View Full Forums : Chest Armour

10-23-2006, 06:34 AM
Yes I have searched :D

I have reached level 40 and find that I am still wearing my Blackened Defias Armour as there is nothing else to date that has dropped or appears on the AH for me to try out, all the greens appear to be worse then this.

Obviously a Wolffear Harness is not going to appear unless I am extremely lucky.

So, being currently feral specced what armour should I now be looking to try and get?

It is my long term intention to respec to resto/feral rather than complete feral.

Thank you in advance.

10-23-2006, 08:23 AM
You can check here at allakhazam, seems the best choice is to get a green with good stats for you, or if youre loaded you get some blue in AH.

Wolffear is a BoE so that you would find in ah :)

list of 0-45 leather chests

GL out there :)


10-23-2006, 11:39 AM
Why aren't you in Green Whelp Armor? You still have 10 levels to go before you hit the nerf ceiling.

Search your AH for your GWA, if its not being sold anymore spam around in the trade channel until you find someone who can make it.

Come back when you are 50.

10-23-2006, 11:40 AM
green whelp armor ftw.

10-23-2006, 01:03 PM
Yeah, get that immediatley. GWA > All. Pretty inexpensive to craft iirc

10-24-2006, 08:32 AM
Many thanks, there were none on any auction house and no scales either :(

30mins of grinding with my alt and I had enough mats for two of them, luckily in my alts guild there is a leatherworker who has agreed to make me one, so I have sent him mats for two and he can AH the other one for his troubles.

Many thanks indeed and looking forward to receiving my new top.

10-24-2006, 09:11 AM
Enjoy it while you can, many of my favorite moments in this game involved how powerful I felt wading through groups of mobs as they beat themselves to sleep against my bear or moonkin AC.

10-25-2006, 07:52 AM
Got it, worn it and damn it was fun, but I must remember that hitting them wakes them up.

Last night at level 40 I actually killed a level 40 elite ogre all by myself - 980 XP!

Damn it was good - my little old warrior could not do that at level 44.

10-25-2006, 02:52 PM
Druids, so I've seen, are exceptionally good at taking on elite mobs. I took on Arcanist Doan when he was only two levels below me (He was 36, I was 38) to get my bloody Illusionary Rod. True, some will still kill us with ease... like those damned Devilsaurs... Why do we get sent on a suicide quest?!

10-25-2006, 06:07 PM
... like those damned Devilsaurs... Why do we get sent on a suicide quest?!

Are you talking about the lv 50 druid quest? The one to stab a Devilsaur? Cause if so, you can hibernate it, then go up and stab it, then cheeta away.

10-25-2006, 06:43 PM
Are you talking about the lv 50 druid quest? The one to stab a Devilsaur? Cause if so, you can hibernate it, then go up and stab it, then cheeta away.

... I... I...
Well, I fail as a druid... that -never- occured to me. See, I have a druid friend I talk to on WoW and all. He's one level ahead, but we mostly do the same quests at the same time (not always together, though). And he said that he just went up, stabbed it, and was slaughtered. So I just convicted myself to that without thinking about it, hoping that I -might- be able to run away... lasted 3 seconds, ow.

Anyway, I did complete it. I just never thought of that...

10-25-2006, 10:19 PM
Bah, I was soloing Devilsaurs at lvl 52 on my moonkin, they are suckers for both our cc's (roots and hibernate), they have no range attack for when they are rooted, and while they have decent AC it doesn't mean a thing to the Pew Pew lazers.

(Admittedly at 52 I often had to chug a mana pot, but it was worth the fun)

10-26-2006, 04:30 AM
I you can keep up the aggro, a druid is the only class able to lead a devilsaur to crossroads. Jurrasic Xroads FTW!.

10-26-2006, 10:46 AM
I you can keep up the aggro, a druid is the only class able to lead a devilsaur to crossroads. Jurrasic Xroads FTW!.

Don't you think it would killed by someone else along the way? How would you get it up the lift?