View Full Forums : Arena PvP Build 2v2/3v3 druid & rogues

10-23-2006, 03:34 PM
The title basicly says it all, I'm trying to brainstorm a powerful arena pvp feral/resto build to use as a dpser, rogue support, and healer in a 2v2 or 3v3 arena team, with no classes besides myself (druid) and rogues.

here's what I've come up with please tell me, and I mean critique seriously, whats wrong/right. Thanks!
1.0 30130005503301031000000000

1.1 00130005553301001000000000

Please Do Not feel limited to only critiquing the builds against eachother, if I should get a tallent that is in neither of those builds tell me so.


10-23-2006, 09:05 PM
27 views and not one responce? :eusa_booh
OK how about you just tell me if they are any good at all?
(although I would appreciate a more complete responce)

Herbie :shuffle:

10-23-2006, 09:16 PM
Tbh, you have to be patient...I doubt many of us have been invited to TBC Beta and no one knows what the arena will be like, what kind of strats will be efficient and most of us have no clue how the new spells and talents will work with and against each other.

10-23-2006, 10:56 PM
Tbh, you have to be patient...I doubt many of us have been invited to TBC Beta and no one knows what the arena will be like, what kind of strats will be efficient and most of us have no clue how the new spells and talents will work with and against each other.
hmmmm... I guess you're right :/ either way theorycraft is always fun.... right?

10-23-2006, 11:09 PM
>_< Never have been a huge fan of it.

10-24-2006, 12:59 AM
ouch >.<

10-24-2006, 09:09 AM
I'm not the most knowledgeable on feral, but I think the talent that raises your fear resists would be very important.

I also don't think this kind of hybrid will be able to heal well in an intense arena fight, your only real options will be the instant heals if you are taking any significant damage, that means rejuv, lifebloom, and swiftmend along with a NS+maxHT.

I know the trees are getting a lot of flack as a 41 pt talent, but I think they'll make excellent arena healers. Picture a two man team of resto druid and shadow priest, have the druid start in bear, and the priest out of shadow form, the other team will likely go after the priest, druid shifts to tree and starts pumping the HoTs on the priest while he goes shadow and starts dps with VE to keep a flow of health to both of you. If opponents shift focus to tree, switch to bear and priest drops shadow form.

10-24-2006, 02:35 PM
either way theorycraft is always fun.... right?
yey! as long as we know thats the case ;) so here goes

I'm not the most knowledgeable on feral, but I think the talent that raises your fear resists would be very important.

Agree, damn I hate fear :( .. and always the second before the 5 combo ferosious bite :p

I know the trees are getting a lot of flack as a 41 pt talent, but I think they'll make excellent arena healers. Picture a two man team of resto druid and shadow priest, have the druid start in bear, and the priest out of shadow form, the other team will likely go after the priest, druid shifts to tree and starts pumping the HoTs on the priest while he goes shadow and starts dps with VE to keep a flow of health to both of you. If opponents shift focus to tree, switch to bear and priest drops shadow form.

hmmm.... very intressting, with barkskin/armor trees would rule the world :D

I think Hybrids will be doing quite ok in Arenas, cause of the good healing standards druids have by default I think druids especially will have fun 2 vs 2. I myself think that getting together with a pala, can be very fun and challenging.

I will remove some of the points in the 1.1 and give my opinion on it.

Even tho Natures swiftness is useful, I dont think that I would spend 4 points in it for arena fights, as the Intensity is little or no use in there, 4 points would be a waste. Even though you would be with a rogue, meaning you would be healing it also means that you will be the primary target.

Primal Fury, I think I would put those point somewhere else tbh. While rage can be used for gaining HP and mauling I think that you will shift out of bearform with alot of rage, "wasting it" more times then you will lack rage. Imo its more use in pve content. 2 points.

Ive changed the 3 points from thick hide and put them to feral agression, apart from I like FA, it would benifit the rogue against non caster oponents with the demo. roar. FA gives a little more "bite in the bite"

Put 3 points in tenacity as it would give something both in healing and in damaging.

Ive used 41 in feral mainly because its a new talent and that I thought 1st that rogues would gain on the bleeding effect, but now Im not sure they use any bleeding DoTs, its all nature dmg poison isnt it?(dont have a rogue myself) ;)

I like Natures Focus as one dont have to bother to much about dieing while healing.

Natures grasp, depending on if the arena will be out or indoors.

my suggestion ( 03130105553001000000000000)