View Full Forums : Which talents are a waste of time

11-01-2006, 01:34 PM
Hey guys,

Not sure how easy this is to answer. But the whole What Talents should I choose question seems very specific to personal opinion, for the most part anyway.

y question is: Can anyone tell me which talents to totally steer clear of no matter how you intend to play your Druid.

Or, is there a guide somewhere that offers a breakdown of each talents plus and minus points?



11-01-2006, 02:25 PM
I have seen uses for most of the talents. If I were to choose one talent which can be ignored, it would be improved tranquility. I mean, it's a good talent, but the spell itself isn't used often enough to waste 2 talent points on.

Oh, and improved thorns doesn't help much either, unless you're going for some weird dmg mitigation build.

11-01-2006, 05:43 PM
It really depends on what build you're going for. Some talents are better than others. The only talent which I think is completely worthless is imp tranquility... since I think the spell is pretty useless. The only time I saw a real use for it was when I was in a party of 2 tanks, 2 feral druids, and 1 resto druid in a 5man. 4 tanks need healing: Tranquility is great =]

Some skills are worth more for some things than others. Nature's Grace is great for PvP, but no so great in PvE. If you're gonna be spending most of your time in Moonkin form, skip inspect swarm. It isn't castable in moonkin (although it's being fixed in WoW 2.0).

I've never been fond of subtility. As long as you use smaller heals, you shouldn't be pulling aggro with healing.

There are some issues with our other talents... like they're too expensive, but all the rest are great. Talents like Thick hide costing 5 talent points... or natural weapons and omen of clarity being in the balance tree. Most of these are fixed in WoW 2.0 (patch pre-expansion).

So I'd pick your type of build... moonkin, feral, resto, or feral/resto and optimize your build accordingly. I personally am a huge fan of the 30 feral / 21 resto build.

11-02-2006, 01:39 PM
Yeah it really depends on what you're doing. I got Improved Thorns but only because I'm either grouped with my daughter's Hunter or I'm playing both her Hunter and my Druid at the same time and it's my contribution to DPS.

I'm a Restore build and I never used Tranq nor Subtlety. I did try Subtlety but respeced out of it cause it wasn't very useful. I found if I was in a 5 person instance and the tank couldn't hold aggro I wasn't going to stay in the group anyway. I also don't think Reflection is useful at all so I never trained it.

11-02-2006, 01:45 PM
30 feral / 21 resto build.
Could you use a Talent builder to show me what your build looks like, please?

11-02-2006, 02:55 PM
Yah, subtlety is much more useful in a raid, although it is not as important if you know how to control your heal aggro.

Reflection is a great talent to have, on top of the SR 15% bonus, you get a total of 30% in combat regen. Once again, a talent important in raids. :)

Like you said, both talents aren't too important in 5 man dungeons. :)

Yeah it really depends on what you're doing. I got Improved Thorns but only because I'm either grouped with my daughter's Hunter or I'm playing both her Hunter and my Druid at the same time and it's my contribution to DPS.

I'm a Restore build and I never used Tranq nor Subtlety. I did try Subtlety but respeced out of it cause it wasn't very useful. I found if I was in a 5 person instance and the tank couldn't hold aggro I wasn't going to stay in the group anyway. I also don't think Reflection is useful at all so I never trained it.