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10-21-2006, 06:26 AM
i'm a level 7 taren druid with leather working and skinning and i was wondering has anyone got anything they think i should know or do.
thanks poppisj

10-21-2006, 06:51 AM
Many people say drop it. I opted to keep it becasue at low levels you make better armour than usually get as drops and at higher levels I am the sole Tribal Leatherworker for my guild.Usually I have to make some items for the guildies that hasn't got better armour and thats fine with me.I also heard some interresting rumours about leatherworking for the expansion that willl make it alot more profitable as well.

Nu, The Hunter
10-21-2006, 08:00 AM
I think LW and Skinning is a very good proffesion.. and will be enchanced greatly with the new expansion pack. The Stock Items will be extremly good.

y druid is a Enchanter so i'll be high enough at 50 to make
Smoked Heart of the Mountian

then i'll probably switch to Skinning and leatherworking..
thou it will take a long time to get that high of a lvl to count for me..

But when jewel crafting comes out its going to enchance all of the crafting trade skills.. so i think it is wise to become a leatherworker..
:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

10-25-2006, 04:58 AM
Many people say drop it. I opted to keep it becasue at low levels you make better armour than usually get as drops and at higher levels I am the sole Tribal Leatherworker for my guild.Usually I have to make some items for the guildies that hasn't got better armour and thats fine with me.I also heard some interresting rumours about leatherworking for the expansion that willl make it alot more profitable as well.

I believe I am also, we have two other druids who are LW but I believe they are Elemental. I do not advise taking Tribal unless you get the Hide of the Wild pattern (the only reason I went tribal, and my guild loves me for it) as you will really only make good money with that pattern. Skinning is another thing that is really only profitable when you are 50+ when you can skin the dragonkin and get various dragonscales.

And yes what Nu said about Jewel crafting, that will make LW a much more profitable profession.

10-25-2006, 05:27 AM
Currently I make the Devilsaur set during the week and sell them at the ah during the weekend. Grinding the mats is only a problem if you want to solo devilsaurs. I usually have rogue/mage to assist me since kills/time is our main concern. We average about 4-5 devilsaur skins and hour (would be much more if they were a bit more populated (this was intended for any blizz employees watching this post)) and as such can easily fit it into out lunchtime schedules at work.These skins alone sells quite nicely at an average of 4-6 gold (on my server) a piece and the full set, if both pieces sell, usually bags me around 90 - 120 gold after expenses. Its not that profitable but it will however get you where you need to go at a very comfortable speed.

Edit: the per hour ratio is over 1 hour and i have not yet grinded for devilsaur leather for more than an hour at a time.

10-25-2006, 05:49 AM
If you wanna make some profit than skinning is really good profession and really easy/fast profession to do it . For example 20 thick leather (stack ) is 60 silver at vendor , so you can sell it for about gold or more at ah . Than rugged leather and so on . Anyway leatherworking is not so easy profession . There are a lot of recipes that requires some reagents that are really rare but anyway if you are on some old/high population realm it wont be a problem cause you can find everything on ah .

@Kromas - Devilsaurs are easy to kill :) , I solo them really easy .

10-25-2006, 09:54 AM
Soloing is not the problem - Its the time it takes to track them down, kill them and skin them.

10-25-2006, 10:52 AM
@Kromas - Devilsaurs are easy to kill :) , I solo them really easy .

maybe for some people...

10-25-2006, 11:32 AM
If you've not got the gear to head into a toe-to-toe fight with them, just hibernate, starfire, hibernate, starfire, hibernate, starfire, etc.

You can root them as well (heh), which might be even better. Just be careful to keep your distance, especially if you're fighting the kind that stuns. :)

Edit: Oh, and stay far, far away from Mosh. He hurts.

10-25-2006, 02:31 PM
its not about knowing "what" or "how" its about being able to. You can tell someone how to run a marathon, but can they actually do it? probably not.

Im 7/0/44. those 7 pts arent going to make me crit 2k with starfire. my build is purly for raiding, I just cant kill a devilsaur without being just about dead.

10-26-2006, 03:54 AM
Actually the sleep starfire combo is also used to kill Mother Smolderweb (Lvl 60 Elite LBRS) for the wildheart boots and can be done by any build druid.

10-26-2006, 07:26 AM
Im 7/0/44. those 7 pts arent going to make me crit 2k with starfire. my build is purly for raiding, I just cant kill a devilsaur without being just about dead.

I'm also full raiding spec, 11/35/5 (nature's grasp, not imp. wrath) -- full tank spec. If I can manage to kill a dino with hibernate or root and starfire, I'm pretty sure you can as well.

I've currently got one gear piece with +dmg, and that's a crappy blue trinket with +12 dmg from BRD. It takes me ages, and I've got to use innervate and wait a lot on regenning mana while the beast is sleeping/rooted (I tend to use roots instead of sleep, since they sometimes hold after a starfire), but I do it without ever getting hit. You've probably got a lot more int than me, and probably more +dmg as well, since you raid as a resto (I focus on feral gear when I raid, leaving the resto gear to the restos, so I've still got a lot of blues in my caster gear).

With this tactic, you can kill both dinos and the stone guardians in Un'goro without much trouble -- it just takes time. Other stuff to have fun with is Mother Smolderweb in LBRS (as someone else said), Borelgore (doesn't drop anything, but it's kinda fun just doing it :) ), Duskwing, Volchan, and any other nameds and/or elites you might find roaming around, that're not immune to roots.

10-26-2006, 03:37 PM
its not about knowing "what" or "how" its about being able to. You can tell someone how to run a marathon, but can they actually do it? probably not.

Im 7/0/44. those 7 pts arent going to make me crit 2k with starfire. my build is purly for raiding, I just cant kill a devilsaur without being just about dead.

I wont tell that you are bad druid just it seems that everything is hard for ya . Druid is made just because of soling and milion of strategys are waiting for you to catch them . I can even solo them with my second druid ( feralheart set ) lol