agree with me. There is definately a flaw in priorities. Note: This is a measure of time not love. But as a fly on the wall someone might think different.

Ya I would say 2 and 3 are out of wack big time unless your kids are teenagers, even then. Time is also a measurement of neglect or attention if viewed from the right perspective, or the perspective of a child. Personally I realize that my kids are going to get to the point that they don't want to spend time with me and want to hang with their friends all the time, so I have to take advantage of their attention and dependency now while I still can =)

10-11-2006, 12:42 AM
2 days a week I play from 7PM to Midnight = 10
1 day a week I play from 11Am to 11PM = 12
2 Days a week I play (lets call it extra to protect the innocent) = 12

34 hrs = too much if you consider that anything over 24 hours is like removing an entire day from RL per week. :shuffle:

An analysis of time spent in a week goes like this....

1. Work
2. WoW
3. Kids
4. Wife

Someone agree with me. There is definately a flaw in priorities. Note: This is a measure of time not love. But as a fly on the wall someone might think different.
Poor wife:wiggle:

Anywho, I'm a student so my playtimes come on Weekends during the night or day (depending what me and my idiotic friends are up to...)

10-13-2006, 08:37 PM
I usually only play weds/thurs while my wife is at work, the rest im either at work or with her or doing other stuff... probably 7-12 hrs per week for me

Nu, The Hunter
10-15-2006, 08:03 PM
Sry.. guys... im addicted.. i think....
45 hours a week.......

Mon - 5
Tues - 5
Wed - 5
Thurs - 5
Fri - 5
Sat - 10
Sun - 10

... ya...... i might be over playing...

the only reason im not that high in lvls.. is becuase i spent the first 6 months playing all the characters in all the class they can be.... soooooooooooo ya....

and i can play 1 character for more than 5 hours.....

and one more thing... what do u mean "None i just like these forums".... why would u post nething if u never played the game.......

:) :) :) :) :) :)

10-15-2006, 10:58 PM
Depends on the week, for me:

Usually I have a lot of homework, as of late... bah. So I get about 3-4 hours every day during the week. And then, on the weekends, I get about... hm... I have no set time on the weekends... it'll probably be at least 12 hours, though.

During the summer I played in a pattern like this:
Play for 21-22 hours.
Sleep for 4-5 hours.
Wake-up, continue to play.
I'm not obsessed, am I? I know my character's levels don't reflect that, but there is a semi-long reason behind it. Sooo, I won't go into that.

It became kind of weird towards the middle of the summer... One day I'd wake up at noon... the next at 9PM, etc. Very weird to wake up when everyone is going to bed.

Hehe, Wulfgor, hard to say if your priorities are out of line. If I were the kid, I'd love for the excuse to be left alone and play the game. *cough* But, without really knowing you, it's difficult to determine. The wife, though... why hasn't she thrown you out yet?

10-18-2006, 09:34 AM
Well like Wulfgor I have wife, work and kids, one teenager and one near teenager and I reckon that I can get a good 6-8 hours in a week if I am lucky and play my cards right.

Hence the complete lack of any instance or raid time at a later date for me.

Tricky really WoW or Wife - somedays there is no competition :)

10-18-2006, 12:29 PM
I've been reading these posts for a while now, but had to join when I saw this post - especially Wulfgor's comments. Man, I know EXACTLY how you feel. The only reason why I don't play more than 12 hours a week is because my teenaged daughter is a 'lock and I'm too cheap to get her a separate account!

In any event, I end up kicking her off the game at around 10pm three nights a week and maybe a couple of hours on the weekend - only to find that I'm hitting the sack WAY past my own bedtime. I'm not crazy about this (I want more WOW time) but it keeps me in touch with the rest of the family.

By the way, keep up the good posts! Coming here is a breath of fresh air... and Druids rock!

10-19-2006, 03:51 AM
Interresting post. Now that I think about it, doesn't anyone here play during lunch at work.Im an IT admin and since I have full firewall access almost all the employees who play WoW have a lunchtime quickie online. (Untill offcourse the day my boss is gonna find out :P )

11-10-2006, 05:24 AM
Luxury :) At my work, almost anything considered 'not-work' is ported at firewall. Not sites like this, luckily; there are always some loopholes (which I tend to visit even more, then :P)

11-14-2006, 04:16 AM
i'm quite lucky i think as even with a wife i can do 13-20 hrs a week with 3 raids most of the time.

giving some time even for raid prepping !

cant play wow via work laptop or the firewall ! amazed i can access here tbh ! most other game / wow sites are all blocked :(

11-15-2006, 04:49 PM
Hello All,

First post, I figured this is the best place to make that happen, since it gives a little insight into my world...:texla:

Like other posts I've read, I too only visit this sight while Im at work. The official posts from Blizz that are copied here are invaluable to me since this is pretty much the only WoW related site I can visit. Many thanks for those!

I've played WoW for about 5 months now, I'm an EX-EQ player of 7years. Started as Horde, then played alliance for a month, now I'm strictly "For the HORDE!":devil:

I started as a mage, then a warrior, then a rog and unsatisfied with each of those classes I gave the Druid a shot as my final attempt to find my niche in WoW...

Long Story short, the only other character I would play would be another Druid.

I'm also married, however, I dont have to chose between World of Warcraft and World of Wife. Gotta be smart and get her addicted to the game:hit: She plays an Orc Warlock (They need to be nerfed :bs: )

Anyways my WoW Schedule is as follows:
1-2 Hours before work Sun-Thurs ( my lame work days)
2-3 After work Sun-Thurs

16-20 Hours Fri-Sat

I Work 1pm-10pm
Wife works 7am to 4:30pm
We dont see each other durring the week, so the weekends belong to us. Dont always play WoW every weekend, still have my gamecube, ps2, & xbox I cant neglect.

Like I said, I've played EQ for what seemed like forever. I did nothing but raid,raid ,raid so it was more like logging into work then it was escaping it... So I play WoW leisurely.

Im not in a race to hit 60, or 70. I enjoy exploring the game and its detailed landscape, and killing the occasional Ally. Infact I spend the majority of my time on WoW PvW or PvP BG's. My only regret is my late start in WoW. Would have enjoyed the City raids, they dont happen alot on my server.

Anyways, made this post much longer then I intended, sorry:shuffle: and keep up the good work.

This site Rocks!

02-20-2007, 12:37 PM
I am very controlled, half hour every weekday and 5 hours on the weekend (in total)
so, that adds up to 7.5 hours every week.
I would play more if i could, but I have GCSEs coming up (important exams for all who dont know, practically decide what your future will be) so I have to stay low on internet usage :(

02-21-2007, 01:11 AM
Whoa~~~ Time capsule WHOOSH!

Nowadays I play say 12hours a week...down from say 18 hours a week during my orignal post(while leveling Trixtaa up from level 1-60)

07-05-2007, 09:09 AM
2 days a week I play from 7PM to Midnight = 10
1 day a week I play from 11Am to 11PM = 12
2 Days a week I play (lets call it extra to protect the innocent) = 12

34 hrs = too much if you consider that anything over 24 hours is like removing an entire day from RL per week. :shuffle:

An analysis of time spent in a week goes like this....

1. Work
2. WoW
3. Kids
4. Wife

Someone agree with me. There is definately a flaw in priorities. Note: This is a measure of time not love. But as a fly on the wall someone might think different.

Well it all depends if you have the wife and kiddos involve with the game ... luckily the wife enjoys playing so WoW counts as 'spending time' together :lol: ...

07-05-2007, 12:25 PM
I play 21+ hrs per week.
I don't have to worry about the wife thing cause I am the wife.
M-F we play from 5pm until 12am (plus i play about 3hrs during the day when he is at work) So that is over 40 hrs during the week.
and saturday and sunday we play from about 10am until 12pm not always straight.
But as you can see I play alot of wow. I have 2 lvl 70s and a lvl 60, my husband has 2 lvl 70s and 2 lvl 60s.
I think it really helps that we both play and our children are old enough now that they don't want mom and dad around.

07-05-2007, 04:34 PM
That sounds cool I guess.

I remember some kid in my guild used to raid with his dad. Funny because they were both druids and a piece of Cenarion dropped (this was back in the MC days) and the kid passed on it for his dad... =3

07-08-2007, 01:45 PM
I once spent 114hrs in one week on wow

sad I know eh

A normal week is around 24-30hrs

07-10-2007, 11:13 AM
Oh god, WoW ruined my social life. And I still have no job. I'm hopeless. Damn you Blizz! :p Hopefully this addiction wears off when I reach lvl 70 and the time to raise another spawn is still not that near.

02-29-2008, 03:13 AM
well i forgot i posted in here and have to say my time has probably dropped now cos the baby.

so with baby and wife its difficult to get a session in.

usually only really manage to play if i know she's going out with baby then i do a 5 man.

certainly the days of me raiding are long gone in the dim distant time of Pre-BC.

i find it easier to grab small amounts of time for some daily q's or to go flower picking these days - maybe when he is asleep or the wife is feeding him.

03-11-2008, 12:45 PM
I think I get at least 4 hours a day. And that is because I work 10 hours a day. On my days off, forget it. LOL I'm on as much as possible. In fact, today I am off, and jonesing for a fix, but it is update day!! UGH