View Full Forums : Grinding the fastest way to earn gold?

10-19-2006, 04:11 PM
I'm wondering if grinding is the best and fastest way to earn gold. I'm at over 235 in herbalism and alchemy.. I do sell herbs sometimes, but I usually use them to make pots for guildies.
So here I am at level 39 with 3 bars until 40 and 62 gold to my name...
Maybe someone has a tip on where to grind that would be good for my level?

Nu, The Hunter
10-19-2006, 05:56 PM
Well this might not be alot of help but i think if u could find a place where a lot of herbs that would cost alot on the AH were i would farm them and then prolly find a mob that drops a ton of cloth.. and sell that.. and if u havent lvled yet do SM for the items and it has a good money drop.. but just try to find places that have a good coin/cloth area... becuase silk (at least on my server) goes for a good price..

and just to make u not feel so bad...
when my hunter was 39 he had 12g and thats it... he lvled to 40 with 14g and then i ran VC soooooooooooooo many times and sold all the items/cloth/ore at merchants in Westfall... i prolly ran it 500 times that lvl.... u just have to watch out for the 3 boss in the smelting chamber... if u mess up he pulls everyone...

10-19-2006, 06:15 PM
I do SM almost daily... but you think selling herbs would be faster than grinding mods? The silk thing wont help on my server I get more for heavy silk bandages from the vendors than from AH : |

10-19-2006, 07:08 PM
In my personal experience:

I'd suggest doing quests. Why? Well for one, the quests give you rewards, usually money or items... And these items can be sold for money (it would help to get an add-on that tells you the vendor price value of an item when you mouse-over it, so that way you can pick out the higher selling rewards). While doing the quests, you will do the following:

A) Gain experience by killing mobs
B) Gain money by killing mobs
C) Gain rare items by killing mobs
D) Gain vendor trash by killing mobs
E) Come across herbs along the way that you can sell
F) Treasure ches-

I think you get the idea. :P
So yeah, that's what I say... Quest, grind for XP here and there, and hit instances occasionally. Mingle the three, really, but do questing a lot if you can. Not only are you gaining money and rewards, but you are gaining levels. That's what I did, at least. I had 115g (135, actually; a friend sent me 20g when he quit) when I hit level 40, and I have 100g right now, and all the items I want... well, except that fancy Glowing Brightwood Staff. >.<

Goodluck, by the way. I hope my 2 cents help out.

10-19-2006, 07:28 PM
Try selling silk rather than the silk bandages. A lot of times Priests, Warlocks or Mages will level to 60 without tailoring, then pick up tailoring at 60 to make their eipc robe.

Herbing makes good money. It helps to know when to sell herbs too. Flasks are used by most raiding groups, and require a TON of herbs to make. Demand (and prices) go up for herbs on Thursday, Friday and Saturday cause ppl are making flasks. If you can find Black Lotus (I usually find one everytime I go pick Icecap in winterspring), they sell for 8-10 gold.

Alchemy makes really good money if you can get some of the rare transmute recipies, or if you have any of the flask recipies.

Probably the best money maker in the game IMO is for alchemists: Greater Fire Protection Potions and the heart of fire transmute from TB rep.

10-20-2006, 02:49 AM
The fastest way to make gold is to play the AH market game. Find out what the demand is and then try and farm for those items (has to be at least easily findable ... stick with gathering professions and trash drops). For instance ... when I started my druid our server was a week old so I knew that deviate delights would sell for a bundle on the international AH. I started fishing deviates till I bought the recipe to make delights. I made 700 gold the first weekend. As an afterthought, to keep the competition very low for as long as possible, I bought every single savory recipe that came out for the next 2 months. It’s called monopolizing the market share and is, by most rights illegal, but not in WoW.

10-20-2006, 03:06 AM
When you hit level 60 there is a place that has brought me great joy and wealth. Blackrockdepths has some of the nicest early level 60 drops (curently a stack of 30 Dark Iron Ore sell for 7 gold). You will almost always find a group doing quests in there and druids are always welcome,at least on my server. Things to look out for:

Every Boss usually drops a nice lvl 60 starter item.
Dark Iron Ore (unless you want some Argent Dawn Items, sell sell sell)
Core of the elements (valuable and very usefull to the relevant trade skills)
Thick Wolf Hide (Skinner only, Demon doggies here have a very good drop rate)
Dark Iron Deposit (I think thats the name,will edit it later)
Many more that I can't think of now.

One BRD run usually give me between 15 and 25 gold. Not the greatest but not bad considering a run can take between 30 mins and one and a half hours. As a side note ... if they start asking about the emperor ... leave. If you wan't to have a insanely large repairbill, go forth and get wiped. If you just wanna farm, try not to go to the Lyceum.

Hope this helps.

10-20-2006, 09:31 AM
Thank you all for the help! There are so many good posts here : )

10-20-2006, 11:43 AM
At your level I was making tons of gold in the Swamp of Sorrows from herbalism. The cash crop is blindweed, plentiful and sells well, but don't skip anything, its like a giant herb supermarket.

You'll probably have to fight some mobs as you run around, but now at 60, I'll still pop in there for 45 min before work in the morning and pick up about 15g.

For the most profit I would run from SW straight South to raven Hill, grab as much grave moss as possible, run to darkshire, theres another grave moss node in a cemetary near there (tranquil gardens), then into SoS, then hit the graveyards again on your way back. Save the grave moss and fadeleaf you pick up to make shadow oils, or if you can greater shadow protection pots, real big money there.

11-11-2006, 10:06 PM
also, do NOT destroy grey items! i ran uldaman, and was vendoring off stuff afterwards, and from three grey items, i made 2g 57s! its crazy! some grey items vendor for a ton so just be careful

11-12-2006, 08:35 AM
Find some place with world drop , like stv gorrilaz or demons in felwood ( you are still low for them ) , or slimes in feralas or something like that , grind 3 to 5 days and you can get about 300 gold . I m selling Glowing staves at ah for 250 to 300 gold every week .

11-13-2006, 03:10 AM
Find some place with world drop , like stv gorrilaz or demons in felwood ( you are still low for them ) , or slimes in feralas or something like that , grind 3 to 5 days and you can get about 300 gold . I m selling Glowing staves at ah for 250 to 300 gold every week .

LUCKY! i wish i could get those to drop =(

Nu, The Hunter
11-13-2006, 07:30 AM
In my personal experience:

I'd suggest doing quests. Why? Well for one, the quests give you rewards, usually money or items... And these items can be sold for money (it would help to get an add-on that tells you the vendor price value of an item when you mouse-over it, so that way you can pick out the higher selling rewards). While doing the quests, you will do the following:

A) Gain experience by killing mobs
B) Gain money by killing mobs
C) Gain rare items by killing mobs
D) Gain vendor trash by killing mobs
E) Come across herbs along the way that you can sell
F) Treasure ches-

I think you get the idea. :P
So yeah, that's what I say... Quest, grind for XP here and there, and hit instances occasionally. Mingle the three, really, but do questing a lot if you can. Not only are you gaining money and rewards, but you are gaining levels. That's what I did, at least. I had 115g (135, actually; a friend sent me 20g when he quit) when I hit level 40, and I have 100g right now, and all the items I want... well, except that fancy Glowing Brightwood Staff. >.<

Goodluck, by the way. I hope my 2 cents help out.

Really.. man how did u get soo much money... like i said i had 14g at lvl 40.. man that is a ton of money...

atm im lvl 53 and only at 80g.. ne tips on good money/cloth places... note i usually dont do high instances ne more..

11-13-2006, 09:25 AM
Currently im building up some cash for a major ah spending spree once TBC hits the shelves.Reason being that most items will not have had a set price by then (it usually takes a month or so to average out) and I intend to cash in my chips early. So this is what you do to make gold fast.
Step 1 ... get 2 rogues and an extra druid.
Step 2 ... go to LBRS.
Step 3 ... stealth to Shadowhunter and kill her.
Step 4 ... loot and get out of instance.
Step 5 ... rinse and repeat.

Why ... you might ask. Well Shadow drops shadowcraft gloves that sell very well on the ah (120 gold buyout usually) and the droprate is about once every fith or sixth run (13 mins a run when you get used to it).Also if you get an enchanter you can disenchantthe other blues you get for large brilliant shards (5 gold buyout on our ah). Now lets have a look at the actual totals say you do 10 runs.Chances are you get a minimum of 1 SC gloves and 9 blues.
Thats (120 +50)/4 = 42 gold minimum per toon.
42 gold ain't much to make in 2 hours but then again thats the minimum amount. This weekend we ran 8 times and got 4 sc gloves and a nexus shard plus large shards.Thats a pretty penny plus to spice things up you can stealth the whole LBRs quest chains with this setup and get your wildheart set going at full speed (had 2 solo/stealth smolderweb 75 times before she dropped my boots though) and finish your UBRS key quest in a few fast goes.