View Full Forums : Burning Crusade expansion delayed

10-24-2006, 04:47 AM

IRVINE, Calif. -- Blizzard Entertainment® today announced that the release date for World of Warcraft®: The Burning Crusade™, the highly anticipated expansion for World of Warcraft, will be in January 2007. By adding a few extra weeks to the development cycle beyond its original target date, Blizzard will be able to extend the closed beta test and further refine the new content that will ship with the game.

“We appreciate the enthusiasm surrounding World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, and we’re excited about putting the finishing touches on all of the new content,” said Mike Morhaime, president and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “We feel confident that the extra time spent polishing the game will result in the high-quality experience that our players expect and deserve.”

Blizzard began the closed-beta phase of testing on World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade earlier this month. The January 2007 release window will allow extra time for current beta testers to participate in the final stages of development and continue providing valuable feedback.

Further information on specific worldwide release dates, pricing, and other details will be announced in the near future.

10-24-2006, 08:34 AM
Damn, there goes my christmas present

10-24-2006, 08:43 AM
Yeah, really stinks they can't at least get the boxes under the trees and then have the client ready to download over the break.

10-24-2006, 10:04 AM
Tweaked your post just a little bit and moved it to the news section.

10-24-2006, 12:18 PM
Yeah, really stinks they can't at least get the boxes under the trees and then have the client ready to download over the break.

Actually looks like the opposite now, patch will still launch on schedule with new talent trees and honor system (basically everything people who don't buy the expansion will be able to use). Expect your new talents before christmas.

10-24-2006, 12:33 PM
Tweaked your post just a little bit and moved it to the news section.

w00t! I made the news section :texla:

10-24-2006, 12:38 PM
Actually looks like the opposite now, patch will still launch on schedule with new talent trees and honor system (basically everything people who don't buy the expansion will be able to use). Expect your new talents before christmas.

To expand on what gwmort is saying:

Oh, you know, just a few small things such as a brand new honor system, as well as new talents and abilities along with dozens of other changes and improvements. ;)

10-24-2006, 01:08 PM
Yup as I figured, this probobly mean that it wont go live until late february. :(

From what Ive heard, theres no content for lvl 67> yet.

10-24-2006, 11:29 PM
Good. I rather play a ready xpac than an in progress one. Gives me more time to level my alt to 60 (hopefully). Gogo Christmas break grind! Speaking of which, I planned on hitting 70 over winter break but now it looks like Spring Break!

10-25-2006, 01:38 PM
Should be interesting to see guilds tromping through the lvl-60 instances with their shiny new 41 point talents for a few months, its gonna make everything feel like easy mode for awhile, and with no way for everyone else to scale up, it will be a nice time to be a druid.

10-25-2006, 10:57 PM
I was holding off my respec, mmm, maybe I wont now, I wonder if many raiding guilds will keep doing their regular runs for the next few months, alot people are feeling upset about the instance cap changes and this will just prolong the agony.

Regardless this will give me time to have fun with my guild for a while longer til the changes come in.

Also it will give Blizzard some more time to trail the Tree of Life and to see how to tweak this form.

10-26-2006, 01:13 PM
Should be interesting to see guilds tromping through the lvl-60 instances with their shiny new 41 point talents for a few months, its gonna make everything feel like easy mode for awhile, and with no way for everyone else to scale up, it will be a nice time to be a druid.

Dunno about that. With the healing coefficent change, decursive and emergency montior being "ousted", it's going to make our jobs a bit harder.

Especially with new talents but lack of new spells.

*Healing change detailed here

10-26-2006, 01:22 PM
Dunno about that. With the healing coefficent change, decursive and emergency montior being "ousted", it's going to make our jobs a bit harder.

Especially with new talents but lack of new spells.

*Healing change detailed here

The down ranking thing should only effect the HT4 crowd, and if you want to stay at HT4 for cast time the extra bonus from empowered HT might kep it at about what it was.

Going back to balance the talents but not spell thing cuts in our favor on the treants as opposed to the priest shades. The only ones it will be real tough for are the full restos who were going to go treeform. They'll be missing one of the very few spells they can cast in that form, so they either don't use it or pay for a respec later.

10-26-2006, 03:57 PM
The Empowered Healing touch really won't offset the changes we will see from the change to the healing coefficent. Why? Let's play theorycraft here:

According to spells of a 3.0 cast time ( you use the non-talented cast time ) get 85.71% of your +healing.

The second the new healing coefficent comes out, here's what happens:

( 20 + 6 ) / 60 = 43%

I have a feeling that Empowered HT will be calculated AFTER the new healing coefficent is calculated. So even adding another 20% of that 43% you're not close to the 85.71% that we had before.

But that's only at lvl 60. At lvl 70:

( 20 + 6 ) / 70 = 37%

Ok, I've had my fill of theorycraft for today. =P

10-30-2006, 12:51 PM
Actually looks like the opposite now, patch will still launch on schedule with new talent trees and honor system (basically everything people who don't buy the expansion will be able to use). Expect your new talents before christmas.

So... is there a date out there when the current Honor System will be erased? I'm Rank 8 and trying to get the full PVP set before the end of the Honor System as we know it. Anyone know when that will be? And anyone know if Battleground rewards will be altered in any way? That is, do I need to hurry and buy Exalted rewards or anything fearing they will be removed/changed for the worse, or would holding off be a good idea hoping they get buffed? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


11-07-2006, 11:30 AM
While Im happy theyll finish what theyve got to finish, I still wish they could hsve it out by time for the holidays, so it could be a gift and playable during christmas (holiday) break.